Norton to the rescue? Wow it actually did something useful

Hmm, for the first time in my life I’m actually glad that my Mom runs Norton on her PC.

She got an e-mail from the bank warning about repeating login failures on the account and that it was going to be suspended for T time unless she updated the account. I think that would have my heads anti-fraud warning bell ringing on it’s own right but hey, I’m paranoid at heart >_>

The message had a dead give away (for me) that someone might be trying to fake it, you probably would have to be familiar with building such things or just a heavy web surfer to spot that one though. When she clicked it it redirected her to a fake page to login which Norton shouted FRAUD before harm could be done.

The address was an obvious fake once you see the real URL, but how many causal users even look at that I wonder? So maybe despite it’s annoyance to people like me and those that just want to get stuff done, useful for watching over the uneducated.

She’s currently going through a spell of FUD over security but I’m familiar enough with the possibilities and they ain’t that bad thanks to Norton. The next best thing to actually educating users — babysit with resource hogs :

Now if only it could do something about her (greater then mine) paranoia, so I could get back to rewriting code lol.

Oh wells.

overstocked and under budget, yippie ki-ay!

Executed the clothes shopping raid today, took longer then planned 🙁 but I got everything that I wanted (according to plan), got more of it, and while my original budget was $150 I spent a little more then $120 xD

*does the victory dance*

4 jeans, 14 briefs, 8 pocketed T-Shirts, and I hate socks enough to start with that the ones i have can stay lol.

Ripped apart the closet, unscrupulously chucking everything that I ain’t gonna wear, don’t want, or can’t fit in anymore. 7 bags are piled up +S, for donation or trashing it’s outgoing and good riddens !!!!

Also got some Trident gum which is worth while IMHO. Glad that the clothes shopping is over and done with… Next phase is to have an oder placed for that Sennheiser headset — it’ll be nice to be able to talka gain on TeamSpeak.

Since I was under budget I split the remainder and gave part of it to Ma to add to the LORD’s money, and refused to take no for an answer. My Grandmother always used to keep a $100 tucked away in a clip in case of emegency. And she always would end up giving it to my mom whenever things were bad, it’s her goal to someday replace it. It’s been over a decade since my Grandmother passed on but I’m not sure if she’s ever totally replaced it, every time it’s gotten close we’ve always had a financial kidney-punch :. With luck in a month or two it should be at the mark.

The LORD’s been good to me, much better then I deserve… Despite what issues I have with my life, it’s the closest I’m likely to get to tithing with the money I have.

I’ve also posted my ‘two weeks off’ on [SAS]. I figure one week to concentrate on the website, one week to concentrate on the SOP rewrites.

There is really nothing of great importance to get done with the website, anything important is already taken care of :-).The stuff I need to get done, is more the sort of it’s better that it gets done but it won’t kill anyone if it don’t get done, assuming someone remembers why it works as it does in 20 years lol. I could swear… Wiz and I are probably the greatest two morons at this stuff when compared to our predecessors (professional) educations at it. But at least we are trying to make things better, not leave a pile of kludges behind for the next poor sap.

Wiz’s great thing was securing the website, thanks to him it’s locked up tighter then a ticks ass after an all you can eat special. For me the big thing, really is leaving it better then how I found it… I’m self educated but I’m still a programmer, and I’m a lover for engineering and designing things at heart. Some of the things I see make my head hurt, it works but it’s like… If your going to do it, do it right for Pete’s sake.

One thing that I really like about my duties as Warrant Officer Class 1 on the team. Is although I’m more busy then I was as an RSM + Associate Webmaster, as WO1+Webmaster I’m able to work on things that people don’t see. I like that, most of the things I do, no one will ever get to see or know about and if they did, I’d probably have fsck’d it up anyhow. I like being able to work in the background, take care of the unseen ins and outs of keeping the clocks running. But I know, when I’m done… Whoever becomes webmaster after me (I’m not immortal) will hopefully have a well done and easy to maintain website. None of the things Wiz faced when he wound up in the boots, and none of the cruft I’ve got to deal with along with the rest of the Admin Team.

Operation Excalibur will never be what I originally dreamed it to be, but by George it is gonna be completed !

