Misc thoughts of a lazy programmer

Since opening a chequeing account, I’ve maintained a simple text file in my home directory, that takes the format:

YYYY-MM-DD +nn.nn // comment about this credit
YYYY-MM-DD -n.nn // comment about this debit

where the entries track the actual flow of money, not what’s in the chequeing account and what’s on my person at any given time. That’s the banks and my job ;p. Basically from this file, I know when I’ve spent or received money, how much, and approximately why. A quick compile of that against my bank balance and petty cash results in an error check: if the sums don’t match, something didn’t make it into my records! Since the file provides an obvious backtrace, it’s trivial to check things against memory/receipts for anything that’s been missed.

Now being a lazy S.O.B. why should I manually write out the entries in vim and do the math in CL? Well, arguably I could just implement a program to do all this for me :-).

Some people utilise spreadsheets, which is more work than it needs to be, until they become more advanced or more thoroughly programmable, not to mention. Namely I’m to lazy to use things like =DATE() and argue locales when I could use something else. There is also a ton of financial software in the world, but reading the manual tends to take longer than writing it, and many are overkill.

My thoughts? Either a small local program or web app would be perfecto. Finding one of the latter should be as easy as using Google or taking 20 minutes to write one. Decisions, decisions :-).

The thing I have against “Canned webapps” that some business runs, is the lack of control: it’s impossible to hack the code quite the way as something home brewed.

Some how looking at pidgin in English, I can’t help but find it odd…. after so much time on my laptop, where it’s displayed in German lol.

This is a possible travesty! It seems t hat the wear and tear on my laptop is catching up to either the AC jack or adapter. Unless the thing is sitting just right it switches from AC to battery power… from so much as twisting a few degrees does it.

It’s been doing it all day, but right now seems to be working fine…. wtf?

Spidey01 and Miles

No, I haven’t died yet, I just haven’t been online much this past week ;p. One of my oldest and dearest friends on the ‘net, decided to spend his holiday here in Georgia. So I’ve been absent from the computer like 90% of the time, instead of on the computer that much. After something Cara said a while back, I’ve been trying to be less omni-presently online anyway… but it’s been a while since I’ve been offline this much. For most of the decade I have probably spent more hours online than off, that’s just how life has been :-/.

During my all to much time on the computer, I have developed a number of relationships and crossed paths with many people around the world. Some of which are very important to me. Among these is a young genius from Germany known by the name of Miles. He and I go back as far as cica 2006. I was one of his instructors when he was an [SAS] recruit, he was once even being groomed as my prospective ‘replacement’, and we’ve often worked together on various projects. The light armour vest in the SWAT skins is largely his handy work btw. We have also seem our fair share of differences over the years, both in and out of [SAS] but have remained friends through it all. Even though we haven’t always seen eye to eye about everything, you could be sure if I ended up in the brig, Miles would have been sitting right next to me lol. I still remember during the trainers war that nearly split the clan in two, when Miles set aside his own interests and was the only one to come to my aid. You’re never gonna live that one down buddy!

After countless warnings that he would probably be bored senseless among other likely problems of spending his holiday here, it was finally sorted that he would be staying with us rather than booking a hotel. The apartment also ended up cleaner than I’ve seen it in nearly ten years, and ma did most of the effort: if I had to do it, a lot more stuff would have been thrown out unceremoniously and start a thermonuclear war. The conditions I’m stuck living in are not the best, but hey, if he wanted to take a crack at it who am I to complain o/.

The family F.O.R.D. was also removed from play by way of my mother and the mechanic: water pump needed replacing. Ended up asking our pastor to help pick him up from the airport in Atlanta, as an alternative to having to make like an Asian taxi driver dragging a cart. Picking Miles up also showed me that the traffic on the I-85 going into Atlanta isn’t as bad as it used to be in the earlier 2000s, meaning that gmaps listed travel times are now respectable enough for planning purposes. Because my mothers utter lack of comprehension for scheduling algorithms, I also ran out of prep time! Luckily there was just enough time to dig up maps of the concourses and main building at the last minute; so we decided to link up in the atrium, which is near where the two terminals join outside the main security funnel. After arriving the pastor and I set up shop in a spot where we could establish over watch of the checkpoint and baggage claim areas. In the end ma’s cell phone rings in my pocket and Miles walks up from behind me; beats him having to page Spidey01 to the information desk. Ha, that indeed would have been funny xD.

