Well, I’ve generally set a course… In the short term, I have a few goals of immediate concern:

  1. Get my school work done (how boring…)
  2. Improve my understanding of (useful) mathematics
  3. balance getting work done

I need to begin making more progress with my schooling, what I’ve got on the plate right now is in no way challenging… beyond time constraints; every moment spent on homework is less on every other pile of shit in my todo-box. I also want to try and teach myself more about mathematics, both to prepare for harder stuff, and because I’m generally interested. Although, I think writing a device driver would be easier then reading some of the notation without something like this.

One thing I do bloody well know, I’m using bc(1) for the leg work. Although I never used a calculator in doing homework before, I also ain’t used a pencil to solve a math problem in ages when walking around ^_^. I type with 10 fingers both out of need and love for efficiency; time is precious!

For getting stuff done, that’s generally the one thing that does hit my schedule. That’s one of the reasons my homework always piles up… I figure though, if I can properly split my time, and not have to compromise the other parts.. I might actually get something done eventually!

Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are

— Albert Einstein

Now that quote really makes me feel better…. lol.

Writer’s Block: A Conspiracy of Beards

November is National Beard Month. Muttonchops, Van Dyke, goatee, soul patch, ZZ Top–style—tell us about your own wild and woolly facial fuzz. Even better, post a picture.

Submitted By cwcsonichu

Live Journals Writer’s Block

From 5 o clock shadow to looking like Chewbacca the wookie…. I think I probably shave like every 3 to 5 months or something lol.

I have no idea if I’m working tomorrow or not, but I hop I’ll get the day off… The weekends been more or les a total ash out. If I’m working though, it’ll be a full day. I come from a family, where we go to work unless your head is practically falling off lol.

Hehe, that reminds me… Some funny news, my brothers supposed to be getting a physical this week. Oh man, this is going to be funny, I hope he doesn’t faint! his is a guy, who chose to who made us all go out of state for his wedding – just to avoid a blood test!

I have more that I want to write, but to little energy and not enough time. If it really is 0800Z and I /am/ working tomorrow… I best get some shuteye, it’s a hell of a day.


Crept into the kitchen, got a glass, knocked over the cap to a travel mug, and made it to the fridge for some OJ. Like, can I make any more freaking noise!? At this time of night, the sound of a plastic cap falling ~a metre to the ground is loud enough to give away ones position (to my ears anyway) from half the building away…

Stealth is my specialty, I’m generally good at being unobserved and when desired, and I can be very silent in my movements – when I know the environment well, even more so. But every now and then, I just fsck up :

*sigh* all I need is to end up in round 1,000,346,412,782,965,000 of annoyance !!!

My families more or less managed to consume or destroy all parts of my life, about the only thing they’ve yet to dig into is [SAS]. Fuck… I couldn’t even get a space on the couch, instead I’m balanced off the side, foot stuck on the corner of a stand and who knows wtf stabbing me in the backside. What will they leave me with next? A throbbing head, a soar backside, numbed hands, crink in the neck by tomorrow, and legs that are as good as ten feet ahead of the rest of me, for the speed they move at.

I don’t know if I have any hope left at this point, those hat know me best, would probably find irony in that. It’s like, the more I try to get ahead, the further behind the eight ball I end up :

Sheesh…. What a crazy night.

I was exhausted by the time I went to bed, so I figured I’d lay down, watch TV, then switch to the laptop. Next thing I know, I’ve slept through the entire movie, and it’s almost 0330Q… So screw it back to bed. Woke up around 0940Q, to early…. Back to bed lol.

Between all of the sleeping, I’ve had some of the craziest dreams :. From a singing math teacher from hell (don’t ask lol), and getting even with him years later. To leading a human insurrection against a wave of Terminators; I forget just how effective the aerial HKs could be, but at least I was smart enough to keep the location of our forward operating base secret. All the way to what’s probably best described as Star Trek meets the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. ALl the way to various engagements with Orcs; both peaceful and combat filled encounters. Even a stint best described as a mixture of being stranded in deep space Orc country, and a bad Babylon 5 episode. Hmm, I wonder what those human star-fighters were called, ain’t gotten to watch B5 in over a decade lol.

