A little DooM II: HR

Spawned in the middle of a field like area, heard of imps at the 12, and a wolf pack of Mancubus to the 9. Crazy critters flying about with big guns and arachno-things snipin’, pure madness. Took a couple of lives just to get into the “grove” of evading the shots lol. I forget what difficulty I have the game set to, but just looking at the things section in the wiki, goes to show the mixture of nasties on the map. So many baddies crawling around it was a dance between hit-and-run super shotgun, paint the plasma gun blue, and rocket frenzy lol, The hard part was the rocket launching critter around the one key.

By the time I got to MAP15: Gates to Hell (Hell Revealed), and managed to fight it down to just the imps on the wall… it got almost a chore to clear out survivors lol. DooM makes a great way to relax some brain cells though -> don’t care what the fuck that huge mother ****ing thing is called, but it’s getting a quartet of rockets shoved up it’s ass kind of moments lol.

Doom2-hr is a heck of a run, just pasted the map shaped like a spider; I can just imagine that thing on UV mode !!! I really wish I could dig up a copy of DooM II, the graphics in FreeDooM are quite a bit different then the ones I remember as a kid, but it gets the job done.

Some of the critters might look a bit off (especially the demon & imp), but hey… this is DooM, don’t gotta care what the heck it is, just shove a few rockets up it’s wazoo lol. The occasional revenant, and incresingly common Mancubuses are easily enough to deal with via my faovorite weapon: the super shotgun. But when an Arch Vile popped up….. Ok, a BFG9000 would have been prety handy! Rockets hwoever, have been very plentiful and there is no lack whatso ever of shotgun shells.

Somehow, I think the shotgun must be every gamers best friend, since the release of DooM. Ahh the good old days, but I at least some modern games plots have improved since the classic, hehe.

Stress Buster

Well, with nothing to do, no inclination left to me for sleep… and quite far from in the mood to get any more work done (Dang it!) for the night, I figured I’d play a little bit of DooM. After sorting a little issue of loading the right IWAD, I noticed something interesting in ports: the Hell Revealed MegaWad for Doom II 🙂

So I installed the doom-freedoom Free Software IWAD for DooM II, and the doom-hr ports on my laptop. I haven’t tried UV, but from the soun do it, I wonder if after all these years, if I’d even get past the first room on UV, lol. I’ve played the shareware version of DooM from Id some time ago, and wished that I had a copy of the full version handy afterwards (very fun game). The thing that surprised me about revisiting classic DooM, was not only were the levels much like I remembered them, there was still a good “Oh !@#$, it’s a trap!” factor keeping you on ya toes for hosing down some baddies — applying [SAS] movement and room clearing techniques actually helped clear it, haha! Playing through HR, might be agood time paser for awhile :. It’s a very well known megawad, but it’s still my first encounter ;-).

DooM is like _t_h_e_ classic FPS shooter. I was never into it very much as a child, and usually just watched my brother play the various console ports. But in later years, I’ve come to regard it as a great way to relieve stress — switch brain off, and let the shells fly.

This figures

When [John] Carmack was on vacation with his wife, he ended up playing some games on her cellphone, and he realized that the games weren’t any good. He then decided he was going to make a good mobile game. When he got back from his vacation he revealed that he had started working on Doom RPG.

Ok, maybe it is possible to make a decent video game on a cell phone, haha! If anyone could…. 🙂