The way furry family works around here

Had shifted to the couch because Willow as getting antsy, and I kind of agree with her about me spending too much time at my desk in the lair. Ended up with three comfy dogs, with Corky sitting on my arm and slobbering it while the other two napped along side.

Work called, so I needed to sort a few things remotely, after extricating my arm for dog slobber. Ended up with one dog next to my foot, and two over on the bed. Willow being sprawled out and comfy while I resolved the work matter.

For the most part: Misty and Corky choose to be where they like and periodically come by if I’m not there. Or in Misty’s case, paws my chair wanting to be picked up rather than sitting on the bed next to me. Willow on the other hand will usually follow me. If I change rooms, she’ll typically follow once she notices that I’ve been gone more than a few minutes.

Sometimes, I kind of feel bad for how often Willow ends up walking back and forth when I’m doing something that causes me to shift between rooms; e.g. kitchen, living room, and bedroom. But I do appreciate the company ❤🐕❤

Breezey rain

For the most part, Willow doesn’t notice when it’s raining outside. She is kind of like me: unless the whole building is shaking from the thunderbolt, she’s probably not phased. Which is quite a contrast to little Misty, who will start hiding or jump on your head when storms get bad.

Going out for a walk is also essential to Willow’s mental health, so this creates a dilemma. Over the years: I’ve decided it is better to let her see for herself that it’s raining too hard for a walk rather than deny her. How that works out is usually like this:

  1. Willow sees it’s raining at one end of the breeze way.
  2. Willow sees it’s raining at the other end of the breeze way.
  3. Willow looks at me, and then comes back inside.
  4. Misty wonders if it’s her turn, as she looks at us both.
  5. Corky wonders where we went.
I’m kind of glad that Willow is smart enough to admit, inside is better than running back and forth down the breeze way, checking if the rain has stopped, lol.

I have to admit, when I had bought Texas toast for making Ruben sandwiches , it was just as a work around to avoid going to two stores. But I think it may become my standard bread, lol.

It’s proven ideal for making a sandwich full enough to be worth eating, without becoming as hard on the economics and storage  space as going to hoggy rolls and the like. You can stuff a pair of slices in the toaster and load up a sandwich like my momma used to make, and the bread is something like $1.35 a loaf.

Another win is that one slice of Texas toast is enough for breakfast. Usually I would make two slices of toast is on the menu. Combined with trying to use up some old eggs, and sausages to share, let’s just say that Willow and company only care about their share, lol.

Pretty much the only reason I buy the breakfast sausage when they’re on sale, is I know three plump partridges starving doggies who would like some.

Sometimes it’s hard to decide whether the room I’m in is defined by what I’m trying to do, or by the comfort of dogs.

Willow’s well versed in finding the most comfortable spot she can, and in where the food eating happens.  Mostly she chooses her spot based around where I’ve chosen mine: but she doesn’t hesitate to influence this ad the requirements for comfort and such change.

The amount of times I end up changing between living room and bedroom to suit Willow’s preference, is probably balanced by how often my drifting around doing stuff causes her to follow me around and wonder if I’ve lost my mind or started sleep walking.

Have I ever mentioned that Willow is a lot smarter than I am?

And far more comfortable, lol.

Willow: wtf are you doing, human?
Me: trying to take a picture of your comfy.

Pretty sure that I’ll never be as cute or comfortable as napping doggos.

If Willow ran things around here:

Pecking orders would be abolished in favor of individual feed trays, refilled every quarter of the day.

Semi automated treat dispensers would be installed on each wall and kept full at all times.

Additional reservations on comfy nappy spaces for the furry one in charge.

By contrast if Misty ran things, all foods would be belong to her.