Snake Eater

Been playing through Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater of late, could probably have it beaten by breakfast time but I’m not interested in losing sleep over it (more then any thing else).

I left off just after Snake loses his eye and gets chucked in the cell.

I know perfectly well the hardest part of the game is the end lol. Snake gets the living crap beaten out of him when he’s captured and loses his eye trying to protect Eva. But that still leaves escaping the cell, destroying the Shagohod and Volgin. Including the run for ya life of them all.

Eva steering the motorbike while Snake deals with the army on their tails. While the character of Eva is arguably a great combination of beauty and ability, being almost skewered to death and bleeding out wouldn’t leave any one fit for combat.

Getting through the jungle with her in tow and the “Goon squad” is probably the single hardest part of MGS3, I remember the first time I played through it. I some what regretted that I never had time to pick up the M60, I found the light machine gun one night playing but was never able to get it later (forgot to save!). At least for Round #2 through the game there is The Bosses Patriot 🙂

Basically a weapon that makes the Colt Commando look a bit bigger while still clearly being an XM177 (prototype m4) family member. The C-Beta mag also has unlimited ammunitions so it’s as good as an M60 loool. Which will be good because the running firefight is one time when it will come in handy.

I’ve played the Metal Gear Solid games a long time, in fact MGS4 is one of very few reasons I’d ever care to get a PS3. I didn’t get into MGS to much until the VR Training missions game was released. I think my completion was like 295-297 missions or some thing like that. I got to be lethally proficient, training harder to fight easier :-). Metal Gear Solid 2 was great fun and I loved the additions. Although I think the plot could have used a little more work (seeing the twists coming).

The only problem with MGS3 is your stuck in the middle of a jungle and I’m used to sneaking in an urban environment. Spent most of the ‘classic sneaking through enemies, most of MGS2 mugging guards for dog tags and throwing them overboard xD. But MGS3, ambushing and knifing as necessary. The loss of the high tech sneaking suit and nano technology from MGS/MGS2 is not really a problem, it only made life easier sneaking through guards. And in MGS3 you get the next best thing, all the other high tech gizmos. Motion sensor, AP Sensor set to vibrate, not as good but handy from time to time. Considering MGS3 takes place in the 1960s it would probably have been as space age as the gear from the first Metal Gear Solid, but it still is just dead weight. From binoculars and a MK23 SOCOM to Thermal Goggles and a Knife 😉

The Jungles just not my bag for sneak past without dropping any but it’s a good game. It’s also great to see the legendary “Big Boss” in his youth. It’s quite a sad story though, I remember after finally completing it the first trip through.

It was nice to know that Snake and Eva got some time alone, without hundreds of soviet infantry on patrol. Especially considering how much the characters were put through, including Big Bosses eye… Kind of sad really but I think it makes it easier to snipe lol. And it ends with the cold hard facts, Evas betrayal, The Bosses real mission, and that the real aim of the ordeal was nothing more then to secure the Philosophers Legacy.

The story of “The Boss” is a sobering one, yet she was loyal to her country to the end. Is it really any wonder that after being granted the title of “Big Boss” for his success during Operation Snake eater that he eventually turns?

It’s been a long time but if I recall correctly, when Big Boss betrayed the Solid Snake we’ve all enjoyed destroying Metal Gears as. He was trying to create a warrior state with sufficient fire power to insure there independence or the destruction of any threats.

I look forward to MGS4 and the rest to come, and I wonder if Solid Snake will share Big Bosses final fate.

Writer’s Block: In this perfect world

What is your idea of a perfect world? Why do you feel this way?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

Hmm, to ignore for a moment the usual ignore all political things policy I have for content here…

My idea of a more perfect world would be one with less fighting and more cooperation.

A single unified government and military across the world…

It’s always been my believe that political parties and “playing politics” is a waste of time. Whats right and what needs to be done is what should be done, if you go with what your party says and it is against what you feel is either, why bother?

People in power should use that power to make things better, not squabble over it. That is one thing I do like about FDR, during the great depression President Roosevelt went to work. He didn’t sit on his ass, he tried to solve problems and get people working on the right track.