With the SOP rewrites, a lot of it is done.. But it needs to get the finalization work done,hammer it home so GCHQ can review it, hopefully approve it without shouting, and the SNCOs can train the NCOs to train the Trps/Rcts and life can continue. The SOP rewrites have been like my careers work in [SAS], I’ve tinkered with it since I was a humble LCpl… Tried to make a strong effort at it as an SSM when I was now officially allowed to help out with it. And eventually found myself as the only asshole able to oversee it and being RSM, responsible for it getting done.

It’s my goal to do my best to give my team the best set of SOPs that us guys can create… If I was the only writer the SOP Rewrites would’ve been done a year ago but with Rasa’s help these are going to be even better. It’s great that when one of us gets to far out of whack, the other knows how to deal with it lol.

Being the coder of the lot, I’m doing every thing I can to leave the SOPs in a state where it won’t become what my generation grew up with. Stale, out dated, insufficient, and nearly impossible to modify… However good they are that’s how I feel the old SOPs have scaled with the years. That’s what I fight to prevent happening again, you could say I find it comforting to know that half the clan could be hit by a shooting star and our groups tactical heritage will continue on to the younger generations.

And why do I feel so damn old, I’m only going to be 20 in June !!!

Writer’s Block: Lame jobs

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

Live Journals Writer’s Block



job I have ever had…

Without a single doubt that is definitely one of our old clients. We used to work there every Thursday, boss one of the kind it don’t matter if the worlds coming to end your still wanted to come kind of jobs. Also the kind if the phone rings in the morning, you pray it means you don’t have to show up !!!

The mother had energy problems so she never cleaned anything, with that house who wouldn’t have energy problems (no offense meant). The youngest daughter ADHD, although it’s classified as an attention span disorder… The way that kid was, I called her HDD — Hyper Destructive Disorder, I never noticed an signs of ADHD, just that she practically demolished the place lol. The elder daughter was going to and from collage and planning a wedding… So she was in the boat, trash it but don’t leave it better then it was found 8=)

To top it off, they had like 6 dogs and two floors. Oh my word was that house a nightmare…

Every week there would be garbage piled everywhere, leftover food, dishes, snacks, homework, dog wastes, clothes, everything plus infinity composited into one massive mess and us two stooges (workin’ cheap) had to pick it all up, no one in the house ever lifted a bloody finger : (can you say taken advantage of). Just bending over half way would get my nose running and sneezing from proximity to the hardwood floor, what was _left_ of it that is. With my allergies I usually travel ‘fully loaded’ with a paper towel in each pocket but it wasn’t enough for over there.

I don’t mean no disrespect and have nothing against them (nice family) but, holy guacamole ! If they ever tried to sell that house, no one on earth would buy the place. The family would have to burn the house down, fumigate the ashes, then drop a tactical nuke on the vacant lot before rebuilding… It really was that bad man, like if you had to sit on the floor to do something, you’d want to disinfect your ass on the way out kind of nasty.

Needless to say, when the client couldn’t afford us any longer…

when I heard we were being let go



I’ve had to do lots of crap over the years but there are only two jobs that I’ve ever regretted having to do. To me work is work, that’s it — you get your fat ass out of bed and go to work, even if… You’d rather be anyplace but >_>. That was the dirtiest, most stressful, most exhausting job I’ve ever had to live with and I’m glad it’s gone.

This reminds me of a scene in Wild Hogs when Martin Lawrence (a plumber) comments about wearing condoms on his shoes:

Tim Allen: Did you ever wake up one morning and wonder what happened to your life?

[John Travolta nods his head]

Tim Allen: You know, I thought my life would be an adventure. All of a sudden, I’m a suburban dentist.

Martin Lawrence: Look, Doug, I feel your pain, man. I mean I swore I would never return to a job where I had to where condoms on my shoes.

John Travolta: You’re still at The Firm?

Martin Lawrence: Yea. I get yelled at by an ungrateful wife. I swear the whole thing has made me…

Tim Allen: …a wimp.

Martin Lawrence: I was gonna say miserable.

Martin Lawrence: [pause] What? You think I’m a wimp?

Tim Allen: No, I thought you were gonna say wimp, so I’d thought I’d say it for you.

John Travolta: You’re a wimp, Bobby. I’ll say it. I mean you’re afraid of women. It’s kinda embarrassing.

William Macy: I’m afraid of women.

John Travolta: You’re afraid to talk to women. Bobby’s afraid they’ll kill him in his sleep.

[Tim Allen and John Travolta laugh]

William Macy: Wow… now I’m really afraid of women.

