Today was really, the only chance I had to sleep… but like normal, I didn’t
get any rest this morning. Work on the otherhand, went fairly smooth. Came home
and got to record most of my thoughts (and designing a window manager) before
chow time. Later, I just crashed for a nap and woke up a few hours later.

Since then, I’ve been been experimenting with links / links-hacked / elinks
some more. Really, elinks is almost exactly what I want… except for the lack
of GUI support. links-hacked, hmm I’m not so sure about right now; I just don’t
see it’s “hacks” as a big enough improvement over links proper. The minimal
adjustments I would need to make to links 2.2, is working with it’s cookies,
user agent spoofing (well, not neccessary, but desired), and add a few hooks
here and there (text entries, key to open new window, etc). In links-hacked,
I’m not sure yet. links-hacked seems to have much more primitive text area
handling, and much like how links lacks a key to open a new window
(links-hacked also lacks it!), there is apparently no key to just open a new
blank tab. Like, what kind of idiot makes a keyboard command to close a tab,
but doesn’t make one for opening one? (at least, if there is, it sure ain’t
documented, and the ‘t’ command from elinks doesn’t work in links-hacked). I
suppose, I could always find a way to stick that in…

EDIT: done, it now opens new tab, hehe.

Now that was kind of cool, I’m wondering what open_in_new_tab()s second
parameter does, and why it always seems to get passed NULL as the 2nd
parameter. Sure enough, I checked the function defition again — and it doens’t
use it for jack, hahaha.

Tried out links-hacked, nice browser but I think I like links 2.2 better.

I downloaded links-hacked, had to make a few trivial changes to the source, and punch it into the face to make it obey –disable-backtrace as intended. Startup time was a bit slower then links, but stil a quick mover. Keybinds seem to be a bit more minimalist, text fields improved visually and tabbed support is present. I couldn’t get lua support to configure though, which is a shame because I really wanted to try it out.

Overall though, I think links 2.2 is a better browser. If no unexpected “gotchas” pop up, links may soon become my default browser on Dixie. +/- a few custom modifications, hehe 😉

It also gave me an idea, I could use links bookmark manger easy enough to simulate the GOTO URL behavior I want, and always munge together a converter between my bookmarks tool and the netscape format; or just get around to writing the appropirate backend, lol. Hmm, this is interesting xD

Now if I could just get this S.O.B. to allow me to customize keybindings without hitting the sources, and some cookie handling – and it would be perfecto.

Ahh, I’m really feeling much better now. Got up and had a bowl of cereal, good to be back to a healthy snack, even if I’m still up at night lol.

Been using links a lot for web browsing latly. During the big upgrades, heavy browsers like Opera 9 and Firefox3 were a bit to bulky with how much resources the portupgrade program throws ontop of the upgrade script (compared to using FreeBSDs built in tools); I also fouled up glib/gtk at one point, so links came in handy. It renders pages fairly well (but without CSS) and even can do images inline (could use better positioning, but hey it’s a simple browser lol). It also has the virtue of low dependencies: C library, standard libraries for compression & encryption, the standard image libraries (libtiff, libjpeg, libpng), and a small subset of X11 libraries.

The worst thing I can say about links, is it lacks tabbed browsing; other wise I think I would use it everywhere I can lol. It’s rending of webpages could be better but the primary problem it has is CSS support, while Lynx renders webpages as if there was no CSS, and as if it was made for all presentation and layout moved into a stylesheet. That’s the worst thing about Lynx ^_^.

If I could get the experimental JavaScript enabled to see how stable it is, combined with the fact that Links renders web pages very well for such a browser (damn good actually). All I would have to do is patch in a few hooks to allow the stuff I want, wherever links doesn’t provide it. (Easy enough, I know C but don’t know my way around the code base).

What I really should do, is check out Links Hacked, which adds tabbed browsing (yay!) and scripting in Lua. I don’t know Lua, but I could learn it swiftly with good cause. Hmm…. xD

falling down tired

2009-02-10 T07:17:20 UTC

Oh man, so freaking tired. I think I fell asleep like ten minutes into the presidents talk, woke up sometime later and drifted off to bed. Was to tired to get on the computer, was nothing on TV; so I put on my favorite western, El Dorado. Been drifting in and out of consciousness, seeing most of the movie and dreaming of hacking on old computers the rest of the time (lol). Finally got up about half way into the movie.

