
A light bulb moment as I wake up:

create new tables within a private namespace

use old tables to populate them with data

use new tables in reworking the mighty page

when complete, port other scripts to new db tables

when that is done, delete old tables, rename new tables ubto the production name space.

And the have a root beer 😉

Been working on rewriting the mighty page… (ugh)

Personally, I think the entire website would be a hell of a lot faster if we reorganized the entire private database into some thing more consistent, stripped out some of the (abused) use of <table> tags, and moved more presentation issues into per-unit style sheets… But thanks to our original designer(s), whoever he/she/they may be coupled with my family, that would take months instead of hours to do without breaking everything.

Although I’ve always felt database normalization eventually just “goes to far” when done well, I’m beginning to think it is a pretty dang good idea just for the sake of flexibility.

The big problem is when you have code in use, that’s so old no body remembers who the heck wrote it, and whoever wrote it assumed they were the GOD of a database that would never change it’s structure in the slightest, less the entire thing need fixing in every sub system.

And I’m the one without the college education here? WTF.

Working on the mighty page is a bit prickly since, we’ve got disorganized data to suck in, organize into some thing we can actually use, iteratively display the data, and sadly I’m not interested in leaving code behind that’ll break if the next guy so much as sneezes at it loool.

Well, at lest all of the _big_ problems were fixed two weeks ago…

I never thought we’d be friends — Me & FVWM

Well, I have been looking for a suitable replacement for KDE3 of late on my laptop — tried enlightenment and chucked it. Nice desktop, very elegant feeling but just not my bag :|. Kicked through and finished working with FVWM, I chose to install the unstable 2.5.x build in port.

Normally I’ll only use stable releases unless I’m testing or in need of a ‘sneak peak’ but this time I opted in. I figure, it should be fairly stable with how long FVWM has been around. The original code base of FVWM 1.x was born in 1993 making it about as old as FreeBSD lol. FVWM 2.5 has newer features and I don’t mind a few quirks really, as long as my session doesn’t die or the entire system lock up.

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So far FVWM is really proving it’s possible to have a desktop *your way* without having to kill someone in the process !

I’ve always thought that if I’m ever going to find a window manager I truly love; I probably would have to write my own. I like programs that are powerful, configurable, and extensible — that’s one of the reasons I use Vim in the first place >_>

I have my pager and a useful means of employing my laptops limited screen space. The way The Flibin’ Virtual Window Manager as I call it, handles virtual desktops is actually quite nice. The M by N thing and configuration options have given me a very nice arrangement for working with many programs. Especially in my case, since I need to work with windows that are some times larger then my screen resolution!

Rather then resize the program (scroll bars, ugh) or rescale it as the situation may offer. I can just scroll my screen between the pages and vola! The illusion that the desktop is much bigger then it really is, really fits with the way I use programs.

I installed x11/trayer to get myself a (transparent) system tray, I actually like how FVWM handles iconifing windows but for some apps a system tray is helpful (pidgin). Notice that I do not have a taskbar, desktop icons, or a ‘panel’ — don’t need them nore want them most times.

I like to keep my workspace very thin, it’s for running programs not holding up bells and whistles everywhere. I fI wanted to look at bells and whistles (or unhide them when going to the screen border) I’d run them outright. And covering or autohiding the panel (KDE, Gnome, Windows) is a poor solution for my habits +S.

I have my FVWM configuration launching a program to auto-rotate my wall paper, need to properly daemonize it someday soon. I’m considering giving the X Session Manager (xsm) a whirl as well, worth a try judging by the manual page. I still have some more work to do but so far, I like how it has come out in such a short time.

Why didn’t I ever try the F* Virtual Window Manager before? lol.

thoughts of home…

Trapped in hell

Another day, home from the long toils of the field

Only to be beaten down, pounded into dust

Yet another season gone, never to return

Spent all for the sake of my torment

At the pleasure of those who should care

That a tiny bit of me passes away into nothingness

Day by day, never to return.

Another day, wasted and trashed before me

Spent all on the monsters whims.

Never again to grace the sky,

That free spirit, flying so high.

Soaring on the airs of its discoveries

To face that same fate….

To be dragged, drowned, stomped into the ground

All for the tormentors pleasure — and my souls destruction.

It’s just another day in hell,

Trapped in that pit so deep, without an escape.

Watching my existence being ripped away,

Thrown into the flames, forever more

To burn in agony.