As opposed to say, spending 8 years arguing back and forth between the Jackasses and the Elephants and getting nothing done. That’s what the world needs, people that will fight to make it a better place instead of bitch over the color of the bike shed!

If the world would work together, we could do so much more… The hungry? If every one did some thing they would be fed, The sick? If every one did some thing they could be cared for… But no, most of us do nothing… I remember comparasons in church of the people to the body of Christ. If the entire world could work towards a goal, it’s best minds, every nations resources, so much could be done.

I think if we had a single government, as opposed to one (or more) in every country it would be easier for us to focus.

Who cares if he is a different religion? Be it a Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim. American, Russian, Japanese, African, white, black, polka dotted, apple or orange, man or woman it matters not so great, we are still one people! A human is a human, by any nationality, by any creed, by any sex. Work needs to be done, not on the national level but on the universal level.

But I think, knowing people.. That odds are such an idea of a unified mankind is only a possibility in the world of Science Fiction. I remember I once had an idea for a set of short stories, where we had begun to explorer space until one day a Chinese ship was destroyed by an alien craft.

The nations of the world forced to unite under one flag to stand against the invaders or die. The idea that I had, was that for each country two leaders would be elected. Each the head of their own (country sized) district. Like a Khan and SaKhan of the clans of BattleTech. One would stay and minister over the affairs of state while the senior of the two would represent the district in joint-council. Where every part of the alliance would have a chance to make there voices heard.

The biggest super powers, leading the road and the power of each vote being factored by the population count. Thus, countries such as The USA, Russia, and China (the 3 main earth factions in the stories) would hold enough sway to be interested in being involed. Yet calculated in such a way that they could still be opposed. Such a system ain’t perfect but when faced with annihilation it sure sounds nice eh?

Some of the designs I drew up for ships of war, were based on the concept that it was a hodge podge fleet. Made up of what ever forces each space-capable country could put together for earths defense, and the increasing attempts to build around a standardized group of tools. Each Marine with the same 6.4mm bull pup style assault rifle. Each ship with the same set of sabre and tri-star fighter craft and the like.

In fact, one of the short stories was to be a rescue mission to save the engineers behind the most successful technologies, the Sabre class fighter and the new ‘ship of the line’ that would create an Assault Frigate to be feared by the enemies capitol ships.

I honestly think, until such a threat or some other reason big enough to force us to do so. That the world will never stand united, unless they must stand as brothers and sisters in arms or become a field of corpses.

In World War II, the people in the US worked together. The soldiers went off to fight, those who stayed worked to give them the tools to win the war, almost every one helping. Today, I wonder if we could even muster half the effort of a few generations ago unless we too had such cause to take unified action. Let along a snow balls chance of the entire world cooperating for any thing but the most serious of goals.

A perfect world for ****me**** however, now that is an easy thought to think about. The things I want in life, nothing more.

Although, considering my families part in that… I think getting people into an human-wide organization for the betterment of the world would be easier lol.

It’s crowded in worship today
As she slips in
Trying to fade into the faces
The girls’ teasing laughter is carrying farther than they know
Farther than they know

But if we are the Body
Why aren’t His arms reaching
Why aren’t His hands healing
Why aren’t His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren’t His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way
There is a way

A traveler is far away from home
He sheds his coat
And quietly sinks into the back row
The weight of their judgmental glances tells him that his chances
Are better out on the road

But if we are the Body
Why aren’t His arms reaching
Why aren’t His hands healing
Why aren’t His words teaching
And if we are the Body
Why aren’t His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way

Jesus paid much too high a price
For us to pick and choose who should come
And we are the Body of Christ

Chorus (2x)
If we are the body
Why aren’t His arms reaching
Why aren’t His hands healing
Why aren’t His words teaching
And if we are the body
Why aren’t His feet going
Why is His love not showing them there is a way

Jesus is the way

— If We Are The Body, Casting Crowns

I think that song shows some what the problems of this world. And if you’ve ever seen a dedicated body at work you know what they can do…. Now if only it was on such a grand scale.

