Why after spending the work week with dynamic languages, do I feel like sitting down with C++?

If the traffic and the weather keeps up as it’s doing, I think I’m sleeping later and googling if those packets the army uses to warm your hands in gloves, are available to civilians lol. Me and this tough old ford are making it across them 70 miles like Han Solo and the Falcon pulling the Kessel run xD.

Never thought I could honestly long for that Floridian sunshine, but hey, while they’re breaking out the fur coats, they still got +20F on us here in Georgia lol.

Dang I just struck a double early off a late, lol.

Overslept this morning until my brain remembered the alarm clock had already gone off! Still I made it to work with plenty of time to spare. Plus I left work on time and hit the traffic jams just right, got home at a good time. In plenty of time for dinner of course :-D.

Can you really beat getting to work early and marginal traffic on the way home on a Monday?

The company I’m working for is basically doing an 8-hour work day. Since I’m in front of a code editor most of the time, there isn’t that much that can just ‘Explode’ into late hours right now, so I’ve generally been leaving a little bit late or on time, and getting there early. If I’m supposed to put in an 8 hour day, that’s what I’ll do, but I’m more concerned about getting to work early than I am about leaving on time. I don’t care much if, e.g. I’m 20 minutes late leaving work. So long as things get done!!! It’s like yeah, could get most of X wrapped up tonight… but not get off work when I am technically “Supposed to”, so I do what I can and maintain notes.

I keep a note of what I need to do next time, what to do before I leave, on what I’m working on, etc. Bonus points being, that those notes are separate from my personal ones, so I can’t screw up finding them again lol.

Things seem to be pretty cushy compared to what I’ve been subject to over the years. Thanks to time spent in my mother’s business, I’m no stranger to a work day that can leave you feeling FUBAR, or that burns through time like a sieve. Want to really see your time fly, try working 0400-2000. That will shaft you; I spent several months doing that back in cica 2008. Most of the stuff with ma’s business however, was usually crammed into 4-6 hour days. From my own time on the computer @ home, I’m basically used to working on things until I pass out, so that’s closer to 20-hour days sans food/bathroom/interrupts.

Unlike home, an interrupt at work is more like an occasional knock on the door jam. It’s down right peaceful… kind of funny really. Past few months, I’ve been thinking about how tired I am of always being burned through but never having time to recharge. Regular 8-hour days seem to be rejunvinating me.

Out of all the things I’ve experienced, I never thought I could look forward to having to get up and go to work!

How to tell if your phone is female, or if Linux is smarter than Windows XP

O.K. so my phone has been giving me a message every time I plug it in, asking whether I want to turn on USB mass storage for mounting or charge her off the USB. So today I plugged it into my desktop, and I’m scratching my head trying to figure out where I turn it on because it just starts charging.

You know that your phone is female, if you plug her in and she starts to CHARGE instead of asking you to MOUNT her >_>.

Conversely you know that Linux must be smarter than XP, when the phone does ask about mounting if plugged into a Linux laptop instead of a Windows XP machine <_<.

Yeah, lol.


Seems that I’m not the only one who hated it, since this year 94.9 The Bull hasn’t been straight on Christmas music since the day after Thanksgiving. Man, I love Christmas but ahem, if I wanted to hear the songs all month, I would sing them.

*Dances with glee*

Hmm, seems that I’ve survived my first week! Started work on the 30th, and got lost as hell for about three days straight trying to find the place. Now that I know my way around, and I’m getting there early. Alarm goes off at 0500, I’m usually awake by 0400, and I try to be on the road between 0530-0630. Today the lights weren’t even on yet in Engineering when I showed up lolol. As long as I can be on the Interstate by 0700, I can get there with time to spare, and no body is picky about when I show up. It’s basically an 8-hour work day with 3-hours of driving / over 220 kilometres each day. On the upside, I’m doing about $15/day in petrol in a car that’s well below the modern norm for fuel efficency, so whatever a regular weeks pay cheque nets, fuel costs ought to be staying a float.

