My first experiment making sweet tea involved a bunch of old oolong tea that I had sitting on a shelf, and was deemed successful.

Repeating the experiment with some fresh tea, well, it was successful—but it was more like a great success.

Personally, I’ve never cared very much for hot tea, nor regular iced tea. So much as dealing with friends and family caused me to tolerate them. And then there’s sweet tea. Now that’s something that I’ll drink with pleasure, lol.

Pissed off: Willow’s affront at my eating a cookie, and not sharing.

Happy doggy: Willow’s elation at being offered an actual dog treat.

Things I will miss after the pandemic: traffic being so darned light, as most of those able to work from home, actually do.

Thing’s I won’t miss: finding a dozen mega rolls on the store shelves, and being thrilled!

Upside of email notifications: knowing you’ve got email.

Downside of email notifications; “Huh, why the @#$& am I awake now?”

Which makes me remember this morning, that I had a dream about people being disappointed by my unwillingness to work twenty days straight without sleep. That was an interesting dream….lol

Microsoft Just Showed An Uncomfortable Truth About The Xbox Series X And PS5

Not a commentary I ever really expected to see published, given the norm is closer to frothy mouthed eye candy and marketing spiel. But surprisingly well noted.

Something I would also add to this is the implications for developers has evolved as well. For a damned affordable price, the Xbox One delivered some impressive gaming hardware that would be difficult to match for the price; those of us who build gaming desktops, or buy laptops for the purpose, know how painfully expensive they are. Meanwhile for the price of a laptop that doesn’t suck, you can get a game console that can pump out stellar graphics.

I feel that with the evolution of hardware, we have reached a point where decent graphics is now more in the hands of the art and engines under the hood. Not the hardware. That is to say, the modern console has the resources that you don’t need to worry—the same way as melting laptops that shouldn’t even be running your game to begin with, lol.

The last several decades were full of “Holy crap, how can they do that and not melt the machine?” leaps in fidelity, and performance. Even in my childhood, we had massive graphic leaps like DooM and Resident Evil. Games whose graphics today, we would hardly get impressed over without a realization of what limited  they had to run on. Pumping out awe inspiring graphics is still a lot of work, and doing it in a performant way is still challenging, but it’s still impressive what you can do with a humble Xbox or PlayStation at this point. The next generation will just bring more headroom 🙂.

Willow’s log, supplemental

Human slept in late. He was tired.

We went for a morning walk, it was nice. I got to sniff many plants, and pee on a few of them.

After Misty’s walk, human disappeared to do stuff. I was told to stand guard.

Human came back. He gave us hash browns. Also treats. I love treats.

Human sat at his desk typing things. I took a nap. He was still typing when I woke up.

There was a loud ringing sound, and then human had to go do some actual paper work.

When he came back, I got another walk. It was great, but I wish that we had gotten a few more laps in.

Foolish human went back to typing. I went back to a nap, after treats were given.

Human made this thing called sweet tea. He asked my thoughts, but drank half a glass without sharing.

There was more napping and typing.

Watched human start making dinner, and cleaning the kitchen. Foolish human, you should take nap like me.

Human made much deliciousness, but did not share the food. I was sad.

Oh my gosh, treats! Honest to goodness, meaty delicious treats! GIVE ME!!!! OM NOM NOM!!!!

I am so full. I wish human would give me more treats. For some reason: he says I must eat dog food now.

Human says paw prints are hard to clean off keyboards. I do not understand this.

Wait, am I getting a treat for all this good typing?

Well that’s neat. Blogger’s post editor is now showing a visual makeover, much like the Pages and Stats sections.

Seems like the formatting and such is all still here, but it’s a refreshed design.

It’s been so many weeks since I really got any rest at all, I think part of me began to forget just how amazing a restorative crash on /dev/couch could be.

It’s an experience less like dozing off, and more like being a sedated sloth until the batteries recharge a smidge. Sadly, I find my batteries recharge at a minuscule rate compared to my youth, but the effect is still pleasing. Or as I like to remember eventually one must have rest, or death like effects follow.
In my case, not only was a feast-sized meal followed by much crashing on the couch, but also some good viewing. Finished watching last night’s movie (The Patriot) while catching up on my reading. Then thoroughly crashed. For landing, I went with the Milim / Charybdis arc of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. TenSura is full of pleasing characters, Milim is one. I love that her personality is a very energetic and playful one, yet at > 10 x Rimuru’s strength, her punch packs a wallot fitting the title Demon Lord. And there’s also characters like Gobta, whose comic relief bounces between useless clown and champion hero.
I kind of like spirited characters who don’t align with obvious expectations :P.

Most nights, I cook dinner at home. And then there’s times for ordering a delicious food coma.

Plus there’s enough leftover for dinner tomorrow, after filling my dinner plate.