I’ve fallen asleep 3 times, and I’ve had 3 crazy dreams.

The first, we were baby sitting in a very large house and the “worst storms in 20 years” are in bound. For some utterly stupid reason, we were retreating to the upstairs… when one I feel a tap on my shoulder, I look behind and see another baby levitating behind me! At that point, I was starting to wonder “Oy, not one of these crazy dreams” lol. Some time later when the storms were very bad, I found myself on my knees praying and suddenly the storms stopped. Looking outside, I heard someone below being sentenced by a judge (and losing), and thought of Homer J. Simpson (Having watched The Devil and Daniel Webster a few days ago is perhaps why lol). Later I was doing somethings outside, probably in preparation for leaving; when I heard a voice come to me in the wind, can’t remember the exact words but it made me worry for some reason, it also mentioned that I would be meeting something with this silly name, sounded kind of like a twix bar. I remember thinking, voice of GOD or someone else…? Or am I just cracking up! Sure enough, I ran into a stray dog with the exact 3 words of the name on his collar. The last bit, I guess can be owed to having read Job a few days ago, before bed. The rest of the dream was fairly placid.

The second dream was more of a private nature, and somewhat different because I knew it was a dream and could control aspects of it. You could say, I made use of the situation in ways I would never do, having know it was a dream and nothing more.

The third, I had talked about the dream, and my family was shopping at a shopping mall, and me and my brother were arguing vehemently about the dream. I eventually one the argument, having thought of something about his past that would “close” the argument at the cost of hurting him, but passed up the avuneue of counter attack for one that settled for a non-painful stalemate. On the way out, it was discovered the I had left Ma’s bag in the store, so I went back and got it. Not surprisingly security had to check me out, they bagged it. Then an officer stopped me, “Yeah, I figured you would have to check it out before they let me take it”, he checked it and tossed it for someone to carry off, then went to leave. And I called back for him to wait a minute – S.O.B. even tried to pull the gum out of my mouth lol, when I asked for a receipt or something to go claim it later.

It was about this point when I was woken up.

Really, that is the most dreaming that I’ve had in a while now :-/

Sometimes I hate dreams

I dreamt that we were hold up in a house, there was about 4 XL-sized automatics on a table with a bushel of magazines, and a head on the wall…

Like anyone stuck in an RE like nightmare, take two, load up, and try and secure a parameter; bad idea. After a bit of a zombie filled encounter, it’s down to the last room… Stick my head in, looks clear; but 4 corner hole problem: move in and risk getting ambushed from 1-3 sides. Handed my brother one of the autos and told him to cover the remaining sectors. Spider sense tingling, but area secured without ambush… good. On the way back to the front of the building, we were ambushed by a strange ‘fusion’ of a Model 101, T-1001, and a Vampire like Zombie; put the thing down with a few mags of ammo. Then a 2nd one showed up, having expanded everything on the first, it was necessary to retreat and take the other set of automatics; ejecting the mags, dropping them on the table, “Slap in a fresh mag, and pull the slide back”, taking the other automatics and moving to head off the mutated terminator…. several retreats for reload and shouting “LOAD”, and no help what so ever lol.

Somehow this reminds me of a strange dream some years ago, about Aliens taking over a school; and ending up in a knife fight with an Alien Queen trying to break down the door; no help from anyone lol.

Somehow I wonder, if ever up a creek without a paddle, would anyone lift a darn finger to help?

Man I had some crazy dreams, like a cross between WWII and Resident Evil :-/

Best way to describe it, a squad was nearly captured by the Japanese Army, enacted a rescue, neutralized threats and went barricaded in a building…. managed to convince those green horns that a room is *only* clear when it’s been cleared, not stick your head in and move on… and did it the hard way (going in with a M1911A1 in each hand, and trying to keep your head attached lol) Next thing you know, we’re knee deep in Zombie Vile and the freshbrass is starting to run thin!

Man, I had a strange dream

It was like a cross between Metal Gear Solid and a bad action flick; last man standing of a recon team, trying to exfiltrate the mission area with news of a renegade officer (Gene Hackman) building a mechanical army…

I remember creeping though jungle, feeling the plant life on me; and very paranoid of trip wires and punji’fied traps (I hate punji sticks!); ended up rolling into a body of water in order to bypass a patrol. Only to sink like a stone when I realized I never finished learning to swim! Having realized I was dreaming quite awhile ago, I decided “this ain’t no dream about drownin'” and thought back to Tomb Raider and pushed off. Breaking the surface for air got the enemies attention.

