I really need a vacation…………..

but that’s not likely to happen, before the next ice age lol.

Been wprking on several things when I can, and playing a mixture of games whenever I can’t work on crap. *SIGH*

TODO: compile a more detailed analysis on all possible solutions (and their implications) to the meetings point 0 topic.

sounds like mental fun, if it wasn’t for family to drive me nuts and reck my train of thought every chance they get lol.


While ProgramName always endeavours to protect its users from unnecessary harm, it will not stop you from ignoring the big red warning signs.

Some day :

My brother finally showed up around 1230R, to bitch at me for nt being ready – my response being, “Your late, so you can wait”. Good sized headache helping him ove crap around, I tell ya… family are the only creatures alive who have the balls to ask for help and insult you all the way through it!

Ducked into a few levels of F.E.A.R. to pass the time until he finally shoved off and Ma found something to do, not involving driving me nuts.

I managed to sort out the meeting, it’s either tomorrow at 1800GMT or next weekend lol. I still don’t think we’ll be able to get everyone present by then, but w/e works for most of us. Tomorrow, I also need to take some time to catch up with my email lol.

I also eventually made it into Proving Grounds #3 to join Chester, Decapi, and Duke for some great games. Pardoning my mother trying to shipwreck the highlight of my day, but it was still good to get the games in, even if I was last to show and first to leave :-(. One thing that did bring a smile to my face though, on the angels of mercy mission; I called for a reload before we continued on, b/c I had 18 rounds left and we were moving into 2 small rooms, followed by a hallway and 2 very large rooms without much time to reload if things hit the fan. When I completed our reloading drill, (EL) Duke stepped out of formation and asked us if we had ever seen this before, leaving all of us flabbergasted to figure out what he meant lol -> every thread angel was covered perfectly by the element, from gun down to gun up.

That made my day 🙂

Just once, I wish someone else in this family knew how to keep a schedule… dang nab’it. Well, o be fair there is at least one besides myself; but Uncle Pat was a coast guard captain, if he’s late, ya start to worry lol. Otherwise I’m about the only one who knows how to manage time… in a manor that approximately works.

I woke up around 1028R, my brothers not here. I was woken up around 1156R to find out he called a few minutes ago, to say that he was just starting out; our mothers been up since 0800R. And the other day, he said he was going to be here early [in the morning]… Well, I’ll probably be out of battery charge on my laptop before he even gets to the city limits… the putz !!!

Was dreaming several things, but I remember dreaming that I was going through CQB training before I was woken up. The last thing I remember, was 2 man stack, kick it in, he moved left, I took right. Tango across my sector, 2 to the chest with a single action revolver; made it to my corner, then sliced the pie around. Two more tangos, put a quick shot in the right ones chest, then the left while advancing, then cycled back and put a head shot in each, right to left. Then dropped to one knee shouting “GUN DOWN” and started reloading the revolver as my teammate took up a cover position from his point of domination; 6 in the can, “GUN UP” and moved out…

Something like this:

| y |
| T T |
| /-------------- T|
| ______________/ |
| |
| ___x___x___|
|Y x| |
|-- -----------|----------|
X=Spidey01's way point
Y=teammates way point
T=tango position

Which reminds me, there are supposed to be some team games on PG#3 today hehe 🙂

running off the deepend

Well, finished one portion of my docs (Grrr… wasting time in #kde-chat and #vim lol); even got one of the manual pages written out.

Ya know, with the mdoc.samples(7) and mdoc(7) manual pages + a few simple manual pages for reference (head, cat, pkg_add) the process of writing a manual page is actually much less painful then I remember it being. I’ve only got one small problem so far, thin I’ll post on daemonforums later and see if anyone has an idea; if not I’ll probably have to adjust the man pages wording a lit’ bit.

nroff/troff is also strangely addicting once you start playing with macro packages…

It’s been a very tiring week…

It’s been a very tiring week…

Decided to install F.E.A.R. and have some R&R. It’s not particularly my kind of game, but he AI used by the opposing forces is awesome. Heck, ambushed a few replica soldiers, moved my way through the area along the flank – only to be ambushed from behind, by one that hid and waited for an oppotunity. Of course, a quick drop to slow-mo, a 180′ and leaping into the air for pair of double taps from my dual .40cal pistols, and finishing it with a pistol’whip put the thread down quickly. FEAR is about the only game I’ve played when one has a chance to do both CQC and handle multiple-shooters the right way, b/c there are usually several coming out of the word works lol. Was trying to flank and ambush a squad and got detected, I pushed on – impact grenade to mash their right, fell back on the centre and bounced between the flanks to keep them busy.

The last replica solider climbed through a gap in my cover for a little face to face, so I kicked the putz back through it 😉

About all that is missing is access to a knife in the meelee action, like a yung Big Boss once said – sometimes in a fight, a knifes more useful then a gun. Ahh, anyay good for stress relief. Now it’s time to get my docs & notes prepped for an up comming project meeting. If I’m _really lucky_ I might even have some test code ready op, but with my family… *sigh*

Which reminds me, my brothers do over tomorrow to waste my time, lol

Hmm, it’s times like these that I really wish I had picked up more troff.. but LaTeX does the job well enough for what I need. With luck, by meeting day I’ll have all my files done, and my laptop updated & ready to rock’it as well.

The problem with typing to quickly

Check if the program ‘named’ is running and listening. I don’t know off the top of my head if /etc/rc.d/named supports the status command or not (rc), but finding out if it is running the hardway is still easy.

I’m not familiar with any of the dns/ apps in ports, so I can’t say what name they would run under; but I’m sure someone here would point it out.

$ ps xa | grep named
... is named running?
$ cat /var/run/named/pid
... does the pid file exist?
$ netstat -n -p tcp | grep 53 -- s/tcp/udp/
... is anything listening on the usual port?

-> Assuming that the standard issue name server was used, you may want to check named.conf first, in case the settings were changed. On FreeBSD I believe this is etc/namedb/named.conf.

I really should check my posts for typo’s more completely, before I make an ass of myself so easily…. at least J65nko spotted it. Most times I try and check what I write, but after work, it’s not exactly a high priority – compared with finishing the sentence before I get AFK’d for the umpteenth time lol.