Day 1, the new doctrine

Well I’ve gotten almost absolutely nothing done but it’s been a generally peaceful day, rather then a hectic one. I’m really not looking forward to work tomorrow either :-(, Mondays is afternoon to evening.

Still pushing “personal best” records for operating on a minimal of sleep. I don’t really have much problem, never really have been comfortable any way. What I miss at night I make up for the next day if necessary 0.o

Managed to get all of my pictures transfered to the file server by way of my desktops card reader. Only to end up having to take a few more later lol. Our cameras documentation does a bad job of assuming that your only ever going to use it with there Windows software but once the camera is set up to use USB/Mass Storage rather then USB/PTP it’s easy to use it 🙂

Just hooked it up to my laptops USB port and powered it on, simple FAT16 mount operation. The only problem though is only root can mount my da devices : so I’ll have to fix that later in devfs.* files.

My laptop has a card reader but sadly it doesn’t work with FreeBSD :-(. I still need to transfer the kernel over from my test machine to the test FreeBSD 7.0-Release install here so I can test one of the drivers… If that doesn’t work I need to look at trying to write a driver or give up on my dream of using my spare SD Card for file transfer :@

Coco and Willow

I still need to learn about touching up photo’s in GIMP, don’t think the dogs like being photographed lol. Then again I don’t really like being *in* pictures either, haha that reminds me of a picture of my Dad. He was working on the van, sticking his tongue out in disgust at Ma coming by with the camera <_<.

Spent some time in TG#3 kicking in with Flashbangs after lunch. Been at least a week since I’ve had a serious round but the rust don’t build that fast when you’ve had as many ours in the virtual shoot house as I have… Noah ran a Live Op this afternoon on TG#1; Most people were a bit disoriented that Wiz had team radar and team names disabled, we don’t usually train that way although we go in without team radar on Live Ops fairly often. I was like, ok he’s standing near our AoR, he’s holding a G36K, and he’s got a stock armpatch, and he more like Noer then JB so I knew who to follow.
Without the team names on it’s hard to tell who is who but between equipment, armmpatach, body language, and mission plan it is not impossible to do so in a tight element.

It was a good operation even if it went to pot fast.

The plan was that Wiz, Noer (EL+TL), and Me would move up to the first van and cover. While Bravo team (Ambu, JB (EL), and Noah) moved around the side alley to the store room. The tangos heard Bravo moving across the front door (our Point of Entry) and they blew the door out with a frag on us.

Noer ordered Bravo team to move in with Flashbangs and clear to store front while Alpha was to take over there AoR out back. So Wiz started off running and we dogged it to the west side of the map gunning down threats as they came. Not sure how many casualties were on Bravo but in Alpha we only had maybe one man injured (Noers Arm :).

We did a quick bang entry into the store room, passing along the left office wall. Our person of interest (1 of the hostages) came running out fleeing. I ducked my head into the room to see if there was any threat, because I might have to cover 90 degres to it’s left. Looked clear, was about to report that there was a second room inside over comms when a tango waltzed out. Put a burst of shots his way and as usual for RvS, none did squat, he ran through the bullets into the back room. And gunned down a second hostage and I could see the gun of another tango in there flagging around the corner 🙁

Live Op Failure.

It was nice to get to see *some* of the inside of the mission. I knew the map because I used it for Live Op “IRA Sting” like last year. But I spent that Live Operation out side with a Snipers Rifle rather then in a cushy TOC when the first entry team was gunned down by the get away driver 0.o

We might have failed the LO but it was well executed IMHO. Noer planned out the assault and coordinated the teams before we moved out and all we had for floor plans. Was a sketch (not very detailed) that Noah did of the area on a piece of notebook paper.

When that front door went up in smoke we had to do some thing, he sent in the closest team and swapped the AoRs to compensate. Taking us from a stealth infiltration to a dynamic blow and go. I think he did a fine job, it’s just that one of the hostages didn’t make it out :

shell sock

One of those moments where you see things a little bit differently. As if the
clouds are gone, as if you took a step off that cliff and now you see the stars
rushing before your eyes (before you go SPLAT).

