Digging into the code — code monkey’s go go go !!!

Well, since I’ve reached the point where I need to start organizing ${HOME} again (joy), and thoughts of ma.gnolia returning, shows no sign of vitality atm… I appear to have no other choice (that I’ll actually make :-P).

I am writing my own bookmarks system…

There was a project I was interested in awhile back (Nano probably knows what I mean), which required it; so that’s about 30% of the base design saved. The orignal project, called for itt o be part of a C++ program, but no time for fiddling (and I especially hate compiling under Win32); time to roll out Perl — and get it done. I’ve had it, time to code it lol. The original idea, was a pair of CLI & GUI wrappers around a library interface in C++, that provided plugable backends to sort out the real work; file system, database, ma.gnolia, mozilla bookmarks, etc. I guess ma.gnolia is out of the picture, and I never cared much for mozillas bookmarks format anyway ^_^. So that eases the initial work load quite a lot hehe.

just rotflmao kind of fun


Hmm, I think I’ve only ever typed ‘rm *’ or ‘rm -rf *’ in the wrong directory once in my life… but that was a project directory from ages ago, lol.

Cars been in the shop, for the 2nd time in as many weeks… and due back in on Monday for further kickin’ around. Oddly, Ma has little concern for how much bother she causes me, but feels guilty for borrowing money :. By her own count, sh ecurrently owes me about $155; I don’t keep close counts. There in, I suppose lies the difference; most of my family loves money, but couldn’t be arsed to save a penny, if it was raining gold. Me on the other hand, like my maternal grandfather, don’t really give a flying flub lol. Ca$h has it’s uses for barter, beyond that it’s as valuable as toliet paper in my book… Because, you can use money to get food, but money doesn’t taste as good as food — ok, I think with my stomach a lot xD.

Ma’s best friend had to pick us up, which is good I guess. Got to meet her new puppy Lakitia, and one of the cats taking a nap in my lap lol. At least, I’ve gotten a lot of reading done for the day, but no coding yet. I aslo had a bit of a pumch click into mind about a personal project I’ve been working on of late; figured out the basic structure last night. But, trying to think about the problme I found myself thinking, “I’ll be missing pointer arthimetic soon”, today it hit me; stop thinking like a regular expression engine for complex fun with strings, and remember perl has the best fscking regular expression engine ever made, built right in xD

Wouldn’t it be wonderfull… if I could actually get work done during the day, and not have to be some damn badgered that it takes hours to do what should be done in minutes? And I was hoping to be able to shave tonight, without losing nearly an hours worth of work :

WTF was I thinking? *SIGH* my mother enjoys driving me fucking nuts with pestering and patronizing me about getting up in the morning / staying up all night. BUT FOR FUCK SAKE!!!! She is the one incrementing my fucking work load by hours at a fucking time!!! I really wish there was a way, to make people see things “as they are”, without either having to break their neck or emotionally-cut them in the process, because I’m not fond of either method lol.

Joy, the slave gets called for more interuptions…. (Bitch)

Fun with vi, nvi, and vim

Some time ago, I installed the old version of vi ported as part of the heirloom project, noted as Traditional Vi. I tucked it into ~/code/C/src/old-vi and put a symlink named ‘ovi’ in my $PATH. During initial testing, I quickly concluded that the nvi builds on modern BSD (the systems vi) are considerably more extended then what the traditional vi offers. Things that I noticed most missing, were that ‘~/’ in file names was not expanded to the value of ${HOME}/ like in the shell (nvi / vim expand ~/), and the (crappy) split window support and a proper implementation of . and ^R (nvi makes ^R behave like .). A little playful testing also showed several settings missing (mostly expected), and no :exusage or :viusage commands. (Useful in nvi/nex on occasion, to see just what is available without consulting a reference or vim :help.) Two things I’ve learned tonight, old vi and nvi both support abbreviations, and control+^ is down right handy for switching buffers (vi, nvi, vim; probably every vi clone ever made). I thought abbrivations would have been an Elvis invention that made its way into vim, but I guess it was there since the 1980s, hehe. I also noted that ovi/nvi react differently to showmode (I prefer ovi’s).

