A liquid element is like water, it may thunder down upon an enemy but wash away under its own weight
A fixed elements ridigidness may become unweildly on contested ground
A fluid element seeps through the cracks and overwhelms the enemy

I’ve a haiku-inspired thought in my head, that applies to fixed / liquid / fluid elements… todo write it when I have a clear’er mind

Today has been a fairly good day. Dreams not to bad and I only over slept by an hour… lol. Spent most of the day conducting training for our newest recruit. Personally, I find the long winded chatter of some of the trainings I do quite boring; so I always try to keep sessions MOVING, try to keep people focused and moving forward. Recruits learn better when they are focused and not just trying to stay awake o/. That’s also one of the reasons I try to do a lot of training that’s more hands on stick and throttle these days. Most of the time I do training, I usually think of a class room’ish and hands on sector, yet try to avoid breaking it up as such. The older I get at teaching CQB tactics the easier it gets.

The recruits very good to work with, and perhaps more dedicated then most I’ve seen enter the selection course over the years. Heh, it also makes me think back to the days when most of our senior NCOs were going through the selection course: they could be a bunch of rowdy pains in our neck but eventually learned xD. Since 2005 I have seen and done much in [SAS], but getting to teach I think is still one of my very most favorite parts of this team.

After the prolonged session (thanks to all the live fire, hehe) I also got to spend time with Walker. I gave it him the mission in a way he is not likely to be used to yet: I gave it to him [SAS] style, pro all the way. The kinda raids us members conduct periodically and love doing. Where it is nether set in stone nor left to chance, but sublimely tactical in nature.

I am quite happy with all of our Recruits at the moment, I haven’t spent most of the last couple months with my eyes focused on our senior RvS recruit for nothing hehe. I always tend to rotate and slide myself into where ever I can lend a hand in [SAS], to me that’s just how a team works. I also have always liked it, when I have the chance to become useful in many trades. Through my path, my teammates cover me and I cover them, and we all get it done sooner or later.

I don’t drink, but cheers to that b||b

*sigh* after smashing my toe into a step on Saturday (The joys of working on your day off!), I think the nail dug into the side of the toe… which was almost properly healed: now everything is even more fuxor then it was previously! Just finished soaking it, this is beginning to piss me off, the only good thing I can say is that I ain’t lost the nail _yet_.

It’s probably a good thing that I wasn’t energetic enough for exercising this afternoon. I can’t really do anything that needs to put pressure on my larboard big toe, which rules out a lot without walking in sandals lol,

Spent most of the day in SWAT 4 playing with COT, Walker, Cara, and a few others. As long as I am on the EU proving grounds, I don’t seem to get to much bad lags in SWAT, kind of ironic when you consider that I am an American (^_^)/. I very much try to keep myself current in all fields of SAS gameplay, among others hehe. The onyl time I’ve saw fit to lax that, is during my tenor as SSM, in which I took care of RvS as my fellow SSM Rasa oversaw SWAT4, all the while with RSM Rouge being our direct superior. When I became RSM, the only thing I welcomed with the position was being able to return to equal-attention between both games.

I’ve always preferred SWAT 4 since SWAT 3 became historical interest, yet “back in the day”, it was more economical on time for me to complete the selection course though RvS, SWAT 4s had not even been developed yet lol. I think SSM Noer was our second recruit through SWAT, and the first of many Mighty Troopers.

I also have a habbit of being where ever the best recruitable material can be found ;).

Fun night on PG US (RvS)

Had IE2-M and a bunch of noobers, had to kick two of them before they would settle down.

I put up with them blowing the mission for a while.
I tried giving them a hand in the part most find ‘sticky’

Then when everyone else died, while I was forcing the obj. to remain secure: I gritted my teeth to an ‘oy’ and went about clearing the entire map….

It was worth being patient, just to show that an [SAS] man can kick some ass 😉

Tonight brought new meaning to “Now I’ve seen it all”

Since I’m off for a few days, I figured why not have a little fun; so I joined the new Proving Ground EU for a couple.

Oh boy, did that give knew meaning to the expression, “Now I’ve seen everything”. I was clearing the first building on parade line up, when all of a sudden I hear a tango behind me…. spin ’round and hose’em. The funny thing? It looked as if he had jumped on my helmet and fell off, lol. The real jaw dropper on the other hand…

Last man standin’ and almost finished with the map, one of those moments where it pays to bet on the human…. I was moving up to the roof via the ‘bad door’, warpy old bastared zipping between pistol shots, looks clear over the left ledge; so I tossed a bang far and RAN for the nearest cover, slid around and popped the terrorist leader… continued on and died with a crazy look

There was a terrorist inverted, laying on the / shaped window frames and ‘dancing’ as if he was a spiderman crawling on the wall…. even worse, he was shooting downwards into the glass, when he took off my head lol.

