Birds, Dogs, and Feathers on my…

I’m glad I’m a fairly sedate person, other wise I would need a tranquilizer…

stack trace:

0 – Sitting in bed, writing code
1 – Ma walks by the hallway on the way to the bathroom: “I thought you were sleeping”, “I was”, “Go to bed”, (walks away), “fuck off” (or something to that effect).
2 – I heard the bird screaming and flying about
3 – Willow jumps off the bed
4 – *sigh*
5 – thinking if the bird doesn’t stop in 3, get up and calm him down.
6 – Ma comes and tells me somethings wrong with Mike (The birds name is Mikey).
7 – Get up, bulldoze through hall, into kitchen, flick on the kitchen and dining room lights on at once
8 – found Willow near the cage, keep visual-scan according to SAS SOP.
9 – Bird found laying on it’s backside on the ground half under the table
10 – Willow lunges a the bird
11 – Bird tries to flee
12 – I try to capture him, until finally nabbing him
13 – move into kitchen for visual exam
14 – bird sinks his beak into my hands in reactitory-fear; hardest bite he’s ever given, but he wasn’t playing.
15 – bird gets loose and is recaptured both by me and the dog a few times
16 – Quick analysis shows lower mid-chest wound and bleeding
17 – switched on the water fosit and let it flow on the wound
18 – dose wound and surrounding area in hydrogen peroxide
20 – Applied flour to his abdomen and rubber it gently on the wound area (to help clotting)
21 – Held bird tightly trying to calm him down
22 – Bird feels warm but beyond having the strength to resist
23 – wrapped bird in dry wash cloth and continued to try to calm him
24 – placed bird in shoe box, wrapping in cloth, to keep him in a secure (hands free) place.
25 – Instructed Ma to prep cage for entry (e.g. remove covers, clear wide opening in the netting, etc)
26 – Bird attempted to flee from shoe box
27 – recalmed bird and began computating contigent next courses of action
28 – Placed wash cloth in bottom of open cage
29 – Picked up bird and wrapped snuggly in my hands, to keep him from flight
30 – Garbage truck arrives, thanks guys, you’re days late and come around 0400 in the morning!!!
31 – Ma, while holding Willow; opens door to verify my audiary senses.
32 – Bird appears alert, aware of changing lighting conditions and the door being opened and closed.
33 – Placed bird in cage on cloth
34 – Closed door quickly as he jumped off, in case of flight
35 – Bird leapt to the cages middle perch
36 – Began search for his cages water bowl
37 – Bird climbed (I think climbed anyway) to the highest
38 – Filled his water
39 – Filled his seed
40 – Rotated his seed and water bowls, just in case he drops off the upper perch… for fear that he might drown in the water bowl.
41 – Resecure netting, just in case the bird figures a way to force open the food/water-dish holding/door things and escape
42 – Check bird
43 – Wash hands
44 – Remind willow she’s been bad, “You can’t play with birds! They’re too fragile”
45 – clean up the mess of feathers and pin feathers on the floor
46 – noted that his missing tail feathers came out at the calamus (quill); reminded me of some duck feathers me and my brother had when I was 5~6 years old.
47 – throw out feathers
48 – check bird, he’s looking as if to say, “Why am I in the cage?”
50 – put out the lights so the bird could rest
51 – wash hands
52 – move laptop (on the bed) so the lower vent is also clear
53 – Remind Willow what shes done
54 – strip down and washed up for the night
55 – check bird, he’s calm
56 – finally free to search google
57 – searches for data (survival rates, treatment) of bitten birds becomes futile
58 – searches for dog health returns positive, he’s always been a healthy bird.

Willow wasn’t trying to hurt him, she just wanted to play. Nothing less then any other dog would’ve done, but she was playful, not predatory. Reminds me, Macy once ate a wild bird, presumably whole, and was fine.

Mike I think is fine injury wise, my primary concern wa the stres of it all. If Willow had really done harm or “bitten him”, I think the birds abdominal injury would’ve looked more like the cut from harakiri or a persons chest slashed with a large knife. Odds are he just had feathers ripped out in the scuffle, b/c I don’t think he’d have survived long if it was a serious cut.

