Personal Training

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Kill House: SAS Hallway, Practice Mission on Veteran mode.
Character: Eddie Price (Ex SAS, also Dings 2nd in command of Rainbow in the book).
Armour: Light Blue BDU / Vest.
Primary: H&K MP5A4 SMG with attached suppressor (SD) and JHP Ammo.
Secondary: SIG-Sauer P228 Compact Pistol and FMJ Ammo (no attachments).
Tactical: Primary and Secondary magazines (no grenades).


Before the operation I disabled all elements of the games HUD (Heads Up Display) except for the on screen weapon, e.g. I could see my MP5 but no icons, cross hairs or ammunition counters.

I engaged room by room, trying to be careful of crossing doors and being detected. Opening doors and slicing the pie, often trying to recon the room before entry. I engaged in close quarters shooting with several enemy tangos including having to shoot with hostages between me and the terrorists and tangos in close proximity to explosive barrels (Vive la JHP!).

During the room clearing I was almost injured by an enemy pistol shot during the first leg of the journey, it hit the door jam next to my face. The single shot appeared not to alert near by tangos as I neutralized the threat with my follow up shots. Continuing with my clearing efforts I eventually reached the bar at the end. And the very pretty lady hostage marking the final room 🙂

Things I can improve on:

My Accuracy, 71% might be very good for me but it is not all that great in a hostage situation.

My door/corner handling, I was almost injured slicing the pie because I could see the tango but my muzzle did not have a clearly lined up shot.

Overall pace, could have been a lot faster / smoother.

I love BSD !!!!

Well to make a long story short, I’ve got my older brothers old PC (whats left of it). It’s missing it’s Graphics card, Optical Drives, and DDR1 SDRAM and only has a WinModem for it’s Cards but other wise it’s functional. It’s a originally a Dell Dimension 4500, Ma has a 4550 so i used her user manual to check what kind of RAM I would need.

If I bought 256~512mb of RAM and a Networking card I could get a 4th PC running, maybe try and get a Wifi adopter for it so I could move one of the Towers into my room (where my Laptop usually is stored)… 5 PC’s hehe that would be nice!! And if I get enough money for Christmas I could do it.. I could also buy Ma some RAM to upgrade her PC, or just buy her a new 1GB’s worth and take her old 512’s set.

The Box has a Pentium 4, probably ~2Ghz… Compare to my File Servers Katmai (Pentium 3, 500Mhz).

Having 512MB RAM would be an upgrade from 384MB-8MB for Matrox Gfx that the server has. Even if I had to make do with only 256MB, the processor upgrade would be worth it imho.

I have an old ATI Ultra Rage 128 AGP4X card on my shelf, a 32MB card should be overkill for any thing but gaming.

The IMPORTANT thing is, the hulk came with a 40GB Western Digital PATA drive and a 80GB Hitachi PATA drive.

My OpenBSD server is running off an old Office Desktop PC (cica 1998/1999) and only has an old 8GB Maxtor PATA drive. The BIOS also has a known problem that it can only address up to about 33GB of disk, any more would be wasted.

Guess what… OpenBSD can use the entire drive !!!!!

I installed the 80GB HDD and hooked it up to the (E)IDE cable and power thingy and checked the BIOS to see the setup, I could see that the 8GB root disk was Primary Master, 80GB drive as Primary Slave, and the CD-ROM drive as Secondary Master.

I didn’t really learn much about the innards of Computers by looking it up. I learned most of what I know by pulling a PC apart and putting it back together again.

I tried to mount the disk but could not, even with the mount_ntfs program. Probably because of no disklabel. I booted off my Knoppix Live CD to see if it was working. Sure enough, Linux found a ~75GB /dev/hdb1 and was able to mount it as NTFS. I reformatted it FAT32 and booted back to OpenBSD.

To set up the hard drive for usage, I fdisk’d it

fdisk -i wd1

I gave it a yes to updating and moved on to labeling the disk.

disklabel -E wd1

I used the g d command in disklabel to tell it to use the disks geometry and not the BIOS. I setup a 4.2BSD Partition (wd1a) for the full size of the disk and wrote the label out.

