I’ve spent the last few hours playing SWAT, ended it with a bit of Barricaded Suspects (VIP servers virtually empty :'(). I don’t really care much for SWAT 4s player versus player modes, since *at its best*, it basically boils down to forming a 2-3 man team: one with a big gun and the rest with 40mm baton cannon and cobras, arresting everyone in sight lol. I twas however a nice refreshing change – switch off the brain, run around, blow stuff up. Quake would have been a better choice.

Woke up around 0930Q, having dreamed something acline to the The Blackhole. I remember specifically a swirling blue-style blackhole, with balls of fire (like the asteroids in the film) flying form it, trying to escape but in the end, being sucked back into the event horrizion. Not to mention a lovely army of robots and an evil dictator, lol. The second dream, I don’t remember anything of at this point, it faded away a few minutes after I awoke – to tasks to tend to :-(.

Haven’t been in much of a good mood most of the day, this lack of sleep is driving me crackers. Still the same problems, sigh.

Dreams of fishes, rehashes, and mutts

At first I was dreaming that I was helping my mother with this odd job, this woman was going out and we were staying there to to watch the fishes or something. She had several brown paper bags full of what appeared to be tropical fish. Several died and I do remember that one of the brown paper bags had split and the bottom of it had turned black, almost like a mud pie with sea weed mixed in. I tried to convince the woman to use some of her plasic containers as impromptou fish tanks in order to keep them alive, “Because I had kept fishes for years” and knew a lot. There was also a commercial for a children show that had some reference to Stargate, and what looked like a modernized & rebooted Goof Troop.

When we headed out, I was talking with some people who were telling me that I would be helping with some blasting tomorrow, the dynamite kind. In heading towards the car, I noticed that ma had fallen behind and was no where to be seen, looking over my shoulder it appeared as if we had just come out of the bank, so I figured that maybe she had went back inside for something. When I got to the car, I found an old man sitting backwards in my seat, smoking a cigarette, and claming to be “Me” from the future, oi.

When I went inside again, I found myself in Publix (supermarket). Ma was at the checkout and I stopped over at the magazine counter, noting that a number of (Aliens) comics from my youth were apparently in reprint, before rejoining my mother. After heading out, I found myself looking around a warehouse, where someone ended up being in the line of fire of a falling stack of beer bottle boxes, which I went to dig (the human) out of the heap

Later on I was dreaming we were in a KBToys that was just about to go out of business (I think they did, last year lol), and Ma was shuffling though Star Wars stuff in search of collectibles. When we were going out, I noticed a black dog run out the door; instead of following ma out, I went back in and asked this woman I had seen with her child, if they had a black dog, because I just saw one run outside. When she came out to look, we saw several other strays down the parking lot but not that one, then I pointed off to the right and bingo, that was the dog! In trying to help her pick it up, I noticed that the mangy thing looked as if it had been bitten on the back, and it was very bity to say the least. I think I rolled down my sleeves to use as padding, then finally picked up the animal and handed it back to her.

Strangeness anyone?

I had a cray dream. I dreamt that we had a balcony, something I ain’t seen in over a decade. Ma ordered me to clean it, but when I approached the one side I noticed that the floor was separating from one of the ends. Having to stick her nose in everything without listening, of course she had to come out and stand on the other part.

Once it was apparent that I wouldn’t be getting across, I told her to take my hand and wait for me to kick off, in case I went slidin’ that idea didn’t go over. And in the end of course, I landed on my roamp roast from a good 15-17ft drop lol. That was about the time the dogs barkin’ woke me up

Ugh, crazy dreams! The first round, The first set I guess, could be described as being stuck in a Twisted Metal competition. Followed by being int he shoes of a Bart Simpson that died and ‘went to hell’ kind of like episode of the Simpsons. After that I woke up just a bit after 0830 local, so I went back to bed. Then imagine being trapped in a house with a bunch of whiny losers! Having to climb a chair, stick your head up in the attic, and climb up to search for supplies; convenient as some form of military sirmish outside resulting in everyone getting pumped full of holes over mistaken identity. After calling down “is everyone dead yet?”, as somehow expected it was only a moment until bodies started lifting themselves zombie-like off the floor and trying to climb up. You gotta hate it when the shotgun shells are replaced by bb’s!