I’m still to dang tired to do much of anything, just writing this off battery power atm. I’d really like to work through some of my readinf, but I’m to fscking tired to retain it. Been to exhausted most of the day to focus on anything more complex then regular expressions, and even then to far gone to get that right (oy). After El Dorado is over, I ought to go to sleep, but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go to sleep after all this dozing.

Really, what would be good, is to curl up with a nice novel… only problem, I’ve read most of my collection of fiction, 2 or 3 times each; my memory is also pretty good. I think I’ll see if there is any milk and cereal left, havce a quick gnosh and try and lay down. I’m really happy that I don’t have to be at work tomorrow, until about 1200 – but likewise wish I could just sleep. I really need a good nights sleep, but I never seem to get it.

I’m so darn tired.

Been a long night

Whilist updating my laptops software, I finally finished and found a number of irksome errors about gdkpixbuf and loading XPMs. Couldn’t turn up any useful information, so I asked around in #gnome; ended up recompiling gtk20 against the installed libraries. All in all, portupgrade is nice FWIW, but really it’s not one of my favorites. I usually get my best results doing things by hand, maybe I should give portmaster a go. Since I also had to recompile Pidgin to fix it, I decided on a whim to try compiling GFire (which I have not tried in a _long_ time). Much to my surprise and enjoyment, it went well — now I can connect to XFire off my laptop. Much nicer then redirecting people to use my other IM-details, lol. Also started work on a FreeBSD port for it, mostly just an issue of figuring out the PLIST files and testing out the port files.

Compiling things from source is the only assurable way of getting good results when updating software, a lot of people (that wouldn’t know a library from a linker) don’t get it; for the rest of us, it’s called think before you smash. With my modest hardware, I usually use pre-compiled binary packages whenever possible, but they are not always suitable. One of the things I like about source-based Operating Systems — you can actually fix shit when it blows up.

Oh crap, GDM, GKrellm, GVim, Emacs, and Pidgin are not working well after upgrade. Recompile the offending thing(s) that popped their cork…. and it magically works perfectly >_>. No horrors, no fighting, just flick the switch and take nap lol.

What a day!

Last night Willow puked on the sheet, so I had to put a load of wash on around 0245R’ish. With the look she gave me, all I could say was, “I’m not mad at you, you should know me better then that by now, but now your gonn’a have to stay out of trouble, and share the cover!”. I put the top sheet down to keep Willow from getting to the mattress, and put up with having to use the heavier cover. Usually I leave most of that for Willow, and just use the top sheet for my self lol.

Had to cut off portupgrade early (between ops of course, not during); so I need to finish that today. Woke up like 1430R. Took care of chores (late), then took the dogs out for their walk. While walking Coco, I ended up with the worst fall I’ve ever had. Dirt slid out from under my feet, and plop I went! It was like, one of those moments when it feels like time is passing in slow motion, but it’s really going a mile a minute; “Oh shit, I know how this is gonna hit”. I landed hard right above the small of my back, it felt like a crunch from hell. I couldn’t adjust to control the fall, so I had to land flat out on my back with Coco landing on my chest; I hit the dirt with a bounce and felt the wind knocked out of me. F*** man, for a second I was wondering if I was having a heart attack or screwed something up on rebound. The front of my chest, like around the base or just below the sternum was hurting, but it’s fine now. (Maybe my internals having a roller coaster ride, lol.)

Coco jumped off my chest running, so I flung myself up & around and tried to scoop her up; she ended up tangled in the harness by the time I snatched her mid run; so I untangled her on the way back inside. I knew I had to get up pretty freaking fast, because while Willow would drag me (or choke herself) if she ever tried running off in a situation like that, with the leash in my hand — but coco is so small, she can yank herself out of her harness! Came in side groaning, and plupped on the couch to get coco out of her kit. Coco was scared shitless from the unexpected drop, now she’s just pissed off at me for not taking her for the walk lol.