Next I formated it with the UFS file system used in OpenBSD.

newfs wd1a

and mounted it to a temporary mount point

mount /dev/wd1a /mnt

And volia it worked !!! I moved every thing from /usr/local/* to /mnt/ and edited /etc/fstab with instructions to auto-mount the new 80GB drive in it’s place.

Terry@vectra-$ cat /etc/fstab
/dev/wd0a / ffs rw 1 1
/dev/wd0h /home ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0d /tmp ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
/dev/wd0g /usr ffs rw,nodev 1 2
/dev/wd0e /var ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
# 80GB Primary Slave, PATA drive.
/dev/wd1a /usr/local ffs rw,nodev 1 2

Now I have good solid storage… No more trying to cram network shares and LAN backups onto a small ~7GB /usr partition.

Terry@vectra-$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/wd0a 147M 31.3M 109M 22% /
/dev/wd0h 393M 378K 373M 0% /home
/dev/wd0d 98.3M 2.0K 93.4M 0% /tmp
/dev/wd0g 6.7G 398M 6.0G 6% /usr
/dev/wd0e 148M 8.3M 132M 6% /var
/dev/wd1a 73.3G 2.5G 67.2G 4% /usr/local

I love BSD !!!

Will the Phoenix Project ever fly again?

After conversation with some one poked my mind to the subject. I think I might try and restart a little work on some of the stuff I was writing.

I was talking about teaching room clearing in real life easier then in a game. And I remembered an idea I had about a section like that in one of the books. Probably a stupid one to joe blow… but I think it was a funny idea 🙂

I once had a Trilogy planned for a story I thought of in the BattleTech universe. It all started out as a fantasy/day dream. And it lead to me thinking up an interesting idea for some thing, almost a full book in length. And that lead to plans for a 2nd and 3rd book (sequel and prequel). But I never got to finish Book I, The Phoenix Project (the working title). I wrote a short story a little while back based on ideas for Book III but never sorted it out. I figured the short story would be a give a good feeling for writing more about ‘Mechs then Urban combat.. Most of Book I put the protagonists on foot, in the middle of an enemy base having to carry on as Commandos after their ‘Mechs were crippled.

I don’t know if it would be as easy to write the core part of it… The stuff I thought any way made is such a good story. But at least I could probably do a better job of the CQB side of it, there was a lot of Room Clearing involved. I could probably do that much better with 2 years of experience in [SAS] since then.

I can’t say much for the quality of the writing but the story was good lol. Hmm, wouldn’t it be nice if their was a machine that could take thoughts and convert them to words or even Pensieve… That would be sweet.

vim ~/blog

2007-10-05 22:41:29 :

Well, we are here… mostly un packed. Ma is out to the store picking up a few
things while I watch the dogs (and try to catch up on work via laptop). I won’t
have an internet connection while I’m here so I left my PCMCIA Card at home. I’m
keeping a text file (~/blog) handy so I can record things and post when I get
home. I haven’t had much time lately… Past few days have been very hectic. I’m
glad though that we should be back some time Sunday, hopefully the unpacking
will be done before Monday…. lool. My luggage amounts to my Laptop, a bag of
spare cloths (2 sets) in case of emergency. A bag of misc. Stuff that I’ll
probably never open (DVD’s and a book). A box of HW, bottle of soda, and at ma’s
insistence. An old blanket and a small pillow. Basically 10-15% of what she
packed hehehe.

2007-10-06 00:35:38 :

It has proved impossible to concentrate in this situation (she’s back). The more I
move, the more I cough. And the harder I try not to move the more often I have
to get up!!! Been passing time with mindless runs of Doom II (via FreeDoom wads
and prboom engine). And a bit of Tetris via GNU Emacs and KSirtet. Supper will
be done soon and my mind is almost mush all ready…. What do I have to do to
get some fscking time to study!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-06 13:44:03 :

Finished the book about 0235 last night. Washer is loaded, supplies for cleaning
brought in. I have very little interest in helping ma clean.. Now or later. The
one morning I have a chance to sleep late(r then normal work starting hours)….
With the way I’ve been treated, as far as I’m concerned she should find her self
a new slave. Pull the strings hard enough and this puppet will bite if you try
to make one of him. I’ve had it. I want out of this damn business.. But no way
out seems possible. At least until her pension comes in.. Then I’ll have some
chance of escape in the future…… Stuck working usual hours… on one of
those very rare days when I have 24 hours in which to complete my assigned
tasks….. ( Insert screams of aggravation here ).