Honestly, the only time my dreams worry me is if they make logical sense, instead of being strange and weird.

Just woke up about 15 minutes ago, thought I would jot down what I was dreaming before I fall asleep and it washes away. Unfortunately between having to admin our servers and bumping into a few people on IRC, I ain’t so half a sleep any more lol.

I was dreaming that we were visiting a friend of my mothers, when her son Alex and his wife dropped in. I went off to get dressed. The next thing I can remember is walking around Walmart with my brother, we went to get a drink; juice in his case, water in mine. When the jackass tried walking out the door, I reminded him that we had to pay first <_<. I then asked my bro to spot me a dollar, since I forgot my wallet; remembering that it is in its usual place (H.R.P.s purse lol) Almost everyone linked up at the store front, we went out and started to pile into the car; Ma, her friend, my brother, and his ex wife; and to much crap that there wasn’t room for me. I was told to catch a ride with Alex and his wife, and pointed in the direction of the car to wait by, so went towards it.

Only thing is, by the time I’ve crossed the parking lot, it doesn’t seem to be there anymore :/. So I go back inside, only to a few minutes later find that the store has become a Publix instead; so I go back outside and everything has changed: different lot and from night to day. I then see the aforementioned car coming in, and flag it down, and then we all went inside and joined everyone—standing in line at a Chinese restaurant. More people around, including some additional parts of my family.

We stood in line, and then there was something involving in egg plant, but not quiet an eggplant; imagine an Italian eggplant that is smaller and covered in an almost cabbage or spinach like wrapper :-/. Chinese eggplant is smaller, but not like that, in so far as I’ve ever encountered it before…

Fudge, between this and IRC, I’m wide awake now lol.

crazy dreams :/.

Nearly caught on a rendezvous (before any fun), and had to fast-talk myself out of trouble; one virtue of dream-land, your powers of persuasion can easily approach the level of a Jedi-mind trick :-). Later on, I dreamt of being betrayed by a giant insect like ‘mech, that actually looked like a modern rendition of an old Power Rangers villain from the 1st or 2nd generation lol. Ahh, good thing it is easy to dream oneself a cache of rockets hehe. Only later to be ambushed by a squadron of Imperial Storm Troopers while traveling, and afterwards trying to sneak past their regular army troops with a friend; before being cut off and chased around the city by hordes of the flood before making an escape to medical facilities to regroup; and then being involved in a car chase…

I think maybe, I am playing to many action games on the PC of late lol.

Ah it’s been a fairly full day! I was having some crazy dreams, including many forms of transport but it was the end that really got me lol. At one point, I dreamed that I was on a ship sailing into a fierce storm, and being reassured by a Gary Oldman like figure that in his ‘experience, the ship never goes down until after the storm’. Speaking of that, reminds me – I missed the Fifth Element the other night, a movie I’ve sooo wanted to see lately lol. But anyway, something happened in the dream, and I ended up catching a rope between my teeth and ripping it apart. The end result was loosing about 4 teeth in the process, and being my unnaturally-calm self when things hit the fan :/.

I was very happy to wake up and be able to feel my teeth were still attached! The way I dream, whatever happens: I can feel it… very, very real, as if it was actually happening. I’ve also lost several of my adult teeth to the “Folly of youth” so to speak, so I know all to well what it feels like. That being said, even when I do dream, even if it’s something I’ve never experienced, it usually feels the same as actually experiencing it does lol,

Todays work load wasn’t to bad, not as tiering as I anticipated. I aslo managed to spend some time with friends on the SWAT 4 server ;). On the down side, as lead admin on deck, I had to deal with the troublemakers a lot. Only my strict-demeanor I think, is what allowed most to survive without a ban! The one that came closet, was fortunate enough to shuffle off before I could ban his sorry ass; since we’ve kicked the idiot about 3 times in two days, he’s not going to get any further warning! But on the upside, once the troublemakers were dealt with I got to kick back and relax, or as I told one teammate: “now that I can stop being a puckered ass of an admin”. Once it the server was under control, I was loose and flying in good form >_>

Also, whatever path current business affairs take, I have an interesting idea that might be worth exploring in the near future.

