
Hmm… if I sit and imagine where I’d much rather be. I see my self sitting on a deserted island with a bottle of vodka…. strange really.

I’ve mostly been able to get nothing purposful done today… Got up for 5 minutes to do the wash and hours later.. Still squat is done ! I finished most of the UI and started planning on the rest. Even set up a small test to see what it looks like compiled.

Its impossible to do any thing in t his house…. unless its at night and I can’t stay up for quite some time now. Because of working mornings. So I’m screwed any way. Need to flush my mental cache before I go mad, because I’m no lush.

I think if I hear the word School Work one more time I’ll throw up.

Since I have little time to do any thing. I was thinking about breaking up the program into a number of different programs. For example the main window and the configuration dialog would be two different applications in. And to interact with one enough, they could communicate threw a 3rd party. Each would know how to interface with this 3rd party rather then having to talk to one enough, they talk to the middleman who talks to the other πŸ˜‰

Some how, I think its poor GUI engineering but I like the design in theory. At least, it sounds better in my mind then how I’ve worded it. I also want to try and expose parts of the implementation through scripts that can be edited without touching the programs code.

Thus, while the program would handle the process of figuring out what to install (e.t.c.) *some* of the actions performed could be tweaked. For example, as I have it envisioned. There is less concern about the implementation of the ports collection in the heart of the program.

So far, the only thing that gives a damn about it is the wrapper on make.

Day dream

I don’t know if I can pull it off yet but I can try.

I find working this out in ASCII kind of fun compared to pencil and paper. I also get spell checking built in as you can see lol. Not that I can type during daylight hours ether.

Image Hosted by

It would be cool to have a Ports managment tool thats really simple yet really powerful. Easy for newbie/guibies yet powerful enough to administer the system from.

Wow… just like when I’m sleepy I find a comment like this as I read lol

2230:         /*
2231: * If the new process paused because it was
2232: * swapped out, set the stack level to the last call
2233: * to savu(u_ssav). This means that the return
2234: * which is executed immediately after the call to aretu
2235: * actually returns from the last routine which did
2236: * the savu.
2237: *
2238: * You are not expected to understand this.
2239: */
2240: if(rp->p_flag&SSWAP) {
2241: rp->p_flag =& ~SSWAP;
2242: aretu(u.u_ssav);
2243: }

Manged to get some good CT in today. Pretty big batch for most of it.

I got Yuke and Duke working as EL’s and trying to cordinate missions. And I got them a simple mission paremter or two per mission.

Hey, I’ve playe denough games… The old go in, shoot every thing tha tmoves, and get out bit is old. So I try to give them some thing refreshing when I do training. But I try to do it in a way that it allows one to work on some thing.

I didn’t really restrict the time they had to work on things but they seemed to do it pretty fast. For the mos tpart I liekd what I saw – theres room for improvement. But its pretty good for a pair of Recruits and non SAS.

That One player, Joska. Deffo inviting him to training if he’s ever in game before hand hehehe. Sadly I wante dot try and get REM2000 in on it too but he had to go. I try to look foreward πŸ˜‰

Got good serious training work in, to be fair I’m going to try and do one for RvS next week. Got to have a nice chat with Duke between ops and some good games too.

Hmm, supper time πŸ™‚

I guess blog & work can wait.

Been toying qith QTRuby and Korundum (QT3/KDE3 bindings for Ruby).

So far I think I rather like it hehe.

Got QTRuby installed fine, Korundums being a bit picky by libtool way. Hope to have a PBI with both in it by next week.

Some likes I need to bookmark in my master-bookmarks-file and want to post on PC-BSD forums.

Terry@Dixie$ rf ~/tmp/notes 5:20
–with-qt-dir=DIR where the root of Qt is installed
–with-qt-includes=DIR where the Qt includes are.
–with-qt-libraries=DIR where the Qt library is installed.
–with-smoke[=qt|kde] Smoke: build Smoke for qt+kde or qt only [default:qt]
–without-gl disable 3D GL modes

configured as:
./configure –prefix=/Programs/QT-KDE-Ruby-Runtime1.0 –with-qt-dir=/usr/X11R6/include –with-qt-includes=/usr/X11R6/include –with-qt-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib/

arning: you chose to install this package in /Programs/QT-KDE-Ruby-Runtime1.0,
but KDE was found in /usr/local.
For this to work, you will need to tell KDE about the new prefix, by ensuring
that KDEDIRS contains it, e.g. export KDEDIRS=/Programs/QT-KDE-Ruby-Runtime1.0:/usr/local
Then restart KDE.

Terry@Dixie$ 5:20

Alas, there goes my beard.

We have an interview tomorrow after work for another pet sitting job.. So can’t keep it.

If I didn’t think I looked like an utter jackass I’d leave the mustache part.. Although it would be more trouble to trim.

Oh well, back to picking apart AT&T UNIX Version 6.

Job seeker

Well, so far in search of a junior admin job…

The only one I think I could get, is one I saw listed in NYC. Basically the only one with a ‘Green horns need not apply’ strapped on for all intents and purposes.