2007-10-06 15:43:43 :

Most of my work is done, I can’t continue til she is finished… So I’m sitting
down. Her orders were to only do the minimal. So I was able to get done quickly.
I have to be done with all of my work, before she is finished upstairs… Other
wise it’s not pretty. Thus when it comes to working here, I am able to clean
very expediently!! I even got the carpets on the stairs done. Not really
necessary or minimal requirement. But it hasn’t been done in a while, so I did
it. Maybe if she doesn’t send me AFK every five minutes. I can *actually* learn
some thing before I have to load the supplies. For choice of todays studies I
basically have the Lions Book (A commentary on the UNIX V6 Kernel source code)
and R^5RS (The Scheme language standard) to choose from. If all else fails, well
I guess there is always Free Doom and The Battle For Wesnoth =/

2007-10-06 23:59:24 :

Headache….. Between he dogs. ma, the TV (blasting), and my sister (dropping
by). It is very hard to concentrate here.. But I’ve managed to brush up a bit on
my Python knowledge. I was working on a Ruby program earlier, got tired. And
thought I would switch to some thing different. I’m stuck on the stairs since my
chair has been taken =/. Oh well… still might be loud in hear but at least I’m
near electricity. I gave up on hearing things hours ago, the TV is just to dang
loud.. My mother has bad hearing in one ear (and I hate repeating my self 3-4
*).. While I generally have pretty good hearing for sound, if not understanding
words from a distance. So needless to say, most any thing she does is _LOUD_ for
me =/.

Finally home. Day started 0739 with getting ready to leave. By 1045 I was home eating a moon pie. despite the some what hectic nature of getting ready to leave early, I’m glad for it.

Overall…. I’ve gotten a little better at blasting Imps with a Shotgun in DooM II. Playing Tetris out of GNU Emacs and KDE Games. Finished the book I started eariler in the week. I did get a little time to work on reading more of the Lions Book. I also got a lot of work done trying to write a Unix Shell in pure Ruby. But I never got to lay a finger to learning Scheme. Which is exactly what I wanted to do lol. And why I installed the Scheme48 implementation and got a copy of R^5RS before leaving on the trip. Even got some time to brush up on Python, not a language I use often but still a good one.

// Note to self, use less hyperlinks in the future.

For website:


For SAS Skin Packs:

Switch to heavy pants for all heavy armour (try to fix gfx bug)

strip all emblems from heavy pants

re position all arm patches on light pants

fix sabre packages

make drill instructor skin (maybe SoliderMilhaus91 can help us on this one)

Fix typo’s in loadout screen

remove ‘box’ from Green and Gray BDU sets (and find suitable heavy pants for each)

import new face print and no armour vest (vest maybe needs a colour dab on text)

Be extremely thankful for SoliderMilhaus91 and Miles helping with this!!!

*probably* fix Special Air Service text on back of light armour (team colour tag blares it out a lot).

Also todo:

Make minor adjustments to the Personal uniforms Milhaus has supplied, namely fixing the class files so the names fit in the loadout and chaning a few colours.

Make installer with SAS Assault Kit (Black, Green, Blue), Drill Instructor, and Sabre Squad skins (Based on SWAT3 Sabre Uniform). Maybe include LAPD package.

Make installer with the Custom skins, SAS Personals and SoliderMilhaus91’s LAPD uniform (without whoem we would not have such a great SAS Black kit 🙂 )

Never again!, Well… next time in Moderation….

Note to self, never eat a zillion Riesen chocolates!!!

I found out the hard way that they use both Sugar and Sorbitol….. And in large enough quanities that means laxative city.

If this doesn’t get ride of the excess phlegm, I ain’t eating any more in the future !!! LOL.


Testing a new web browser…..

Dang this thing is interesting ! Now if it could hold up better then Firefox 3.0a on my laptop… We’ve got a nice match hehehe.

Blogged with Flock


Well, I finally got some game time this mid-week.

