Woke up at 0600 just to get back to coding before work. Fell asleep trying to figure out the solution to a problem and dreamed of getting my eyes checked, ending up dizzy as heck. Woke up and fell asleep trying to figure out if the compiler is smart enough to tune the solution without my “Help”. Then dreamed of chasing Escrt around a modified RvS game with iron sights, before falling down a 50~70m pit in the process lol.

It’s true, reading around MSDN is that boring.

Odd mix

  • A mood that would peel paint
  • Grilled cheese and old popcorn
  • Choice of Army of Darkness or Dear God
  • Six sectors to clean / organise
  • A lot more code to get done
  • Kill a few thousand zombies, eventually.

This is some funky weather!

Just got out of a Hard Rain campaign in L4D2 with some excellent teamwork going on. Once we hit the end game however, our luck resoured.

First the tank smashes one of the teammates into the roof, incapacitating him while two of us leap off the side and the fourth man dives down the hole in the roof; who summary gets tackled by a charger moments before rescues due to arrive.

I’m one of the two dreebs who leap off the roof, because it hurts less than being hit by a tank lol. We kill the tank and pull a quick split: he goes to save the charged guy while I go zap the teammate on the roof back into action with my defib. kit; not exactly something I would want to do during a real thunderstorm. That goes out the window when my fellow pigeon gets himself whacked by a charger from behind, and I have to save his bacon instead.

Another tank suddenly comes stomping through the middle of the building as the charged teammate finally dies – we get our butts bounced out onto the lawn by the tank. Now this is where it gets silly.

Taking an adrenaline shot (speed booster) and making ready to fight the tank 2 on 1, while hacking my way to the roof: I ended up slipping off the peer and getting water logged — as the rescue boat runs me over and the tank flings my sole surviving teammate into it, killing him instantly.

Then the hard rain campaign plays it’s end video clip, as the boat floats away. Miraculously Spidey01 who almost got drowned before being run over by the boat, was the only player to survive the campaign!

There is just something so wrong with that, lol.

Some days I really get the thought that living here is roughly equal to this algorithm:

    while here:
        me.darkmood += stepping * Proximity.to(HRP) / rare(fun)

One happy thought in a sour bunch

The radio stream was complaining how it’s supposed to be hot as heck today. Walking to the mailbox and back on interrupt, I can’t help but think how “Nice and comfortable” the sun shine feels compared to the A/C inside.

According to the weather service it is currently 93 F (33.9 C) outside and is supposed to be feeling like 100 F (37.8 C). Just a pleasant environment if you ask me ;).

An example of why I hate my memory

In the ever continuing effort to obliterate crap and consolidate space -> where books win out! I came across an old Star Trek figurine that I got a zillion years ago, which spent most of its time in a video game draw next to boxed SNES games until finally getting “Jarred” sometime around the PS2 era.

Here’s what sucks about my memory: I can remember….

  • The scene (and borg) it was obviously modelled after, doubt I’ve seen that episode in 6 or more years.
  • The look and feel of the store it was bought in, doubt Suncoast is still in business the way it was in the early 90s.
  • The mall it was bought in and part of its layout, wonder if it’s even still there… lol.
  • I can almost remember the sales associates face but I’ll be damned if I could remember his name tag or pick’em out of a photo stack.
For some reason french fries also come to mind, maybe we hit the food court that day too.
Also looked at the bottom of the plastic figurine, it’s copyright date is 1992. I assume it was bought around cica 1993 but my head isn’t that good with date/time groups, or names… :-/.

In sorting through old high school stuff, I can’t help but think: “Oh how I wish I could throw more of this shit in a bonfire”

And then dance around it singing burn baby burn!

Hmm, I never new that these Erdbeerschnüre could be so addictive… lol

Well, while I’m waiting on a subversion command to finish (on another project), I may as well flush my train of thought, in between wondering how any large project can bare to use subversion lol.

One of my open loops is a component called the “Data Browser”, it’s meant to provide a view into data extracted from a projects source code, and present that data to the user: while bridging that browser interface into the rest of this programs peers. In less abstract English, it’s a tags browser. Go figure.

Something I love about programming, you can often express a notion in 3 words of code, what would take 10 words of English to describe. How that works? You can reduce the English word count with the use of insider jargon, but being a programming language, outsider is redefined as those who can’t read the language rather than those who don’t comprehend the associated tech speak. There fore the word count falls significantly.

My present train of thought however, is concerned with how the data should be presented: what is most suitable for the user. The fact that the program is designed first and foremost for my own convenience is aside the point :-o.

In search of the holy grail of user interfaces: I’ve found this the most optimal method.

|  [-] Classes                    |
|      [+] Foo                    |
|      [-] Bar                    |
|            someMethod()         |
|            ....                 |
|      [+] ....                   |
|  [+] Functions                  |
|  [+] Macros                     |
|  and so on                      |
|                                 |

where as much information about the individual items has been omitted for the sake of brevity ^.

Properly expanding the tree for a given type of data should display information unique to it. I.e. what is most pertinent to *that* type of data, rather than a common subset that applies to everything.

Columns for a methods display might look like:

| name | signature | return value | visibility |

where as the columns for classes, as opposed to ‘Bar’, might look something like this:

| name | visibility | in namespace | 


In a perfect world we could do this over a sandwich without much coding. Using the GTK+ TreeView widget and friends, grepping the manuals suggests that life is just going to be waaay easier if each element (Classes, Functions, Macros, etc) of the tree becomes a separate tab holding a specialised treeview as part of a Notebook widget! I’ll look into it closer when I have more time for that.

Now of course the tree view could simply show the lowest common denominator for info, and rely on a “Properties” button to show the individual details for the currently selected item, or we could (barf) just have expanding the trees spawn a new window customised to that type. But nether are to my taste.

Enough rambling, time to get a move on while subversion continues to (ab)use my networks bandwidth.