Compromised greatly, made it into a building connected to a hanger like one: 1 vs 20 odds, but sufficiently close quarters that survival was possible: CQB tactics, solid use of cover, MK23 in hand, and Fragmentation grenades evening the odds ^_^. Blew the ever loving crap out of the place and ended up cappin’ a number of techs, hopefully before they could call in reinforcements via the computers… (also destroyed for good measure)

Gathered some supplies and climbed up to the exposed upper level, maybe find a way ontop to get my barrings: but no such luck. A tank rolled (or hovered?) into the hanger area and started deploying robot troops. Leapt off the overhang onto an L-shaped cage like door on the opposing side, cut the rope and rode it down with a crash — then made like a gust of wind, beading it out of there before the robots could catch up lol.

Forded a river and scurried up hill, looking for concealment — plan, wait for the enemy to pass by on a wild goose chase, an d make up the rest from there. Found a weapons cache stashed near by, that would even the odds quiet a bit, but something interesting was also there, a hatch leading down a short climb into a bunker of some sort.

That’s when all hell officially broke loose, security systems came online: gun equipped cameras with laser sights popping out of the sealing, robots coming on line armed to the teeth, and even worse… turning invisible! Got out of there quickly, just ahead of a grenade launched my way lol. Ran faster then I’ve IRL done in many a year, like a mad spider, following the rivers path: now being pursued by droid-patrol boats and shock troops moving for a better shot; the boats were also fitted with cloaking devices :-(. Comendeered a fishing boat in the name of “national security” and went about sinking those things… imagine an aerial dog fight, but in 2D and below 30knots lol.

I really have some crazy ass dreams, but the only time I worry is when I have a ‘sane’ dream instead of an adventure or nightmare like one +S.

Strange set of dreams tonight. In one realm, it involved work, gee what fun… day off in the morning, and dreaming about working my as off & being threated like dirt :. Like the last thing I want to think about, is going back to that, eh? In another phase there was a rather sudden, but interesting entanglement with an attractive woman to say the least, in retrospect I wonder who was trying to seduce who lol. But for better or worse, not enough privacy for much to come of it >_<. Hmm, almost thought I had forgoten how to kiss a girl like that... guess there are a few things, that ya never forget. And in the third cycle of dreams, having to out-think a few drunks to extricate myself from a sticky situation, an incident involving a big ass truck and its occupents had an intent for some viloence (Hmm, maybe she was married? lol). Had no luck in avoiding a fight, but not being one for like a six vs one fight (and maybe 2:0 or 3:0 guns), I managed to exploit their drunkeiness in order to take them suitably 'prisioner' until backup could arrive; join joined the arresting officers in a good hard laugh at how I tricked them into surrendering ^_^.
I have some crazy dreams, eh? In real life, I almost never end up in trouble… but in dreamland, it finds me lol.

Just once, I wish someone else in this family knew how to keep a schedule… dang nab’it. Well, o be fair there is at least one besides myself; but Uncle Pat was a coast guard captain, if he’s late, ya start to worry lol. Otherwise I’m about the only one who knows how to manage time… in a manor that approximately works.

I woke up around 1028R, my brothers not here. I was woken up around 1156R to find out he called a few minutes ago, to say that he was just starting out; our mothers been up since 0800R. And the other day, he said he was going to be here early [in the morning]… Well, I’ll probably be out of battery charge on my laptop before he even gets to the city limits… the putz !!!

Was dreaming several things, but I remember dreaming that I was going through CQB training before I was woken up. The last thing I remember, was 2 man stack, kick it in, he moved left, I took right. Tango across my sector, 2 to the chest with a single action revolver; made it to my corner, then sliced the pie around. Two more tangos, put a quick shot in the right ones chest, then the left while advancing, then cycled back and put a head shot in each, right to left. Then dropped to one knee shouting “GUN DOWN” and started reloading the revolver as my teammate took up a cover position from his point of domination; 6 in the can, “GUN UP” and moved out…

Something like this:

| y |
| T T |
| /-------------- T|
| ______________/ |
| |
| ___x___x___|
|Y x| |
|-- -----------|----------|
X=Spidey01's way point
Y=teammates way point
T=tango position

Which reminds me, there are supposed to be some team games on PG#3 today hehe 🙂

Sheesh…. What a crazy night.

