Holy glockomoly…. LaTeX makes XHTML look hard and that was a cake walk.

for the software,

pkg_add -r latex2e

Which of course fetches tex. Then I installed print/dvips via ports since there was no package on the mirror. Then I did a pkg_add -r of dvips2ascii because I’d like to setup my vimrc file for viewing files, since it already can handle pdf’s hehe.

So far the only bad thing that seems to come in mind about working directly in LaTeX is having to define label{} on elements that we want to ref{} later

latex handles the *.tex files written and makes the *.dvi, which dvips can turn into *.ps (PostScript), I think dvipdf requires dvips to work right not sure.

So essentially from LaTeX sources a lot of formats can be generated, while allowing a very easy writing experience in the comfort of ones favorite editing application.

ToDo: LaTeX

LaTeX: from quick and dirty to style and finesse

Small LaTeX Tutorial

Learning TeX was on my to do list many moons ago but more or less fail off the chopping block because when I ‘need’ printed files that go beyond pure text I’ll usually use Vim to write up a quick doc using (X)HTML and CSS. Because I’d rather write a web page for printing then use a word processor…. MS Word, SWriter, KWord, Abiword, bah humbug — piles of crap.

LaTeX shouldn’t be to bad a starting point, I’m not sure if there is much documentation left for plain ol’TeX yet (also on the todo list).

I did try Lyx in the last and even TeXmacs (which does not use TeX but can export to TeX/LaTeX)… But like WYSIWYG HTML Editors (Nvu, Dreamweaver e.t.c.) I ruled them out as paper weights.

When I tried to learn Vim, I refused to use the GUI (gvim) and used it in console mode only… Couldn’t even figure out how to save a file at first and I dumped it for XEmacs. Sure enough some day I went back and learned Vim, *my way* in console mode and it’s like my arm or a foot… not a crutche but a tool.

The difference between a tool and a crutch, is a tool helps you get work done. A crutch is an excuse not to learn how to do the work. Whether WYSIWYG programs become tools or crutches are a matter of the end users future.

So it is much the same that I would prefer to learn Tex / LaTeX through code not through ‘easy’ interfaces. I learned XHTML and CSS because I was bored one day and decided I’m sitting down and learning to write a web page, I just hit W3C and the road laid before me.

Tactical Gloves


recommended by radical ghost for use with sas skin


So freaking tired…

A thousand and one interuptions, annoyances, and aggrivations later…

3 of my exams are ‘almost’ ready to be mailed, one Q left to answer on the last one.

And a prototype of the new searchlet module grows a menu bar and context menu; I’m testing to see how to set it up that one can select a given port from the list and choose to install/e.t.c. from the menu. Progress is only limited by time constraints (e.g. the till I pass out limit and people driving my batty all day problem).

Great progress but so freaking tired… family should help getting school done not hinder it and every thing else if you ask me…

The battle continues even if they make it an uphill one.

Some how it figures… I try to work during the afternoon and I end up with a splitin headache… that is my family for ya !

Blitzkrieg on homework.

In the past hour I’ve almost completed 3 exams in my ‘home work’ stack. Tomorrow I need to finish them, I just need to dig into my text books to look up a reference.

Yesterday I had 2 finished and sent them out this morning.

I might not make it to a Diploma, but hell I am not going out without a fight 😉

The charge

The fire is lit,

like a bull seeing red,

it’s feet ready to charge,

the obstacles that lay ahead,

will give way to,

the horn of my desire,

crash the gates, let the

fires burn as I charge,

the fire is lit,

oh how hot it burns.

The fire is lit,

nothing to stand in the way,

like a bull seeing red,

it’s feet ready to charge,

the gates begin to fall,

my desire knows no relent,

as the obstacles disappear,

the fires burn,

oh so hot do they burn,

one by one, the objectives

shall be complete.

— Me, on the course to completing my education

Favorite Song

This is my favorite ones to hit my usual radio station hehe.

Found a YouTube link as well

(This is for all you sophisticated ladies out there)

She grew up in the city in a little subdivision,
Her daddy wore a tie, Momma never fried a chicken,
Ballet, Straight A’s, Most likely to succeed

They bought her a car after graduation
Sent her down south for some higher education
Put her on the fast track to a law degree

Now she’s comin home to visit
holdin the hand
Of a wild-eyed boy
with a farmer’s tan

And shes ridin in the middle of his pickup truck
Blarin Charlie Daniels yellin, “Turn it up!”
They raised her up a lady
but there’s one thing they couldn’t avoid
Ladies love country boys

(You know its true)

Yeah, you know momma’s and daddy’s want better for their daughters
Hope they’ll settle down with a doctor or a lawyer
In their uptown, ball gown, hand-me-down royalty

They never understand
why their princess falls
For some camouflage britches
and a southern boy drawl

Or why she’s ridin in the middle of a pickup truck
Blarin Hank Jr. yellin, “Turn it up!”
They raised her up a lady
but there’s one thing they couldn’t avoid
Ladies love country boys

(oooh, get country with it)

You can train ‘em
You can try to teach ‘em right from wrong
But it’s still gonna turn ‘em on

When they go ridin in the middle of a pickup truck
Blarin Lynyrd Skynyrd yellin, “Turn it up!”
You can raise her up a lady
but there’s one thing you jus can’t avoid
Ladies love country boys

They love us country boys
Ooooooh yeah
It’s that country thing you know

What Do You Have To Say? – Ringing in 2008

What are your New Year’s Eve plans?
Brought to you by HP

Live Journal Writer’s Block


Stuff my face with food (two days of family semi-feast’ish eating hehe)

Blast the music (via headphones when others are near)

Nuke some tangos and rescue hostages with teammates

Code 🙂

And get home work done.

Nice NY eh? Well I’m not actually complaining loool

I’ve actually got almost 3 back tests ready to be sent in for grading.. I’m gettinmg that bloody High School Diploma if I’ve gotta kick myself through it… The working hours are level enough that I can actually do home work now lol. And without having to worry so much…

2008 can’t be a worse year then those that have gone before, the worst events of my life might be classifiable in the 2006-2007 range but the best probably 2004-2005 and even the worst times… Not really that bad compared to some people. I can’t help but wonder what growth and learning the future may offer and the dreams that follow them.

I also wonder just how much ‘alike’ in its own way things might have been back in 1908 in regard to various events and happenings.