This was the first time I’ve ever met the face behind the text/voice/pictures behind someone I know from the Internet. Wasn’t anxious about meeting my friend ‘for the first time’, so much as how many ways that law writing bastard Murphy might put a monkey wrench into his holiday. We’ve known each other for a good while, including our real names. Our ride ‘home’ was largely spent catching up, looking at photos and feasting on a bag of erdbeerschnüre :-). That reminds me, there’s still some left!!! What a friend, who brings snacks :-D. Finally got to see him meet my mother and the dogs, been wondering what that would be like lol. It was also a little bit odd using real names instead of call signs, but I would say we got along reasonably well; also I couldn’t help but smile when he nearly called me Spidey in front of my mother xD. It was also nice to hear how well his spoken English has held up, except for the word “Eggs” the only times I had trouble understanding Miles was an issue of volume. I guess nether of us are really loud mouths unless provoked lol.

Since the cars water pump had yet to arrive, and ahem, getting around our area of Georgia without a car is one of those, “You may try surviving a zombie apocalypse without weapons” kind of affairs, renting a car was a necessity. I think after walking around down town here, Miles can comprehend that legs first lol. Hunting down the nearest car rental company was easy, finding their branch wasn’t half as simple; blasted Google map! Plus ma was pissed they didn’t have any cars available when we showed up; we had to come back later. Not to mention the process of renting a car in America is almost as invasive as talking to The Government. Beyond that it was a great experience working with Enterprise rent a car. Thus I ended up behind the wheel of a Chevy Cobalt for the week. Despite having more microchips than my desktop computer, it’s handling was very close to what I’m used to driving. I actually liked that Chevy because unlike my brothers car, it actually fits my taste:  handling more like a car than a hair trigger. The former being ideal for a more urban’ish setting and the latter for abusing the laws governing free/express ways. To each their own I guess. The amount of standard issue tech’ stuffed away in modern (cica 2010) cars is also kind of amazing for me, considering that I still remember when power windows and locks were sort of luxury features; I can’t help but feel old…. :-/.

After a quick meal Friday night, we hit the local cinema for a go at a film called Inception. It’s a very interesting, if complex thriller about inserting an idea into some exec’s mind via shared dreaming. For me it’s even more engaging a film because I have problems sleeping and often experience some really awesome^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hludicrous dreams. Miles also got to experience the difference in movie popcorn on this side of the pond. I’m sure Miles also got a closer look at my fouled up sleeping patterns.

On Saturday we joined an Airsoft event on the other side of town. Of course I have no idea how Google came up with that, since iirc Miles had Googled for paint ball lol.  I’ve always been interested in such things, but for finacial reasons have never had the chance to try airsoft before. We packed a cooler with about 4 litres of H2O and a pair of foot long sandwiches. I’ve got to admit, that Miles is one hell of a sandwich maker ;). Lacking any airsoft equipment, we had to rent a set of G36C AEGs and paintball masks, on top of that we were like 20 minutes late.  The afternoon was spent alternating between airsoft games and leaning against an open trunk: hydrating, eating, and loading BBs. The games were split between deathmatch/objective respawn games in the backwoods and no-respawn attack/defend ops in a field with obstacles and light buildings.

Moving tactically was fun, and having to RTB through thick brush every time you get shot is enough of an effort that you want to avoid being hit! Not as much as in real live warfare where getting hit may mean death but still enough to take it very seriously. It’s been a few years since I’ve done that kinda stuff phsyically, let along been through woods. The simulated G36Cs had plenty of ammo per mag (drat) but using the peep sights while wearing a PB mask was a bit more probmatic; I preferred using the stock and semi-auto from a supported position. Most of the things I know apply much more cleanly to airsoft than online gaming, come to think of it! Despite best efforts at sure safety during the day: I still managed to fall down a hill, knocking my mask and glasses clean off; scratching up my right forearm by trying to force myself through thick foliage with my carbine leading the way, only to find half of it was full of thorns!; Being used as a “Walking shield” by one of our living teammates, as I was walking to the deadbox after getting shot; almost getting strangled by a piece of tree while 2-man carrying an objective crate back to base, only to get shot a few moments after extricating myself lol; and getting shot in the Adam’s Apple while covering Miles’ assault up a hill, all because the OP4 assigned to assault our teams’ position obviously had a few campers who survived past end game phase 8=). It was loads of fun with the airsoft stuff and I can’t thank Miles enough for that afternoon. Interestingly, while I’m largely chained to a computer non stop, I seemed to hold up to the prolonged exertion better than Miles did lol. We also learned that long sleeves are a Good Thing(tm) for such a game. A canteen or water bladder isn’t a bad idea either but the games only ran like 20 minutes a piece. Someday I need to build up an airsoft kit and go back (y), and remember the long sleeves!