Oh why, oh why didn’t I flee this place while I had the chance.


This is very funky. I downloaded a tutorial file from sun for Java’s Swing toolkit and it compiles fine but can’t find the main thread when compiled & run as directed.

I comment out the ‘package start;’ at the top, recompile and it runs fine >_>

To be honest, I think I’m sort of happy I’ve never written a lot of Java code… Especially because most encounters whereByPeopleWhoHaveTypeNames andVarNamesThisLong which kind of pisses me off lol.

I do have Qt Jambi installed on my desktop but the problem is family really makes it easier to write code off my laptop, since I get get further away from the line of fire… Which means without a fair bit of tinkering, it’ll be easier to write the GUI in Javas Swing.

I did learn a little of AWT way back when but I doubt any of it is still good by now lol.

Writer’s Block: Funniest Thing Ever.

Out of all the funny things that have ever happened to you, which experience still cracks you up?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

Without a doubt?

Cored in a second flat!

I was in a casual game of MechWarrior 4: Mercs with a friend, her smoke signals host (AOL Dial up), and the Op4 was three of her killer ‘Mech configs piloted by level 9 bots (the hardest mode). I was piloting my Shadow Cat, a 45 Ton medium ‘Mech and iirc she had her Black Knight.

I was like, “Ok I’ll go destract them you go flank” and before she could warn me, I jump jetted over the wall and BAM

My ‘Mech exploded as they cored out my Shadow Cat about as fast as my legs cleared the wall hahahaha !!

Crap, we were laughing till it hurt after that one lol. Normally bots can’t fight worth a darn on any difficualty level let along the maximum but when shes the engineer — RUN FOR IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm, it’s been awhile since I last thought about the ‘cored in a second flat’ thing hehe. That’s one thing I always liked about playing with Lioness, she was brilliant at putting together strike packages. Blending the perfect mixture of weapons payloads to balance both human and bot skills with the desired effect, and to top it off grouping them into strike groups of demi-lances or larger. Often 2 assault ‘Mechs and a heavy or a med, hvy, and aslt.

Some of those configurations were scary :

And I’m a guy who used to train versus like 12 level 9 bots lol.

My favorite part about Mech Warrior was the ability to design ‘Mech configurations. I was never really happy that in competitive play, I usually ended up in ‘Mechs designed for the more natural ‘stand up fight’ of a league drop — weapons were largely limited to the heaviest hitting ones grouped in mass, alpha striking was the goal. Like the common street-fight Highlander every body used for short to medium range work and urban ops.

About 90 tons of jump ‘Mech with low slung arms, big torso sections and tall legs. But that sucker could pack a heavy gauss rifle (the biggest gun back then) plus still cram in clan guass, light gauss rifle (basically super long range), and a capacitor packed particle projector cannon (PPC) — meaning one big alpha strike. It only had a 600 Metre rang eon the heavy gauss but the closer you got, the harder the gauss rifles hit. Heck if you got as close as 400m the heavy gauss would probably critical most heavy ‘Mechs in one center torso shot.

That’s how competitive MW4 play was, speed was a luxury for most, heat sinks dead weight, armour was cheap compared to guns. And if it couldn’t destroy any ‘Mech in the game with two direct hits, your ‘Mech was too weak for combat. Although of course in games where we got points by damage done rather then kills (never very popular) people would mix in some shredders using short or long range missiles.

The only big difference between long range and short range combat was for brawling we took shotguns (LBX Autocannon) and heavy lasers most times, for sniping we took Gauss rifles, PPC, and ER Large Lasers :. So what if I could work a 70 Ton Nova Cat with 7 ER Lasers, minimal reflective armour, 90+ KPH engine and no heat sinks what so ever, and go hill-humping as the Nova-style sniping was nick named, blasting away ‘Mechs ? I much rather have been in a little ol’ Shadow Cat or a Raven zigging and zagging through the battlefield.

In some ways, I envy my old partner in the engineering wing. She never played competitively (good for me because her personal ‘Mech was the Queen of Alpha Strikes) but she also always used the style of ‘Mechs that she preferred to bring into virtual combat (y).

She was always a great one at designing ‘Mechs for all range combat, a skill very few people ever developed well. My own line of bots got used for training but were never quite up to par with Lionesses monsters from a Doom speed run lol.

Although, I did work together a group of bots that cored my shadow cat in half a second once lol.