My first day was essentially getting up to speed. One of the guys there, Steve got me started installing the OS on my work station, introduced me to the guy responsible for setting up my access to stuff, etc. While at home I’ll usually take like a week to break in a new setup, I kept stuff on my work station pretty light. I’m there to work not customise things, besides all I really care about is a decent command line environment and having the tools needed for getting stuff done. Made sure to bring my laptop and loads of stuff on my flash drive just in case. Since it’s so far from home and moving isn’t going to happen overnight, I travel well stocked with Miles’ old backpack. That reminds me, I still need to eat the candy I stored in it xD. Since there’s no strict dress code, I’ve even gotten to keep my boots :-).

The second day, wasn’t very productive IMHO. Mostly cursing at some warts in one of the libraries being used, it’s a binding to a lib’ written in another language, so it’s not always perfect. Rest of the time was largely filling out the paper work for being hired. I can’t really complain about the paper work, since both the chef finacial officer and the woman from human resources helped me sort that stuff. Just got one thing left to do fir that, and I’ll be mapping that out over the weekend. To the library thing, all I can say is that I’m inclined to agree with my superior about it. It’s better to keep the code base more natural to the implementation language we’re using, than cuddling up to the libraries more static interface. Reading the code already in place, also shows me a few things about who I’m working with.

Being the Fraking New Guy (FNG) on deck, I’m a wee bit cautious about draconian issues. Generally I know what I’m doing well enough to figure stuff out but, eh, somewhere between programming and business its kind of easy to ruffle peoples feathers over little things and I’d rather not do that at first. So I’m trying to avoid walking into any walls so to speak. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of fixed policy about anything programming related and everything is quite laid back at the company, so I guess there’s nothing to worry about. Except getting tongue twisted explaining things lol. With my mother always telling me off whenever I’m on VoIP, I’ve gotten more used to typing all day than speaking. When Matt, my superior told me about the instant messengering system, I was happy as a clam!

Thurs/Fri were mostly spent trying to get stuff done, got a bit finished yesterday but didn’t have it ready for commit untill today, along side some other stuff. Really not sure what kind of pace is expected of me for generating results, but since I don’t have my mother interrupting me all the live long day, I’m getting more done in much less time than I’m used to doing it at home. I like it, kind of wish it was more like 10-12 hour days, so I could get more done at work lol. Doubt there are enough hours in the day to get done the amount of work I feel should be done. On my way out, I let my superior know what branch I pushed stuff out to and said I’d catch up on the remaining things tomorrow. What a curious look came when he reminded me tomorrow is Saturday xD.

After so many years of having to operate on a mentality like, “O.K. it’s the weekend…. time to cram as much work in as possible before Monday”, I find it kind of hard to not be working on the weekends… :-/. Guess I can spend it on my own projects or something. If it wasn’t supposed to be like an 8 hour work day, I would just sit and let it roll with how much I can get done and when. Habbits, whether it’s a 10 or 18 hour day, I’m used to staying at it. Although I must admit, 8 hours isn’t bad. Only real interruption is going to the bathroom and taking a lunch break; although ma would kill me if I work through those >_>, today I took a pen & pad with me, so that I could think ahead while eating. For what I’ve been doing for years, I’ve had to put up with trying to concentrate with a constant string of interupts. When your brains in the swing of things, having a massive context switch thrown at you dozens of times a day, is kind of like being hit by an eighteen wheeler. That’s one reason I love being able to sit working at the office instead of waiting on my mother hand and foot all day while trying to get crap done o/.

So far I like this job quite a lot. Out of the handful of interrested parties, this employer seemed like the best fit, and it’s finally a chance to work at something that’s more up my ally. If I survive the 90-day probational period, things ought to be good for a while. Coming home on the highway tonight, I was thanking the LORD for answered prayers. Feels almost like I’ve died and gone to heaven… nice place to work, good people, relaxed environment, and a there’s supposed to be a steady pay cheque to boot. It’s unbelievable how much I hate being idle, now I’m working. Murphy’s law has been on my ass a lot lately, yet it’s like I’ve been blessed. At least, it’s a glimpse of what life can be, and I hope it lasts for years.

And the only bad thing I can say about the job, is having to walk to the bathroom lol. You know when going down like two short hallways every now and then is the worst part of your day, there is something going right!!!

Between driving the area so much and being able to stop and map stuff out with this new cell phone, I’m even starting to learn shortcuts. Yesterday I made such good time, I was almost afraid I would be too early xD. WHere I live, if I don’t know where I’m going, I know enough that between my instincts and a compas, I can figure it out. Geeze, some of the roads around Newnan I’ve been on so much in my life, I could drive them blind.

