Goodbye toe, hello pancake!

Ok, so far my toe has been slammed into a couch and healed… then slammed into a step at work, and healed improperly. Last week I showed it to an acquaintance who is a nurse, and she came to the same conclusion I had – time to see a doctor (and have the dead tissue removed).

This morning when getting ready to leave for work, 12 hard cover books fell off the table and landed on the same damn toe lol. I’m lucky they weren’t novels 350-450pg thick, or there wouldn’t be a foot left let along a toe! No serious damage added, if there is actually anything more to damage… just a bit of blood flow. Cleaned it up and threw a bandaid on it before heading out the door, it likely stopped bleeding by the time we got to work.

In some ways, I think I now will look at Spaceballs with an extra chuckle: whenever Barfs foot gets crushed under a Yogurts statue…

2 Razor blades, 3 years? Oh my

For the first time in a long time, I’ve a sort of smile on my face. I think age has somewhat taken away my grin (the spitting image of pa’s smile, mixed an even bigger shit eating grin lol), but it feels quite nice…

It’s been 3 years since I’ve had a resupply on razor blades, with two cartridges that have passed their end of life marks a few times over, to say the least! I hope these fresh 4 won’t have to last 6 years, but either way I am thankful. Haven’t had this smooth a shave in a very, very long long time: not to mention the speed factor lol.

Thank you GOD, at long last fresh razor blades! And thank you ma, it is better late then never!

Cheap exercise

Between carting crap uo/down stairs, carting crap to and from the car (another set of stairs), and extra crap to do (a third staircase); I’ve just survived 38 trips up and down stairs, in about 6-12 trip bursts during ~3 hours time lol.

To top it off, when I took Willow for a walk she just had to go for a run instead… Ever seen a grown man dragged by a Chihuahua? LOL.

What a day!

Last night Willow puked on the sheet, so I had to put a load of wash on around 0245R’ish. With the look she gave me, all I could say was, “I’m not mad at you, you should know me better then that by now, but now your gonn’a have to stay out of trouble, and share the cover!”. I put the top sheet down to keep Willow from getting to the mattress, and put up with having to use the heavier cover. Usually I leave most of that for Willow, and just use the top sheet for my self lol.

Had to cut off portupgrade early (between ops of course, not during); so I need to finish that today. Woke up like 1430R. Took care of chores (late), then took the dogs out for their walk. While walking Coco, I ended up with the worst fall I’ve ever had. Dirt slid out from under my feet, and plop I went! It was like, one of those moments when it feels like time is passing in slow motion, but it’s really going a mile a minute; “Oh shit, I know how this is gonna hit”. I landed hard right above the small of my back, it felt like a crunch from hell. I couldn’t adjust to control the fall, so I had to land flat out on my back with Coco landing on my chest; I hit the dirt with a bounce and felt the wind knocked out of me. F*** man, for a second I was wondering if I was having a heart attack or screwed something up on rebound. The front of my chest, like around the base or just below the sternum was hurting, but it’s fine now. (Maybe my internals having a roller coaster ride, lol.)

Coco jumped off my chest running, so I flung myself up & around and tried to scoop her up; she ended up tangled in the harness by the time I snatched her mid run; so I untangled her on the way back inside. I knew I had to get up pretty freaking fast, because while Willow would drag me (or choke herself) if she ever tried running off in a situation like that, with the leash in my hand — but coco is so small, she can yank herself out of her harness! Came in side groaning, and plupped on the couch to get coco out of her kit. Coco was scared shitless from the unexpected drop, now she’s just pissed off at me for not taking her for the walk lol.

