I think if I thought it would do any better then either breaking my knuckles or cracking the air vents I’d give my PC a reverse punch…
Oh how fun it would be to exact some revenge from this GeForce 8400GS…. worthless piece of micro-shit !!!!!
An orange in an apple orchard
I think if I thought it would do any better then either breaking my knuckles or cracking the air vents I’d give my PC a reverse punch…
Oh how fun it would be to exact some revenge from this GeForce 8400GS…. worthless piece of micro-shit !!!!!
Found an interesting time paser, GNU Robots. Quite interesting really you write program in scheme and it uses GNU Guile to run the robot off the scheme program you supply.
It’s also a good excuse to learn more about Scheme hehe. I also found an interesting program called gnubg, I want to take a look at it’s windows port to see how well behaved it is. I might know some one that might have use for it 😉
I also need to start writing my todo list for what to do next with NPM and to get NPM_PortConfig operational.
At the wits end and bored as watching shit roll down a snow drift in winter.
The only remaining possibility for the GF8400GS’s amazingly crappy performance with RvS and TSS… Drivers or worse the games are just rubbish with that card because of the age difference. I did first run RvS on a GF4200 and SWAT4 on a high end Radeon 9800 after all lol
To top it all off, I could’ve either gotten a 8600GT online for less after rebates or same care for much less if I could’ve “just ordered online” but no… who the fook listens to me lol.
I can’t roll back drivers to the ones that I know did work smoothly with RvS & TSS on my 6200 though because they are so damn old that those drivers don’t support the 8400 even through the unified arch. Grrrrr…. I’m not getting a fucking deskjob out of this and retirement is not an option !!!
How the rat fucking hell you can kick at a games settings until you’ve gotten average frame rates from every thing between 30 FPS and a 150FPS and still get the lag step feeling of “doing the robot” when moving is ridicules ! FFS I may as well have blown it all on a paper weight instead of an “upgrade” of a replacement.. Sheesh if they had the right port type I’d get the same cheap-ass card I had to replace… Wasn’t much but at least it fucking worked right !!!
It can run BF2 all out without even moving a muscle but RvS and TSS kill it. Today we had a rough & tumble assault plan by Rct Hawke, slow down was so bad I practically got hng up on the door. When I got to the stairs it was so damn slow it felt like I was wearing lead army boots. By the time I did get up top of the stairs in what felt like minutes later, I was shot, limping, still in high FPS rates all through it, and hadn’t seen a flib’n tango along the way that could’ve hit me.
Now that would suck… if every Unreal Engine game was utter crap on this piece of crap card.
*sigh* why do I even fscking bother…
Oh wait, I forgot I’m in this mess because the card I didn’t want in the first place but got stuck with went bad. And the card I had to get to replace it because I couldn’t get any other (thank you very much for no online shopping option!!!) doesn’t work well with the damn games I play.. I swear, if I ever get the cash for a Personal Computer again.. I’m building it my self and ain’t listening to no whining ass family when it comes to how to spend the money !!
Hell, I’ve been accustomed to a weekly income of $0 my entire life and having to make the absolute most of what I do spend. And I know more about computers then any one in this burg I’ve met that ain’t paid to know more then I do. Let along being capable of assembling my own workstation and buying the parts wisely enough. My desktop has been $1600 + $80 and now + $100 worth of hell and countless headaches over the past two years. And I could build a better system for $1200 ffs !!! Thi sis what happens when you compromise on your freedom.
You become the (en)slave(d).
I can understand wanting to get done in a hurry especially in the morning as much as the next worker but come on man.
Finally found reason to fire up the ol’VCR tonight after we had the cable set up in here like last week.
The mook only unplugged my cable from the VCR<->TV connection and put in the one from the setup box. Without even being so kind as to route the cabling properly so all systems would work.
Geeze, I ain’t no Telecom Engineer or nothing but I know how to hook up a bloody TV system with cable and video systems !!!
