back to work

to get done:

finish release of SAS Skins v3 for S4:TSS and SAS Personal Uniforms v1 (with installers). -> TO NIGHT WOULD BE NICE.

Get screen shots of Element, 4-5 men, linear and column stacked.

Finish final edits on the SOP rewrites pending to be sent spamward to GCHQ.

Bagger Random until he’s sent me GCHQ’s edits to those that have been sent in.

Oh what joy grammer correction will be =/

post in T&T forum about RvS ‘plan’ day.

Schedule my S4 Training Session ‘from hell’ day hehe.


Worry undermines the body, dulls the mind, and slows down thinking and learning. It adds to confusion, magnifies troubles, and causes you to imagine things which really do not exist. If you are worried about something, talk to your leader about it. He may be able to help solve the problem.

Now if that’s not good advice to pray, I dunno what is hehe.

Table of C keywords, by language standard


C89 Standard

C99 Standard

For the first time in a good while a good classic was on, Gone with the Wind. Although I’ve defintally snored through it enough times over the years, it’s regarded as one of the greatest movies ever made.

I still find it hard to watch at times, I might not agree with every thing that has happened. I don’t discriminate against any one, be it for race, creed, colour, or religion.. To me the difference between a White man and a Black man is only a matter of appaearence, you can tell them apart in a Line Up. Beyond that they are pretty much the same to me, they are both human beings and should be respected as such.

What else can I say of the South other then it is my home? I was born in the South, I live here and I work here. I’m proud to be an American and I love my home.

In the Civil War as in so many other places, so many wars, so many countries… The people of the south were made to feel results of war. The Union army burned, raped, and enough and many were ground into the dirt to ensure such a thing could never happen again. Thousands of men dead, sick, and dying, not even any thing left to ease the pain of those still alive… Most of the people starving and penniless with there families torn apart. People shouldn’t be ground into dust, what good does it serve. All the more worse then because it was not a war between countries but between brothers.. One I feel that could have been settled without firing a single shot.

Even to Christ on the cross, it’s never been enough for some people. Even without a war to fight, people can still be monstrous.

When the time came… It wasn’t enough to nail him to a wooden cross and be done with it. They tortured Jesus beyond the bounds of torture until death could only be a release from the agony and pain… Is it not enough just to kill?

Man has both the ability for Good and for Evil, I think it is the choice of which do you seek that matters.

When the chance comes, will you do what you think is right or will you play to your own advantage at any cost?


Hmmm…. learning the hardway.

lukeftp advantages over filesilla site manager.

You have to manually type information so you can’t fuck it up unless you really fuck up…. lol.

0144, nothing to do…. can’t sleep…. Brain cells anbsent minded for more interesting waters…

All I can thing of… but I guess it’s not good to think of the past to much, not at the expense of the present any way.

Hmm, I wonder…..


Better to look towards the future I suppose..


Finally time to rest…

Yesterday was probably to worst allergy day of my year, even for me it was pretty bad. I also had to work 2 shifts back to back.. Only 8 hours but in this business hours tend to be shorter but harder. I went through about 10-12 paper towels (what I use for a Kleenex) just during work.

Plus work today, 2 days chores including 6 mops to wash out, a live op (dang it, shot in the tookus again!), and I’m not even going to worry about my inbox…


Time for some R&R, plan… Sit on my ass with a cup of Rooibos Tea and maybe fetch a game or two, unless I start restructuring my laptop early… hehe

Happy Halloween

Ahhh, the biggest candy eating day of the entire year :-).

Cool, live journals even got the tar bar styled for the holiday lool.

The best part about Halloween is getting dressed up and going trick or treating… I might be to old for the costume buy I ain’t dead yet to candy raiding here I come xD.

I remember my first trick or treat trip. I had my cowboy boots, hat, and six guns on and cloths to match. Over the years I’ve been a Star Fleet Captain, Commander, Lt Commander… Dracula, Darth Maul, and a Cyborg… Hehe till I got to old to join in the fun :-(.

Oh well hehe, there is always chocolate.

The difference between ammunition

Normally I’ll keep one FMJ and one JHP weapon on me at all times, in case I need to shoot through some thing or NOT shoot through it.

My kit,

Helmet, No Armour.

H&K G36C Entry Carbine, 5.56x45mm FMJ.

Glock Model 17 Pistol, 9x9mm JHP.

3x Flash Bang, 1x CS Gas, 1x Sting grenades and C2 package.

Fresnal Station was the map, most targets only have shirts or coats on, no body armour.

On average it took at least 4 rounds from my G36 to put down the target. Using my Glock it was an average of 2 rounds -> and I normally try to fire a tap into the targets high centre of mass and follow up with a tap to their head/neck.

The G36 is much more powerful then the Glock, but because of the JHP Ammo the Glock was a lot more powerful and effective against the enemies on Fresnal then the G36 with its FMJ ammo.

I’ve generally found in SWAT4 that it’s usually worth while to switch to FMJ/JHP depending on if the enemy has armor or not. My only complaint is that the JHP tends not to penetrate a GAS MASK to well… Not good when I have a habit of relying on head shots to make sure the target is going down hard (kill shot) when I’m firing at close range (1-2 metre).

I suppose it’s better then Raven Shield through…. 3 Round Burst, MP5/10A2 (10mm) with JHP and all 3 rounds hit the window but won’t hit the tango behind it unless you do a 1..2.3 firing, e.g. 1 shot to break glass and a staggered followup shot(s) to hit the tango as the glass finishes breaking.

Live Ops !!

Wowsa, two live ops today and great after action reports to follow them, just got to post them.

Mission was a sucess so I’ll give the RvS guys more Intel for their super-live op event coming up hehehe.

I’ve also got a bit of a making of going and I’m working on creating some post-campaigne statistics that summerise the missions.

It’s been over a year of work, it’s gone from 2 maps to 12 but heck it’s been fun !