Welcome to Applebee’s! Can I Get You Started With Some Disinfectant? Chain restaurants are rethinking food for diners who fear the virus — and one another.

While some of this is a bit much, I’m glad that people are at least taking this seriously. Dining environments are often filled under the concept of “Generally considered safe” than “Swimming in disinfectants”.
I’d like to think if you can pass the inspections from the board of public health, you’re going to generate safe food. Relative to your staff’s health. But common areas like tables, chairs, booths, and other customer touch heavy areas can’t be held to same standards as your kitchen service; least not in practical terms. But a little bit of calculated effort can go a long way to avoid and limit stupid.

Willow’s response to me trying to take a picture of her slobbering me was to eye the camera.

This Was Apple’s Most Significant WWDC Announcement. Why It’s Bad News for Google and Facebook Developers will have to disclose exactly what information their apps collect about users. 

An interesting idea but I doubt much will truly change.
In my Android → iPad conversion I came to the conclusion that Android made it easier for me to know what data I am sharing with applications; iOS makes it more clear that I am sharing data. But in practice people aren’t going to stop using their services just because of data collection. At best, we can hope users read the privacy policies, and that the platform gods police bad actors on their store fronts.

The Next Phase: Apple Lays Out Plans To Transition Macs from x86 to Apple SoCs

Kind of happy to see this. While I don’t envision Apple ever releasing a Mac that both appeals to me, and falls within my price range, I do very much want to see more “Conventional” computers with ARM processors.
Based on my iPad Pro, and nearly a decade of working Android tablets to death, I think the crossover point works. High end ARM SoCs are up to snuff for missions like the MacBook Air and iMac. For the general computing tasks the problem is more that ARM based PCs aren’t really a thing you can go out and buy. Not so much a lack of horse power. The processors kickass at this point.
Rather the main use case I see for x86 in Apple’s world: is for devices like the Mac Pro. Where uncompromising horse power should be what comes along with that absurd price tag. For regular people, we just want our computers to do our job promptly.
And I’m pretty sure that even the basic iPad far out sells the Mac Pro, lol. For better or worse the demand for Uber powerful computers often go hand in hand with the software packages for highly specific and very resource intensive business tasks. Not Joe Blow checking his email or doing office files.

What would make you buy a new Amazon Kindle?

This is something I put a bit of thought into with my recent decision to get a modern Kindle. Chiefly it was driven by two facts about my old HDX7: it’s so old, I can’t remember what year the lock screen adds last refreshed never mind how many years “Yeah, that’s not supported anymore. Please use a browser instead.” has been the answer to various functions.
Secondly of course is the fact that my HDX was mostly used for reading, not for apps. Getting an e-Ink model was a natural choice versus another Fire series. For the most part, I think there’s only two things I could see that would make me upgrade before my Kindle is likewise old as heck.
1/ USB-C because the only other devices I typically charge that still use USB Micro-B are things like headphones and speakers. Devices that aren’t likely to retire until they break, no longer hold a suitable charge, or become a source of pain over the aging Bluetooth standards. So things that will probably die by the time USB connectors other than Type-C have gone the way of the floppy diskette.
2/ Tremendous boost in US performance. Because tasks like looking up words or shifting through annotations ain’t very fast on the Kindle 10 by any means. But when you consider that it’s hard to make the device any cheaper, and the SoC has enough oomph not to worry about ebooks exceeding its capabilities: it’s hard to complain about showing some patience for infrequently used interfaces to finally open.
Let’s say I’m not expecting to buy a new Kindle in a very long time unless I run out of Micro USB charging cables, lol

Covid Will Have Larger Impact on Commercial Than Residential Real Estate, Says New York Architect

I’m kind of interested to see what new buildings will look like in a few decades, both given the pandemic and the rise of technology.
Can’t say I expect people’s homes to change too wildly. Apartment corridors, stairwells, and elevators might change a bit, but I expect most people will carry on and slowly adapt fancy technology as prices drop.
Public and professional spaces on the other hand are a bit different. Your home is mostly your own and people who frequently have half the neighborhood for guests aren’t the norm; for better or worse. But where you work, travel, and conduct necessary business and the trappings are able to change.
For some reason I find myself remembering the tag office where I used to live. We’d all be packed in line like sardines unless you hit just the right off peak. At that time renewing online, or going to a self service kiosk wasn’t a thing. Hell, their computers looked kike leftover 486 machines in the era of Pentiums.

This is the first time I’ve made a meatloaf in years.

My mother used to make meatloaf fairly often, but left to my own devices I haven’t made one in so long that I can’t remember what year it was, lol. Growing up in a household devoid of brown gravy, she never missed an opportunity for food that could be smothered in it; not that pasta sauce and meatloaf isn’t delicious, it very much is, lol. I don’t really do brown gravy, but opted to buy a few packets planning ahead for tonight’s meatloaf.

The pair of potatoes that didn’t make it into this weekend’s vegetable soup got baked, mashed, and turned into pure deliciousness. I forgot how much work it is to mash potatoes, and just how incredibly worth the effort it is! That I’ve switched from cooking with milk to using half & half hasn’t hurt any. Licking the potato masher was enough to prove my efforts were successful 😁.
Because I’m weird: the side is roasted brussle sprouts. My mother would usually make green beans out of a can, or in later years some mixture of green, white, and red vegetables cooked until soft, mushy, and seasoned Italian style. The latter was always far better than the former, and probably played a large part in why veggies are a focus of many meals around here. You can bet my habits of roasting sprouts and carrots share seasoning characteristics with my mother’s cooking, lol.
Also I think it’s time for Willow’s nails to have a trim.
To compensate for the time spent in the kitchen, I gave the hungry minions a regular treat before I started cooking. Then some of their meat and gravy goodies after dinner; usually they have to wait until after dinner for their weekday treats.

TIL: xfce4-terminal has a drop-down mode.

And it’s actually pretty nice and simple compared to some I’ve seen over the years.