3 Rounds, 2 maps COTT and QFCS in TG#3.

The first round on the Childern of Tarrone map went very nice until I got in the basement. I had taken a stealth to first contact kit with the intent to stay out of site. My MP5+SD with FMJ and a Glock 17 with JHP in case it got thick. Plus a tripple package of Flash bangs, one wedge, and a mirror with C2 charges.

I had a Civi on the insertion (top of stairs) and had to deal with it. So I checked the top, had a tango up there. I couldn’t return fire without injuring the civilian near me (her hand was in the way). But luckily I didn’t have to, he was threatening a Civil. So I side stepped and put a 3rd burst into his upper body. No effect but a stagger, he turned as if to ifre. So I put two in his head on semi-auto. It didn’t kill him but the Fuel Tank behind him blowing up did. The hostage flee’d unscratched some how… lol. Since the position of the body made it look plasuable that it was an ‘accident’, I got out of the area and continued in Stealth.

Got to clear one of the lower side rooms, couldn’t see any one on the first PoE, mirrored the 2nd and saw a Red Head facing the window. So I worked my way back to the first door. I figured if she heard the door, there would be a SG shell for my face when I leaned out to shoot. I was in luck,she didn’t hear it so I got to creep closer. To my suprise theres a second girl (civilian), I got close and gave the Red head a tap on the back with the punch and compliance keys. That ensured a safe and clean arrest, did the same to the very nasty civi and snatched the shotty away from them before cuffing.

The problem is, when I hit the basement on my optiwand I could see one sentry with an AKS-74 and Tarrone walking by, I stacked quick to pop open the door and roll a back in between them. As usual, it was locked so I figured I man as well mirror again. The sentry saw the mirror slide under the door and tried to push it open. I planted C2 hoping not to get shot threw the door (thank you very stupid suspect AI). Blew it and charged in button hooking left. If I had to take on multiple suspects I’d rather not leave any one at my back.

I came round the back pillar to a tango about to surrender. He was just to slow and ended up with a 3rd Burst of FMJ in his shoulder/neck. I cicled around him since he was surrendering, I shouted (I should’ve punched). Then BAM all of the sudden he stands up as I click on my light to see better. And before I can squeese off another burst he shoots me point blank. The 9x19mm FMJ just didn’t cut it…

On Quik Fuel, I tried a stealth to first contact round with the same kit but with JHP for my primary, 1 gas in place of a bang, and M1911 /w FMJ instead of the glock. Went well other then taking a SG shell to the leg at spawn, plan went to heck fast but I managed to clear it ok. Next round I tried Dynamic, 3 bangs, stinger, and opti just in case. P90 with JHP and same as the last round. It went ok, rounded the first corner to a tango, he ran. I sliced the corner more to find two tangos, almost perfect Line of Fire to drop them both if I had FMJ. It’s a good thing I didn’t use FMJ, because a Civi ean between them. I pumped out 25 rounds downing tow suspects and tried not to hit the girl running around like a headless chicken.

Made a clean insertion into the break room and went for the store front with a flash bang. Charged in, I figured I would hook right and use the Cash Register as a foot hold. If there was a tnago there, I’d meet him first, it was only a civilian who dropped to his knees and surrendered. Shotgun shells flew my way, I turned left to return fire only to suck a shotgun shell. I kept moving to my side as I tried to pin point where the shots came from. I got tunnle vision on the barrow and let’er rip with the P90. Unfortinitly that stupid civialian stuck his head up like a moron and got half a dozen rounds passed through it.

Once the smoke cleared I saw that I had 3 suspects close by in the aisles. They had been so close I was able to rake them with gunfire. If it had been real life I would probably been able to push the hostage down to the ground while my #2 took care of the shooters. Since I was alone and it’s a game… SWAT4 has a little issue. That pawns are solid until they surrender. Then you can walk through them until you cuff them or they ‘unsurrender’ in TSS. So I basically walked through the hostage and he jumped up with me standing sort of ‘in’ him… Funky game really. Moved on to coninue the map and clear it. Only loss of score was putting the hostage out with a headshot for jumping in front of my line of fire lol.

*sighs* back to the training.