Out of curosity, I fed into vi my nvi configuration file, since it appeared to be ignoring my ~/.exrc. Only had to remove the matchtime / ruler settings, and two of my mappings: gg and ZQ. gg being a vim’isms for 1G (go to first line in file) and ZQ being a very logical vim’ism for :q!^M much like vi used ZZ for 😡 .After that, vi accepted it without problem. The errors about the mappings interestingly said, “To dangerous to map that”, but nvi doesn’t give a darn. Fair enough for gg, but I’ve yet to figure the ZQ one yet.

Traditonal Vi

:set all
noautoindent nomodelines noshowmode
autoprint nonumber noslowopen
noautowrite open nosourceany
nobeautify nooptimize tabstop=8
directory=/var/tmp paragraphs=IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp taglength=0
noedcompatible prompt tags=tags /usr/lib/tags
noerrorbells noreadonly term=screen
noexrc redraw noterse
flash remap timeout
hardtabs=8 report=5 ttytype=screen
noignorecase scroll=11 warn
nolisp sections=NHSHH HUnhsh window=23
nolist shell=/usr/local/bin/zsh wrapscan
magic shiftwidth=8 wrapmargin=0
mesg noshowmatch nowriteany
[Hit return to continue]

FreeBSDs build of nvi, when invoked as vi or nvi:

noaltwerase noextended matchtime=3 report=5 term="screen"
noautoindent filec="" mesg ruler noterse
autoprint flash nomodeline scroll=11 notildeop
noautowrite nogtagsmode noprint="" nosearchincr timeout
backup="" hardtabs=0 nonumber nosecure nottywerase
nobeautify noiclower nooctal shiftwidth=8 noverbose
cdpath=":" ignorecase open showmatch warn
cedit="" keytime=6 optimize showmode window=23
columns=80 noleftright path="" sidescroll=16 nowindowname
nocomment lines=24 print="" noslowopen wraplen=0
noedcompatible nolisp prompt nosourceany wrapmargin=0
escapetime=6 nolist noreadonly tabstop=8 wrapscan
noerrorbells lock noredraw taglength=0 nowriteany
noexrc magic remap tags="tags"
paragraphs="IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp"
sections="NHSHH HUnhsh"
Press any key to continue [: to enter more ex commands]:

And doing :set all in Vi Improved (VIM) is so huge, it requires a pager! Hahaha.

Generally I will use vim whenever it is made available, in fact I usually compile my own binaries for it via shell script. But I have spent enough time using nvi, that dipping into ed, ex, vi / nvi don’t bother me. When I invoke vi, I expect a fairly traditional vi; when I invoke vim, I expect vim with vi compatiblity mode turned off (e.g. as if invoked as vim -U NONE -u NONE -N), or vim to behave ‘as expected’ when my own vimrc file is around.

My ~/.vimrc is over 1000 lines, but if you strip blanks and comments it is closer to 600. The only customizations that I actually depend on however, is mapping ‘;’ to ‘:’. Although certain vi users find that to be ludicrous, I use :ex commands much more frequently then I need to repeat the f, F, t, and T commands in the same direction. So being able to say ; when : is needed, is a massive life safer on my fingers, because it removes the need to hold shift. In fact, unless I want to go to a specific letter in a word, I usually employ :/ and 😕 to search for the word, rather then a linewise [count]f[character] motion, so the loss of a standard ‘;’ is fairly low for me.

I find vim much more comfortable then other vi’s, because I spend an imense amount of time in a text editor. I often [ab]use vims :sp[lit] command to have multiple edit-windows open, or to edit the 2 different parts of the same file without using marks or tags to jump about. The gq operator in vim is also a thing I love, because I can quickly reformat text without having to invoke an external program like fmt(1) all the time. Vi Improved also has better tag based commands. The ability to auto complete :ex commands and file/directory names helps me greatly; nvi’s cedit extension for editing :ex comand history sucks in comparason. The ability to :e . and use vim to peruse the current files in a directory is also nice when dealing with some peoples projects, although :!ls | less would work too, I’m not fond of the hit enter prompt at the end (nvi also ditches the colours in my ls output, while ovi retains them). The ability to use code folding and quickly configure settings based on file type is also quite nifty, since I often use zM to fold everything in large files, take a look and zO things that /look/ like it is what I am looking for. I almost never use ^O to make a single normal mode command from insert mode (vi/nvi don’t seem to support it), but it is nice when combined with other control+ commands in vims insert mode.