My thinking: “Thank you LORD, I’m still here… and in one piece”

Man, I’ve never had the wind knocked out of me like that. Although it’s one of my lifes regrets, that I never had a chacne to formally study martial arts: I have learned how to take a fall quite well. But when it’s crush the dog or take your own chances with the landing, ya don’t actually have a choice lol. So I had to take the drop hard, felt like bouncing off a wall with my backside. Didn’t hurt my head any, kept it out of the impact fine, just took a stiff drop backside first lol. Been a long time since I’ve taken a fall, and that was the first one in a long time that I haven’t been able to control the drop. Heh, last time I landed like that, I must’ve been like 3 or 4 years old lol.

Man, nothing like a hill kicking you in the back to wake you up in the afternoon!

Just saw one of my favorites, You Can’t Take It with You. Grandpa Vanderhof (Lionel Barrymore) as the old patriarch of a family of cooks, each lilies of the field; and James Stewart as the rich Tony Kirby, out to marry his granddaughter Alice (Jean Arthur). When things finally come to both families meeting, Tony throws a monkey wrench into Alice’s plans by bringing his parents to dinner a day ahead of schedule, before she can script her eccentric family into being “Normal”. Mr Kirby’s scheme to buy up the old Vanderhof house in a business backfires, and lands them all in the drunk tank. “Do you know who I am! I am Anthony P. Kirby!!!”.

After provoking an incident, Mr Kirby gets a proper mouth full, when grandpa Vanderhof tells him what he thinks of him and his craving for money. 3 or 4 lawyers finally show up to defend the Kirby’s in court, but just about everyone in the dang gum city turns out to support their friend, old grandpa Vanderhof. The judge finds the Vanderhofs guilty, after they admit to manufacturing fire works without a license in their basement; fining them $100.00, Mr Kirby offers to pay the fine but is turned down. Despite them all being as poor as Grandpa, the people chip in to pay the fine, even the judge contributing two bits himself! When it comes to why the Kirby’s were present at the arrest, grandpa Vanderhof tries to plagiarize himself to keep the Kirby’s out of the news papers, and Mrs Kirby pounces on it to save her social reputation; Alice flies off the handle with the truth as Tony Kirby finally sticks up for the truth.

Alice flees to Connecticut, the Kirby finical empire hinges on the biggest deal of Mr Kirby’s life, and the Vanderhofs sell the house so they can go to Connecticut and keep the family together. Tony is set up to be the President of the most powerful company in the America, and resigns to go follow his own dreams; then like grandpa Vanderhof so many years ago, brokken hearted Mr Kirby takes the elevator up to the top floor, where everyone is waiting to seal the big deal…. and he goes straight back down, out the door, and never looks back ;-). Tony asks grandpa Vanderhof how he can get in touch with Alice, but gets the hopeless truth, that she doesn’t want to see him and left to forget the past; but Tony also gets a bit of advice. The trouble with young people today, being that they never use the ol’bean, lol. He mentions that there is a large trunk in Alice’s room that will be going to where she is staying, and Tony gets the hint hehe. Alice shows up to question grandpa about selling the house, and locks herself in her bedroom when she sees Tony Kirby coming down the staircase.

Mr Kirby shows up to ask advice of old man Vanderhof, so he tells him to stop thinking in terms of fortunes, and sit and play a duet with him on the harmonica. Grandpa Vanderhof explains that whenever he has troubles, he just sits and plays his harmonica until it passes, and somehow it all works out ok in the end. Of all things, they play Polly Wolly Doodle until the rest of the family and friends helping with the move join in, Tony and Alice eventually joining in, and getting Mr Kirby’s approval of their marriage. When Mrs Kirby shows up looking for them, and finds the party going on, she out right faints xD. In the end, grandpa Vanderhof says grace at the big family dinner:

Quiet, please, quiet! Well, sir, here we are again. We’ve had quite a time of it lately, but it seems that the worst of it is over. Course, the fireworks all blew up, but we can’t very well blame that on you. Anyway, everything’s turned out fine, as it usually does. Alice is going to marry Tony; Mr. Kirby, who’s turned out to be a very good egg, sold us back our house – he’ll probably forget all about big deals for a while. Nobody on our block has to move; and, with the right handling, I think we can even thaw out Mrs. Kirby here. We’ve all got our health; as far as anything else is concerned, we still leave that up to you. Thank you. Bring it on, Reba!

