One of the things that I’ve been working on over the weekend, is expanding my unix profile a bit. Pretty much, I have a universal ~/.sh directory that houses a profile for Bourne style shells, well, modern ones in the sense that functions are supported, which is like everything since 1980 or so.

An extension to this was pulling in my X session setup, since it is already in the same repository. This pretty much resulted in ~/ becoming ~/.sh/rc.xinit. I pretty much use the same setup across machines, so it’s not a big problem; but startup programs based on where I am and what I’m doing, rather than normal session management.

So this poses a good question, short of resulting to some kind of “Session Chooser” on login, how to make it smart? Magic kind of smart! It’s not hard, so much as it is a bit sticky. The thing that varies the most is the network. Either:

  1. I have no network, and thus don’t need stuff like instant messaging.
  2. I’m at work, and have more use for stuff like monitoring
  3. I’m at home, and have more use for stuff like gmail and a broader selection of instant messaging services.
  4. I’m using my phone, and need to worry more about data usage than pre-loading applications.
So obviously, the idea is to react based on what network is in use. That is pretty easy by asking nmcli for the name of the network connection being used, once NetworkManager gets the ball running. Case statements ftw :-).
I have found one problem so far, which is that the instant messaging client that I use, has a command line interface to specify which accounts to sign in, but apparently, pidgins -l option doesn’t work as advertised by –help—or NAME != the name in accounts.xml. So perhaps I’ll just have to use separate clients for at work and not at work, or modify the XML file.

Note draft’ed yesterday in vim, and I’m to tired/busy to bother editing.

Sitting here with a headache, courtesy of the parental unit but at least I get to journal a bit, in what was meant to be a rest time 8=).

The day started out pretty early compared to what I’ve been dealing with: just waiting for the alarm to go off at 0615, and aiming to be out by 0700 and otw to the eye doctor for my exam. My mother finally made her decision of whether or not to tag along. Several headaches later anyway.  Checking my systems before going out, I was kind of happy to see a message from someone special; although it made me happy, the time difference is :-S.

Got there about 30 minutes before the place even opened, but the whole eye exam went fairly smooth. My last one was in 2009, when I got my glasses. Pretty normal affair but two things that I found interesting: my across the shorter-range vision has gotten a little bit worse but my longer-range vision has gotten better. The kind of better/worse, as like top row only and like the one above the bottom row, respectively. The prescription is slightly stronger and good for two years.

Since I don’t expect my glasses to get busted between now and later in the year, for the cost I would rather save more now and get my glasses later; particularly because I know the difference between good vision and not, thanks to doctor Carr. My main interest really is in the exams, which I would rather like to get done yearly. That way I can have a clue of what state they are in, beyond just visual quality. My mother’s always gone zillions of years between exams and sets, so I know waiting months can’t hurt. I’d also rather wait until I have more savings available, because it’s easier to replace a broken set of glasses in a hurry than it is to save well.

Needless to say, the notion that I would rather save for vacation+savings in general than get new glasses IMMEDIATELY, really bothered my mother, never mind that it is my decision and my money.  One the way out, were taking a bit about the idea of me and vacation. That pretty much lead to the progression of getting out in nature with friends -> the parks in Canada -> there’s a girl there I very much want to meet. Pretty much lead to an interesting track with more than a few headaches.

o/ o/ o/

I really do find it funny how my family can have rather limited interest in my life’s goings on and a frequent disregard for anything important to me, except when one of them decides they are opposed to something from the get go, want to know everything, yet don’t actually give a crap because they are already decided without caring. Where as my friends generally are fair, and respectful, not to mention comfortable to communicate with instead of making my head hurt as a matter of S.O.P.

Well guess what? Since I’m gonna be given headaches from family anyway, I ain’t saying much of jack shit lol. Keeping annoying people in the dark is a reward for them being annoying :-).

Proof that my mother is obnoxious and rude

Or this post is just so my brother can have something to talk to my mother about 8=).

In getting home, I was as usual intending to hit zombie land with some friends, when my mother decided it was time to go grocery shopping o/. In informing on eof my friends about it, the discussion hit the ground of my mother pretty much refusing to drive herself—and my friend stating that she would tell her mother, that “If she doesn’t want to  drive then she obviously doesn’t want to go very bad”, when I noted this sentiment to my mother, ma pretty much told us both to go fuck ourselves.

Later talking to the same friend about arguing with my mother, over how my mother is strongly opposed to me ever taking a vacation: my friend noted that my mother sounded very controlling, which made me burst out laughing, even more so because my mother is a self admitted control freak! To which my mother again told my friend “To go fuck himself”.

Later tonight some of us were on my TeamSpeak server talking, and ma came in to badger me, so I asked her if she wanted to, and of course my mother again stated it again, and  my friend pointed out “Herself” instead of “Himself”, making my mother even more confused lol. So yeah, at least 3 times today my mother has told one of my friends that 8=). Guess London was smart to log off before he could end up listening to my mother >_>.

Am I the only one in my family that knows how NOT to be hostile and rude to people you don’t even know?