I’m also partial to vim’s undo style that repeatidly pressing ‘u’ in normal mode, repeatidly undo’s things while ^R redos what was undone. Traditional vi, nvi, and vim with u in the vi compatiblity options all have semi-incompatible usage paterns. The Vi Improved way uses u as noted above, when set to use a more Vi compatible way, vim uses u to undo and ^R to redo. Because vim has unlimited undo/redos, this means we would press u to undo the last change, then ^R to ‘redo’ the previous commands, and a following u will undo will undo the last redo (undo redo redo undo; rather then undo undo undo redo). Nvi allows using the ‘.’ as a synonym for ^R which is convenient since ‘.’ means repeat last change command. While traditional vi seems to lack multiple levels of undo/redo period and end of quote.

vim style multi undo:

dddddd      -- delete the next 3 lines as 3 separate changes (3dj would be a single change)
uuu -- undo last 3 changes (i.e. undeletes those 3 lines)
^R^R^R -- redo last 3 undos (i.e. re-delete those 3 lines)

nvi style multi undo:

dddddd      -- delete the next 3 lines as 3 separate changes (3dj would be a single change)
u -- undo last change (undelete last line)
^R^R -- redo last 2 undos (i.e. undelete the previous 2 lines)

vi style undo:

dddddd      -- delete the next 3 lines as 3 separate changes (3dj would be a single change)
u -- undo last change (undelete last line)
u -- redo last undo (redelete last line)

(i.e. vi style undo just toggles between undoing the last change and undoing the last undo, and ^R is subverted to allow multiple undos/redos in vim/nvi)

I’ve been using the vim style multi-undo for years, but have been wanting to adjust myself to the nvi style for ages. The only problem is, if I have to undo then do redo’s, I prefer using ‘.’ instead of ^R, haha! It seems to me, that technically nether vim using ^R for redo, nor nvi extending . for redo is purely vi compatible; but I personally feel extending . for the purpose, rather then clobbering ^R is a more logical solution. Although I can’t really think of a reason to use classic vi’s ^R instead of ^L on a modern terminal (read CRT or emualtor based terminal). The nvi style of multi-undo/redo also makes more sense to me, although most software users have been heavily conditioned by most programs to expect ^Z to undo the previous change up until the programs built in limit on undos.

Vim provides extensive mapping, syntax highlighting, build system integrations, and buffer options compared to traditional vi’s, but I don’t actually depend on it. Although most programmers I know, will cut your head clean off if you don’t give them syntax highlighting (lol), I don’t use Syntax highlighting…. I used to like using the astronaut and elflord colour schemes in vim; because I found them good for visually dumping syntax into my head. I.e. you can quickly tell what is what kind of syntactical element. But ever since I had to spend hours hashing out new PHP and SQL in a colourless remote terminal, I started to find the syntax highlighting to be distracting :. The only times I actually use colours in vim anymore, are for directory listings, with other peoples HTML, and in my .vimrc file; when coding, I use no syntax highlighting what so ever.

If you can look at the horse-shit filled tangles of (broken) HTML, (idiotic) SQL, (kindergartener like) PHP, and occasional JS that are so horribly intermixed and mutilated, that some past [SAS] webmasters dared to call it code, and come to reading it without syntax highlighting…. you can live without syntax highlighting anywhere!!!

Quote of the Day

Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.

— Feste the clown, Twelfth Night, Act I, Scene 5, William Shakespeare

Never read Twelfth Night, but the quote caught my eye lol.

Wouldn’t it be wonderfull… if I could actually get work done during the day, and not have to be some damn badgered that it takes hours to do what should be done in minutes? And I was hoping to be able to shave tonight, without losing nearly an hours worth of work :

WTF was I thinking? *SIGH* my mother enjoys driving me fucking nuts with pestering and patronizing me about getting up in the morning / staying up all night. BUT FOR FUCK SAKE!!!! She is the one incrementing my fucking work load by hours at a fucking time!!! I really wish there was a way, to make people see things “as they are”, without either having to break their neck or emotionally-cut them in the process, because I’m not fond of either method lol.

Joy, the slave gets called for more interuptions…. (Bitch)