Hmm, this movie reminds me of my favorite verse in the Bible, should look it up & post it someday. lol, that also reminds me of the last time I quoted it…. My pastor reminded me to stand behind the bible, rather then next to it, less my mother throw something at me >_>

Hahahaha !!!!

Writer’s Block: Coast Range

If you had to choose, would you rather live in the mountains or by the ocean?

Live Journals Writer’s Block


I still remember when I was in Tennessee, and the trip back home was by way of the Smokies, wound up in North Carolina lol. But it’s the mountains out in Tennessee I remember most, so beautiful; it’s hard to describe it. If I close my eyes, I can almost see them in my minds eye. The greens, browns, and golds of the trees, and the emebb and flow of terrain.

Unfortunately I was there as part of a wedding party, meaning I was stuck in a monkey suit lol; but it was a great trip. I got to hang out with a few cousins I’ve never met before, and a great aunt. Family is a very important thing for me, even if mine drives me crackers… nothings perfect I guess. I really would like to see Tennessee again some day, as long as I don’t need a tux lol. I remember swearing, that if I ever found myself in one again, it best be my wedding lol -> who else could I love enough to wear a tuxedo for? Especially after I nearly got choked to death by that stupid thing lol.

My memory is far from photographic, but is quite good for things that ‘stick’, mmm. Me and water generally don’t mix very well, despite being a Floridan I never got to spend much time at the beach :-(, that’s practically sacrilegious :. But IMHO, the mountains can be more beautiful then the ocean, and I don’t miss 90F (~32C) temperatures being the norm!

Although, I do really miss the palm trees…

major sigh of relief

The word that comes to my mind, is one my grandfather would probably understand, but I can’t actually spell it lol. I guess in English, it would be along the lines of caress her gently.

I’m that happy to have my laptop working again lol.

I’m sitting on the bed, comfortably :-). Dixie is on the chestboard, on my lap, and I’m typing away without any impedance — it’s back to getting things done xD

Going out of my mind, Phase II.

Grr…. 6+ hours in attempts to allievate the keyboard problem have resulted in a fouled up beyond repair keypad; this means either I find a replacement keyboard, or a replacement laptop.

What worries me is /finding/ a replacement. The laptops about 2 years old, and was “old” at the time, hence why it was on sale to make room for newer packages lol. Even at vendor-side prices, I should be able to afford a new keyboard module, if I can find one! Buying a new laptop, that’s a different story… sure as hell ain’t room for that in the budget lol… The fact that the most suitable laptop systems (refurb) have gone up in price, over $200 for the holidays don’t help either…

My working environment rules out the use of an external keyboard, mouse, or monitor; so any way you slice it, I’m screwed until I get a replacement keyboard. It’s only 0135R, and I’m already bored stiff. Played a few maps on [SAS] Proving Grounds #1, nice to see I can still work that games MP5 trigger like an artist for double taps ;-). Played a bit of the new maps on [SAS] Training Grounds #3, good maps and good practice — but I miss my Dixie 🙁

I’m used to being camped out with a laptop all night, terminal on one virtual desktop (with vim sessions), web browser and chat on the second, and the third on standby. Living with Windows until I can get a replacement….


I miss my FreeBSD powered mobile work station….

This is so recursive, it hurts

# this is so recursive, it hurts
for topdir in args:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(topdir):
for file in files:
for regexp in patterns:
if, file):
file = os.path.join(root, file)
if verbose:
sys.stdout.write("file name: %st" % file)
p = os.stat(file)
a, m, t = (
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()), )
sys.stdout.write( "atime: %stmtime: %stnow: %sn" %
print file

What a huge, ugly, monster, I’m glad the finished code doesn’t look like that lol.