I was exhausted by the time I went to bed, so I figured I’d lay down, watch TV, then switch to the laptop. Next thing I know, I’ve slept through the entire movie, and it’s almost 0330Q… So screw it back to bed. Woke up around 0940Q, to early…. Back to bed lol.

Between all of the sleeping, I’ve had some of the craziest dreams :. From a singing math teacher from hell (don’t ask lol), and getting even with him years later. To leading a human insurrection against a wave of Terminators; I forget just how effective the aerial HKs could be, but at least I was smart enough to keep the location of our forward operating base secret. All the way to what’s probably best described as Star Trek meets the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. ALl the way to various engagements with Orcs; both peaceful and combat filled encounters. Even a stint best described as a mixture of being stranded in deep space Orc country, and a bad Babylon 5 episode. Hmm, I wonder what those human star-fighters were called, ain’t gotten to watch B5 in over a decade lol.

And even ending up in Raven Shield, wasting tangos, sneaking around, meeting a tango that was bullet proof, meeting a tango that was in “spectator” mode, and oy…

One great thing about dreaming, and knowing your dreaming — when you enoucnter a super tango… shoot him about 20 times, reload, put 2, then 4 rounds more into him (centre mass and head). Then when the tango finally gets close to you and start shooting back, unlike in the video game…

You can tell the tango to go to hell and ignore him lol.

What a nightmare

One of the more sane but terrifying parts of my dreams….

A brunette sits down next to me, while I’m working on a project, and starts asking questions. Although she defiantly failed the computer-intelligence test, she was quite inquisitive…

The thing that makes it a terrifying nightmare?

I was more interested in whatever I was coding, then talking to the woman :

I must be working to hard….

Had a nice nap, but a strange dream.

The earliest thing I can remember, was a gathering of family. I remember we were getting into boats and were rowing out, my Grandfather was at the other end of my boat and said something about a everyone taking ‘swim’. I said I didn’t know how to swim, which is technically true. So plans were changed and the water was covered with this huge blue canvas and we all piled out of the boats and setup for the get together, or whatever we were doing there…

I laid back on the canvas and thought to myself. About how the last time I felt like this without having to worry about the swaying waves washing over me, was years and years ago to when I was about three years old; sloshing about in the huge pool in the back yard with a snorkel, fins, and an inflatable tube. Hmm, it’s probably been at least twelve years since I was last in a pool, let along those days lol.

Then it began to rain, so we draped green canvas covers over our ‘camp ground’ and went about business. Someone asked me to look something up, so I fired up my laptop battery power.As the weather got worse, the group split: some went in search of better shelter, a few stayed; I was assigned to stay put. Sometime later, I got thumped on the head, pulling off the canvas to take a look; I saw that I had been hit in the head by a failing tree branch, and the corner of the area was riddled with such debree.

So I decided it would be better to get out of here, even if it meant getting a bit wet lol. In the ensuring action, which in the real world would’ve resulted in a laptop yielding electro-shock therapy… The last of the group moved into the building like structure at the center of the area, as the rain got even worse. I helped with setting up the stetting up the ticker storm-guard on the point of entry.

Next my attention turned to food prep and emacs. Then Aunt Ruth and some others were trying to get in, so I removed the storm-thing from the point of entry to let them in, and then was set in search of emacs, xemacs, and another funky coloured pen labeled ‘3.5.1’ or was it ‘3.5.8’, or ‘3.8.1’, or ‘3.8.5’ or something like that; it was supposed to be a fork of XEmacs :

Why on earth would a Vi-lover dream of emacsen!?

That’s when I woke up in a cold sweat, looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.

Some how in my case, having very crazy dreams is usually a sign that everything is normal :

From being stuck in a game that feels like a cross between Halo on Legendary and Call of Duty. Oddly a PP-19 Bizon in 9x18mm Makarov and a Colt M1911 is an interesting mixture for fighting aliens in CQB, along side a Covenant Plamsa-rifle hehe.

To being owner, court jester, lead cook, and chief flirt of a restaurant. To winding up in some kind of crazy Army of Darkness and Jason and the Argonauts skeleton-battle inspired global war, a pump action shotty with unlimited ammo is useful >_>. Alll the way to being trapped in a town under assault from vampires, and having to organize people into a resistence…

My dreams are crazy as a mad hatter lol