What a day !!!

Woke up early, fairly good for a change, but still… 30min before I had to get dressed for work lol.

On the way out of the complex I thought I smelled something, noted it for comment if I still smelled it in a bit, thought it was just something in the terrain. Also heard an odd raddle, but hey… She’s a F.O.R.D.

About ~25 metre down the road, Ma is like “I can’t steer!” and said the AMP light was on the display; so I told her to pull over while their was still a place to pull over.

A quick thumb through the cars manual to make sure of what the bleeding heck the amp light might mean, aside from a low battery (that’s still got 2 years on the warrenty, and hopefully the specs to back it up) says to have the electrical system checked (real helpful). So I got out, popped the hood, and took a quick scan of things.

Sure enough a look at the alternator revealed a broken belt 🙁

I was just happy it’s the belt & tensioner instead of an electicral problem… That would be as good as totaled fincially, but getting the belt and the tensioner done is only ~$150 or so. Ma called the clients we were supposed to work for, and they came out and got us (their very good folk). I started work on the monster sized house myself, while Ma took care of getting the car towed.

Despite a very large work area, I actually made quite a not of headway… Expecting to have to complete everything but the mopping without aid.

Then Ma got in, and I had to brief her twice on what I had gotten done, to avoid her redoing it *grrr*. To be followed by a lot of interupts, hence a sudden drop in productivity… lol.

Got off work around 1630~1700, which is pretty late; usually we get done around 1500, but I only got to start solo around 1052~1058.

As usual, I skipped any concept of breakfast, but we got off late, so I skipped lunch — stopping for lunch takes to long. I’m somewhat like a camel really; little food & water, good imunity to temparure change, barely any rest, and still works like a dog… lol.

At least though, the volume of dinner made of for the lack of lunch xD

A a side effect of everything, since the car won’t be fixed until tomorrow, I’m off work… so it’s just a quetion of whether or not I’ll be both home and available to get stuff done.

Still, it does make me wish I knew more about cars. I know just enough to understand how they work, but not enough to fix them lol. Hmm… that reminds me of a family joke haha, about the person I’m named for. I was named after a close friend of my parants, who introduced them; but as the story goes. My Dad, who could rip an engine apart and put it back together again; called up my mom to explain that he wouldn’t be making it into town, because Terry took apart the Corvairs engine apart, and had parts left over xD

Someday, I think I’d love to take an engine apart (with the manual as he did), and find out if I’d have parts left over or do it right. If I did have parts left over or fouled it up, I could just imagine my father cursing a blue streak from beyond the grave… lol.

the general rant of the night

Oh what fun it would be to have Google Chrome + Plugins (that work) on FreeBSD or even just chromium + plugins (that works)… It would certainly beat the dozen or so others available (all of the main stream ones are also available in native & linux versions).

All the better, would be a cross platform web browser besides Lynx that does not suck… but Google Chrome at least presents a usable technology for surfing the web 10+ hours a day, even if it’s essentially winsucks only for mere mortorals… for the time being.

And best of all, would be a web browser better then lynx, that didn’t piss me off *eventually* or prove tiresome to use for such long periods of time.

Hmm, I’ve just seen a movie, that I’ll probably never watch again. Some of the thing troops go through in combat, are truly horrible. Even more terrifying, is what war can do to those that have been at it far to long. In a lot of ways, I’m glad I didn’t pursue a military career, b/c I honestly don’t know if I could live the rest of my life, if I had to experience some of the things that have happened to our fighting men. I generally have quite a hard exterior and the poker face to match it, but for this film, I shed tear.

Look at an infantryman’s eyes and you can tell how much war he has seen.
– Bill Mauldin, Up Front, 1944.

And say a prayer of thanks and for their safety, with my hand over my heart in salute.

Off work until Monday, and working until Friday… I really like the weeks when Monday falls on a date that I am not working >_>, but that’s only every other week :.

Plans for the weekend:

Work on Rouges project
Work on fixing that bug in XYZ
Play RvS and SWAT 4
Chat with a few friends, if I’m sane by then <_<
Catch up on my postings.

Interference to goals:

Trying to pass level 8 of tetris…. This is what I get for not playing enough tetris as a boy lol.
Having to write the daemon portion of my note taker
Battle for Wesnoth being in the middle of an interesting campaign, and trying to create one of my own.
Any number of personal projects and homework that never seems to be completed on time.

There are two things that I really need, but not likely to see in a long time… In the mean time, I guess there is working to death lol.

Just two more days of work left this week….

To spend my weekend, …

To be back in the grind come Monday.


Writer’s Block: Unnecessary Objects

Oscar Wilde, a dandy’s dandy, once said that “we live in an age when unnecessary things are our only necessities.” What unnecessary possession can you not live without?

Live Journals Writer’s Block

A unix box !!!

Computers are not a necessity, but I can’t afford enough books or cellular minutes to replace the internet lol.

tonights to do


write up OPORD (OPerations ORDer)

post that message I wrote last night in T&T with OPORD attached

annotate the 12PoC for ]SAS] ELs and post in T&T

test ‘side-step’ method for more portably dealing with CMS issues

think about ways of learning more assembly

Thoughts on my SAS Skin and past skinning ops

I’ve been working on a ‘personal’ project for a recent change of pace. A personalized skin for SWAT 4, the proper name of it would be ‘[SAS]_Spidey01’ but there’s not a lot of room visible in the loadout menu, maybe 9-11 char at the most.