But birds can’t take a lot of torment, they just can’t hold up to it. Extreme fear or stress, or flying into things is really bad for birds. I remember Mrs G (first person we worked for) once told me, that if a humming bird got trapped in one of the orb-webs outside, the thing would die from the ordeal of fighting through it (humming birds are really fragile, nimble creatures with a super rapid-heart-beat).

Mikey must be tough enough to be in this family, ‘cus he managed to survive it without dying of shock. At least, I think he would’ve died a long time before the whole thing ended if he got to seriously into it. Mikey is loud and stubborn enough to prove he’s in the right family, so I hope he’s got the titanium-disposition to… He drives me crazy at times, but I would never wish him serious harm, I love the little critter.

We got him like May of 2000, and he’s been “netted in” to his play area (cage on table, play pin on stack of boxes, cloths rack full of toys) for years. He’s a smart little bugger, so I’m sure he could figure out a way out if there is one. Coco also tends to burrow through into the bottom of the netting and sit under his cages-table when it thunder…

Odds are he’ll be confined to the cage indefintitly, in case of a repeat performance.I think if he isn’t KiA by the time I get up tomorrow, he’ll probably be fine unless he gets an infection. But I guess, Willows mouth is probably cleaner then mine is lol :

It’s about ten after 0600, need to be up for work in a few hours… best try for some sleep.

EDIT: He’s doing good so far, just missing a lot of tail feathers. He was really pissed off when we got home from work, at having been stuck in his cage. The current problem is what to do next….

By some odd twist of luck, I didn’t have to work today lol. I guess GOD knew hw much I was dreading it…. But I still ork the way I was raised. When I was growing up, it was a long time before *anyone* was workin’ but I was raised that, work don’t stop until you’re dead; it doesn’t matter if your head is falling off or you feel like death warmed over — you geet off your ass and go into work. That’s the way I was raised, that’s what I expect to have to do, even if I’d rather not lol.

One nice thing, I’ve received a new order, one that opens up quite a lot of possibilities on how I complete it. The jist of it, I had to “fix” the website from using something totally ‘insane’ to something that both works and works as it say it works… A side effect of that, being the sort order of the ranks changed slightly; most notably screwing up the special assignments wing, cadets, and veterans. So what if I’m listed at the tail end of the mighty page? I’ve got a lot more important tasks then what I consider a vanity fix for myself; when I could be doing other things that need doing. Well, my new order basically amount to fixing that, and taking the ol’sledge hammer to thing where necessary.

The code involved I think, is copyrighted from 2002, and I know it’s been hacked by at least 3 different admin team members since 2005. The code is to dependent upon a set of assumptions about the format of the data it manipulates. So there is no simple or quick fix to it, without digging into it. One good side effect, fixing it *properly* also means fixing a few other things in need of fixing, that I ain’t had time for fixing yet lol.

Hmm, maybe Operation Excalibur will happen one of these days just yet… but on a much grander scope then I had originally imagined.

Work, Swat, Wesnoth, Work, Wesnoth, Work, Swat,… I’ll be happy when the weekend comes… Or when I finish this campaign in Wesnoth lol.

Like always, as work increases… E-Mail, Journal, School, Sleep, Games, and Codea decrement their places on my priority list until work levels out again. Just thinking about work tomorrow, just makes me sick. I really need a !@#$2 vacation! No work, no code, no games, no nothing… just blissful rest and relaxation.

Fat chance of that happening within my life time…..

For one reason or another, I seem to end up browsing /usr/src/ whenever I encounter curious program behaviors, I wonder…

Does this mean, that I would be bored stiff without access to the system sources; or do I just spend *to much* time in front of a code editor lol.

What I love about English

Unfortinetly I missed a great classic with Bette Davis, but at least I got to catch
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and Fort Apache is on now.

This is the one thing I actually like about the English language:

Clark: Hey. If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I’d like Frank Shirley, my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane with all the other rich people and I want him brought right here, with a big ribbon on his head, and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is. Hallelujah. Holy shit. Where’s the Tylenol?