Tried putting in an application at IBM, doubt it went well. Was in to much hurry to get it done before heading to work to do it *well* structure wise.

Hit Google Jobs… dang I think I’d love to work there. I really prefer BSD but hey, Linux is cool with me!

Think I might also see if Bellsouth has a way to put in an application online.

Its probably hopeless but at least I can try. Heck if I could sort transportation and make the Months bills. I’d practically sleep in the server room lol. Personally I doubt any of them would hire me for more then pushing a broom around. I wish I could afford to get certification on Linux, maybe take a nice course on Perl. Then maybe I could get my foot in the door, without loosing the leg too.

I think with some time to brush up on the Linux specifics I could probably handle LPIC1 with a little study. I’m basically a BSD man. And what I don’t know off the top of the head about the system, is in the systems manual. One thing I love about *BSD, good manuals hehe.

No clue what I could do for transportation yet. Ma hates driving 10mi’ish for one of our jobs. Let along 30-50Mi to Atlanta. Suppose I sorta screwed my self by not driving people crazy trying to get a License when I turned of age… The fact that the car has no A/C is besides the point… Probably would have to do the same thing Mr Wayne does to get to work.

One thing that sucks, nothing really involving computers is any where near me. Every things basically in Atlanta or around it. Work also looks easier to find out towards California or Texas.

*sigh*, I’m probably going to end up bagging groceries at Krogers. Then I’ll have my Brother/Sister (more so brother I bet) bugging me that its Krogers and not Publix (where they work). Any one with a back and an arm that bends could do that. Theres nothing to learn… And I know damn well that it’d become life.

If I end up working there, even if any decent computer job comes up. I’ll have to deal with ‘Can I make as much as I am now’, ‘Will it cost me more to switch then stay’, If I did get to leave for a computer job. And it was a pay cut, I’d never live it down. Any money I make would be going for the bills. So saving for certification would be out of the Q. I’d have less time to learn, so my studies in Programming, Computer Science, and Administration would suffer even more then current business demands.

I don’t want to be working at the grocery store 40 years later, even if I made store manager at the bloody thing !

Some how I think the [SAS] was both a blessing and a curse. I love what I learned and passing on what I learned to new members but. Like with my Computer studies. I’ve educated my self – because no one is gonna fscking teach me. And I sure as heck can’t pay some one to do it lol. I guess that’s just life.

*sigh*, if I was smart… I’d probably grab a physics book and go back to manual labor…. Leaning about High Energy Physics would probably beat some of the crap HS calls home work.

To do list for the week:

Back up the server
Finish admin menu for Recruit Checklist module, upload for test site.
Swap over currently updated module to Main Site after final tests.
Tinker with my programming tasks.

Oh yeah, need to look at a PDP-11 Emulator and find some way of doing it… I’d like to get Unix Version 6 running in it. So I can screw around with the code. What good is source code and documentation. If you don’t get to play πŸ˜‰

I figure, probably won’t be good at it but its a good way to learn more about OS Design. And without breaking any of _my_ systems. Stuff like Kernels and Device drivers have always interested me. And the good part, doc’s on how the frig a PDP-11 works is a lot easier to come buy then finding technical info on all the related parts in my Desktop lol.

am I to young ?

When I first read this, I figured a call to panic() would likely bring down the system or set it in motion to abort before the frag explodes . Maaaybe I’ve just lived in a world where the Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD, a Microsoft copyright) is prevelent a little to long. The idea that it calls update(“which I have yet to disect”), prints an error message and calls the kernels idle() loop times infinty is neat. Rather then bringing the system to a screeching halt right then and there. At first glance I would’ve expected it to take down the system right bam’n’slam now.

* Panic is called on unresolvable
* fatal errors.
* It syncs, prints "panic: mesg" and
* then loops.
char *s;
panicstr = s;
printf("panic: %sn", s);

Of course from the fine book for study. It seems the only way out of a panic() attack is a restart any way, but its not an instant ‘crash, have a nice foo&ing day, rebooting now sucker’ kind of thing. Which interestingly a lot of times my Windows machines have gone down, *cough*. Its kind of been to the BSOD what the expression ‘Do not pass go, do not collect $200’ is to monopoly. It dies, you get an error, but it kills itself before you get to read it. Then tells you it was *probably* a driver issue lol.

Note that the above code snippet is probably under the this license.

It is from UNIX Version 6 as viewed from here. File is /usr/src/sys/kern/prf.c

Sheesh, I should learn to just roll over and die instead of stand up for my self some times.

Ma caught me doing some research on programming jobs. Now shes pushing, just what I need another pain in my ass. Programming is not like changing a frigging light bulb, Ok?

For petes sake its the kind of stuff a stack full of bachleors degrees would be competitive’ish for a start. Heck if I had ‘practical’ expirence that added up to my work history as a Scheiße Schaufel ‘er. I might actually stand a good chance. She doesn’t know a thing about programming. *huff* to her the FreeBSD and Linux Kernels are pieces of !@#$, to me they are works of art.

sigh… why can’t people ever leave me alone.. especially those that don’t understand (and usually in her case.. wont or can’t. (imho)). I need a ficken vacation.

I’m so tired of this place……