Played a couple games of chess overnight, allowing me to test two different strategies on him: blob and dynamic. The former being designed to curb attacks rather than seek a decisive action, and the latter based on a fast, dynamic take over by high value pieces. The second game saw what has to be one of the worst opening plays I’ve ever made, but it served it’s purpose well: get my most useful pieces ready. It was a close game until I finally screwed up. Gotta admit that playing chess IRL is easier, because Mal.exe can’t distract me with the subject of cleavage. Miles and I have played chess over the Internet a few times, but it was great to be able to get my chess board out of mothballs for a change. I rarely get to play, and I do enjoy chess very much, when my brains in fit shape.

Sunday morning was a visit to our old church. I think Miles was happy he didn’t get hearing damage from the loud music xD. It’s not a, eh, quiet place. Curiosity seemed to get the better of him, although I would not call my friend a church goer by nature. The evening was spent in an arcade, where we almost beat The House of the Dead but were defeated by the final boss. I must admit failure drills work well against zombies, especially if you aim using the light guns sights and close one eye from time to time. With like 6 shots between reloads, you also learn how to trust and cover your teammate in a game like that. Ironically I had just been thinking about that game like the week before.

Since Miles never had Jaw Breakers, Monday morning I called up the local candy shop and we took a ride down to Fuzziwigs in between grocery shopping. After enjoying a few gobstoppers, we walked around the area for a bit. Miles decided to pick up a copy of Prince of Persia: Warrior Within; so we spent part of the afternoon playing that over a round of non-alcoholic beer and substitute twinkies. I think that is probably the most alcohol he has had in a while and I rarely drink but hey, it was bound to happen eventually :-o. Perhaps the choice in beer, might also have gotten my mother to figure out that drinking a bar dry wasn’t on the agenda for us two. The non-alcoholic beer wasn’t bad actually, and it’s nice to be able to taste the actual beer rather than the alcohol content; last ‘drink’ that I had was a brandy my mother convinced me to try, which I didn’t care for, just for that reason: it had a taste on par with the smell of rubbing alcohol. Given the choice, I’d take the NA beer instead. Then again, given the choice I’d likely be drinking water anyway, lol. Later on we took to the arcade and beat Time Crisis 3, it only took most of $20 in tokens. Blasted clawed goons… Before calling it a night, we hit the billiards table and played a game of the eight ball; only thing is after so many years, I’m totally useless with a real cue! That however is just the way life’s cookie crumbles. After Miles went to bed, I took a while to master more of PoP:WW, until my mother broke my concentration 8=).

Tuesday was mostly a waste of petrol, when we went exploring the next city. That night we hit the cinema again and watched Avatar after a feat at Golden Corral. I cannot say that I enjoy the “3D” thing but I seriously enjoyed the film andn it has a spectacular visual style. O.K. so I love sci fi, sue me! I also believe that the solution to many problems lay between the cold steel of mans high technology and the biological nature of the Na’vi existence. My P.O.V. on that may partially be to blame on readings about Kashyyyk, but that’s a different matter. Miles also knew that my last outing to a movie theatre was 2005s Episode III, so I reckon he couldn’t help but cram the cinema into things lol.

