Chromebooks desperately need more than 4GB of RAM in 2020.
Reflects on RE 1998 and 2019 map design
One of my various wonders about RE2 was just how much its maps differ from the original, a game I didn’t see anywhere near as much of as the PlayStation releases of Resident Evil. Little to my surprise looks like there’s a website out there with detailed maps and item info for like every RE game ever.
Bruce Campbell Reveals Evil Dead 4 Title, Evil Dead Now
“It’s okay to pass it along to another idiot to try and stop evil from destroying the world. One idiot tried — he did pretty good”
Considering the caliber of idiot Ash Williams is: I think that’s a rather fair statement….lol. I’m curious to see what kind of idiot ends up filling his shoes.
Resident Evil 3 is somewhat different ground for me, as far as the remakes go.
Sometimes, I really have to wonder about my inability to stay up late.
On one hand it rather feels like payback for dipping both ends of the candle in napalm when I was younger. Yeah, staying up to 4~7 in the morning and being awake at 9~10 in the morning doesn’t happen anymore. At this point, I don’t even want to be that kind of exhausted.
On the other hand it’s probably due to my life being more orderly and organized at this point. When I was young, I basically had to study after everyone else was asleep, and pretty much everything was open to interruptions. Now things tend to occur around the same time frames, and interruptions are usually called e-mail or the like.
Actually, I kind of like order over chaos. And now my mind is remembering the base objective every mission in SWAT 3’s campaign: “To bring order to chaos.” On the positive side, today I actually had coffee ^_^.
Moron; noun: when you realize that it’s too late to make coffee and a candy bar has to do.
On the flip side things got done, I just didn’t get any coffee in the process 😂.
I find this timing a touch interesting myself. Until circa 1998 our family PC was an old Tandy 1000. But it was Web TV that introduced us to the World Wide Web in around 1995 or 1996. It wasn’t that long before this became known as MSN TV, after already getting strong influences from the new corporate overlords.
Actually, I find it kind of interesting that Microsoft was an ISP for a time. In the era between getting our first Pentium based machine, and eventually going to aDSL, they were actually one of the better dial up options available in our area.