Just a quick’ish update before I pass out

Over the past two days, I’ve basically setup OGRE 3D from the trunk in SVN. Things are basically set for building under FreeBSD and Win32, I’ve just the FreeBSD Debug build to do; that can be done later. Tonight, I spent a few hours playing with CMake; inhaling practical documentation, and converting my ogre project from Visual Studio files to using CMake for the build system, including only /moderate/ streams of cursing in the process. Tomorrow I need to test it under FreeBSD but that should go according to plan, hehehehehe.

I want to spend some time restructuring the project files and checking things into git, now that the prototype is ready for progression *and* I have the energy to continue the experiments: it is time to get version control working.

Before heading off to bed, I figured I’d make a quick rounds of things, since I’m not going to have much time before work in the morning. Then again, I won’t have much time during the day either lol. Ugh, how I would enjoy a decent nights sleep… it’s been at least 4 days, although arguably it’s been years; that is a however, a different matter.

On the upside, I got to watch abut 4 episodes of Stargate SG-1 over on Hulu.com tonight. Among them was one called Window of Opportunity, which just cracked me up something fierce. To me, sense of humour is everything :-P. The premise of it all, is O’Neill and Teal’c being stuck in a time loop, repeating the same events ad infinitum until they can find a way to solve it. By the time Teal’C started juggling during the Latin study/translation scenes, I think I was about ready to fall out of my chair! The golfing bit through the Stargate was also a rather nice touch.

Sigh, 0800Z cometh….

Ah, I’m in a rather happy mood. I got to spend some time playing SWAT 4 and my laptops updates are finally done. Dinner was a mess of beans with ham fresh from the crock pot, and bread out the oven; can’t ask for more? To top it all off, You Can’t Take It With You was on tonight, which is one of my very favourite films.

Plus, I should be getting some code time tonight 😀

Dreams of fishes, rehashes, and mutts

At first I was dreaming that I was helping my mother with this odd job, this woman was going out and we were staying there to to watch the fishes or something. She had several brown paper bags full of what appeared to be tropical fish. Several died and I do remember that one of the brown paper bags had split and the bottom of it had turned black, almost like a mud pie with sea weed mixed in. I tried to convince the woman to use some of her plasic containers as impromptou fish tanks in order to keep them alive, “Because I had kept fishes for years” and knew a lot. There was also a commercial for a children show that had some reference to Stargate, and what looked like a modernized & rebooted Goof Troop.

When we headed out, I was talking with some people who were telling me that I would be helping with some blasting tomorrow, the dynamite kind. In heading towards the car, I noticed that ma had fallen behind and was no where to be seen, looking over my shoulder it appeared as if we had just come out of the bank, so I figured that maybe she had went back inside for something. When I got to the car, I found an old man sitting backwards in my seat, smoking a cigarette, and claming to be “Me” from the future, oi.

When I went inside again, I found myself in Publix (supermarket). Ma was at the checkout and I stopped over at the magazine counter, noting that a number of (Aliens) comics from my youth were apparently in reprint, before rejoining my mother. After heading out, I found myself looking around a warehouse, where someone ended up being in the line of fire of a falling stack of beer bottle boxes, which I went to dig (the human) out of the heap

Later on I was dreaming we were in a KBToys that was just about to go out of business (I think they did, last year lol), and Ma was shuffling though Star Wars stuff in search of collectibles. When we were going out, I noticed a black dog run out the door; instead of following ma out, I went back in and asked this woman I had seen with her child, if they had a black dog, because I just saw one run outside. When she came out to look, we saw several other strays down the parking lot but not that one, then I pointed off to the right and bingo, that was the dog! In trying to help her pick it up, I noticed that the mangy thing looked as if it had been bitten on the back, and it was very bity to say the least. I think I rolled down my sleeves to use as padding, then finally picked up the animal and handed it back to her.

Strangeness anyone?

I had a cray dream. I dreamt that we had a balcony, something I ain’t seen in over a decade. Ma ordered me to clean it, but when I approached the one side I noticed that the floor was separating from one of the ends. Having to stick her nose in everything without listening, of course she had to come out and stand on the other part.

