Cube what/ why?

Considering that I haven’t really paid much attention to the study of math in many years I was some what surprised to be asked to cube a number.

To me, a cube means a lot but it doesn’t mean a number :/

When I think of a cube, I think of the operations one can carry out on it.

Find the external dimensions of it’s walls to find how much space it occupies to store. Find the internal dimensions of it’s walls if any to find out how much it holds. The knowing how many cubic centimetres the object may hold, try to find the probable capacity in US Gal. That it may hold and of how much kg it said liquid will occupy. Of course the problem there is that we need to know what kind of liquid lol.

Damn, I used to do that kind of shit when I was a youngster. When I was like 12-13 I was always trying to cook up a custom mech design of some kind of Mobile Suit, down to the most minute details… Even to the thickness of armour locations and the metrics of the thruster systems. I basically had given up on the study of math years prior but I needed math to persue my interests. So I worked on it, I wouldn’t know how to describe in proper terms most of the stuff I did, so much as the results. Many a time in those years ago, back when the word “mall” had some meaning. I would often ask my mom for a calculator, pencil, and paper so I could work out some problem or figure while I walked.

For the most part, I know squat about mathematics because I’ve done my best to ignore paying attention to it in school. But, given a proper reason to find some thing and the time & motivation to do it. I can usually find my way though things after some time.

I’d love to learn more about some the more complex aspects of math but school has never served such a goal very well. And what little time I do get to my self to study on any thing is limited… It was a wonder I ever learned the basics of working in binary :/

Most of the times when I sit down to work on some thing and then end up in the game servers a short while later, is because my family is driving me so nuts that I can’t get any thing done… or I’m to tired to do any thing else. Really to get any thing done around here I’ve got to wait till they go to bed… the STHU up and let me work thing doesn’t work…

A man can do many things but without finding a good purpose for doing them he is trapped in hell. That’s how I think school can be best described… Why waste time with a text book, when what little time I have… Could be spent wrapping my head around some thing interest? Like the Unix V6 kernel with a handy book to fill in the gaps for example.

Sheese, I think the book started out as part of the authors computer science courses at the University of New South Wales in the 1970’s, and to be honest I’d much rather have a chance to learn about how old Unix worked on the in side then putt around with the sludge school books demand :S. At least this has a point to it, learning some thing !!!!!

My time is limited enough as it is, I preferr to spend it ether with friends or learning…. not wasting it more then necessary.

Is there any polite way to say….

I need more damn time to work on things ???

else free room & board out of this place for a few months…

Note for later

Figure out why the hell when ever we get a phone call it seems I have a 75% chance of losing internet connection on my desktop for just long enough for X-Fire to time out.

No other system seems to suffer from it, yet non are more active during the time of day when the phones get spamrung. At least at night when I’m on the laptop and the phone is silent, all is good… Never have gotten any reports off the other systems of any downtime during the day ether.


Thinking of new ideas

Note to self, look into the andrew file system. I remember seeing source code for an AFS implementation on my FreeBSD system but don’t know much about it.

Probably worth reading the (huge) fine manual since it works under *nix/Win/Mac as far as I can tell. Hey, it can be any worse for my needs then SMB… lol.

Morning log

Hmm, what a morning…

finally off work til Monday afternoon… Even if it is only Sunday.

I learned a new thing about the German<->English dictionary I use, like how to get all entries on a given subject (e.g. comp, mil, e.t.c. )

I’m becoming quite proficient at dealing with larger volumes of E-Mail, since I’ve joined the Ruby-Talk mailing list… Which has a fair bit of messages per day I can tell you.

And I’ve successfully ported my current bookmarks from Firefox to Opera and reorganized things. I’ve got to re-do them every now and then. Clean out to crap and re-sort things so I can still find them !^_^!

I’ve got to figure out a better file-sharing solution between systems, SMB just won’t cut it. Hell, I think I’d be better off using NFS at this rate…. I’d like to try a Secure SHell FileSystem (SSHFS) or WebDAV but I’m not completly sure how well that would work. Really, I would love it if I could have my home directory mounted over the network with some way to tell Windows to treat .dot files as hidden (as they are on Unix/Linux systems).

