read file

This is a little thing I’ve been working on this month. Its made to simulate the behavior of ‘cat file’ and ‘head -n’ / ‘tail -n’ more or less scratch a little itch. It works very simple as its supposed to be simple. It parses arguments taking a count to its -t and -b switches. It looks through argv till it finds a file to open. It’ll read the entire file out, if it’s given the -t switch it will read out up to the count its given. If its given the -b switch, it will read the entire file. Store the location of every newline in a linked-list. Then rewind the list, seek to the specified location (plus padding) and print out the end of the remainder of the file.

Heres a straight copy & paste of it. Portability wise it assumes that the file is in the correct format and requires a number of functions that first appeared in BSD 4.x, namely getopts, fgetln, and err/errx. It also presumes that their should be enough room to store the location of every newline in the file within memory. So if one only has 64K of RAM, it might be a problem to read a few files xD.

I can’t say if its well written or not… I don’t know of any program with my system that does exactly this other then what this simulates. Rather then wrap around cat/head/tail using system() or including the sources I worked through this as a learning experience. Its more or less written in the style I prefer, the type on a line of its own bit in function declarations is the only ‘real’ part of it stemming from my occasional reads of stuff in /usr/src alone.

* rf read file to standard out

// vim: set noexpandtab ts=8 sw=4 ai :
// vi: set ai nu ts=8 sw=4 :

#include <err.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>

static void readall( FILE *, int );
static void readtop( FILE *, int );
static int readbottom( FILE *, int );
static void usage( void );

struct lnpos {
long nl;
struct lnpos *next;

main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

char *erptr;
int t_flag = 0, b_flag = 0;
int ch, lncnt;
FILE *fp;

extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
extern int optopt;
extern int opterr;
extern int optreset;

while ( (ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:t:")) != -1 ) {
switch (ch) {
case 'b':
lncnt = strtol(optarg, &erptr, 10);
if ( *erptr || lncnt <= 0 )
errx( 1, "Improper line count -- %s", optarg );
case 't':
lncnt = strtol(optarg, &erptr, 10);
if ( *erptr || lncnt <= 0 )
errx( 1, "Improper line count -- %s", optarg );
case '?':
return 1;
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;

/* loop through cli args and find a file to open */
for ( int i = 0; i <= argc; i++ ) {
fp = fopen( argv[i], "r" );
if ( fp == NULL )
err( 1, "File does not exist or could not be opened "
"for reading -- %s", optarg );

if ( (t_flag < 1) && (b_flag < 1) ) {
readall( fp, lncnt );
} else if ( t_flag > 0 ) {
readtop( fp, lncnt );
} else if ( b_flag > 0 ) {
readbottom( fp, lncnt );
} else {
errx( 1, "flag processing failed" );

fclose( fp );
return 0;

* print out an open file to standard output

static void
readall( FILE *fp, int lncnt ) {

while ( (lncnt = fgetc( fp )) != EOF ) {
printf( "%c", lncnt );

/* Read n lines from the top of the file.
* note that it was very inspired by the head(1) implementation of BSD
static void
readtop( FILE *fp, int lncnt ) {

char *cp;
size_t error, rlen;
while ( lncnt && (cp = fgetln( fp, &rlen )) != NULL ) {
error = fwrite( cp, sizeof(char), rlen, stdout );
if ( error != rlen )
err( 1, "stdout" );

/* Read n lines from the bottom of the file
* This function really should be broken up - but I have not learned how yet.
static int
readbottom( FILE *fp, int lncnt ) {

char *cp;
int hmany = lncnt;
long nlnum = 0;
long where;
size_t error, rlen;

struct lnpos *root;
struct lnpos *cur;

root = malloc( sizeof(struct lnpos) );
if ( root == NULL )
err( 1, "can't init the list" );
root->next = 0;
cur = root;

cur->next = malloc( sizeof(struct lnpos) );
if ( cur->next == NULL )
err( 1, "can't add nodes" );
cur = cur->next;

/* read the file, count every 'n' and store them in a new member of
* our linked list.
while ( (lncnt = fgetc( fp )) != EOF ) {
if ( lncnt == 'n' ) {
cur->nl = ftell( fp );
if ( cur->next != NULL )
cur = cur->next;
cur->next = malloc( sizeof(struct lnpos) );
if ( cur->next == NULL )
err( 1, "can't add nodes" );
cur = cur->next;

