Corky – the parrot

Before dinner, ma came in and gave the dogs some lettuce, well for one reason or another, Corky decided to leap on my pillow and basically roost himself on my shoulder :-/.

Hmm, bash_completion REALLY slows down the shell

On dixie, I generally used zsh, but have been using bash on alice, since that’s what I use at work. On the other hand, while zsh is _so_ big, I could never expect it to be fast, on alice, I find that opening a new shell takes irksomely long.

Tests: (avg m:ss reported by GNU time -v)

no profile, no completion = avg 0:00.01
with profile, no completion = avg 0.00.10
no profile, with completion = avg 0:01.16
with profile, with completion = avg 0.01.27
no profile = avg 0.00.00 # to fast to be timed?; highest was 0:00.03
with profile = avg 0.00.08

Ok, so maybe an Atom based netbook isn’t as powerful as a server with multiple quad core Xeons but that is still a rather big difference. No wonder though—on alice, /etc/bash_completion is 1700 lines and /etc/bash_completion.d contains over 25,000 lines of scripts to source.

My shell profile only adds like 700 lines of code when run on Linux. Although zsh really made me appreciate context-sensitive tab completion, the only interest I have with it in bash, is pretty much for git.


Ugh, thanks for the leap…

Hooked up Alice to the big screen after getting off the couch tonight. Want to wrapping up some stuff—I kind of miss having a working pager in my panel. So I blocked off the door to keep Corky from coming in and pissing on the bed before I got done. Well guess what? The Parental Unit comes barreling in, complaining about the door being shut off.

I may have gotten a solid WTF!? Leap out of that, but at least I can laydown and __NOT__ have a wet fucking pillow!!!!!! I am thinking of making a door-barricade the SOP.

Wow, I really don’t like the new Blogger editor; although I must admit it does really look better—just feels to much like a file in Google Documents, and overly white lol.

Hmm, me likes using my little blogit script, and getting to write my posts in Vi IMproved :-).

Never tru$t family

My financial matters are subject to my income, or should we say, fairly fixed income as I make a Salary. Things are pretty much silced in such a way that I have a savings buffer, an income buffer, and a budget allocation that keeps a tab on the expenses and prevents there being nothing left for a rainy day, when the budget isn’t applicable. If my expense calculations weren’t done the way I do it, I would probably be bankrupt within two years, thanks to my mother’s way of doing it.

Ma overspent her budget for May, so I deducted the overture from her June budget. Well she then blew threw more than a full June budget in rapid order, let along what she was given to work with. That was the first pay cycle in June. Since living with next to nothing for the end of June wasn’t good enough for her, I advanced her money out of my savings: by giving her the equal of what she could draw, until my payday this cycle, under the strict terms that in order to rebalance the equation against what she overspent, she would have to draw NO more than that until this pay cycles payday, come hell or high water.

Well guess what the fuck? She has almost spent her entire budget for this pay cheque before the week I even get paid. Which in effect robs my budget in order to appease her. Most of that she pissed away on non-essential matters. Now she is getting pissy that I will not bow down and suck her toes, sprouting monies out of my ass on demand, since she now needs more cash. I say fuck off bitch. Here is an economics tip: if you have 90% health, medkits heal 25%, and it’s the start of the level, only a retarded monkey uses the medkit before later. I will not keep advancing her money until such point, that my income is negative. When she has already been drawing on future pay cycles, I really am not inclined to comply! You live with what you can afford, or you live with what credit I extend you.

If you rob Peter to pay Paul, you eventually must pay Paul back. Otherwise you spring load yourself (or in this case, me) into a rolling debtzilla. If you slurp up future budgets, you eventually have to pay it back or find new sources of fundulation to cover your overature. Her budget for food alone is sizable enough that we could eat out almost every fucking day of the month, so I believe that is certainly ENOUGH of a budget for two people to eat on at home.

She even had the balls to suggest I ask my boss if I could take off work early on payday, in order to take her shopping. I told her if she wanted that, to sort it with my team leader herself, or to fuck off. So what if I sometimes work a bit late? That doesn’t give her a right to drag me out of work.

So far I see two options: fire her from spending any money of mine and therefore remove her budget totally, or force her very strictly to follow it with the mentality that we can rot in the street naked before she is allowed to extricate more cash, until either she learns Basic Economics, increases her income, or my fixed income goes up.

My tolerance for stupid people goes down rapidly when they are Mean Bitches On Wheels. Some how, I can’t help but remember my friend telling me naively, that my mother should be “Nicer” to me if she wants more money. I’m certainly not inclined to extend my mother any more credit.

So much for being nice

My mother’s puppy, Corky, just showed me the point of being nice to trouble.

So I’m sitting here, writing some code, when Willow starts liking my face/hands; ugh that’s hard to type when she goes after my fingers. So after a bit I got up to wash off the dog slobber. While Willow was licking my face, Corky lept on the bed as he usually does in the morning, and curled up to nap.

Being nice since he hadn’t done any harm lately, I petted him politely and decided to take a morning leak while I was up. Well guess what? The little son of a bitch decided to do the same, exact thing—only he used my pillow instead of the potty papers. My new official threat is no longer to sit on his head, rather it is if there is ever a zombie apocalypse, he is going to be used as a food source!

If he had pissed on alice (my netbook), he would have officially made THE LIST. Good thing I put it on the stand by the bed, instead of leaving it on the bed, as I usually do….

Loving it!

Lately, I’ve been using my netbooks ability to go into suspend and hibernate a lot. To be honest, I’ve never had much use for it int he past: Dixie was usually on battery whenever it was idle, and under most *nix operating systems, there were problems getting it to resume (FreeBSD 6.0-8.1), or the touchpad would stop working (Linux 2.6). With Alice however it works perfectly, aside from the display will sometimes stay blanked on resume from suspend to RAM (sleep) mode. It has happened once in a few hundred sleeps. That however, I can fix by manually manipulating /sys/power/state to put the system back to sleep, then wake it again. Yes, I don’t reboot a lot.

At one point, I had Alice running for nearly two or three weeks non stop, before I finally forgot to plug it in on sleep mode lol. Right now, since there are often longer stretches after work where I don’t get back to the system, I will usually put it into hibernate mode and throw it in my backpack. It’s actually faster to resume from hibernate, than load a fresh session >_>.

Something that I have also noticed as a side effect of my new shell/x profile setup, is with how I do services, if I boot the system when there is no network available, like at a red light, then when I return home and come out of suspend: the shell scripts will detect that I’ve gone from no-network to connecting to my wifi, which means launching my “services” profile :-).

Winning at simple economics

Generally when I make any kind of important calculations, I do it three ply:

  1. worst case is …
  2. probable case is more like …
  3. ideal/best case to hope for is …

In my present financial calculations towards vacation and future operations, the notes are looking like the probable case is beginning to surpass my original best case by a wide margin, and the worst case was already above minimal requirements with a small margin for error. I’m kind of a pessimistic optimist, or an optimistic pessimist. Never could figure out which.

To top it off, my equations generally anticipate sudden “Expense bulges”, courtesy of parental unit, explosions, error, and unforeseen Murphysters. That generally reflects a sum greater than what the worst case looks like, or at least most of the time. Perhaps it’s growing up without even an allowance, or being used to things being tight, but I generally succeed at managing my cash flow. Even in a game like Killing Floor, where you need to spend plenty to survive the waves of zombies, I’m a frugal son of a bitch.

All I need fear is Murhpy’s CF—or someone could steal my mayo jar!