Once it was apparent that I wouldn’t be getting across, I told her to take my hand and wait for me to kick off, in case I went slidin’ that idea didn’t go over. And in the end of course, I landed on my roamp roast from a good 15-17ft drop lol. That was about the time the dogs barkin’ woke me up

I need to begin planning things for the coming weekend, so far the highlights:

helping with some of the routine work on the website, that’s been waiting for a weekend off lol.

Study several web frame works, as an issue of both business and pleasure.

Begin a deeper evaluation of CMake; which would likely make life easier.

and most importantly…. play lots of RvS and S4 !


Ironic that the best introduction to CMake is a LiveJournal entry, hehehehe!

It’s been a long and tiresome day.

Played some Urban Terror to pass the time, hoping that SWAT 4 would pick up some steam. I found a funny server running a Simpsons inspired CTF map. After getting tired of the “LMG Battleship” approach of going for the flag, and timing between the waves; I took up a picket position with an eye on the enemies secondary advance-point to our flag. As such, I was the only mook using solid cover, but hey, I was head huntin’ them blues 😉

Swapped my Minimi and flak jacket for a helmet and a G36, tap-tap at the enemies centre mass and follow up until clipin’ their heads resulted in fatal damages. Whenever necessary, I’d just move around cover in order to fire at the enemies primary and thirdary avenues of advance; leaving my sector to the run & gunners on my own team, and an occasional smoke grenade hehe.

Once I closed the game, I noticed that Duke, COT, and Filter had finally gathered, so I made ready to join the fray. I find the wolf in an ant-hill a good way to let off steam, but it’s ever so more relaxing to have a decent game with friends, especially SAS style games!

Shortly after Duke called it a night, it was time for me to make a beeline to dinner, exercising plan A. I stuffed my face with my usual zeal—I’ve always been an expedient eater lol. The Undefeated was on tonight, which I enjoyed. It’s especially nice to see, after so many years of brother against brother, ex union and confederate troops can still get along (and brawl) like brothers! Something that sadly, was quite a bit rarer in the post war years :/. Then again, between the pissing contest, Sherman, and the carpetbaggers, who can blame people for not getting along?

I also got to enjoy a nice 10~15 minute nap, and all this time, my laptop has been compiling updates; practically since I got home lool.

You can tell how mean I am….

When we got home from work, Willow cried when I said “No” to the idea of going out for a walk, and has been sitting at my feet ever since…. I finally got up and she chased me down. Just write sucker across my face, I had to take her for a walk :-/.


It’s been about 4 hours since I went to bed, I’m really not sure how long I slept for, was tossing and turning quite a lot. Sun doesn’t seem to be up yet, but soon. Can’t fully remember what I was dreaming, but I would say “Turbulent” would likely apply.

No idea how I’m going to get back to sleep again, before it’s time to wake up for work… and I usually get woken up a few times before hand on Wednesdays!

As soon as CLN finishes compiling, I’m off to bed. Tomorrows work (oi), and I need to start planning my schedule for what things I need to work on over the weekend…

For some reason, no matter what I feel like, I am virtually working all the time… lol.

I’m tired, very tired. There’s an Italian word that I would use to describe how I feel, but I don’t know how its spelled, and expressing it in English is a little bit tricky. The concept though, extreme exhaustion. Being woken out of a sound sleep didn’t help things very much either!

Spent some of the day playing SWAT 4, but not really in a stable frame of mind.

Ahh crud, “Urgo” in Stargate SG-1 has me creaving pecan pie…. lol. Unfortunantely the only available thing is butter pecan ice cream, alas it’ll have to hit the spot.

Also have been working on updating my laptop, the funky issues with some ports configure scripts failing to locate libltdl were resolved by installing guile and libgphoto2 from packages. Ha, this episode is cracking me up. C++ bindings to the usual GNU libraries are compiling atm. Normally I try to update things every month or so, but lately I haven’t been using my laptop much, so obviously I ain’t been able to update anything.

Used some of the compile time, to play RvS eariler. I expected that I would be pretty rusty, since I haven’t played RvS in maybe 3 or 4 months, if not longer. Yet it seems that all the SWAT 4 action has gotten me even more effective at RvS, hehehe. Maybe I might pop in more often over the coming weeks? Hmm, tempting!

Why am I feeling scatterbrained?