/* rewind our linked-list and seek b_flag + 1 segments short of the
* end of the list.
cur = root->next;
while ( hmany < nlnum ) {
cur = cur->next;


where = fseek( fp, cur->nl, SEEK_SET );
if ( where != 0 )
err( 1, "could not seek through the filen" );

while ( lncnt && (cp = fgetln( fp, &rlen )) != NULL ) {
error = fwrite( cp, sizeof(char), rlen, stdout );
if ( error != rlen )
err( 1, "stdout" );
cur = cur->next;
if ( cur->next == 0 )
return 0;
return 0;

static void
usage( void ) {
fprintf( stderr, "usage:n rf filen "
"rf [-t number lines from the top] filen "
"rf [ -b number of lines from the bottom ] [ file ]n" );

Any comments about the file it self or its design is much welcome by this moron who tries to teach him self.

Nice pair

Pioneer HDJ-1000 headphones /w ear-cup

Temptational joke

Three Distros for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Steve Ballmer on his dark throne
In the Land of Redmond where the $hadow$ lie.
One distro to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One distro to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Redmond where the $hadow$ lie.

There can only be one distro and its MicrosoftSUSE !

Sorrry, I couldn’t resist doing that just for the laughs !!!

SSMTP/Getmail how-to part III

back to part II

The getmail documentation said that was the best way to automate it, and its bloody better then buling up getmail with ‘daemon mode’ code. But also like the documentation said if we want to ‘stop’ this daemon like mail checking we need a script for cron to run getmail through and program it to not run getmail if a file is pressent. Now we can do this many ways, heck we could set a enviroment variable if we want.

I’ve written a little script that can be run with a users cron jobs and skip over all mail or only the given account. You need one rcfile per account and you can tweak it to follow any conventions you want. My RCFiles follow the convention of getmailrc-shortaccountname, hence getmailrc-bell and getmailrc-sas for my bellsouth and sasclan accounts. This script should work on any system that has a bourneshell compatible /bin/sh. Just edit the shebang if you need to run it as another shell (such as /bin/ksh).


# Use getmail to check my E-Mail account using the RC variable
# This script has the advantage that one can save it as another file, change
# one variable and set a cron job to check each account at different times (1
# cron job per script). Then not only use a file in their .getmail folder to
# stop all the scripts from running getmail or use a file to stop one script
# from checking its account. It also keeps a log which will be trimmed by
# another script

# Name of the getmailrc file to use

# log to a file when mail is checked

# If a nomail or nocheck file is found in ~/.getmail/ exit without checking
# else look for a no file. Where is equal to every thing that
# comes after the getmailrc- in $RC. If none of these files exsist check mail
# using the $RC file.
if [ -e ${HOME}/.getmail/nomail ]
LOG=$(echo "Skipping mail for $RC")
exit 1
elif [ -e ${HOME}/.getmail/nocheck ]
LOG=$(echo "Skipping mail for $RC")
exit 1
DIE=$(ls ${HOME}/.getmail| grep $RC | cut -d '-' -f 2)
if [ -e ${HOME}/.getmail/no${DIE} ]
LOG=$(echo "You have desided not to check this mailbox - $DIE")
LOG=$(echo `date` "checked mailbox with $RC")
getmail -r$RC

# Update log with the result
echo $LOG >> $LOGFILE 2> /dev/null

if you want to use the script copy and paste it into a text file and mark it executible. I saved them as ~/.getmail/ and chmod’d them 0700

Ok, let us make a cron job, because this is allready a big long post that took me forever to write with the way my house is. I’m not detailing cron(8) so please read the handbook or read the fine manual.

I created this crontab file to run my scripts to check my accounts every 5 and 4 hours respecfully and to ‘trim’ my log file every week.

# rstf's crontab
#minute hour mday month wday who command
# check sas every 5hr
5 * * * * rstf ${HOME}/.getmail/
# check bell every 4hr
4 * * * * rstf ${HOME}/.getmail/
# trim log @weekly
0 0 * * 0 rstf ${HOME}/sh/trim-getmail-cronlog

The trim-getmail-cronlog script is thus


# Rotate my logfile for running get mail via cron


if [ -e $LOGFILE ]
tail $LOGFILE > $TMPDIR/gmlog.$$
mv $TMPDIR/gmlog.$$ $LOGFILE
exit 1

To load my crontab file into crons system i.e. /var/run/tabs/${USER} all I have to do is run a simple command.

crontab ~/rstf-contrab

SSMTP/Getmail how-to part II

Back to Part I

It should’ve taken like two minutes to install or so. The getmail program is very nice and it follows the concept of do one ting and do it well + allows for a great level of modularity. We can use it with a number of protocols and other softwares like procmail, spamasassion, clamav e.t.c.

