How to Customize the Look of Your Cursor in iPadOS 13.4.

This was something I had hoped would be possible after messing with the new mouse support. The default cursor is rather too damned tiny for my tastes, which I assume is an artifact of designers with 20/10 eyesight or a Mac thing. But it’s waaay smaller than I’d expect, coming from Linux and NT machines.

A little bit of tweaking later, and it’s quite nice 🙂.

Misty: “I wanted another snack, but all I got was this human chair”

now that she’s laid down: I’m not going to think about whether or not the follow up looks I’m getting could be called pouting, or not. The above photos are close enough, lol

Things that defy explanation: reading about rationing various countries experienced in WWII, and finding yourself in tears for a moment.

The diary of Tanya Savicheva, a girl of 11, her notes about starvation and deaths of her sister, then grandmother, then brother, then uncle, then another uncle, then mother. The last three notes say “Savichevs died”, “Everyone died” and “Only Tanya is left.” She died of progressive dystrophy shortly after the siege.

On one hand, I should probably be glad that the dogs like me.

On the other, given I sometimes need to move a comfortable dog in the name of taking a leak, I’m probably going to hell, or where ever those guilty of disturbing a dog’s comfort wind up.

After disturbing the comfort of dog, and a change of venue as I get ready for bed, this is indicative of the stares I’m getting.

“You gave me half a treat. Where’s the rest, human?”

Which reminds me her stash of bribes, I mean pretzel sticks, needs to be refilled.

This is how Willow looks when her expression is: “I was comfortable before being glomped on by a human who should have brought treats”.

Or at least, that’s how I imagine she would define my sitting on the bed, and paying attention to them after her nap, but not bringing treats until after (>_>).

Not sure what percentage of furry lovable critters could be defined as having a good home, but I would still suggest a cat or dog as a better reincarnation option than coming back around as a human, lol.

Willow has adapted a status of contently comfortable, and napping is awesome.

The comfortable ones. Remind me again, why I had to have opposable thumbs instead of paws?

It’s probably a good thing that the dogs like sitting with me. But some members of the tribe are less inclined to rest if they don’t have their first choice of spot, lol.

 Corky took the opportunity for a nappy spot, and often takes my pillow while I’m getting ready for bed.

When Misty jumped into bed, she was perturbed at not being able to take her preferred spot.

Eventually, the great Corkaboo relented under Granny’s gaze, lol.