Wednesday I woke up to Miles having fixed breakfast, a concoction roughly being toast, bacon, egg, and beans layered respectively. It was delicous! On Wednesdays I often go without eating until supper time, so it was even better timed on his part. It wasn’t long before my mother  started barking for me to get dressed at 11:30. I calculated what time was actually needed: about 15 minutes to get dressed and load the car, another 35 for driving to work. That left 10 minutes to spare for getting to work on time at 13:00. Ma was late getting dressed and we still got to work with almost 10 minutes to spare. That goes to show I know a thing or two! Miles decided that he was coming to work and helping with the cleaning job. We got out about an hour earlier because of his help and ma wanted to hit a grocery store on the way back home. Miles did me the biggest favour: he found the twinkies while we were shopping xD xD xD. After getting home, we had to break open the box; there is nothing like a real hostess twinkie. Spent the night chatting and laughing through Down Periscope. A most excellent comedy pitting a WWII diesel submarine against the modern navy: sometimes thinkin’ like pirate owns.

Thursday was the trip back to the airport for his flight home. It was also the first (and so far only) time that I’ve gotten to drive on the interstate. My mother’s paranoid about such things. IMHO it’s no worse than driving the main highway here, only big difference is there is a lot less traffic and higher speed limits. I made sure that Miles got checked in and ready to pass through the security check point before wishing him a safe trip home. Getting around the airport is actually pretty easy (for me), so it is hard to get lost, it’s just a matter of figuring out where you need to be :-o.

This journal entry is already quite long, so I guess I’ll call it a night instead of keep pumping memory and trying to put it in semi-comprehensible order. Don’t think I will ever forget Miles coming to the U.S.A. either, so I guess I don’t need to worry about updating my journal. If he has no objections, maybe I’ll insert the picture of us into this entry for good measure.

Either way, I think it’s almost time for a quick rest and some zombie slaying.

How to piss off a geek

Make me waste 45 minutes to do 10 minutes of work when I’m trying to get everything sorted *promptly*, in order to minimise the number of things that can go wrong tomorrow.

That and generating a splitting headache in the process.

So many zombies later

I’m thinking about writing a short/moderate length survival guide for Left 4 Dead 2. Haven’t been playing much of anything lately, but after like 60 hours into the game, I’ve become extremely competent at it. When I do play, I’m still a lethally proficent team member.

Unlike some people, I also have a rather strong aversion to leaving fallen teammates behind, except for bots, hehe. That means I can drop more than my fair share of zombies in a hurry!

Stopped off at the library to return last weeks book (one of Shakespeare’s comedies), and checked out two more: one on sewing and one on fishing. The latter, obviously because I haven’t gone fishing in years and years! The former, both because I’ve always been interested in how things are sewn by hand, and because I’ve had an interesting idea.

Since I’m now ‘issued’ my mothers cell phone whenever I’m out without her (if I wanted a chaperone in the car, I would go courting, not driving around), it would be easier to carry if my jeans had leg pockets instead of the usual waist pockets. Some what like a pair of military trousers have, well American ones anyway. Possessing both a frugal mind and an engineers heart, of course rather than buy new pants meeting that criteria, my first query is to figure out whether it’s practical to use some old jeans for raw materials and graft such pockets onto the pairs I use, lol. I know I can figure out enough to do such a thing eventually, the question is how to do it properly by hand with the material involved. Having to answer my mothers “Where the **** are you?” call today while I was sitting in traffic at a red light, is a prime example of why such a modification is worth scouting out. I would likely be cussed at if I don’t answer, even if it’s not easily fished out of a waste pocket when you’re behind a wheel, let along that I refuse to chatter on a cell phone while actively driving. Period. Whenever my mother’s involved, you can bet it is a lose, lose situation for me o/.

My main interest for the day however was checking out a certain fishing spot. I found 4 points of interest. One is within 15km of here, another (but very costly) one is about 65km away. Been there before, years ago. The other two are Georgia state parks, on the other flank (approx 20~30km SE of) Atlanta that it would never get past HRP. I purposely avoid locations near Atlanta because of her paranoia. The other is almost a good 100km to the south of here.

Today I wanted to check out the nearest one, since it’s located between the city limits and a neighbouring town. Someday I would like to check out that park to the south and go exploring, as well as see how it is on the fishing pier. Being in the opposite direction from Atlanta is a plus for getting permission to use the car, the downside is it’s far enough that I’ll need to buy gas to replace what’s used on such a trip—I’m not the kind to leave her with next to nil gas. I am the reasonable one here…

Since just getting use of the car for the afternoon was an argument of it’s own! I was so preoccupied over  whether it would be a driving or a walking mission, that I didn’t have time to plan the trip properly; so I ended up getting lost instead of finding my destination. To make it worse the gas station didn’t have any Twinkies! For some reason watching Tallahassee’s quest for the snacks throughout Zombieland has got twinkies on my brain for the first time in years :-/. Since it was my fault for not mapping it out, I replaced the petrol wasted and filled the tank while I was at it. Never mind that I would’ve planned correctly if I would not have to push just to get that far.