Christmas Vacations a hilarious holiday film, but it reminds me. If I ever end up conducting something to scale of an old fashioned Griswold Family Christmas, I’ll have to remember watch out, for things going so horribly wrong, that even a SWAT team comes crashing through every oriface of the building hahaha. Clark Griswold tries, but some how, every thing just gets royally screwed up lol.

Clark: Where do you think you’re going? Nobody’s leaving. Nobody’s walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We’re all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We’re gonna press on, and we’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he’s gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.

Ahh, that was a good rest 🙂

SWAT time + looking at the games enemy weapons

I finally got to play some swat 🙂

Spent the day testing a new common-ops load:

  1. MP5 9x19mm Suppressed SMG, FMJ or JHP depending on primary OPFOR
  2. M1911A1 11.43x23mm Pistol, JHP or opposite of primary
  3. 3 M84 Stun grenade
  4. 1 Hornets Nest stingball grenade
  5. 1 Door wedge
  6. 3 C2 breaching charges
  7. Tactical Assault Vest (No Armour)
  8. The games ol’lucky helmet or AN/PVS-7 night vision goggles; depending on lighting conditions and method of engagement

I rather like using no armour in SWAT 4: TSS. When suspects deal 2 times the damage we can, walking around in heavy body armour really doesn’t help. Well, if the enemy has an M1911 (many maps give them Bereta M9s) or the sawed of shotgun with the “low” ammo type (50% chance of low ammo). Then heavy armour might save your virtual life, but other wise it’s just dead weight. A single AK47 FMJ fired from ~1050 unreal units away, will kill a player wearing heavy armour during a Multi-Player Co-Op game. And worth of note, all but a few weapons have a maximum range of 4000 unreal units, in TSS the exceptions are the Remington M700 Sniper Rifle (remote control only) at 3000uu, breaching shotgun, and the Taser/Cobra (Stringray) stun guns

Suspects always use JHP in these weapons according to the SwatEquipment.ini file fr SWAT 4: TSS:

  • M1911A1
  • MP5
  • MP5 SD
  • Desert Eagle
  • M4A1

and 10% of the time, suspects with FN P90 can get JHP rounds in TSS.

The rest of the time the enemy uses FMJ for clip based weapons (e.g. hg,smg,ar,lmg) and buckshot for round based weapons (e.g. shotguns). Some weapons use a “_LowAmmo” a certain % of the time (Python, M9, SawedOffSG, all come to mind). But generally the only differences between SWAT weapons and Suspect weapons is cosmetic (e.g. no tactical light) and numerical (they get less magazines for reload, not that I’ve ever seen them reload — they are smart enough to switch to secondaries in a firefight instead).

All things considered, plus the games ridicules concept of ballistics…. I’d rather have the speed of no armour, then the protection of light armour. Simply put, I don’t plan on getting shot often lol. The light armour vest will protect in some situations and in those, heavy armour does better. But most of the time, you get hit, you get dead, so why bother? The ability to cuff, reload, and switch between weapons at a more realistic pace is also worth the trade off in protection hehe.

Weapon popularity in the regular SWAT 4 maps, as noted by ‘cmd> grep identifer ContentSystemEneemyArchetypes.ini | wc -l’. Note that many suspects (especially terro-type) have access to plenty of weapons and a chance=precentage of how likely they are to use a given weapon type; to control just how often they will use an item in the available weapons list. This is just a summery of how many times a given weapon was specified as available.


M9 found: 43
USP found: 21
PythonRevolverHG found: 14
ScorpionHG found: 12
IngramHG found: 10 (This is basically a MAC-10)
1911 found: 5
Glock found: 0 (Model 17)

Sub Machine Guns:

UMP45 found: 15
MP5SMG found: 13
UZISMG found: 11 (Suppressed)
HK53 found: 9
SilencedMP5SMG found: 0

Assault Rifles:
G36kMG found: 10
M4MG found: 8
AK74suMG found: 8 (Proper name: AKS-74U, U = Ukorochenniy)
AK74MG found: 6

Pump1SG found: 12
SawedOffSg found: 11
M1Super90SG found: 8
M4Super90SG found: 0
Pump2RifleGripSg found: 2

I’ve yet to check the TSS maps for the enemy weapons though.