Wild Hogs is a good movie (y), I liked the end scene though hehe… When they’re riding and Macy ends up on the wrong side of the road, and he’s like, “Yeah!” he had finally made it without crashing into something. And his friends are there, and then they look ahead, and oh shit! And crash while he’s driving off chuckling. You could say that the Code Monkey had the last laugh xD

Breathin’ in and out.


Life’s really been quite a lot of just keep putting one foot in front of the other lately.

Most of my time spent workin’ all day or slavin’ over some project, and my nights login’ for something more.

I’m currently sitting on about $300… My grandfather sent me money for my birthday early. I was a bit worried that he might’ve sent it because he could’ve thought he might not be here come June… But my aunt says he’s doing pretty well now. To be honest, I’d rather have my Grandfather then the money.

All I’ve ever really wanted from him for my birthday is a birthday card, never have gotten one though… But as my mom says it’s just not his way of doing things :.

For me it’s largely just another day, but I don’t say that aloud because my father would say the same thing lol. I know I’m going to get stuck buying clothes and the sad thing is I agree, I need to lol. Most of my clothes are getting to be like rags between the holes, rips, and clorox stains between home and work wear & tear. You could say I’m a lot like my father, when I like my clothes I wear those and not much else, and I wear them until they fall apart. I remember my mother telling me that when he died, he held up a pair of his jeans and could see light shining through them, they were so thin ! And yes my shoes are usually splitting apart by the time I’ll agree to buying new ones 😛

I’ve alloted a budget of $150 which is enough to replace everything I essentially wear and enough of it to last. Very hard for me to do it… Although I’ve never had a problem with spending inordinate amounts of money, I’m a very well thought out person when it comes to spending money, because I never have any to spend lol.

I know the value of a buck, and when they are rare you learn to spend it wisely ’cause if you don’t, ya ain’t gonna get another chance. If I ever had a real sum of money I think I would invest it, grow it so it could be used for some thing worth while someday. Hell, if you could save even $1 everyday, you could have over $3,600 in 10 years. in just over 40 years you’d have like $15,000. I’m not a big fan of spending money on myself, so it’s probably good to be single atm.. Other wise I probably would be doubly broke lol.

I also utterly hate shopping, at least when oogling computer parts isn’t involved that is >_<. I know exactly whats on the target list, and the raid will be conducted with brutal military efficiency ! Anyone planning on doing any 'one more thing' ing is gonna wind up in the dust rail hehe. Getting me to go shopping _willingly_ is a feat of it's own, let along to get me to waste time at it ^_^. One thing I do know, since 75-80% of my wardrobe isn't used, if I'm paying -> I’m chucking everything I don’t want (give away, donate, or trash), along with the throwing out the ‘rags’ that I’m stuck doing away with hehe.

I’m also getting a new headset one way or the other… Don’t know if I’ll be able to order it off the web but I’ve got a nice pair of Sennheisen lined up with a mic. Last time I had to open Ghost a slot in PG#1, I needed to ask Big12 to come on TS to tell Ghost when the slot was opened for him… Because his laptop can’t handle XFire and I can’t talk over TeamSpeak with a Mic, and texting over TS doesn’t help when the other parties full screen in Rvs lol.

I need to save a bit for school and I’m not sure how that is going to work out…, But having the funds stored will be helpful for it. Although I’d rather like to upgrade my laptops memory while I can it’s not important.

512MB of PC2700 ain’t terribly fast but it gets the job done. For $300 I could get a barebones kit and scrape together some parts from another PC and get a 5th machine running in this house but I don’t really need another computer, for the cost of some PC2100 DDR and a Wireless card I could get a junked PC I’ve got here running anyway.

I once set aside a $100 to do some thing I’ve always wanted, make a donation to my clan… But family managed to bleed me dry before I could. Things are going well with [SAS] in that regard because of our members, one reason I’ve always wanted to donate is because I know whose asses the bills come out of at the end of the day. Because of my family, even if I did managed to succeed in it I wouldn’t trust the USPS as much as Random to get it to the right place and that’d be my only option 😐

So I guess that’s out, I don’t really care much for spending money on myself, aside from more computers that is >_> but as much as I really would like to take most of the $300 I’ve got and just


for the future. I know if I don’t spend it, I’ll eventually spend it on my family eventually when they run short lol.

It don’t ‘pay’ to be a nice guy you could say but, I’m who and what I am.

Oy vey

Well now I’ve bloody well seen it all.

test script locally — works perfectly fine

test script on web server — dies with syntax error.

One that everyone who checks the script seems to agree along with the interpreters syntax checking as well, that the script is perfectly valid.

Well, at least I know the bloody thing _works_ when it works lol.

The scripts a major improvement over the existing one but far from important… Just one of those leave it better for the next generation kinda rewrites (y).

Dune or not Dune? I’m not crazy !!!

Ok, this one really had me worried for a few moments lol.

Tonight we watched Dune on cable, missed like the first 15 minutes or so. The onlu thing is it was strange, not the Dune I remember. And I know that movie like the back of my hand! Sheese I can recite dialogs for korns sake.

First of all the narrations during the film were done by a female voice, I’d presume the emperors daughter (Princess Irulan) or one of Pauls offspring in the post film covered part of Dune. I remember it being that distinctive male voice narrating throughout, same guy that did the prologue telling the how in the universe did we get here story.

Second when they introduced the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen there was a scene where he rips the heart plug out of some guy in white cloths and kills him — which I can not ever remember seeing before!

Third the scene when the Shadout Mapes brings the Fremen knife to the Lady Jessica was not there.

Forth the ‘torture’ scene when Feyd Rautha is cuttong off Duke Leto’s air supply he think-says “I wish it was Paul Atreides”.

Fith when they crash in the forbidden regions I don’t remember Paul _ever_ placing a thumper, I only remember one placed by the Fremen which was the second thumper in the scene. I also don’t remember Paul ever talking about the moving without a rhythm in order to keep from attracting the worms. Which was some thing that was very strongly noted in the book I might add.

Sixth the knife fight with the guy Paul is forced to duel after they fall in with the Fremen was gone.

Seventh the battle scenes when it shows them halting spice production on Arrakis was cut short.

Eighth the cable info said it was 140 minutes, running 2340-2400 local time but Dune is like a 3-hour movie (180min) without the commercials and roughly four hours with commercials.

I checked the VHS tape we have and proved that I’m not going crackers. The voice of the narrator was male throughout the entire VHS tape, the heart-plug part of the Barons intro was not in it. Feyd doesn’t think that when torturing the Duke but instead picks on Yueh. And the first thumper was never, ever shown plus the attack on the spice mining was much longer. And both knife scenes mentioned before were in the VHS we have taped. The one that was on TV was most deffo a different cut then the one we’ve been watching for, like as long as I can remember us watching Dune lol.

I glad my memories are correct because if not, it would mean my head would have been seriously f***ed up. There is nothing to ensure my memories of things are never corrupt but I generally know how well I remember things and how poorly too. My memory is NOT photographic but especially when it comes to movies it is damn good at things. I can remember almost everything about films I’ve seen many times and even then my minds context-sensitive memory often has trigger-events about parts of films I don’t know as well.

That’s just the way my head works, when something sticks it sticks for a long time — it’s like a sponge.

I remember when I completed my Recruit Tryout in [SAS] I told Cpl Wiz that if necessary I could give them an accounting of the mission. I still remember most of my first Troopers Tryout to boot. Even when I play these days and we occasionally have those “What did we miss moments?” at the end of a mission: I’m usually the one to speak up, “We forgot that room in such and such area by the whatever”.

When I go through the level of a game I generally form a mental image of it. When doing room clearing my mind links together every room and notes if it was cleared and how much. It’s a lot like a Binary Search Tree but operated upon at the mental level.

I’ve got a really good sense of direction at least among my family… My brains good at a few things lol.

Them are fightin’ results.

Someone asked me about my connection today so I ran a speed test. The results were a horrendous 200~220Kbps down/310~320Kbps up — which is ridicules for an ADSL line, that is Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line which generally means (and in the past extremely so! with my ISP) much higher download rates then upload rates.

After closing all other internet aware applications (Pidgin, XFire, WMP plugin) and closing the several webpage tabs (GMail, Forums) I waited several minutes and reran the speed test:

200Kbps downstream, 300Kbps upstream aDSL test result

This is crap, especially when you consider that for the strictly internet connection their going rate in this area is supposed to be $45/mo for more download then that and the upload rate compares to there top speed $65/mo service.

I pulled the plug on the modem and gave it half a minute before plugging the power back in. Ran a ping on the ISP’s mail server to check when it came back online then ran another speed test. I usually ping google but I hate why use a decent services bandwidth when I can hit the instead?

1400Kbps downstream, 320Kbps upstream aDSL test result

The results are now much better but still less then what they are supposed according to the ‘minimal acceptable’ download and upload rates they should be being paid to deliver. Going to have to have Ma float through the statement and look up exactly what we are paying for because this sure ain’t it.

I also nearly died laughing when poking around there website and noting that part of there help-system and there ‘connection optimizer’ are Internet Explorer specific although the same website says that this ISP officially supports Windows NT, Mac OSX, IE5.5+, FF2+, Safari, and Netscape Communicator 4.x + which is an old dinosaur !!!

I don’t know what is worse, an ISP that can’t keep a stable connection (for the past several years), an ISP that can’t even keep there standards straight, or an ISP that collects higher bills then quality services rendered.

Why do I have a strange urge to lubricate my modem?

Adding MySQL to my OpenBSD machine

My best friend while doing all of this was the MySQL Reference Manual :-).

The hard part was the fact that this and every thing else I want setup should have been done like 6 or 7 hours ago… But that’s my family for ya….

Phase I: Install and Configure the MySQL database service:

My desktop has WAMP installed and a mother load of development tools, my PC-BSD
laptop has the most complete development environment I have access to, and is
where I do all of my real work ^_^.

In order to make some progress in a few bits of playful testing and work that I
do need to tinker with, I’ve elected to setup things on Vectra to avoid the more
transient nature of the Windows machine here…

This is the notes I’ve compiled during the process. Managing to sleep off the
headache and get this done before everyone else wakes up… Grr. The machines an
OpenBSD 4.3-Release system working off an old Pentium 3 500Mhz with 384MB of RAM
— far from ideal for running MySQL but with just me to play with it, it’s no

su - root

pkg_add -iv mysql-server
less /usr/local/share/doc/mysql/README.OpenBSD # refer to the instructions

vi /etc/login.conf
... # let the login class for _mysql and rebuild the login database
cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf
... # initialize the database files
vi /etc/rc.mysql
... # quick script to launch mysql properly, listing 2A
vi /etc/rc.local
... # start it during resource configuration, listing 2B
... # secure the installation := -u root -p (pw=V1p3l2)
mysqladmin -u root -p status
mysql -u root -p -h localhost # set up our databases using the mysql client
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 18
Server version: 5.0.51a-log OpenBSD port: mysql-server-5.0.51a

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> CREATE USER trowa IDENTIFIED BY '*********';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> CREATE DATABASE SpidersWeb
-> ;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

| Database |
| information_schema |
| SpidersWeb |
| mysql |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

-> UPDATE ON SpidersWeb.* TO 'trowa'@'%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected
mysql> exit

That basically allows the database user to do just about everything to the
specified database from anywhere. I considered restricting access further but am
not in the mood to screw with changing it later should it become necessary (and
I hate setting up replacement routers, which happens every now and then).

Since every thing in the mysql client ends up in ~/.mysql_history, including the
password used in the CREATE USER statement. I am also rather glad that OpenBSD
keeps everyones nose out of /root by default, I plan on shredding the file:

rm -P /root/.mysql_history

for safety.

Phase II: Verify it works!

To make sure every thing works out properly enough (considering the current
local time!). I opened another urxvt on my laptop and connected to the server

Terry@dixie$ mysql -h vectra -u trowa -p SpidersWeb                        5:44
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 22
Server version: 5.0.51a-log OpenBSD port: mysql-server-5.0.51a

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer.

-> ;
Empty set (0.01 sec)

mysql> exit
Terry@dixie$ 5:45

Various notes

I found the kern.maxfiles sysctl and standard issue /etc/my.cnf file suitable
for my needs (for now). So no need to screw with them tonight, later on I need
to work on setting up httpd and things… Already 0600Z and work is early
tomorrow so no time to sor that out

Rather then muck about, in case I need to stop and start mysqld I moved the
startup from /etc/rc.local to calling a shell script to run it properly. That
way OpenBSD should allow mysqld sufficant file handles and I can control things
via /etc/my.cnf if I wish to lower it.

Listing 1: /etc/login.conf

# This class is used when running MySQL from /etc/rc.local
# XXX: It will *N_O_T* be used when starting/stopping mysqld manually!!
:openfiles=3580: # I've set this to sysctl::kern.maxfiles

Listing 2A: /etc/rc.mysql

# A simple script to launch mysqld with the proper login privledges

su -c _mysql root -c '/usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe >/dev/null 2>&1 &'
echo -n ' mysql

Listing 2B: edits to /etc/rc.local

# launch the MySQL database server
if [ -x /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe -a -x /etc/rc.mysql ]; then

headache form hell with love from family.

Considering the headache and the number of times I’ve fucked sshd_config, the size of my splitting headache, and the hell that this house is — It looks like getting any _real_ work done is going to have to wait until next weekend.

Oh wait, the fuckers will screw me over then too

So it will have to wait to the weekend after that

Oh wait, the fuckers will screw me over then too

So it will have to wait to the weekend after that

Oh wait, the fuckers will screw me over then too

So it will have to wait to the weekend after that

Some times I wish I could just _legally_ bind and gag people for a few hours, it really would make life so much fuckin’ easier.

Fixing last nights screwups

Well this is what happens when your working around 0400 local time :

After last nights double upgrades my system wouldn’t except my login over ssh citing an invalid password (when it was correct!). Plus it was refus8ing connections on the port I have sshd listing to but accepting on the default port 22, even though I merged my sshd_config with the new one.

Hooked up a monitor and keyboard to the server and even root was being rejected. I know I forgot to run /dev/MAKEDEV before rebooting the kernel but if that had any problems either init, rc, or getty would be dying from problems setting up TTYs and mounting disks!

Booted off the install floppy I had left over from the 4.0 upgrade and dropped to shell. Since I had to did a rude shutdown when I realized what was up, I had to force the mounts before I could go to work. Then I change rooted into the servers file system to get to fixing the login problem.

mount -f /dev/wd0a /mnt
mount -f /dev/wd0g /mnt/usr
chroot -u root /mnt sh

I knew I forgot to make the new device nodes so I did that and took a look at /etc/group and /etc/passwd before touching any thing else.

/dev/MAKEDEV all
TERM=vt220 vi /etc/group

I had to set TERM for nvi because with an empty $TERM after the chroot operation, vi couldn’t handle the situation :

checked out the group file and noted my custom user groups were missing, changed files :e /etc/passwd and noted that my user account was also missing!

Made a fix of this:

group add -g 7778 nfsusers

Added the nfsusers group for the file shares and recreated my personal user before mounting /home. That gave me enough that I could reboot, strip monitor and keyboard, and SSH into it from the desktop to finish poking around.

On login my shell prompt was ‘Terry@noname-$ ‘ and I know my ksh prompts are ‘username@hostname-$ ‘ which means my systems hostname settings were nuked.

Lo and behold, it hit my like a bus.

During last nights upgrade I remembered specifically that I did remove etc42.tgz in /usr/obj/4.2 before using a for loop to extract all of the file sets. But I could not remember doing the same with etc43.tgz in /usr/obj/4.3 when I installed the last file sets :

Sure enough I looked in both directories and last nights log and bingo that is what happened! I ended up extracting the default configuration files for OpenBSD 4.3 after my upgrade.

I didn’t take a backup of /etc before hand because I knew it wouldn’t be harmed, assuming I didn’t fsck things up. And of course any thing irreplaceable is backed up in like 4 or 5 places any way.

It looks like the only major losses in /etc were exports which I rewrote simply. I copied the %ProgramFiles%etcgroup file to the server as /etc/group.old and used vimdiff to merge my other custom groups in before moving on.

rc.local was overwritten but that’s no loss because everything I had in there was commented out and there depends got pkg_delete’d last night 😉

I repaired /etc/hosts, checking my changes against the hosts file on my desktop, (%WinDir%system32driversetchosts). Each of my machines defines a couple of ‘quick’ items in hosts. Then fixed /etc/myname with my machines proper name.

the settings in /etc/ntpd.conf were overwritten but unused for ages, the patch operations also left me my original file as /etc/ntpd.conf.orig hehe and I cleaned the rest out

cp /etc/ntpd.conf.orig /etc/ntpd.conf.ORIG
rm /etc/*.orig

Then set to fixing ssh_config and sshd_config

cd /etc/ssh && vim .

This really is what I get for doing things so late at night +S