I also want to try and set up a WAMPP server off my desktop to try and work on some website building on my local LAN, maybe see if I could build Version 3.0… but I usually don’t have much time during the day. So what should take weeks would take months, what would take months becomes years… And I can’t spend 2400-0500 every night working on it and go out to work 0930’ish in the morning every day ether. It would be so much easier if my family would let me work during the day, consistently…

I swear it is impossible to work in this damn house.

Between My Mother, her blasting TV, the dogs, the bird screaming my fucking head off, and the Music I have on trying to drown them out.

I’ve got a rat fucking headach…. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s damaging my hearing. I can’t even hear the damn music any more…. I’ve got headphones on that have cups on them covering the entire ears… I can’t stand much more of this.

One of these days…. I’m getting the fuck out of here. Ether that, or I’m just going to snap and loose self control before I can get my rage under management…

What part of let me work don’t these fucking people understand?!??!

I think if I owned a copy of DOOM, I’d boot it up, hook up the speakers, roll the dial up, and see how they freaking like it !!!

Because people can’t organize there schedule right…..

My day off is gone.

I’m stuck working Friday, the big job… My one day this week to do MY work.

I’ve got training sessions to run Sat/Sun, work Monday, probably Tuesday, work Wedsday, so effectively this means I’m stuck in a very pissy mood.

I fell asleep on the couch all night (gee, thx to whoever forgot to wake me at bed time!). So there fucking goes getting any thing done tonight. It’s 0315 and I’ve got to be up by 0900-0930… but I’ve just had like 4-5 hours of sleep…

Good thing my to do list is written up on the desktop.. I hate getting off work after 1600. By the time I get home, have some thing to eat, and actually “can” get any thing done. It’s all ready 1900 and time to log off for pete’s sake.

The war is on

Well so far all is working semi-well…

The K-Menu key does not always work on every boot.

I’ve managed to piss off my router and vice versa trying to convice it that two machines asking for the same IP is not smart.

After a period of time the laptop totally locks up and has to be powered off by force (button). Can’t restart X or switch to a virtual tty ! Not sure what does this… System ran 6.1-Release under the hood no problem. So I doubt 6.2-Stable is any problem (I hope), the only *major* change other then that is Xorg 7.2 instead of 6.9…

I’ve been dicking with the xorg.conf file merging some changes from my old file from xorg 6.9… Hopefully it’ll fix it. I’ve aslo disabled the Beryl thingy on boot up, if it happens again (lock up) I’ll probably try killing HAL. After that test turning ACPI off, after that… boot safe mode and scream.

Fetching ports now, so hopefully I’ll be able to get some stuff setup. Most of my home directory is ready to go, I should probably dump /home and move it to my server just in case.

Enough, it’s time!

Ok… I’m tired of waiting. I could have a FreeBSD 6.2-Release + KDE3 setup working before PC-BSD v1.4 is released.

Phase I

I’ve unpacked my backups and reorganized/cleaned my home directory. It really needed it. CRAP, I forgot to backup my codecs…. Oh well just a quick trip to mplayers website. I zipped up the ‘new’ home directory into about 1.6-1.8gb of archive.

Phase IIA

I removed all my storage partitions and replaced it with a 5GB FAT32 slice using Knoppix + QTParted. Booted back into PC-BSD v1.3.4 and downloaded the backups via SMB to the FAT32 partition

Phase IIB

Booted Knoppix and used QTParted to erase the PC-BSD partitoin and create a huge ext2 slice. I left about 23mb free and have an active ext2 slice for PC-BSD to reformat.

Phase III

Installed the system… Found a possible bug in the installer and sent a msg out to Testing. My webmails still a reck…

Phase VI

Now to boot her, reinstall my backups and get my baby back in action.

The GOOD thing, is if any thing happens to my data. All of the important stuff is backed up in 6 places, the OS Config in 3-4 places too.

more later.