Tech Support?

That’s why I only call Tech Support(tm) for HCFs, and not the stupid PEBKACs so many lusers call in, and screw things up for the rest of the world >>.

And this has got to be the best pic of a tech-support call result that I have ever laughed at xD


Just finished watching the movie Hitman. I missed the first ~15 minutes :-(, but hey… I just woke up lol. Quite interesting, and the ending…. bloody brilliant! I’ve never gotten a chance to play any of the games, but have always been interested in the series – stealth over shoot’em up.

A copy of Hitman Trilogy would be sweet, lol.

left or right brain?,21598,22492511-5005375,00.html

To my crazy brain: clockwise, all the way and only way lol.

She appears to be spinning from right to left, and to my head that equates as clockwise. Also given the angle of her foot, and the momentum, I would be inclined to believe that the model “spun out” with the left leg, rather then spun in with it; i.e. she started to spin with the leg moving away from the right leg, rather then towards it; thus starting the loop anti-clockwise, but appearing to be turning clockwise at first glance, in so far as my brain works.

Because who would have noticed her leg in the first frame lol?

Descriptions there and else where relating to the right cerebral hemisphere seem to connect well enough with how I think :-/

Ahh finally….

Got home from the vet a little bit ago, and off work an hour before that lol. Had to take Coco for her checkup, and bring Willow along for the ride so she wouldn’t destroy the house in jealousy! As soon as she found out we were going to the Victor Echo Tangos, her mind changed xD.

Coco’s doing good for an 11 year old, down to 5 lbs / 11 oz (~2.6kg). Maybe I should stop teezing her about being a fat belly with chicken legs? Haha! Now the two tweedle-heads are snoozing the day way.

I’m just glad to have my *corner* of the bed, lol.

It’s finally Fryday, get a little time off… been working almost the entire week straight, and same thing next week. I haven’t gotten much of anything done lately, just to fricken tired. These days, the stuff going on around the computer is about the only positive part of my life left…

Random ideas: an ed in perl?

command line processor ->
[addr1 [,addr2] ] [ [ command ] [ flag ] ]

extract the address start / end range, look up the codref for command
and extract the flag if any.

Use defaults from the table if addresses are omitted / command omitted /
flags omitted / etc.

apply linear commands ->

$cmds{subsitute}->($line, $flag);

each command is applied to a string, $line, and passed any extracted
flag is passed as an option argument to the subref. (e.g. p,n,l, or g)

text marshal/serialize routines ->

if using tempfile:
extract line range into an array of lines

else using memory:
suck file into an array of lines

that array of lines is the text to apply the linear commands to.
the result is then used to update the buffer (array/tempfile)

I/O ->
truncate user file and copy buffer to user file

Bang escape ->
! can be implemented with the gx or `` syntax in perl


pped / ed: if invoked as ed, turn on BRE support.
opts: -s, suppress diagnostics for scripts
-p, set prompt string to 'string'
--regex={basic,perl} set traditional or perl re's
-P set perl re's
-B set basic re's
-S, --map edit file in memory
-n, novice mode: same as 'H' command

doing files in memory sucks the file into an array of lines; basically
a pseudo-mmap. This simplifies the marshal/serialize code, and removes
the need for a temporary file, but causes memory usage to balloon in
proportion to the file size.

S[flag] [value]

set option flag to value; omit flag and value to print all options
P, ps prompt string (str)
B, re use basic regular expressions (int)
N, nl set 'n' marker for writing out lines (int)
H, he same as 'H' command

Something I wish I had time to do

Write a conversational IRC bot, lol.

I Figure, load two processes, a communications layer and an automation layer; in this case the communications layer would be a simple relay between an IRC channel and the automatas standard I/O streams; messages on the channel would get written to the automatas standard input, and messages to send to the channel would be read from the automatas standard output.

I would want the thing to have some concept of learning, maybe build a dictionary of language; perhaps start off with a limited knowledge of words; storing words it doesn’t know into a database for later analysis. And then once a number of words have been manually entered into it with attached meta data, program it to perform the analysis itself; trying to figure out what kind of words it sees but doesn’t know about yet, and then write out plugin code with the bots “best guess”, and if it gets it wrong, I could manually change it, and it would have to study the differences between my correction and it’s choice, and modify it’s guessing based on experience. (Implementing that would be fun in it’s own right, lol.).

That would logically be easy enough to design and study, the question is how to make it educating enough that you can actually have people chatter with it.

Haha, I always laugh when people mistake bots for humans on IRC xD

Man, I had a strange dream

It was like a cross between Metal Gear Solid and a bad action flick; last man standing of a recon team, trying to exfiltrate the mission area with news of a renegade officer (Gene Hackman) building a mechanical army…

I remember creeping though jungle, feeling the plant life on me; and very paranoid of trip wires and punji’fied traps (I hate punji sticks!); ended up rolling into a body of water in order to bypass a patrol. Only to sink like a stone when I realized I never finished learning to swim! Having realized I was dreaming quite awhile ago, I decided “this ain’t no dream about drownin'” and thought back to Tomb Raider and pushed off. Breaking the surface for air got the enemies attention.

Compromised greatly, made it into a building connected to a hanger like one: 1 vs 20 odds, but sufficiently close quarters that survival was possible: CQB tactics, solid use of cover, MK23 in hand, and Fragmentation grenades evening the odds ^_^. Blew the ever loving crap out of the place and ended up cappin’ a number of techs, hopefully before they could call in reinforcements via the computers… (also destroyed for good measure)

Gathered some supplies and climbed up to the exposed upper level, maybe find a way ontop to get my barrings: but no such luck. A tank rolled (or hovered?) into the hanger area and started deploying robot troops. Leapt off the overhang onto an L-shaped cage like door on the opposing side, cut the rope and rode it down with a crash — then made like a gust of wind, beading it out of there before the robots could catch up lol.

Forded a river and scurried up hill, looking for concealment — plan, wait for the enemy to pass by on a wild goose chase, an d make up the rest from there. Found a weapons cache stashed near by, that would even the odds quiet a bit, but something interesting was also there, a hatch leading down a short climb into a bunker of some sort.

That’s when all hell officially broke loose, security systems came online: gun equipped cameras with laser sights popping out of the sealing, robots coming on line armed to the teeth, and even worse… turning invisible! Got out of there quickly, just ahead of a grenade launched my way lol. Ran faster then I’ve IRL done in many a year, like a mad spider, following the rivers path: now being pursued by droid-patrol boats and shock troops moving for a better shot; the boats were also fitted with cloaking devices :-(. Comendeered a fishing boat in the name of “national security” and went about sinking those things… imagine an aerial dog fight, but in 2D and below 30knots lol.

I really have some crazy ass dreams, but the only time I worry is when I have a ‘sane’ dream instead of an adventure or nightmare like one +S.

Miracally off work today, but the working schedule is a shambles :-/