Yeah, I’m never going to end up this comfortable, lol.

So how, dogs manage to be especially comfortable. As for me, coffee IV, stat!

Misty: must be comfortable.
Willow: must be watchful.

Every now and then I do remind Willow that she is not allowed to eat the neighbors.

Willow’s response to dinner is sometimes to inspect my beard for crumbs.

Catching up on some of my backlog, I’m not sure if it’s sad, or not, that I kinda hope that Isekai Quartet gets milked for every season it’s worth as an idea—but I’m really glad that there is a third season planned 😆.

Needless to say: Willow is out right comfortable, and Misty is perturbed that I’ve returned bearing coffee instead of snacks.

I’m pretty sure that Misty’s face could raise money for charity, if you bribed her with the right food offerings…

Check out what I’m watching on Crunchyroll!

Okay, I figured it would probably be amusing, and I was right, lol.

Particularly like the planning committee inside her head, and how the princes proposal kind of ends up with her going “Oh, shoot!” at failing to dodge such a clear doom flag. Once Keith shows up, amusement continues, and her efforts seem more successful.

Because who doesn’t want to be the villainess in an otome game, who either ends up exiled or killed in every boy’s route? 😄.

It can be a happy family that naps together, or maybe it’s a sign that dogs are more comfortable than humans?

Reasons to love tablets += 1

In my efforts to avoid wrist pain, I’m reminded of one of the great things about tablets: it’s not a keyboard. Also it’s one hand friendly.

Every now and then, I tend to get wrist pain like inflammation near the tunnel zone. In my experience, not pissing it off further, it usually tends to subside within a week or so. Faster if ibuprofen or naproxen is available.

Probably a good thing that most of my home computing tends to route through my tablet, or a TV.

“Why are you going to make coffee instead of bringing us another treat? Bad, human!”