Nice time for a power bleep

Power went out at 0705Z, almost 0800 now; no sign of repair.

Only got about 45min left of battery power, so the rest of my perl script will
have to wait until tomorrow – man, I’m so glad I keep my laptop full of
programmer docs xD. Coco is scared, because she can’t see where she’s going
lol; Willow doesn’t care, there’s still food left in the dish 8=)

Now if I could just get Ma to not leave a flibin’ candle lit on her table…
Anything knocks that over, or the dog tries to put her noise on it, when Ma
get’s up… FFS, am I the only one in this family that actually _T_H_I_N_K_S_
before I do something?

Spidey01, 2008-12-10 T07:58:01 UTC

Hahaha, I power down, put the laptop away, take a leak, and lay down to get
some shuteye. Start to pray, and 2 minutes later, everything comes on lol.

Just in time to have to reset all the clocks, instead of sleep!

2008-12-10 T08:12:13 UTC

Just what I need

Something must’ve been jilting out of the trash bag, because after I hefted it into the dumpster, my hand was bleeding. Around where the thumb meets the palm, and just in a perfect slot to bleed more then such a small wound deserves. I finished my chores, with a bandaid and tape on my finger; bandaid to curtail blood flow, tape to keep the bandaid from falling off lol.

At least it should be ready to come off in a few. When willow saw it, she had to come over and sniff my hand, “Yeah willow, I hurt my hand, you don’t have to lick it, thanks”


Interesting ops idea

devise better methods of organizing data
properly triage my todos (oy)
cook up a few shake & bake scripts to round it out
Stick to getting crap done, on time (or punch out peoples teeth, trying? <_<)

Oh man, some days I love using a Unix like OS >_>


When it takes 3 hours to typeset a memo, you know you either have one huge memo, or have been sent Away-From-Keyboard A LOT.

Days log, 2008-12-05

The highlights of the day >_>

Driving my mother nuts:

Demanding proof by math, that if I do something consistently the same way every week, and you consistently complain about how it comes out; prove that doing it in the first place, is not a waste of my time.

Mother: Check the tub in the guests bedroom
Me: I never saw a bedroom with a tub in the middle of it.
Mother: You know what I mean.
Me: Yeah, but I also understand English.

-> that really pissed her off lol.

Probable revenge? I’ll probably get to spend my Saturday lugging boxes of Christmas decorations around.

Other topics:

I eventually managed to get some lunch today… I dunno why, but I haven’t been eating frequently lately; where frequently is my usual 2 meals a day, and occasional snack. So hungry, I counted the (18) hours, since my last meal lol. Managed to escape for a bit… food, film, and fun.

That left me, sufficiently exhausted, but much more relaxed… Hit the web, then SWAT; joined Medic & Ambu for some rounds, then back to surfing. Lately, I’ve been in-haling more and more of LaTeX documentation. I have a project coming up in the near future, that’ll be requiring it, so (y).

I’ve been trying to re-valuate various modules of my usual operating environment, but it seems that like Vi, TeX is just to hard to displace :. It’s just proven to be the best fit, although it lacks troff’s terseness :-(. The evaluations of course: nroff/troff+macro packages, Texinfo, LaTeX, DocBook, and of course HTML/CSS

Needless to say, I do not use word processors for writing documents, and avoid using them like the plague.

Just spent a fair amount of time, downloading TexLive 2008 on Vectra; kicking myself in the process, for not putting my .screenrc under CVS! My systems have TexLive 2007 installed, but despite ~3 months passing, I never got around to fetching 2008 lol. I’ll need to get it setup on my machines sometime this weekend; and probably fetch a few packages off CTAN.

I do periodically review the software and technology I use, and for what purposes I use it. It really helps in maintaining my systems (and installing them ^_^), and just getting things done. I enjoy both efficiency and comfort, which is probably why my laptops also my most used work-station…. and contains all of the software systems I use for various tasks.

I wish that dang keyboard would arrive soon.

Nothing to do until morning, and nothing if I’m not needed at work…. (YKYMF!)

Brains to far gone to concentrate on serious coding (Choice between Windows or SSH to Vectra, not fun)

To wide awake to sleep

To tired to care about any forums beyond [SAS], until I’m free of work.

My e-mail will continue to pile up anyway, so why bother reading until I can think clearly (vive la Google)

I actually have nothing to read, worth reading, that I haven’t read a thousand times (Heck, I just skimmed through SUSv2/SUSv3 out of boredom)

I hate Tuesdays lately :

So far, I’ve gone most of the day without eating, minimal to drink, and about 7 hours between bathroom breaks. It’s 30 F (-1.1 C) out and getting worse; I’ve had my hands chilled, thawed, and rechilled by more then a few degrees, several times :

When we finally got home, I cracked open the Potato Chips and some dip to gnosh on; had a nice snack before chores. I generally don’t eat junk food anymore, but my last meal was around 10pm last night lol.

Hmm, 20 pushups in about 3 minutes.

Either I really need some damn sleep, or it has been that long since I tried something called exercise :. Well, Iw as much more active back then… but that’s a different story lol.

It’s good to have the space again to actually exercise…

2008-11-24 T22:46:45 UTC

Kicking back, having fun watching space balls while I dig into stuff from my
laptop. Stuck in the DVD, moved the dresser out of the way (so I can watch the
TV), pulled an old computer core up to the bed for use as a table… Say down
and had some Kellogs. Now I’ve got my feet resting on the computer, laptop on
an old chessboard (baleneced on my lap), and pillows behind me to give me some
support, & comfort while sitting on the edge of the bed.

I’m not even bothing with X, I’m working in the FreeBSD console. Need to sort
out a quick music for mplayer, I’ll leave it running on another virtual
telitype. Ahh, I don’t care if the sn goes nova, I’m gonna sit here and enjoy
suff. Work starts tomorrow afternoon, and it’s the kinda job that won’t leave
me any time to myself (worth mentioning), until I get off work the next day;
his weeks gonna be a general P.I.T.A. until next month, so may as well…

todo: 2008-11-23

finish nail config
finish changes to vimrc -> commit
check in my vim colour scheme
adopt colour scheme to gvim (which I use on winsucks) or find something comparable
update lj abut 2008-11-22
congratulation the new recruit
hash out keybinds for swat
check, if I currently have any in rvs lol
contemplate what we can do with the traditional tagfile format, and our old friends perl/python (muhauha)
dig through about 300 e-mails

*yawns a mile wide*