I’ve compiled all of my stored bookmarks (aside from the handfull on my laptop) into a single flat file…

One URL per line with a grand total of 662 lines.

Plenty are just enqueued to be read while others are perm storage.

Not bad for about 10 years of surfing =/

Now neatly redoing my bookmarks on ma.gnolia is the next big project of the day :'(.

And in the near future, properly using this for all my bookmarking needs.. lol.

Operation: Sit on my Ass, starts…. NOW !!!

I got off wok early today, about 1400 local and home for lunch by 1445, hit the Forums over at www.sasclan.org, ate, and got my movies list ready… Taking the rest of the day off as a personal vacation/holiday.

Blog, radio, tv, food, code, books, e.t.c 🙂

Raided my bookshelves bottom shelf for the VHS collection. We’ve got like 150-250 VHS tapes in the house but I’ve maintained only a small collection (20-40) in my room, so I know where to find them lol. We’ve taped just about every thing but watch almost none of it unless it’s on TV HAHAHA ! It set off my nose but I’ve complied my watch list, probably will take me a few weeks but it’s nice considering that I have not seen most of them in ages.

Links the the plot outlines on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) for convenience.

Robot Jox
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Dune — A great book also
The Three Amigos
Dear GOD — A goodie I found on late-tv years ago.
Mission Impossible
Legend of Drunken Master
Ghost Busters I and II
Ernest Goes to Jail
Jackie Chan’s First Strike
The Freshmen
Hot Shots
Spaced Invaders
El Dorado

Not all of them are my favorites although a few are, they all are however good movies xD

I started at ~1230, it’s now ~1630 and I’ve gotton shit done…

You’ve just got to love my family….

Ready to scream

The official rage list…

  • I’m f***ing tired of not being able to get stuff done in the afternoon.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being driven out of my skull.
  • I’m f***ing tired of having my train of thought derailed.
  • I’m f***ing tired of of being annoyed.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being interrupted.
  • I’m f***ing tired of not being able to concentrate.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being antagonised by computer-illiterate scum.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being barked, screeched, and shouted at.
  • I’m f***ing tired of having to live like this.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being tortured whenever I try to learn some thing.
  • I’m f***ing tired of having to stay up till 4am or later.
  • I’m f***ing tired of not being able to do f***ing any thing other wise.
  • I’m f***ing tired of watching my home work pile up.
  • I’m f***ing tired of not being able to rest when I’m *not* trying to do some f***ing thing.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being denied a chance to follow my goals.
  • I’m f***ing tired of this.

and I’m about ready to explode !!!

This mother f***ing rat ass sucking hell hole is pushing the limit. I’ve got over 4,500 pages to read — and I’m going to start knocking the damn walls down if I have to, but I am FINISHING THESE f***ing BOOKS.

There is no where else to go to read, study, nap, or any damn other thing. And my family makes it very hard to do any of those.

That means either this house learns to live with my work load or face the consequences. I should fuk’n start evicting people by force…. Let them enjoy freezing their ass off outside for a few hours.. While I get things *DONE* for a change.

Why, just why can’t I just once let myself be as cruel and vindictive as the rest… Instead of suffering aggravation after one another and hating that I feel like hating back…

Is it to much to ask to sit down and read a damn blasted book before I have to get back to work? I think not !!!!!!!!!!!!

I need a frigging vacation….. big time


Worry undermines the body, dulls the mind, and slows down thinking and learning. It adds to confusion, magnifies troubles, and causes you to imagine things which really do not exist. If you are worried about something, talk to your leader about it. He may be able to help solve the problem.

Now if that’s not good advice to pray, I dunno what is hehe.


Hmmm…. learning the hardway.

lukeftp advantages over filesilla site manager.

You have to manually type information so you can’t fuck it up unless you really fuck up…. lol.

0144, nothing to do…. can’t sleep…. Brain cells anbsent minded for more interesting waters…

All I can thing of… but I guess it’s not good to think of the past to much, not at the expense of the present any way.

Hmm, I wonder…..


Better to look towards the future I suppose..


Finally time to rest…

Yesterday was probably to worst allergy day of my year, even for me it was pretty bad. I also had to work 2 shifts back to back.. Only 8 hours but in this business hours tend to be shorter but harder. I went through about 10-12 paper towels (what I use for a Kleenex) just during work.

Plus work today, 2 days chores including 6 mops to wash out, a live op (dang it, shot in the tookus again!), and I’m not even going to worry about my inbox…


Time for some R&R, plan… Sit on my ass with a cup of Rooibos Tea and maybe fetch a game or two, unless I start restructuring my laptop early… hehe

Happy Halloween

Ahhh, the biggest candy eating day of the entire year :-).

Cool, live journals even got the tar bar styled for the holiday lool.

The best part about Halloween is getting dressed up and going trick or treating… I might be to old for the costume buy I ain’t dead yet to candy raiding here I come xD.

I remember my first trick or treat trip. I had my cowboy boots, hat, and six guns on and cloths to match. Over the years I’ve been a Star Fleet Captain, Commander, Lt Commander… Dracula, Darth Maul, and a Cyborg… Hehe till I got to old to join in the fun :-(.

Oh well hehe, there is always chocolate.