I can’t believe it, I forgot to do part of the test 🙁
Got back 2 of the 6 or so tests I sent out, one with a score of 100% and the other with a 98% because I forgot to answer one of the questions lool.
*sighs* Oh well, I guess it’s ok for how fast I tried to do them.
Spent most of yesterday being driven out of my fscking mind… Would have a better chance of surviving walking in front of an on coming 18-Wheeler then getting work done :
Hopefully with an early start today, I mihgt be able to get stuff done before hell breaks lose again.
After a little bit of research into the idea of recording my desktop to video for some tutorials I got to thinking. I expect this post will probably take a draft of an essay like feeling to it lol.
Some people are down right insane when it comes to the issue of open or closed in the software world, rightly so in some cases. The idea of which is ethically better MP3 or OGG is irrelevant to most people, they just want to listen to music.
When it comes to selecting or using a given file format for media I am generally indifferent to what it is in so far as it works without giving me headaches. I don’t care if it is a .wmv or a .gnu as long as it does what I need it to do. And often the user-perspective is what prevails when people look at file formats, just as it should be.
However the world is not so nice. One thing I like about the Open Source side of the software world is often things are developer centric, users second. Although a great deal of software is done with users in mind – developers should come first in my humble opinion. Because without developers there is no software.
Open Formats are by definition open, you can do what ever you like with them. One reason that OGG has gotten to be as common as it is with Game Developers is because it is essentially free. Need to read OGG Vorbis files and play them as audio? BINGO You can code it, want to create them? BINGO You can code it. Want to create an MP3 Encoder and all hell breaks lose !!!
Because the creators of proprietary formats generally own the format they can do any thing they want. With the proper patent, copyright, and intellectual property protection… Company Foo could create the BAR format for handling audio or video files. What if Company Foo says “Gee, every one seems to be listing to music on .bar files.” And decides you have to pay them $1 for every .bar file? Absurd but sadly it is not so far fetched in this wonderful age. Of course most people want their stuff to actually get used – that is one thing I tip my hat to the creator of the RAR Archive format. Any one can create a tool to extract .rar archive files and give it away for free, code included. But no one is basically allowed to do that with programs to create .rar files. Which I think is a fair compromise personally, any Joe can extract the .rar file but the programmer that owns the format gets to make some money off people wanting to create the files.
From the user perspective, who cares what the format is? You want to have the ability to read (listen/watch/extract) and write (create, encode, compress e.t.c.) files in a given format and without having to pay for software and bend to licensing terms just ‘because’ some one wants to control the format.
From a developer point of view put into users perspective… Developer Ham wants to create some thing to write .bar files out for a program he is using and wants to give away for free along with the code to do it. But Company Foo puts an end to it because they own the BAR format.
If all users were developers, they could create their own open formats — heck already done ;-). Developers write the programs that end users use. Without users who don’t code owning a format is useless because the customers being developers themselves could create their own open formats to share.
From a developer perspective, do you want to have to pay licensing fees to Company Foo to encode support for .bar files in your program whether or not you will be making money off your program? Using a different (free) format versus paying any thing they want to use .bar sounds like a good idea to me.
If there was 1 developer in the world and all the others were users, you could be a millionaire overnight or go flat broke selling closed software 😉
(mutters enough rambling)
Generally for multi-media formats all I care is that it does it’s job. Acceptable file size to content quality ratio – 200MB for life like quality of Audio and Video or 20MB for a pile of junk, gotta balance it for the task.
The one thing I do expect, is to be able to use the files fairly and without headaches. I don’t have problems with .WMV files because they are very easy to play with the right codecs. Now trying to create and edit WMV files can some times be a different story :o)
Today, well really yesterday since it is now 0438 local… Was my parents wedding anniversary, number 20 I think. It’s also the day my Father died… guess that would be 1989-01-12 for a date: I was born 1988-06-20.
So needless to say, it is not a very happy day in my family…
recommended by radical ghost for use with sas skin