Personally I hate highway travel. The higher speeds burn gas much faster than local travel speeds (it’s an old ford)  and the windows need to be shut or fuel efficiency suffers even more; ma also has a standing (near 20 year long) order that the A/C is not to be used. Never mind that at GA highway speeds, it’s actually the most budget friendly way not to drive in a ’93 oven and arrive feeling like a drenched goat.

Spent some time exploring the local sporting goods store: despite what some have said, it actually has very good prices. My main interests being to grep the huntin’ fishing sector, and conclude some other ‘research’ on the way out. I expect what tackle I have stored will do, and my rod/wheel seems to be viable despite it’s lack of use; but it is always best to be prepared just in case.  Some how all that trip through the tackle only served to make me hungry, as odd as that sounds. Maybe I’m part fish? lol.

My research there was more aimed at biking than fishing. Where as most of yesterday was spent on the fish and work situations: last night I took some time to check through the stores online portal. The local shop prices own their online listings. Seems the best choice in this berg too. More specificly my poi was in cycle, helmet, hydration, plus a few associated odds and ends. Can’t know what the operating range is, but biking should be sufficient for my needs. Heck if I can walk like 30 klicks by foot and not get a heart attack, it shouldn’t be hard to do a few miles worth of peddlin’ a bicycle. An occasional snack bar and some water is cheaper than petrol anyway.

It would obviously be some what of a problem that I never learned to ride a bike growing up, kinda the apartment dwellers curse (no bikes, boards, skates, or anything else fun allowed). For the cost of human fuel and getting some much needed cardio-exercise, I’m not above breaking my neck in the figuring-it-out-the-hard-way, as there isn’t any ‘ideal’ places to pactice. Economy matters. For what the future holds, I would consider the massive price gaps between bicycle, motorcycle, and automobile, strongly in favour of building muscle. You need a driver’s license to get around in this freaking country, but you do not necessarily need a car to get around in.  It’s a wonder people don’t drink bath water more often; it’s become that stupid in America. I’m fully open to alternatives to driving, even if it’s likely to generate a few bruises.

That however is quite a fair ways off, it will take some measure of saving to afford that kind of kit anyway plans are sliced. It’ll probably be one of the first things on my private list to fall, once I’ve got a steady income to work with that is. How far way reaching that point in time will be, however is largely at the bitch on wheels’ mercy: because I’m not willing to work (locally or anywhere else in Georgia) unless it is proven, that I will have sufficient freedom with the car to be able to hold down a job without being screwed. It’s the principal of the matter. You don’t want to argue principals with a programmer, not even a totalitarian can win that debate. With a track record that can only breed my distrust, and the difference between road (35-55mph) travel speeds and foot (~3mph) travel speeds, even within comfortable walking distance: whether it’s pissing distance or long distance to get to work or anywhere else, I am not willing to be constrained—especially not by my mothers pathological paranoias: and the only way to ensure that (she) doesn’t come back to bite, is of course not having to rely on access to my mothers otherwise stationary vehicle. Reducing her costs would be one of the points of having a job anyway, including getting my own means of transport in the long haul. Which is obviously necessary for my long term plans.

Before heading home, I hit Walrus Country to search the sporting goods section in like wise fashion, and pick up a fishing license on my way out. Also had to pick something up that ma wanted. She almost owes me more money now than I have saved in my chequeing account lol. Fishing licenses are only needed off private property, but it’s worth having! Stopped off on the way home at another gas station in hopes of finding a Twinkie but had to settle for a LD mini coffee cake and strawberry roll :-(.

Seriously, someone must have gotten to people about cholesterol or something. What kind of world are we living in when gas stations stop selling twinkies!!!!

Somehow I find it highly offensive, that I can’t even go for a walk without being driven nuts; yet my mother is perfectly willing to enlist me to check on racket outside, instead of moving herself 8=).

What next, a lock and key?