Just returned home from my second library trip about 15-20 minutes ago. Left a little earlier, since ma has some errands to run, other wise I would’ve stayed for a bit more lol. The distance is a bit further than I had originally calculated but I can make very good time.

To be honest, I don’t think I have done this much walking, since the last time I was at Miami Metrozoo as a kid lololololol.

A lot more so than normal, I’ve been dozing on/off this morning, often just long enough for a snap shot sequence in dreams.

It can remember fighting very vehemently with my mother over present, and some comment about slitting my throat but not putting the knives blade to use; something about an old toy junkbot unsuccessfully trying to help; then something to do with transformers and the autobots/decepticon war, as I got into deeper sleep. I remember collapsing in front of a bust of Christ, and it eventually taking on a life of it’s own to respond, and noting something about a Ford focus zipping by in the street below; my room having changed considerably. I rather had a feeling that it was a person I know, but dressed in disguise. Then some instance involving a nurse and a family, and a small child (reminding me of Corky), and a growing wonder, if my room has become like an asylum, and whether or not I had become crazy and been locked away. Also I can remember something involving shopping in a super market and people shape shifting, and buying a large thing of meat, shuffling through the frozen isles for veggies, etc.. Something else, being home (but not like home), involving family, cooking the meat for a meal, and many birds caged (parakeets, white doves, finches, carnies, etc). Also, I remember playing with some software, looking for friends that use it, but instead, only finding enemies waiting :-/.

The more erratic my sleep becomes, the less often occurring, and more `distributed` my dreams become :-/. I can usually tell what I’m experiecing is a dream, because of the differences from reality, but am almost always a passive spectator.

Sometimes I really wonder, if I’ve cracked the crock, or been pushed to far over the hill….

Nuts, some days just pass so freaking slowly :-S. The local time is almost 1500, and it feels closer to 2100… I’ve largely been up since before 0400. As I commented to a friend about an hour and a half ago, it’s like watching a snail go by on a flat tire, sigh.

On the upside, I’ve come up with a few interesting ideas, that remind me just how much I love the thrill of programming: and how much I need, a private notebook for collating my ideas in brewing. Particularly apt, would be something backed by a git repository, and an markup like Rst or Markdown lol. Actually, if I could afford a paid account on GitHub. Oh, ain’t that just peachy: firefox just hung, then crashed. If memory serves, there is a personal wiki somewhere that uses a vcs as a backend, mm.

Something that bothers me, is how disparate my services have become: it kind of comes with choosing the best tools, and being pushed into a web oriented sphere o/. There’s just no way to win, really. To have my cake and eat it to, either I must munge together horrendous scripts, or bite a bullet, and move towards a direction, where my operating system provides most of the software I need, that I haven’t written myself… which is a scary idea.

Why is it, that people like me, our doomed to think up solutions to problems, but never the time (or clones) to work on everything at once? Oi, somehow I am reminded of a comment about engineers, seeing the world as a set of suboptimal pieces… now if only there were some more optimal ones!!!!

In reading through Steve Yegge’s old blog, I found a statement that perfectly summarises what selecting a programming language for a complex project is like:

So… the best way to compare programming languages is by analogy to cars. Lisp is a whole family of languages, and can be broken down approximately as follows:

  • Scheme is an exotic sports car. Fast. Manual transmission. No radio.
  • Emacs Lisp is a 1984 Subaru GL 4WD: “the car that’s always in front of you.”
  • Common Lisp is Howl’s Moving Castle.

This succinct yet completely accurate synopsis shows that all Lisps have their attractions, and yet each also has a niche. You can choose a Lisp for the busy person, a Lisp for someone without much time, or a Lisp for the dedicated hobbyist, and you’ll find that no matter which one you choose, it’s missing the library you need.

Except replace the lisp dialects with every language ever written, and factor in portability issues, and you now know what it’s like to be a multi-lingual programmer xD.

+1 for updating my stable system

Wowsa, looks like the new bwn driver actually supports my laptops integrated broadcom wireless, ’tis good. At least I know if my faithful Atheros card dies, I won’t have to buy a replacement lol.

Of course, assuming it actually works if I try to connect it to my WAP, hehe.

Now this is what a *real* web surfers experience looks like: What Firefoxs memory leak feature taught me about life

It also reminds me of an old photo of mine:

Having used Firefox since the 1.0.x days, I’ve also come to find it one of the single most annoying web browsers ever written. Then again, I am also a weirdo who thinks both Internet Explorer and Mozilla should rot in hell… for crimes against the Internet.

Morning Freako

Leftover home made Mac & Cheese for breakfast at 0630 – cheap.
Having slept late and still beat sunrise out by several hours – priceless.

A chuckle at NTFs expense

In glancing at their roster, I just noticed they have 8 officers to 7 Enlisted, and only just recently did they gain NCOs in that mixture, lol. Some how, I am reminded of something my Grandfather once said about officers…

That NTF has yet to grow past being made up of dissenters and tag alongs is understandable given their pace of movement (I observe about 1.5 x GCHQ speed on average), even if there structure suggests they provision for reaching more than double their present size. I guess none of their planners have heard of the bubble before, hahaha.

Fun idea, or just paranoid?

Tunneling basic services (web browsing, instant messaging, etc) over SSH through the file server (connected via Ethernet), as extra guard against the workstations own encrypted wifi eventually failing.

Nah, I am just nuts… lol.