And even ending up in Raven Shield, wasting tangos, sneaking around, meeting a tango that was bullet proof, meeting a tango that was in “spectator” mode, and oy…

One great thing about dreaming, and knowing your dreaming — when you enoucnter a super tango… shoot him about 20 times, reload, put 2, then 4 rounds more into him (centre mass and head). Then when the tango finally gets close to you and start shooting back, unlike in the video game…

You can tell the tango to go to hell and ignore him lol.

Believe it or not, I’ve just spent the last several hours spelunking around FreeBSD, and end it with a smile lol.

I got tired of a program I was writing (and a minor headache), so… I turned my attention to something that’s been on my todo list for ages. Tracking more and more of how the system handles it’s startup procedures. It would certainly be a bit more helpful to my understandings, if I had ever had time to learn x86 assembly. Maybe someday, I’ll get to that part of my todo list, lol but by then AMD64 will probably be old as a Pentium :

Well after 0500 now, time to get some sleep…. Flibin’ work early tomorrow, and another day of… annoyance.

Terry@dixie$ uptime && shutdown -p +2 'head hits keyboard, begins to snore loudly'
9:23AM up 6:15, 2 users, load averages: 0.07, 0.09, 0.06
Shutdown at Fri Oct 31 09:25:48 2008.
shutdown: [pid 3624]
*** System shutdown message from Terry@dixie.launchmodem.com ***
System going down in 2 minutes

head hits keyboard, begins to snore loudly

This is so recursive, it hurts

# this is so recursive, it hurts
for topdir in args:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(topdir):
for file in files:
for regexp in patterns:
if re.search(regexp, file):
file = os.path.join(root, file)
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("file name: %st" % file)
p = os.stat(file)
a, m, t = (
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()), )
sys.stdout.write( "atime: %stmtime: %stnow: %sn" %
print file

What a huge, ugly, monster, I’m glad the finished code doesn’t look like that lol.

h man, if I never see apt-get mania again, I’ll be happy lol.

$ sudo apt-get install -y foo
$ sudo apt-get install -y foo-doc foo-eggs foo-ham foo-spam

To be honest, if whoever organized this thing… doesn’t know what database normalization means, I’d be shocked as shit lol.

I’ve been using a mixture of vim/ssh to setup sal1600 with my standard operating environment, thankfully Ubuntu has a decent package search site hehe. I still need to sort out Java (jdk, jre, browser plugins), flash plugins (maybe anyway), realplayer, and codecs for mplayer. But for the most part, I’m up to go. I’ll need to go over libraries with a fine tooth come, to make sure I don’t lose anything. I really don’t like GNU/Linux, I like the Linux kernel well enough, but the mish-mash of parts pisses me off. But, given the choice of Windows or GNU/Linux, I’d rather put up with it. As far as Linux distributions go, Ubuntu is probably one of the best desktop systems. It’s certainly not my favorite distribution (Slackware), but it likes my desktops hardware much better… Something no other GNU/Linux distro has done lol. One thing I regret about my desktop, it usually needs kicking into obedience a lot of times under any OS.

Tomorrow, I’ve got 3 main goals after work:

  1. Setup XFire plugin for Pidgin
  2. Tweak my dual head X.Org configuration
  3. Combat test SWAT 4: TSS for performance

If I can play SWAT comfortably on GNU/Linux, I’m more then willing to switch back to a single monitor. Which really, is a shame b/c the X Windows System truly offers a better experience then what I’ve had with Windows multi-monitor support. The real concession will be having to shift to a usable resolution to play SWAT :.

For the most part, I’ve only used the 2nd monitor as a dumping ground for extra programs. Most of the time, I’m alternating between 2-5+ programs. On my laptop however, I’ve found it perfectly comfortable to arrange 3 virtual desktops to “split” the workload. I guess, I will probably end up with something similiar on my desktop now. 1600x1200px on a 19″ CRT is just to small for the amount of programs I interact with; but the 2880px wide (-monitor edges in the centre) that my current setup gives, is also a bit too darn big… optical scrolling sucks. This really makes me wish I had one big 22″ LCD, but I’m not sure if anything with a /sane/ price and good performance for action games, has caught up yet (probably has).

My original design specs for sal1600, did call for an LCD – not because I /like/ them, but because it’s a pain to lug a CRT around haha !