The USP40, HK53, AK47, and Colt Python being some of the most deadly of enemy weapons. The Uzi (accurate headshots), Ingram (very heavy bullets), and Scorpion sub-machineguns are also quite hazardous. By comparison, the only weapon available to players in MP Co-Op that really works well, is the AK47 :. The FN P90 added in TSS helps out, if you are willing to pump in a lot more rounds, heck… I remember on one live op map. I took the P90 because I knew there would be little time to reload, if we had to go dynamic. I ended up using like 32-38 rounds per kill at near maximum range (if not occasionally beyond!) to drop tangos, which is tricky because the weapon is very inaccuate at long range in TSS lol.

They call this a day off work?

  1. waiting on my mother hand & foot
  2. trying to chat with friends
  3. walking two dogs
  4. trying to port some code into my python library
  5. trying to learn a dialect of lisp
  6. tending to chores
  7. hoping to eventually play swat
  8. and wanting to finish that level of wesnoth from the other day


— written using xfire, python, nvi, and chrome.

Had a nice nap, but a strange dream.

The earliest thing I can remember, was a gathering of family. I remember we were getting into boats and were rowing out, my Grandfather was at the other end of my boat and said something about a everyone taking ‘swim’. I said I didn’t know how to swim, which is technically true. So plans were changed and the water was covered with this huge blue canvas and we all piled out of the boats and setup for the get together, or whatever we were doing there…

I laid back on the canvas and thought to myself. About how the last time I felt like this without having to worry about the swaying waves washing over me, was years and years ago to when I was about three years old; sloshing about in the huge pool in the back yard with a snorkel, fins, and an inflatable tube. Hmm, it’s probably been at least twelve years since I was last in a pool, let along those days lol.

Then it began to rain, so we draped green canvas covers over our ‘camp ground’ and went about business. Someone asked me to look something up, so I fired up my laptop battery power.As the weather got worse, the group split: some went in search of better shelter, a few stayed; I was assigned to stay put. Sometime later, I got thumped on the head, pulling off the canvas to take a look; I saw that I had been hit in the head by a failing tree branch, and the corner of the area was riddled with such debree.

So I decided it would be better to get out of here, even if it meant getting a bit wet lol. In the ensuring action, which in the real world would’ve resulted in a laptop yielding electro-shock therapy… The last of the group moved into the building like structure at the center of the area, as the rain got even worse. I helped with setting up the stetting up the ticker storm-guard on the point of entry.

Next my attention turned to food prep and emacs. Then Aunt Ruth and some others were trying to get in, so I removed the storm-thing from the point of entry to let them in, and then was set in search of emacs, xemacs, and another funky coloured pen labeled ‘3.5.1’ or was it ‘3.5.8’, or ‘3.8.1’, or ‘3.8.5’ or something like that; it was supposed to be a fork of XEmacs :

Why on earth would a Vi-lover dream of emacsen!?

That’s when I woke up in a cold sweat, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.

Losing the war: On evading lisp


Why does Lambda Calculus and Scheme have to be so damn interesting!!!

I need to be kicking myself into a standard tool kit of language+libs+utils, not learning a new one lol. But I have an addiction to learning things :

Perfect choice from a favorite raido station

If tomorrow all the things were gone,
I’d worked for all my life.
And I had to start again,
with just my children and my wife.

I’d thank my lucky stars,
to be livin here today.
‘ Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.

And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
GOD bless the USA.

From the lakes of Minnesota,
to the hills of Tennessee.
Across the plains of Texas,
From sea to shining sea.

From Detroit down to Houston,
and New York to L.A.
Well there’s pride in every American heart,
and its time we stand and say.

That I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
GOD bless the USA.

And I’m proud to be and American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘ Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
GOD bless the USA.

— Proud To Be An American, Lee Greenwood