Can you tell that I didn’t share my cookies?
Mean manipulative human:
- Eat my snack.
- Give glaring dogs some treats.
- Give hangry doggos treats.
- Eat snack, and share with doggos.
- Give doggo some moar treats.
Shocking things: when you see Blogger UI refreshed with a small bit of Material coat, and wonder what when was the last time someone actually pushed a change to the “Main”, or heck, even the “Draft” version.
And there’s now a “Back to classic Blogger” under the menu. For some reason the default view has shifted to the Stats entry, which was the last thing to get a face lift. The Posts entry now has faster card like elements instead of a dense list of text, and there’s a floating + button; operations that were in the over the top Gmail-esque menu bar are either gone, or relegated to buttons over the card view.
If I didn’t know better, I would think someone at Google actually cared :-o.
And sometimes we have family nap time, and I am tempted to use a dog (or two) for a pillow, lol.
They are sweet, lovable, little goonie birds with fur.
One of the metrics I have for software is encountering bugs. That is to say if you really use a program a lot: you will eventually find bugs, even if they’re not epic ones. For really good software that you really use a lot: these things don’t happen often.
Well, somewhere in between a nice little repeatable for the Crunchyroll app on Fire TV. In the queue view (haven’t tried others): if you click the tile for a show, and then quickly hit a movement key on the remote: you’ll get the episode information, but the background art will be for the show last selected; hitting view series details will also go to the last selected show rather than the clicked one.
I’d be drunk to ever claim Crunchyroll’s apps don’t tend to suck more often than not, but I did find this bug amusing.
The other day, I decided to plug in my old Thor model HDX7, since I couldn’t remember the last time I had bothered to charge it. Was surprised to find it with 6% remaining. But, my relationship with it regarding battery life has been kind of like the Energizer Bunny commercials with “Going, and going, and going”; or whatever it is they use as a slogan. I don’t think I ever managed to really ding its battery, aside from leaving it idle for a couple weeks.
Extra surprising: the last update it got for Fire OS was installed February, 2019.
That’s really not bad for a device I got free from a Dolby developer raffle. Still running a form of Android 4.4/K, but considering the device came out around 2013, and had internals on par with the Nexus of the day—I’d say the little thang has faired pretty well.
I suppose one of these days, I should probably finish turning it into a digital picture frame, or something.
Check out what I’m watching on Crunchyroll!
In cycling back to ReZdro, where I left off at the subjugation of the white whale: I’m reminded that all great battles, should probably be fought in the name of love; and sometimes you’ve just gotta lead off with following the two idiots up front….lol.
Also pretty sure that eating the old man’s beloved wife was the biggest mistake the white whale ever made. Followed by the whole thing with Rem’s death in the Return By Death process that lead Subaru into this insanity.
Yes, never piss these folks off.
While I’ve met a few dogs in my life who could be called birders, Willow is more of a fisher as far as scavengers go. That is to say if her spider sense detects fish, she will likely be very interested.
The onigiri I made last night of course drew some attention, since tuna was involved.
But nothing quite gets their collective attention like treats 😁.
Check out what I’m watching on Crunchyroll!
Okay, as the ROFL continues, I’m definitely calling this worth watching.
The scene with her “Hijacking” the bullying event in the name of sweets, and giving them the death glare, especially made me laugh my ass off. Not to mention there’s several such awesome scenes in this week’s episode….lol
I don’t miss dial-up, but here’s some ’90s PC stuff I secretly want back
Gotta admit, they almost lost me at Clippy, but generally it’s a good lost, lol.