Unlike in my childhood: it’s kind of rare I have much ice cream these days. Rarer still with so many trimmings.
Of course this doesn’t mean Willow is content with my explanation of why it’s not for dogs…
An orange in an apple orchard
Passing thought: it’s kind of sad The Outlaw King trilogy never ended up a TV mini series, or a feature length film. And probably never will 😕.
The whirlwind in the thorn tree, Law of the wolf, and Ten thousand devils made a rather good set of stories. Both when I read it years ago, and as I reread it, I enjoy this tale.
Possible signs that I have strange, or at least varied tastes: when my debate of what to cycle back to reading includes:
Thumbing through my Steam library, my brain eventually floats off in various directions.
One is the reminder that Love In Space recently released their follow up to Shinning Song Starnova, and remember that last time I had checked their Patreon, and active projects post, the next installment of Sunrider was next on their road map. Much to my joy, it seems like Sunrider 4: Captain’s Return is elevated to current project. Just as previously scheduled.
I remember playing Mask of Arcadius, and enjoying how they combined turn based fleet + mech tactics with a visual novel setting. Because who doesn’t want to laugh your ass off between being out numbered like 80:1 in a space battle? I think MoA is still free, and it’s worth playing both for the intro to Sunrider’s story, and for the campaign.
When Liberation Day came out it was a rather shuddup, and take my money response. Excellent improvement on the mechanics, and enjoyable for the same reasons. But of course the damned thing ends with a cliff hanger end on par with Old Ben Kenobi, so it’s been a long wait to see what happens next.
The purely VN based expansion with a side story / alternate endings for the crew was also pretty amazing. Give or take how many jokes you can make about the story twists that Claude aka miss boob rockets presented in the campaign. Won’t spoil the details, but let’s just say between her attempts on Captain Shields, and what she turns out to be, you can probably enjoy that lark a lot more than the other plot twists. Because it totally fits her personality, and should make you revisit some of your beliefs in religion and science :P.
Ahh, in a few years perhaps we will have Sunrider 4….hehehe.
This is an interesting perspective IMHO. Even more so, as a Pro 11 user: who debates a larger model as an upgrade path in 3-5 years. The physical difference between the 11”, and my 9.7” Samsung isn’t big enough to really mind, but the 12.9” is rather heavier.
I kind of abuse my tablets enough that a larger screen is a plus. But my experiences with 12” tablets has mostly been phrased by too heavy, too expensive, and too big to be a main device. But that’s more to do with 16:10. When I saw the 11” and 12.9” models side by side, I kind of decided the aspect ratio made the two iPads close enough in physical screen size, not to care about the greater size, so much as the greater weight to heft.
For me, coming from a Galaxy Tab S3: I found the 11” Pro a pretty safe bet. Comparable enough in size and weight that it shouldn’t interfere with my couch surfing, or being my bench notebook. In practice the difference is minor, just large enough to make a keyboard case a more practical option than before. While still maintaining that near perfect size that 9.7” tablets achieved.
Having a SoC that should be suitable for about as long as the iOS updates keep coming, or until hardware makes a notable difference, I’m also quite thrilled by the lasting power being closer to my laptop’s life expectancy than my tablets. Well, give or take that my true reason for the hardware change was my Samsung’s screen getting cracked….lol.
Something I also like is Ali’s point about the Pro. Because to be honest, selecting the Pro for me, was more about not rewiring all my things from USB-C to Lightning than about the performance jump from an Air to a Pro. Let’s just say, I’m not interesting in the fruity connector instead of what the rest of the world is doing 😛.
10 Anime To Watch If You Love Overlord
To this: I’ll just append the note that all of these are worth watching 😝
I’ve always figured this was published somewhere given the nature of the Apollo program, and how things turned out with that mission in particular. But didn’t think a public version would be this detailed, or complete.
For the most part, I’ve been fortunate: I’ve lived a relatively peaceful life compared to my turbulent childhood. I’ve accomplished most of what my younger self viewed as the best case scenario for this stage of my life; whether that holds out for the remaining 10 ~ 60 Years that I should have left to live, one can at least hope the rest of life is pretty decent.
But sometimes I think over my life, and I wonder if I may have missed the most important parts of what I wished my life would be by now.
This is less a fear of missing out, and more like a longing for something missing. I’ve probably
missed out on more them a few thing since I was born, but don’t really care about most of what comes to mind. rather it’s like some wires are in my system, but have insufficient connection at the other end. Or as I like to think of it: some things don’t really have a concrete answer, or one will only be forthcoming in heaven, if at all.
Sigh, there are some things that can’t really be planned, just as they have no concrete answers in the world.
Check out “Salt” on Netflix
While a pretty good thriller that pretty much is what it sounds like, and perhaps in need of a little plot armor, I’ve got to admit two things: