Ah it’s been a fairly full day! I was having some crazy dreams, including many forms of transport but it was the end that really got me lol. At one point, I dreamed that I was on a ship sailing into a fierce storm, and being reassured by a Gary Oldman like figure that in his ‘experience, the ship never goes down until after the storm’. Speaking of that, reminds me – I missed the Fifth Element the other night, a movie I’ve sooo wanted to see lately lol. But anyway, something happened in the dream, and I ended up catching a rope between my teeth and ripping it apart. The end result was loosing about 4 teeth in the process, and being my unnaturally-calm self when things hit the fan :/.

I was very happy to wake up and be able to feel my teeth were still attached! The way I dream, whatever happens: I can feel it… very, very real, as if it was actually happening. I’ve also lost several of my adult teeth to the “Folly of youth” so to speak, so I know all to well what it feels like. That being said, even when I do dream, even if it’s something I’ve never experienced, it usually feels the same as actually experiencing it does lol,

Todays work load wasn’t to bad, not as tiering as I anticipated. I aslo managed to spend some time with friends on the SWAT 4 server ;). On the down side, as lead admin on deck, I had to deal with the troublemakers a lot. Only my strict-demeanor I think, is what allowed most to survive without a ban! The one that came closet, was fortunate enough to shuffle off before I could ban his sorry ass; since we’ve kicked the idiot about 3 times in two days, he’s not going to get any further warning! But on the upside, once the troublemakers were dealt with I got to kick back and relax, or as I told one teammate: “now that I can stop being a puckered ass of an admin”. Once it the server was under control, I was loose and flying in good form >_>

Also, whatever path current business affairs take, I have an interesting idea that might be worth exploring in the near future.

Ah, tonight hasn’t been to bad; there’s actually been some good stuff on TV, including one of my favourite movies—The Freshman. While it is far from a blockbuster, there’s just something so cool about their scheme xD. I almost *never* get to enjoy time off, and work begins again tomorrow… so yeah, I think I can take one night to TV for a change.

I’d start coding but I know if I do, it will be closer to 0400 local by the time I go to bed, and tomorrow is likely to drive me nutty enough as is!

One thing has me concerned, earily today when i took the dogs out for a walk, I had the desktop up; by the time we got back, the P.O.S. made a crash landing. For me, the box was pretty much at “idle”, just a music stream and a few IM programs running. I’m beginning to worry about the hardware integrity of the machine as well as the possibilities the drivers are just a pile of steaming shit lol. It’s like, OpenBSD box… runs until the power goes out; FreeBSD laptop… runs practically until I forget she’s on battery for a change >_>. Compare to the Windows box, which probably has more freaking BSODs then any box I have ever owned. Maybe if I had been able to go the custom route, it wouldn’t be such a pain… blasted pre-build has been a torn in my side almost since day 0.

With most of my current coding revolving around C++, and needing something more powerful then my laptops Sempron, I’ve been doing a lot with the desktop lately; it has my only serious prerequisite for coding — a decent build of Vi IMproved installed. MSVC is also a decent enough C++ compiler, as is g++ from the GNU Compiler Collection. So I reckon with all of the time spent compiling code, the hardware is under twice as much stress as normal. Not that it should make much difference, since Dixie has survived much worse and usually constant stress without so much as a burp lol.

Hardware failure has always been my one worry, since it’s more costly then data; good thing I back things up hehe.

So far work on the game proceeds well in spare moments, and quiet fun to tinker with. Recent activities have been focused around adjusting the input manager to handle both buffered and unbuffered input; PlayerEntity may also become a singleton class in time (I am not fond of singletons, but I reckon OGRE shows that they can be useful if built properly).

Most changes that are most pressing at the moment, is refining the command structure and state management. When I first setup the build with OGRE, I made sure the OIS and CEGUI libraries were present. When I’ve time to get crazy side of things working, I want to adjust the prototype to load into a main menu structure. That’ll give me good incentive to put SettingsParser to greater use, and most importantly write the code to allow it to flush things back out to the users configuration file, haha!