My thinking: “Thank you LORD, I’m still here… and in one piece”

Man, I’ve never had the wind knocked out of me like that. Although it’s one of my lifes regrets, that I never had a chacne to formally study martial arts: I have learned how to take a fall quite well. But when it’s crush the dog or take your own chances with the landing, ya don’t actually have a choice lol. So I had to take the drop hard, felt like bouncing off a wall with my backside. Didn’t hurt my head any, kept it out of the impact fine, just took a stiff drop backside first lol. Been a long time since I’ve taken a fall, and that was the first one in a long time that I haven’t been able to control the drop. Heh, last time I landed like that, I must’ve been like 3 or 4 years old lol.

Man, nothing like a hill kicking you in the back to wake you up in the afternoon!

Hooah, reorganizing ${HOME} on Dixie is almost done… so I can spend time backing it up later, lol. (I like to do a full backup of my home directory every 6~12 months.). I shifted through most of ~/code last night, ~/Pictures a few weeks ago, and ~/Documents tonight. (~/Music and ~/Videos are just a lost cause, lol). I’ve also been tucking various (on going) projects into ~/Projects/file_or_dir, which used to be in ~/file_or_dir or ~/code/Language/{src,lib,modules,doc,makefiles}/file_or_dir. Eventually though, I’ll have to shuffle through the cruft in ~/misc but it’s almost empty now.

One nice thing, when I’ve a document or site to read that is to big for one sitting, I usually create a .lastpage or .progress file somewhere, named after the doc file or a .lnk file with a URL / notes. With this reorganization stuff, I’ve been transitioning to an index file per (appropriate) directory, lastpage.idx. Which is actually a lot more handy, since I can more readily query the information with other unix programs (cut, grep, awk, perl, et. al.). Then again, I also need to consolidate my ~/notes, ~/stuff/open-loops, and I don’t even want to think about organizing my home directory on Vectra…

Finally managed to git rid of an ever worsting beard last night, a change for the better… I was starting to look a little to much like a relic from the Civil War, only I don’t happen to own a gray coat nor a blue one either for that matter ^_^. Although most of those around me, think that I look good with a mustache and goatee, I think I look like an asshole; whether it’s a mustache, goatee, or full beard lol. Whenever I dream, I usually am beardless, maybe my minds self-image has more time to spend with a razor blade then I actually get in the real world :o. Now I just need to work a haircut into my grossly overcrowded schedule :. With the amount of time that I *actually get to myself*, I almost never take the time to shave, unless it becomes necessary, or I can’t stand looking at it every morning! Yet, I really hate it when I get to the point of walking around in a beard…

With some luck, I can get a little pleasure this weekend: catching up on my ever expanding reading list, and throw in a bit of coding on my current projects for good measure… hehe. I know what I really need, but I also know the probability involved, is on par with winning the lottery without a ticket. That is about how much rest I’m allowed around here…. even the dog [usually] gets better treatment then I in this family :.

What I really _need_, is a /long vacation/ from nearly-everything, to everything in my life right now. Leave everything behind, take a term of R&R without anyone along to badger me, and chuck the computer out the window while I’m at it (although knowing me, I’d jump after it — most of my data is in there until the next backup lol). *Sigh*, a man can dream.

Speaking of dreams, I think I would have to search my live journal to even recall when the last time I had a decent nights sleep was, lol. Hmm, think it’s a quarter to 0600R, best grab a quick gnosh and see about gettin’ some shut eye before the sun come sup. For better or worse, being up until 3,4,5,6, or even 7 o’clock in the morning is not uncommon for me, and I’ve largely been going to bed *much* later then 0200 for over a decade… but hey, at least when I’m not working, instead of rolling out of bed for the first piss of the dat, at 0915 – I can sleep in until 1130~1300 🙂

If anyone even lets me sleep…..

The poor phpBB folk


We are sorry to report that we have been attacked through a 0-day-exploit in our PHPList installation (responsible for the mailing list about new releases). will remain unavailable while we work to recover. No vulnerabilities have been found in the phpBB software itself.

You can download phpBB here:

You can get support at the temporary support forums or on IRC: #phpbb

A more detailed explanation about the incident.

Press Contact: If you need to get in contact with the management, please email phpbb_press (at) marshalrusty (dot) com.

– the phpBB team

Somehow, this makes me glad that I don’t have to use PHPList… hehe.

A stroke of luck?

Hmm, I don’t know if I’ve got a recent copy of flocks files on my laptop, but there is still last years system backup, so that might be a good thing. Should also be easy enough to write a quicky to convert the data to entries in my own kit.