Often I’ve had a (bad) day when I’ve felt that if I was any one else I know, I
would probably be stark raving drunk. S’course that is not how I operate so I
don’t spend my time that way.

But what am I? But doing the same thing as any drunkerd, different sword, same
purpose. To escape from the pain, to be free of that tiney little hell.. even if
for mere moments.

The drunk looks for his relief in the bottom of a bottle. Is it any different
then what I do? With this constant busyness, what purpose can it seve but furfil
that same cycle.

I’m not busy as I am, because I must be but because I wish to be. So why do I
wish to be? Yet what is there for me if I am not. I must learn to forget the
past, let it be the past as I look forward to the future.

Yet I cannot walk in the same way, the same patterns. Who do I kill but myself?
I’m not the one with problems, I’m the one people come to with problems.. That
is strange but it’s been fairly constant during my life.

And I have no problem with it, what else could I do but offer my ear?

Yet I walk alone, where so few may enter that chamber. Not of my own free will,
but of my surroundings I say to myself.. Yet it is a lie, yes if only to myself
that I may lie.

I’ve sought out the busyness of my life, until such a point I am nearer to
collapse. Because I can’t bear to see the same thoughts pass through my mind,
how else can I give myelf peace?

But what am I doing but wasting my life.

I once said, if not more then once said. That I could forgive almost any thing,
perhaps it is true. I don’t really hold any thing against any one, don’t
honestly know if I could. Save against myself, easely to forgive anohter but not
so easy my own deeds.

I say, the blame lay with her not with me

but does it not with us all? As I look back upon a time of my life. One where
pain and love were well intermixed. I see there that demon, that very demon.

What else can I do? But face myself, without a shield, weapononless.

There is no one else to hide from, there is no need to hide.

Why then do I kill myself in this endless toil? To drown in it as another man
would drown in Vodka.

To no more length can I hold onto the past, let it rest and be forgotton. I can
not walk alone into the future, be it through a valley of shadows or into sun

Face that terror, do not be bound by it but destroy it. See it for what it is,
and never surrender to it.

I feel in a way, as if I’ve been walking along on that road, ever so long. That
I did not see this steep drop in front of me, and now I tumble, down, down
through that abyss. And only GOD know’th what be on the other side.

To a new future do we embark, in search of that underscovered country, be it
ever so sweet, or ever so empty. Over the hill, through the valley, and out into
the light.

Where only the free may walk, free of there own terrors.

— the musings of my mind.

Perhaps I now know why that specter of my dreams, haunts me so.

I hate word processing

Hmm, a small dilemma unfolds itself.

To view files in .doc, .odt, .rtf, et. al. formats I need a word processor that supports them.

To create one, I would generally use Google Docs — normally I use TeX /w LaTeX or XHTML+CSS instead though and skip WYSIWYG word processor crap 🙂

And I’m not about to upload every flib’n file I have to look at to Google Docs either… Nore do I want to bother with programs like anti-word.

But which do I install?

Microsoft Word is arguably the word processor by which all others are judged, much like GNU Emacs is when looking at emacsen.

But when you combine that it is closed source, only supports WinNT, and costs an arm & a leg it is just not worth the extra features unless you need them enough to run Windows for them lol.

Abiword is apart of Gnome Office and light & fast while keeping to a MS Word (pre 2k7) style. The only problems I’ve had with it is it forced me into using MS Word .doc files as the lowest common denominator between word processors! The choice was either .rtf or .doc because Word wouldn’t take any of the other files each of the others could handle.

The only problem is that Abiword couldn’t (and still couldn’t last I looked at it’s dev version) lay out our pages right like the other programs did. So we had to use .doc which worked fine in Abiword 🙁 has a good enough word processor, swriter — not as feature full as MS Word but heavier then Abiword. It’s a great program and I’ve used it often in the past for School but for my laptops 512MB of RAM it is a little *to heavy* for my tastes. To be honest, I don’t want to wait forever for a word processor to startup — because it reminds me if some idiot didn’t send me {.rtf,.doc,.odt,.abw,} files I would be using a pager to read the text instead.