It would also be nice to start setting up the weapons related code, an aiming cursor, and map loading. One of the reasons I chose OGRE, other then saving the waste of writing a 2-bit render ontop of Direct3D/OpenGL—it comes with a BSP based scene manager. When it comes to game engines, I’m most familiar with modernized Doom, Quake III, and Unreal Engine 2 systems. After so many years of Raven Shield, should we say that a BSP-based map sounds like an interesting shot. We’ll see where that heads in the future.

Combing vcbuild and vcexpress running at the same time, can lead to such interesting linkage errors if you try running vcbuild before saving the changed solution file back out ^_^.

Ok, no wonder I so much prefer just opening project files in vim, it saves me from having to launch the bloody IDE 8=).

Old remarks

Was searching through the forums for something En4cer or Rouge said a year or two ago, when I found something I once posted about tactical fire & maneuver used in films:

* for context, IRL = In Real Life; IHW = In HollyWood

My list of differences between Real world Elite and Holiwood Elite.

IRL a 9mm probably will bounce off a windshield at 50m

IHW a 9mm will take out the engine block of a truck if its on Full Auto.

IRL a solider might not have a full mag all the time, to prevent jams. (editors note: not all are created equal)

IHW, magazines have bullets 4 a breast so you can reload off camera

IRL a [good] solider can snap off a head shot at 50m /w an MP5 as fast as they can think.

IHW, the hero can pop the running squiral in the left nut at 25m with a sling shot.

IRL, a 12.7mm M2 || M82 will make your day.

IHW, some how a pistol packs more punch then a 30mm Gatling gun.

IRL, you want strong cover like a CBS wall so bullets won’t penitrate.

IHW, you can use a lamp post or a dead guy as cover agasnt 7.62x39mm ammo.

Some how I can’t help but chuckle whenever I think about that running squirrel part xD. For some reason the Last Action Hero also comes to mind…

Random thoughts about recent stuff

Most pressing tasks at the moment, is setting up the input manager to handle both buffered and unbuffered input more easily. Currently a simple system is used, the input manager interfaces witgh the backup library (currently OIS) and exposes a registerCommandListener() method. For each command we want to bind input to, there is a specific subclass of AbstractCommand passed to the input manager along with the key it should be bound to (which gets mapped our own representation to what OIS uses). A simple group of associative arrays handle mapping buffered input back to the registered command objects, which have the task of making sure whatever is supposed to happen on said input event, actually does. A prime example from the prototype, movement commands are registered for mouse input and the W, A, S, D keys; when the AbstractCommand::handleInput() method is called, they tell PlayerEntity that it should move in the appropriate way. In plain C instead of C++, I would just have used a pointer to a structure holding all the interesting data about the binding + a pointer to a callback function. Same basic concept, only my prototype takes advantage of C++, which is what I’m stuck with for the moment 8=). I have no real love of C++, beyond not having to deal with yet-another implementation of data structure XYZ. (BSD Unix at least has provided macros for the most basic data structures in sys/queue.h for many years, now if only a new C standard would do likewise.)

Soon I’ll need to start modeling “Stick Man” as a place holder, it’ll likely be an extremely simple humanoid model; about as complex as a wooden artists model. Just something that can pass as a human figure during the prototypes tests lol. An arm for example will likely be a sphere for the shoulder and elbow, joined by beams, and terminating in some similiar representation of a hand.