I wish JB had a screen shot of that tango, it was a !@%!%!^%^)U^!)U(^)! shocking moment, but of course, I didn’t say that in server ^_^

Clear with a vengeance!

Ok, I can take the lag, I can almost stand a 9x19mm P228 compact pistol packing a harder punch then a 7.62x67mm (.300 Cal) Winchester Magnum WA 2000 sniper rifle with half the stopping power of the 9mm…. but this is just to much.

Teammate trew a frag into the room I’m in, stampedes the tangos and flushes me right into them.

I can stand the tangos, but if y’all want to start frag-flushing me into a 4 on 1 dance off… I ain’t getting on my dancin’ shoes, I’m gettin’ a bigger freakin’ gun.

H&K 23, 5.56x45mm NATO Light Machine Gun —> room cleared with a vengeance like no other baby!

(and no, I didn’t shoot the idiots on my team, I shot that tangos lol)

It’s been a pretty good day so far. Got stuck getting up early for a shopping trip, but hey at least I got some doughnuts out of the deal lol. Oy, I’m going to end up doing press ups more often 8=). Two bags of powdered doughntus my absolute favorite xD.

Ducked into Proving Grounds #1, and joined Spawn, Ez, Hostile, and a few pubs for some games. Man, it’s been insane today in the servers. Those I don’t give a crap if I hit anything, it’s time to empty the magazine kind of moments – like a bad zombie flick, swarms of tangos out for blood. After a bit of a break to work on tpsh, I ended up in Proving Grounds #3 with Duke and a couple others joined: but still groups 3-5 tangos haunting the halls. Well actually that’s not to bad, in RvS it was more like 4-7 tangos at a time… hehe. One odd thing, this time out in SWAT 4, I got stuck in the heavy plates. Normally I hate body armour that restricts movement, especially in games like SWAT where heavy armour slows you down, and doesn’t stop a patato gun, let along bullets. I think the suspects must’ve gotten scared — last man standing, and feeling like a land battleship, but surviving without injury ;-).

tpsh gained the sh derived `tpsh -c “commands”` behaviour today. Command completion and history features have evolved quite nicely. Really what needs working on is the shells lexical analysis. I figure for setting it up as my login shell, I’ll compile a small C program that sets up PERL_RL to load a suitable Term::ReadLine backend before exec’ing tpsh.

All in all, not a bad day; but not very furfilling either :-/

Finally managed to embarrass myself lol

The other day, I was on comms waiting for Carter to show up; so I was getting some work done in the mean time. No one was around the virtual pub yet, so I didn’t worry about the copy/pastes (my push to talk key is left control). Managed to get a head start on my work load, but The parakeets chirping, so I’m whistling back in the hopes that the bird will pipe down by the time training starts; then I realize a teammates sister joined the channel, and I’m thinking “oy, could this be taken the wrong way” lol.

That’s the most embarrassed I’ve felt in many years :-/.

And *now* I can pass out…. lol

I was like a zombie at work yesterday, by the time I got home it was a splitting headache and felt like someone had kicked my bodies equilibrium on its side. Like working until burned out, then re-burn the burn out and keep marching :. Crashed in front of the TV and went to bed early… work wasn’t so bad today. What pissed me off is being re-tasked to reconnoiter a new grocery store on the way home -> I freaking hate shopping! I also don’t appreciate being made late…

I just got though with a training session, kind of organized chaos I guess but that’s thanks to my shitty work schedule. I conducted a deeper level of stealth training then we usually go into, and I used Ghost Recon to do it; JB, Noer, (at end) Ghost, Ambu, Carter, Decapi, Hostile, and Chester. I tried to iron it out how issues of rules of engagement, positioning, observation, reporting, and coordination of movement/fire command could be used to make the most of covert actions. After we did the training scenarios (ambushes, infil, etc), we moved on to a “shoot your instructor” scenario; where they had to sneak up behind me with MP5SD’s and go for the CQ kill. The trick was, I was on patrol with an AK and weapons free to shoot at anyone I saw trying to sneak up the hill hehe. I was a little disappointed with how long it took (I scored 2 kills, but 1 was probably a glitch) but overall very impressed with their effort (especially JBs). It was very, very pleasing to see them complete that scenario so well.

What can I say, I borrowed that one from U.S. sniper training and simplified it for our gaming environment lol.

With how long it took between setup and intermissions (note to self: be more strict), we didn’t get time for the RvS or S4 portions, considering the big attendance maybe that can do for session 2 next week; whatever. Really I should have just laid down for a nap after work but it was a good 3 or 4 days prep into the session, and one of them days where almost everyone’s there at just the right time.

Right now, I ain’t moving until the foods on the table – unless I’m snoring on my feet in the process!!!