What dreams came

Around 09:39 or so, I was woken up because the car cover came off the car, and had to be put on. When that was done, I just went back to bed… oy what a set of dreams!

I dreamt that it was raining cats and dogs and Ma went out the door to check the car cover; Willow almost ran out the door before I could catch her. In real life, Willow always runs and sits near the door, as ma says, “She knows where her bread is buttered”, but of course I’m paranoid about peoples safety lol. Then to make it worse after I caught her and ma came back in, I explained and turned around…. and see the parakeet Mikey sitting on my table, and creep over to scope him up before he can fly away—and end up dog food.

Then I woke up and fell back asleep a little while later. It was raining cats and dogs and I explained what I had just dreamt. Then it hit the fan, the bird got out and I managed to catch him before the dog. When I tried to put him back in the cage, so I could fix his enclosure… I found that the cage had come apart! It had just began to unravel and decompose without reason, which is a big problem. So here I am standing with the bird in my hands, rapidly losing weight and feathers—in real life Mike is a fat and pampered parakeet lol. As often seems to be the case in my dreams, my family ends up just being totally freaking worthless whenever I need help :-/.

It’s only when I dream of something normal, and not purely fantasy, that I generally get concerned….

Strange dreams…. I was dreaming that we were attending church services; we haven’t been there in years :'(. While I’m generally not superstistous but I think in my family that may be taken as a bad omen, don’t know. I’ve never really placed much on the interpretation of dreams nor any meaning on them for 99.99999% of the dreams I’ve had in my life; can’t say the same about the rest of my family lol.

When I woke up I said a prayer (my most often used) and rolled back over to get a little more sleep. Then I had a dream that really surprised me: I was dreaming of coming home and there was my father, making himself a sandwich or something. In over 20 years, I think this is the 2nd or 3rd time I’ve ever dreamed of him. Growing up, I always wanted to dream about meeting my father… since I was very small when he died. We spent some time together and there was something going on, because more and more family (equally both dead and living lol) started showing up in good cloths, towards the end Ma finally got home.

After that my dreams turned to more private nature then I’ll post here, I’ll just describe it as more stressful but less strange, including me making a verbal reference to a place I’ve often dreamed of traveling through. Kind of strange actually since certain places, events, scenarios, etc. I often will dream about repeatedly over the years but rarely are they ever the same thing twice.

To me dreams are more so something interesting and occasionally better then TV :-/. What most people would call nightmares I call a sense of adventure missing from life. The only time my dreams have ever worried me is whenever I have a *serious* dream, rather then something absurd…

Was having an odd but light dream. I dreamed something about having a German Shepard dog named Pip. I remember something about a car and a parking lot, and we ended up running home together on foot with no need for a leash. Eventually there was other people and the ground got rougher until finally Pip ended up injured along side; and a woman with near angelic qualities and a healing touch stepped in. Before Willow and Coco, I always thought if I ever got a dog of my own in the future, it would likely be along the lines of a German Shepard; and I’ve always considered myself more of a cat person anyway lol. But of course, I wouldn’t trade these knucklehead chihuahuas for anything!

When I woke up it was about on par with when I want to be getting up but I went to bed late last night, so I just rolled back over lol. Then I started dreaming about investigating a star-tanker that had picked up a Xenomorph, and only had few survivors left. The whole thing was kind of reminiscent of Will Smiths character in I am Legend but I know always keep the dang rifle handy ;).

The good thing? I’ve managed to not over sleep so badly today… haha!