Setting up getmail is very easy and theres great documentation so far I’ve been very happy with it. Lets go to our home directory, we do *not* want to be the root user for this.

I’m gong to use a console because thats how i like it, so I’ll short how to do it via that way. If you want to use a GUI app like Konqueror to do it be my guest, you should be able to easy enough.

Make a directory your home directory called .getmail and set the permissions so that only you have access.

mkdir -m 0700 ~/.getmail That ammounts to the owner having read, write, and execute but no one else but the root user being able to enter the directory. Lets cd over to our ~/.getmail folder and create a rc file. By default getmail reads the ${HOME}/.getmail/getmailrc file but we can create multiple rc files and have getmail use the one we choose.

getmail -rRCFILENAME

if its not in our .getmail/ folder we need to supply the path to the rc file, if its in .getmail we can skip it.

The syntax of the file reminds me alot of .ini files on Win32, to be perfectly honest the getmailrc file syntax is the easist I've seen. Heres a copy of one of the RC files I use complete with anotations of what the ooptions do. After this I'll go into more detail about the options to help you get a owrking rc file.

# This file is getmailrc-sas which is for checking my account
type = SimplePOP3SSLRetriever
server =
username =
password = My_Password


# This destination is just for my e-mail not the systems local mboxes.
type = Maildir
path = ~/Mail/
user = rstf
filemode = 0600

# Note that '0' means disable for all integar values.

# (int) 0-warn/err only, 1-retriv/delete only, 2-every thing
verbose = 1
# (bool) true = fetch all, false = only what getmail has not seen before
read_all = true
# (bool) true = delete messages after downloading, will override delete_after
delete = true
# (int) delete messages from server after int days
#delete_after = 1
# (int) max server reported message *total* size to download per session
max_bytes_per_session = 0
# (int) do not retreve messsages larger then this number of bytes
max_message_size = 0
# (int) max number of messages to process
max_messages_per_session = 0
# (bool) adds Delivered-To: header field to the message.
delivered_to = true
# (bool) add received: header field to the message
received = true
# (str) log to file
# (bool) use system logger
message_log_syslog = false

as a reminder so I wouldn't have to check the documentation in /usr/local/share/doc/getmail/ or online. I put comment notes in the file briefing discribing what each option does and the type of setting, namely bool (i.e. true/false), int(eger) i.e. 0 1 or 435 e.t.c., or str(ing) likethis. Basically you need to have a [retriever] and a [destination] section. Under retriever we tell getmail what type of protocol to use, taken from the documentation heres the options.

  • SimplePOP3Retriever
    — for single-user POP3 mail accounts.
  • BrokenUIDLPOP3Retriever
    — for broken POP3 servers that do not support the
    command, or which do not uniquely identify messages; this provides basic
    support for single-user POP3 mail accounts on such servers.
  • SimpleIMAPRetriever
    — for single-user IMAP mail accounts.
  • SimplePOP3SSLRetriever
    — same as SimplePOP3Retriever, but uses SSL encryption.
  • BrokenUIDLPOP3SSLRetriever
    — same as BrokenUIDLPOP3Retriever, but uses SSL encryption.
  • SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever
    — same as SimpleIMAPRetriever, but uses SSL encryption.
  • MultidropPOP3Retriever
    — for domain mailbox (multidrop) POP3 mail accounts.
  • MultidropPOP3SSLRetriever
    — same as MultidropPOP3Retriever, but uses SSL encryption.
  • MultidropSDPSRetriever
    — for domain mailbox
    SDPS mail accounts,
    as provided by the UK ISP Demon.
  • MultidropIMAPRetriever
    — for domain mailbox (multidrop) IMAP mail accounts.
  • MultidropIMAPSSLRetriever
    — same as MultidropIMAPRetriever, but uses SSL encryption.