When I get up in the morning, I head for the nearest Interstate access, get on to the I-85 N and head down to the I-285 N / W. Main strip around where work is located is more or less in between the level of newnans one, and the one over in Peachtree city. Nice spot, but confounding as all hell to find anthing until you’ve got it figured out. A few more years of commuting and I’ll probably know Duluth well. Personally, I like the Interstate system better than Georgia’s road ways; on the former the only way to get lost is to close your eyes and stop reading lol. It’s actually comforting when I make it to the I-85 S and then to the local high way. I know the area, and on the local, well, it may be terribly dark but after 10 years riding it, I not only can find my way home trivially, I also can figure out how to get to every neighboring city! The path up to Duluth, time will tell, hehehehe.

Tonight while playing Left 4 Dead 2, I noticed something a bit odd. The games textures for its “Desert Rifle”  has markings for a MK 17 Mod 3 written on it along with an indicator of it being the 5.56x45mm variant.

That obvious error aside, what makes this odd to me. Just going on instinct from using the weapon in game rather than close look at the models, I would usually call it out as a SCAR or SCAR-H in game. The MK17 is the “Heavy” version firing 7.62x51mm. Someone later pointed out to me, that the magazines are obviously closer to the SCAR-L; the “Light” version of course, being the MK16 using the same 5.56x45mm you’ll find on an M16 ;). The games stuff for the SCAR mags to me, look like a curved version of the SCAR-H mag.

Most of Left 4 Deads weapons have double their realistic ammunition capacity or close to it, adjusted for stopping power. Personally, I think that’s a flaw but hey, bullets go even faster against zombies! The games SCAR hits more like a MK17 might be expected to, yet the games model appears to have an extended  30-round magazine; L4D does however exagerate the ballistics quite a lot for all the weapons. In game, you get 60 rounds in a SCAR firing on 3-round burst; the old school AR being a 50-round based M16 and the lovely AKM, offering 40 rounds.

3 times the real weapons ammo, can’t beat that for shooting through waves of infected! The real odd thing I guess, is how I know just by looking at it, that the gun isn’t accurate to real life :-/.

As pleasant as being able to install driver updates through the Windows update crap has been, I must admit that being dropped into a 640x480x4 desktop shows me just how horrible the old PCs used to look.

At least on my *nix systems, I’ve only got to worry about keeping kernel + X.Org + drivers in sync >_>.

First time for everything, right?

O.K. Now this was one of those has to be a first time for everything kind of moments. Sitting here, playing Left 4 Dead, we’re having a brutal finale, so many freaking zombies I look like a mad dancer shoving and shooting while we fend off the horde.

All of a sudden I hear enough barking, flapping feathers, and pounding that it sounds like a war is going on down the hall in the living room. Shouted a quick BRB over VoIP while peeling off my headset and going to see what’s exploding.

Found the ceiling fan going berzerk, parakeet going bananas, and the dogs trying to get to the bird lol. After shutting down the fan, ma noticed one of the fan blades were missing. Now absolutely nothing was disturbed anywhere. My mothers gots Thanksgiving decorations and religius stuff on the table, right next to the fan. Practically wall to wall there’s breakable crap near there, birds cage is even in pissing distance of the fan (much to my annoyance). Close enough to opennings that it could even send the blade bouncing into the hallway or kitchen, if it came off at the right angle. To top it off, in the line of fire is a shelf full of my mothers dolls next to the couch.

It took at least 20+ minutes to find where the blade landed. Couldn’t find it anywhere, no sign that it ever happened, except for the broken ceiling fan! While putting all that tactical study to good use and scannign the room, I had an AH HA! Moment.

Sure enough, the blade landed on a pillow on the couch. It was right in this trianglular sweet spot that’s like a foot +/- a couple inches, from either point: My mothers head, Coco, and a small statue of the Virgin Mary by her computer. Statistically you would think that it’s going to cream the stuff on the table, or maybe hit the bird or her dolls, but no…. smack dab right in between biologicals. A little bit more off that course, and either my mother would need a ice pack, or one of the dogs would need a vet lol.

Guardian angels or guardian angles, I think my mother finally has something to be thankful for… I know I am.