Sharing this one because it made me laugh, loudly.
It’s kind of like a trifecta of humorous lunacy.
An orange in an apple orchard
Sharing this one because it made me laugh, loudly.
It’s kind of like a trifecta of humorous lunacy.
The ending of this ending made me bust a laugh, it was priceless.
Yes, this definitely resembles me.
A friend shared this earlier and I rather busted out laughing with a face like my dad’s shit eating grin when I read it. Yes, this does describe me 😀
Dunno how I missed this during the pandemic, but I literally just laughed so hard that I had a coughing fit.
How much coffee could a code monkey slurp, slurp, slurp?
Depends, how much coffee was there to guzzle, guzzle, guzzle?
Look, the coffee pot is dry! Oh shit, there’s an evil glean in his eye!
Quick, it’s time to make some more coffee before the world ends.
— my passing thoughts between cups
Famous last words? “Damn it, Amazon. Don’t show me coffee makers!”
There’s a web abbreviation that I took a long time to learn, called “TIL” or “Today, I learned”. Well, I’m gonna call this one closer to “Today, I giggled” :P.
Trojan Room coffee pot – Wikipedia
And somehow this makes perfect sense to me.
There are days when I can sympathize with Mr. Spock’s plight in The City On The Edge Of Forever.
“I am endeavoring, ma’am, to construct a mnemonic memory circuit using stone knives and bearskins.”
Haven’t really scrolled through Pluspora in a while, but this one made me giggles snort.