KWord is actually quite nice even if it is probably not the best word processor out there. I like very much that despite the similarity in name that KWord tries to be it’s *own* program rather then another imitator.

The problem is like swriter, kword comes with an entire office suite :. I don’t need a Office Gfx app, I use GIMP and a few others when needed. Don’t need a presentation system — I wouldn’t touch one without a pay check! Don’t need a database client because I’d probably use some thing like mysql’s client. And I rarely use either word processors or spreadsheets beyond viewing files.

Hmm… well there’s 17gb of disk space to spare just for installing software so no harm in having both KOffice and most of Gnome Office I suppose.

Now if only they could lift even a finger nail to TeX !

Writer’s Block: Meaningful Words

What is your favorite quote? And why?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother

This is one of my favorite quotes, I remember when Rand used to do training on [SAS] TG#1. He always tried to get it across to everyone that you always take care of your element. You wouldn’t want to finish the mission a couple of friends less if it was a real-op would you?

Be it virtual or real world, it is a concept worth taking heed of.

I remember some thing I read once about lend lease.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, eager to ensure public consent for this controversial plan, explained to the public and the press that his plan was comparable to one neighbor’s lending another a garden hose to put out a fire in his home. “What do I do in such a crisis?” the president asked at a press conference. “I don’t say… ‘Neighbor, my garden hose cost me $15; you have to pay me $15 for it’ â€ĶI don’t want $15 — I want my garden hose back after the fire is over.”

If your house is burning to the ground in front of them, you’ll either see your friends and neighborers helping or sitting around waiting on the fire department while you fry like bacon.

A bit more context to the original qoute:

Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made
And crowns for convoy put into his purse:
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is called the feast of Crispian:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Crispian:’
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.
And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.’
Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember with advantages
What feats he did that day: then shall our names.
Familiar in his mouth as household words
Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remember’d.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember’d;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

King Henry V, Act IV, Scene III, William Shakespeare

I do have a bit of a soft spot for Shakespeare’s plays, I usually find them utterly boring or very enjoyable :-). I remember I was once working on a poem and a good friend of mine pointed me towards Romeo and Juliet for inspiration. It didn’t help worth a darn but it was a fine play !

Any thing remotely classifiable as poetry from me, usually comes from very strong feelings… For better or worse as the case may be. I find it helps from time to time to use words in such a manor as what most people would probably consider as having a poetic or psalm like flair to them.. Some times committing it to file rather then leaving it in my mind is a great way to order my thoughts.

This particular bit of work I’m thinking of was like the blood flowing from the stone so to speak but love can do crazy things to a mans heart. I keep a copy of it stored in my home directories ~/Documents/Personal folder but it is still a one-issue’er, for none other to receive. Some day perhaps I’ll post it but not this morning, fuuy… been installing programs so long it’s after 5am :

Hmm… this brings back tender memories, I think if I had a word processor installed on PC-BSD yet I’d read it before I go to sleep.

A moment for truth

I’ve got the PC-BSD 1.4.x->1.5 patch pbi downloading, from the best (for me) US Mirror available at a snails pace (20-30kb/sec), so that means it is either time to power cycle ye’ol modem+router or things must be pretty busy. A nice power-cycle and spit upon the hardware and we’re back up to a more acceptable 75-150+ kb/sec according to kget but it still blows. I’ve noticed whenever it rains the internet connection gets even less stable here :

I’m not sure what state the update will leave my laptop in but I know that the *IMPORTANT* stuff is backed up. I trust FreeBSD and OpenBSDs update procedures waaayyy more then PC-BSDs… Today I give them one on trust.

Normally my test machine is patched first and examined for errors, this time I will skip that phase and we will see the results. I have stuff backed up to $VECTRA:/srv/smb/Backups/ which I use as a sort of cache, stuff goes here and gets gradually removed but it stays on one of SAL1600s cold storage partitions much longer.