The first prototype is based on the United States Navy’s Working Uniform, the armour is currently a hybrid of the light armour vest from my teams ‘SAS Black’ skin, Miles made that armour vest and it is one hell of a great design! I’ve incorporated elements of the no armour vest, which is basically the games rendition of an Omega Elite Tactical Vest from Blackhawk. So the vest design actually combines two of my favorite kits lol. I’ll probably use it for both my skins light and no armour setups; a few modifications perhaps, depending on how the game lays out the ‘pouches’ and crap. One sad thing, the game auto-places pouches and gear on top of the skin, wrecking some potentionally good designs :. So I’ve kept the rear of the hybrid vest fairly plane; my name and a subdued but tell tail marker visible in the stack.

The BDU kit is a mixture of the new NWU the navy is working on, but with a little bit of my own ‘flare’ added to it, to help it blend into the games darker setting more readily. I used a sampling of the digital pattern to help get it right, but to be honest, I would prefer the woodland pattern… Let’s just say, when I was growing up — U.S. troops often wore a woodland camo; or a chocolate chip style desert camo, that I would describe as “I really hope the other side has CHS disorder”, b/c it looks more like a bullseye then a camo in my opinion :. In the US, the camouflage used by our troops has at least been moving in more realistic directions, this ain’t 1955 after all… If you’re going to use camouflage, odds are ya don’t want to stick out.

Any ways, back to topic lol. The skin pack I made for [SAS] was fairly simple yet made to be distinctive — when you see an [SAS] Member walking around in the SAS skins, ya gonna be happy your not a tango.

Vyro created a fairly simple black skin for us based on the Taiwan SWAT skin many of us had officially adapted, this is what I refer to as “Version 1”. Later on I made a few adjustments with Miles and referred to it as “Version 2”. The current edition, was a package with full installer. Containing the black, sabre, trainer, camo, and desert kits. SAS Black being a very distinctive yet attractive design, yet unrealistic in the sense that there is a huge winged dagger on the back of the vest, and “Special Air Service” written underneaths the members team glow-bar. Thats what I consider “Version 3”, I lent direction to the project and Miles worked some magic to make it great. The SAS Sabre included in the package was however a more realistic skin, very lightly adorned and a fairly drab shade of gray. I greatly desired a skin that resembled one of the old Sabre skins from SAS Realism Mod (from SWAT 3). It would’ve been impossible without Miles help, thanks to him, the goal was successful :-). The other skins, I mostly made myself but used the same vests for. SAS Camo, which I created the BDU from a sample of British camouflage and then specially crafted the hood to go with it, it’s my favorite BDU ;-),. The other one was designed in memory of one of our Live Ops, in which Lazko and I were the last members standing, injured from the tips of our pawns hair down to the toes, and barely a left bullet between us. It was just like the SAS Camo skin, a “second prototype” in camouflage BDU; but made with a British desert pattern.

Not included (beyond the textures) in the package were SAS Blue, Green, and Tigerstripe. The SAS Blue, we never could get right… either it would end up to bright a blue (resembling the GIGN skin) or become more maroon, so I chucked it. The SAS Green was chucked, because no matter what I did to it, I still felt it to much of an IFF liability (suspects use old-green, 3~4 colour urban camo, and blue-urban camo uniforms, but OG often enough for SAS Green to be mistaken for an enemy!), so it was chucked. The tigerstripe, I had created because the Vietnam war era pattern is one of my favorites. But ironically, the skin suffered both from a poor distribution of the camo and offered too bright a colour profile to be realistic :-(. So arguably, my first camo-prototype skin in SWAT 4 was a daister, while the second camo-prototypes hit release quality.

The BDU texture I’ve created based on the NWU, I hope will be both my third camo prototype, fourth camo skin, and second successful…..

Two things i need to figure out: arm patches and headgear. The SAS skins basically have the British Union Jack on the arm and occasionally (e.g. SAS Black) the SAS insignia on its arm. But, since this is my skin, it makes little sense to continue that path, because I’m not British. Rather then trying to create a US flag patch with suitably subdueded colors, I’m considering something a bit different both in the modern and classical sense.

For the hood, I’m undecided +S. I could make a balaclava to match the NWU, a blue one (not a colour I’ve actually had luck with), or even use the black/gray ones from the other skins. I’ve thought of modifying the SAS Trainer skin to have more of a beard; but realistically, one would want to keep their face hidden behind a flame retardant hood. I’ll probably make tests with the faces from Trainer, Black, Camo, and Sabre, and see if making one to match the BDUs camo is worth the effort. Makign the hood for SAS Camo took a long time to get it “just right”.

*CHS disorder – Can’t Hit Shit disorder.

Birdy fortress

If the bird gets out of there, I’m calling Guinness!

If Coco gets in there, I’m reclassifying her as a mole, not a dog!

Mikes old set up was like this:

|-------Solid wall--------------------------
S |--------------------------|
o | |-----||
l ||------| |------| | | | ||
i || cage |--- | | | | ||
d || playpen| | | | || << cloths rack
w || |--- | | | | ||
a ||------| |------| | | | ||
l | |-----||
l |--------------------------|
|Table | Netting
| |

After we got the dogs, we cut up the box from my computer chair & wrapped it around the south-eastern border; to keep the dogs from eating bird seed off the rug. Well, that never worked to well… When it gets to thundering, Coco gets to looking for a place to hide. And her favorite is to push the box aside and sit under Mikes cage lol.

Now, there is wadding and barricade sealing the holes Coco made in the bottom of the netting, more boxing preventing Coco from pushing the box aside; plus reenforcement on the outside, creating a tripple-layered protection wrapping part way around the cage, and the opposite (north-eastern) corner has been sealed with wadding, barricade, and reenforcement tucked inbetween the (jam-packed) bookshelf built into the wall. And to top that off, the netting is secured in a way, that if Mike did penetrate the netting, he won’t be able to flutter-up and away from the boxes, and into waiting jaws. It’s like a birdy fortress protected by many overlapping redoubts ! hehe