They were never quite up to that same nightmare configs that she cooked up :-(.

I remember she once gave me her personal ‘Mechs configuration, a 75-Ton Black Knight that had an alpha strike that put 100 ton ‘Mechs to shame!!! When I brought it to bare against’ my friends ‘Mechs they couldn’t believe it hit so hard haha. It was like bringing a midget to a sumo match and packing the death stars super laser !

With Lionesses very much respected permission, I eventually gave my buddies the config so they could stop (wrongly) trying to reverse engineer it on her >_>.

*shakes head*, that girl was a bloody genius of ‘Mech Engineering!

Double nightmares

Hit the hay early, to tired to get back to finishing my program. Caught most of Matrix Reloaded but dozed on/off through the end of it, and finally woke up after whats essentially a double nightmare :

First off…Family driving me bonkers about things but as it works out.. Some time of peace and a party due later.

Ended up on a date with a very beautiful woman ^_^

The nightmare? I was too freaking busy going to and fro, that I was stuck wasting what was otherwise a perfect situation lol. That really was a nightmare… just horrible +S Like one of those times you would need brain damage for it to not go well… But stuck working on everything and so there it goes out the window figuratively speaking. That was a torturing dream to have to go through…

Second off… Well, not really a nightmare so much asa more normal dream +S. Stuck following in a News crew and Canadian SWAT team armed with suppressed FAMAS G2’s going for an assault on a large TV-like building (ala Gremlins 2 style). But guess what? A Predator on the roof pumping them all full of Plasma by the time we hit the lobby, plus terrorists all over the place with machine gun emplacements setup inside to finish the job — just great!!!

After getting knocked cold in a “smashing” fight with one, ended up stranded with the camera crew running off scared of the predator, and only a treasure seeking trooper turned tomb raider wanta be for company. In search of an ancient Egyptian tomb hidden under the building. Maanged to get past the terrorists fine but stuff in the building has come to life and started to run amuck.

Not to mention once we got to the area, after a few mishaps… It’s guarded by like a dozen leopards who are very pissed off at us trespassing… The plan of getting through them with ignitables and fire didn’t go so well and we nearly got scratched to death and chewed on before finding a way up, up, and away from them lol. Finally reach the goal.. but decide it’s not morally right and leave the tomb raider to plunder it while I search for an exit without more hungry or plastic creatures in the way.

*shakes head*

I have the craziest dreams don’t I? The second one I don’t mind so much but the first…

Maybe my friends are right, I work to damn much lol.

The ironic thing of it all? It’s 0500 in the morning and if I don’t get back to sleep, to get up for work on time, my goose will be cooked !

Writer’s Block: Some words to live by…

What words do you find wise enough to live by?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of my Ranger Regiment.

Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move farther, faster and fight harder than any other soldier.

Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one-hundred-percent and then some.

Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor.

Rangers Lead The Way!

While I don’t consider myself to live by it (I’m not a Ranger, nor a soldier), I do however think the Ranger Creed is a good starting point.

I have much respect for the 75th Ranger Regiment.

Oy these trouble makers are starting to get insulting!!

I figured at first, fine let the babies have there candy… Now they are just asking for a spanking.

So far it seems they can try stealing copyrighted content, insulting us, disrespecting us, and personally disappointing the WO1, insulting the major, but one thing they can’t do?

Is actually prove they have more maturity then that stupid character always following SpongeBob SquarePants around, man I’m glad I’m not working at that one clients anymore… The bosses grandkids were nuts about that show (and I’m not) :

After what Wiz did to ol’Snipe, that should at least keep the whipper snappers busy for a little while, but I still wish they would GROW UP.

It makes me sick to think about how some of these peoples actually used to be a decent example of conduct lol.

Oy these trouble makers are starting to get insulting!!

I figured at first, fine let the babies have there candy… Now they are just asking for a spanking.

So far it seems they can try stealing copyrighted content, insulting us, disrespecting us, and personally disappointing the WO1, insulting the major, but one thing they can’t do?

Is actually prove they have more maturity then that stupid character always following SpongeBob SquarePants around, man I’m glad I’m not working at that one clients anymore… The bosses grandkids were nuts about that show (and I’m not) :

After what Wiz did to ol’Snipe, that should at least keep the whipper snappers busy for a little while, but I still wish they would GROW UP.

It makes me sick to think about how some of these peoples actually used to be a decent example of conduct lol.