The thing that interests me most in terms of 3d entities, is the possibilities of what can be done. Whatever the performance and code difficulty involved, an idea that I would like test: is to create the humanoid model and a ‘door’ model. The door would define two points of interest (assumably bones), one running along the hinge (to calculate how it should swing/pull open) and one through the knob. Then to establish suitable references to the models hand and the door knob, and then specify that the users hand (and obviously, any other bones that need to come along for the ride) should be moved to a position close to the door knob and back again. So that if for say, our model had to open doors; we could show it happening (kind of) and wouldn’t need separate pre-done animations for whether the model is crouched or standing, let along having to go through the trouble of making doorknobs the same exact position on every door ^_^. Likewise the possibility to take a weapon model (aka “Stick gun”), and define points of interest: such as a muzzle, foregrip-point, stock, and the handgrip. Then defining that the humanoid models hands should be positioned at the foregrip and handgrip points, and apply a griping animation to it of some sort. I am more interested in exploring what is possible without popping a cork then in creating what looks and acts proper in that regard.

Weapons implementation as of yet is undecided; current calculations for the damage portion of the ballistics has been promising. The algorithm and test-weapon specifications have yielded suitable figures when used within proper situations. Basically, everything is tuned on the concept of an ideal and a maximum range that the weapon should be effective at; results showed that for the various example test-weapon specs gave the desired behaviours until a round began moving past maximum effective range. The downside is obviously, if one wants to take a short range weapon and use it like a sniper rifle, expect to have to empty a crap load of ammo or learn how to target the vitals! The main point at which things get sticky, is hit detection and trajectory. The tests for damage/penetration power were based on segmenting the bullets travel path and scaling accordingly. The idea that comes to my mind as the obvious-first attempt, is apply a simple hitscan method – fire a beam from the muzzle to whatever it hits, like a laser gun (I hate games that do hitscan). Slice this path into smaller sectors then mutilate its forward trajectory, in effect causing a way to implement bullet drop if desired. For removing the “perfect aim”, I reckon it would be easy enough to apply a jitter to offset the bullets hit point according to what the weapon should be capable of doing.

Games are not really my area of expertise programming wise, because I’m more accustomed to building tools and combing front/back-ends. It is however, an interesting thing to tinker with; and I am building a prototype to explore random ideas — not a polished product.

I’ve been in a fairly bad mood most of the day :. Was dreaming that I was applying for a job at the company my brother works (a large supermarket chain) and he was driving me out of my freaking skull – until I walked out, got on a plane, and parachuted into the lake; lol. After waking up and falling back asleep, I was dreaming about testing the game project I’ve been coding on the past 2 weeks or so.

Kind of strange in a way, since I’ve always maintained if I ended up in the same line of business I would seek employment at a competing company (:P), was recently mentioning skydiving with a friend, and apparently…. have been unable to get any work done on my game all day!!!!!

Haha, believe it or not but I just upgraded my file server from OpenBSD 4.4 Release to OpenBSD 4.5 Release, lol. Usually I’m pretty good about keeping my systems up to date, but lately life has just been to troublesome to care about it :-/.

In a change, I’ve also elected this time to install the various X related dist sets in the upgrade; I have no need to run GUI tools to manage my file server, but I have been thinking of using the machine to supplement my laptop, by way of running an X-Server on the desktop machine, and employing SSH for an extra layer of encryption.

Although I have never had need of (nor desire to try) the OpenBSD ports system, it does require X if memory serves, so probably good to have it available. Since the box isn’t setup for running an X server it is only filling free diskspace, and that box is well partitioned hehe.

Whiskey Lullaby

She put him out like the burnin’ end of a midnight cigarette
She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin’ to forget
We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time
But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind
Until the night

He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away her memory
Life is short but this time it was bigger
Than the strength he had to get up off his knees
We found him with his face down in the pillow
With a note that said I’ll love her till I die
And when we buried him beneath the willow
The angels sang a whiskey lullaby

(la la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la, la la la la la la)

The rumors flew but nobody know how much she blamed herself
For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath
She finally drank her pain away a little at a time
But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind
Until the night

She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away his memory
Life is short but this time it was bigger
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees
We found her with her face down in the pillow
Clinging to his picture for dear life
We laid her next to him beneath the willow
While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby

(la la la la la la, la la la la la, la la la la, la la la la la la)

Whiskey Lullaby, Brad Paisley / Alison Krauss