Willow is usually comfortable in the afternoons, and the lead instigator of treats when she’s awake.
And then sometimes she’s just surprised by delicious mysteries, lol
An orange in an apple orchard
So of the various ways that Windows NT pisses me off, one is networking.
Years of roaming between my home and work networks never made my Debian partition miss a beat. But with the Windows partition, it often decides to give me the finger.
Home/DHCP and Work/Static shouldn’t be an issue, but however I’ve managed to achieve the state (more than once) it decides that Work/DNS servers should be used in place of Home/DHCP lease. Which of course means pain in my arse.
The various methods of stabbing NT’s network stack with a spork through netsh and ipconfig didn’t help me, or I’ve never learned more useful pressure points. Regardless the applied settings don’t match what I’ve tried to configure on the connection nor the adapter through both the modern and old interface.
What finally works is this: https://superuser.com/a/1464468/295120
Hunted down the entry that corresponds to my pain woe and purged the value of ProfileNameServer for both tcpip and tcpip6. Vola the mother fucker switches back to the DNS in my DHCP lease.
On the way home I had a scathingly brilliant idea. Combine the leftover noodles from last night’s garlic/olive oil/cheese plan with spinach and beans.
Willow and company were just sad that they didn’t get any of the chicken. Although they were happy for the beef / gravy chaser I set out for them, lol.
Gamer Installs Crysis 3 On GeForce RTX 3090’s VRAM – And It Runs
Not sure if I’m more impressed that someone actually tried this, or that we live in a world where you can get a graphics card with more memory than most people’s PCs.
Whether I spend it on gaming, or programming, or anything else. I find it’s a fairly narrow window betweent hat point where the dogs start deciding it’s time for bed, and they decide me getting on the computer before bed isn’t a valid excuse for it being too early for bed.
Shortly after Misty’s nightly meds the dogs usually want to get ready for bed. When they decide if I’m not in bed yet there’s going to be treats to pay is rarely long after :/.
Actually Willow always kind of wants treats but she knows after bed her odds of success go waaay down.
On the flip side in that narrow window for getting things done, I’ve got speakers and some nice music on the Country Jukebox. But of course it’s long past the point of going to bed before the dogs get anymore antsy, lol.
Japan’s amazing healthcare system summed up in photo of hospital bill for father’s heart surgery
With or without my health insurance: I rather imagine that my perspective would be somewhere between dying in the street, and thanking god we don’t have debters prisons per se. Considering how things worked out for my father in the ‘80s, I’m sure that anything involving the words heart and surgery have even worse price tags today.
There’s plenty of good stuff about living in America. The cost of our healthcare isn’t typically on that list.
While I’m not a big fan of musicals: when Netflix suggested musical remake of The Producers, I filed it as “Yeah, I oughta get around to watching that.” Glad I did.