Dixie-backup-2008-02-28.tar.gz          code-stuff.tar
Lexmark-Z12-lxm3200-tweaked.ppd docs-stuff.tar
MaxSec4E.tar.bz2 etc.tar

the *stuff.tar files hold the only things I’ve changed (and care if are lost) since my last backup, the boot and etc tarballs hold the only critical system files that may be changed since my last backup as well. So honestly the only casualties will be few if the upgrade goes badly — having to reinstall crap.

If the PC-BSD upgrade goes badly, there is a three disk set of FreeBSD 7.0-Release sitting on my desk and a list of programs I have been keeping which will soon be scp’d to my VECTRA for safe keeping hehe. The only things missing from the list are language bindings, namely that I need Python bindings for Qt3 for work on NPM.

# languages
# manual install needed for JDK/JRE
ruby && rubygem-rtags && rubygem-rake

# libraries

# development tools
cscope && kscope

# games

# graphics software

# browsers

# e-mail and news
thunderbird && thunderbird-i18n

# kontact and related

# chat
pidgin && pidgin-hotkeys
pidgin-guifications || pidgin-libnotify
pidgin-otr && pidgin-encryption

xemacs || emacs

# multimedia
mplayer # install codecs manually, more reliable
smplayer-qt4 && smplayer-themes
mencoder # not sure if there is a pkg

# documents
gnumeric || koffice

# personal
rxvt-unicode || aterm

Vim is not on the list, because ever since one day I was setting up a FreeBSD install and the port was broken. I learned to install it from the sources on, so I continue to do so even now.

If all goes FUBAR with the 1.5 patch, well FreeBSD 7 here I come. It should only take a few hours to get the necessary software installed, a package add on xorg-7.3 alone should take awhile <_<. And a couple minutes to decide if I want XDM, KDM, or GDM (Xs, KDEs, or Gnomes) login manager while I’m waiting. I can also use the 7.0-Release kernel from my test machine hehe.

I expect as long as the 1.4 -> 1.5 update leaves my laptop in a bootable state that I shouldn’t have any problems. There is a limit to how much I’ll be willing to stand fixing myself of course. The last time I let it do any major upgrades it was so kind as to delete all files in /usr/local/* so I’m prepared to reinstall my software if necessary but not PC-BSD 😉

Let’s see the outcome.

Today si deffo a time for some rest, it’s becoem clear that my family will ensure nothing productive gets done during daylight any way…..

I think I have room clearing on my mind enough to be dreaming about it :. It was like a game of F.E.A.R. but being Element Leader instead of point man, sadly no one else survived once Alma showed up :

And then a subway full of replicas… hehe

pass the ammo.

day.log, I

I’e kept a generally log of the day, I intend to do so tomorrow as well if possible. Perhaps I can find a more optimal way of doing things that way.

vim: set et :

1337 -- awake
walk dogs
1314 -- interrupted
1324 -- exercise
1327 -- interrupted during 'down time'
1328 -- resumed, moving to crunches
1330 -- interrupted on count 21 :-(
1340 -- shave
1410 -- shower
1434 -- make lunch
1440 -- E-Mail
1445 -- eat lunch !!!
1456 -- quick web surfing
1514 -- home work
found books in 'use' as a coat rack
# of interruptions: 4
1827 -- start rest time [read to bored to continue]
1950 -- return to edrudgery
# of interruptions: 4
2043 -- dinner
2056 -- family time
2325 -- R&R, net time ;-)
0045 -- more home work, by monitor light.
# of interruptions: 1
0207 -- the news feeds
0212 -- official down time.
Lassen mir Das programmieren beginnen // could be written better... lol
0402 -- bed time

The interruptions count is how many times I got interrupted in the middle of stuff. It’s good that for much of the afternoon I was the only one awake :-).

I’ve almost completed the last of the social civics, tomorrow it falls… Well pardoning that whether permitting my mother has good plans that I’ll end up back-up man on a grocery shopping trip this weekend :=/.

Oy’ I’m going to need a vacation from my vacation! I only have two modes of operation, like a big switch. Lazy Do Nothing — or — Work Till I Drop.

The problem is I only get a few days a month if any that I *can* take the time to work till I drop on any thing, without going to bed around 5 or 6 am…