Odds are if you don't know what you need, its probably SimplePOP3Retriever. If you've ever set up a mail client before you should know it, your ISP or webhost should be able to tell you as well. Next we gotta tell getmail what server to fetch mail off of with the server option. If your ISP is some thing like charter, its probably I don't have charter but all the mail servers I've seen have been mail.ispname.topleveldomain lol.

We need to set the username and password so the server knows its us and which mailbox we want. Other wise it will tell us to go 'eff off.

Now we need to tell getmail what to do with our mail once it checks the incoming mail server. This is what the destination section is for. You basically have two big options here, Maildir or MBox. I've always used mboxrd since thats what Mozilla Mail&Newsgroups, Mozilla Thunderbird, and Seamonkey Mail&Newsgroups used. Plus the systems local mailboxes are mbox format as well. Theres various 'variations' of mbox and probably maildir but compatible enough for our needs I'd say. Other options for 'type' allow us to use an

External Message Delivery Agent (MDA) like procmail.
Mutilple Destinations, using multiple maildir/mbox/externMDAs e.t.c.
Mutiple message sorting
Sort mitple messages into geussed destinations
And to use qmail-local to deliver messages as instructed in the .qmail file.

The exact specifics and how to set getmail to use these features are in the manual, go read it if you want to know more. I suggest ether mbox or maildir personally.

Maildir is pretty simple there is a folder containing new, cur, and tmp directories full of e-mails. If you plan on checking e-mail often or automating it (as I do) this is probably for you. Each e-mail gets its own file in one of those directories which I personally think makes it better suited sharing messages but bad for FAT32 file systems (i.e. many small files).

We can make a mail directory like this on the command line, assuming we want ~/Mail. Or just make four directories in a GUI file manager.

mkdir -p ~/Mail/{new,cur,tmp}

You'll need to set the path to the mail directory as well to use Maildir. You can also set the user and file permissions to use. You've got to use the unix octal format, i.e. 0755 instead of u=rwx g=rx o=rw or some thing.

type = Maildir
path = ~/Mail/
user = rstf
filemode = 0600

Setting filemode to 0600 means only I and the root user have read-write permission to my mail.

Now if we want to use mboxrd we have to specify the type and path to the mbox file as well. The user option works here too. Also you need to consider the locktype option. It takes a string argument and you have a choice of 'lockf' which uses fcntl locking or 'flock' default as of this writing (getmail v4.7.0) is lockf.

type = Mboxrd
path = ~/Mail/inbox
user = rstf
locktype = lockf

We can also set up filter sections to use stuff like clamav & spam assasion on our e-mail. Considering that the odds of a virus or trojan that can invect a windows machine through being ssh'd into a freebsd box that is using mutt to view mail fetched with getmail from a server that filters spam (optional /w my ISP) and scans for viruses (nice ISP). I don't blood ythink I need to filiter things through an Anti-Virus ! But if you like go read the documentation on how to set that up.

I think I'll be looking into spam assasion for my ISP account though so maybe I'll have some thing topost there.

The options section I don't think is required but I'd suggest you set your read_all and ether delete or delete_after options.

My suggestions

# fetch all mail on the server
read_all = true
# then delete it after its in our Maidir or Mboxrd destination(s)
delete = true

# fetch mail getmail has not seen before
read_all = false
# then delete old messages after 1 day
delete_after = 1

The bottom option deletes the messages you download today from your mail server (not your destination) the next time getmail checks for mail and sees that the old messages are '1' day old. Any integer number will do but not a floating point number. i.e. 4675 will work but 2.43 will not.

I have two getmail rc files one for each account

$ ls -R ~/.getmail                                             20:21

So I can run getmail and tell it which file to use so Ican deside which mailbox to check. I've made a pair of shell aliases in my shells rc file to save typing.

alias gm-bell='getmail -rgetmailrc-bell'
alias gm-sas='getmail -rgetmailrc-sas'

Ok, lets run getmail (I'll skip the alias), it will take a few seconds bu t if it takes a really long time you might want to make sure your system is configured correctly to resolve the hostnames.

rstf@Vectra$ getmail -rgetmailrc-sas                                                       20:22
getmail version 4.7.0
Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Charles Cazabon. Licensed under the GNU GPL version 2.
0 messages retrieved, 0 skipped

Looks like I have no new mail in the account.

Ok, lets try some automation we can set cron jobs to run getmail -rRCFILE when ever we want on one or all of our files.