The journey

While making my huge post in the members forum, it’s given me good time to think. even if it’s taken me about an hour and a half to respond to Noer, survey the NCO Forum, and write that post.

I remember, there was once a time when I considered leaving the [SAS]. I was bored, I was tired of training, for what? I asked. Well, I continued on that road. Because I knew it was going to be awesome and I wanted to help other people find the little joyful group I did.

I guess, it was the tactics and the people that drew me to [SAS]. I had often played on TG#1, because I wanted a place I could play — un molested by rambunctious pests. Where I could play and work on doing the missions in a realistic manor. Eventually, I realised that the [SAS] Members were not only very skilled. But also a great team, one that employed tactics and team work to solve problems. Rather then the Let’s run in there, blow every thing up, and rescue the hostages if they’re still alive. Kind of approach found on many other serves.

I trained my self as hard as I could. While I don’t like to think that way, I may have been one of the best troopers in terms of skill/training time after Python was promoted. I didn’t do any thing other then what I was asked and expected to do. But I did it and gave it my all.

My friend Python was always a good example of a Trooper when I was a Recruit. He trained hard and played hard. Even to become a member of the Elite Sabre Squad, if [SAS] was the tip of the spear in terms of skill and tactics. Sabre was the very sharp point of that. Because I was a Trp and had time to learn. I worked, I learned to use every weapon in the game,w ell almost… I admit I did kind of skip a lot of practicing with the AP Army and WA-2000 for a lot of time lol. I have Never been as strong on core skills as when I was a Trp… I miss those 40-45hr a week gaming sessions.

I got so bored after awhile, I nearly quit. Because I had nothing more to do, and little else to learn. I tried to help out Rand with his Training Sessions but was probably more work for him then help. (Yes I am annoying). I also attended as many Continuation Trainings as I could, even if I didn’t always agree with some of the things James did to make them ‘Film’ ready. I was there to train, not make a movie! lol.

I desided I would remian and serve. Why? Because I wanted to help others find what I did. It’s never really been about me. The things I do, I do because I want to see [SAS] prosper and because it is my joy to help do that.

When I was LCpl, I’d say I was probably a failure. The only good thing to happen is probably being a part of Hexen and Miles training. As a Cpl, I think I was a little more successful. The old ‘Bad ass’ skill levels I had as a Trp were waining but I was gaining experience and I got to teach people. Some thing I really wanted to do. Although it was not my place to do so, nor was I asked to. I tried to help out with the SOP Rewrites.

When I was promoted to Squadron Sergeant Major, I soon found that I had so much more room for improvement. Not just my skills but my thinking. My concepts of room clearing had changed very little between Rct->Cpl, but as SSM they changed a lot. I was able to do more with the SOP work, yet I got to do a lot else. As SSM I spent a lot of time training and gaming. It was very fun. As RSM, well I’ve gotten more work done. What I like about being RSM, I can get stuff done. Without the rest of [SAS], it would never get done. The least I can do, is do my fair share. I don’t always get to play as much as I would like, another 10 hours a week would be fun. But I know with the time I spend on [SAS] that is not in server. That it’s time spent well. All in all, I think my favorite thing about being RSM. Has been the SOP Rewrites. I could now take more initiative, not as much as the only smoe. But as a builder. Most of the SOP Rewrites we’ve done. Has been done by me and Rasa and Miles.

I did a lot of initial work and when Rasa came on board it was like hell fire. Together we did a lot of work and thanks to Rasa’s participation the SOP Rewrites have come out a thousand times better then if I had done it all. Not as fast but so much better that it is worth it. When we got permission to get Miles on board in limited capacity we got even more productive. When he became Sgt, he was essentially fully cleared to work on it. I know Noer regrets not being as involved in the task as we have been, but it’s not his fault.

Why did I want to do stuff with the SOP Rewrites? Well aside from the fact that I’ve been expecting them since I was a LCpl… They needed to be done, and done right. I took a look at the [SAS] Membership as a whole. And there was no one else who was current on both games, RvS and SWAT4. Rasa eventually got current on RvS again and Miles and Lazko have tried to be and stay so. Random, well tbh I wonder if SOP has any effect on how he plays some times. But he arguable has so much experience he is a walking SOP lol.

I wanted to see the SOP Rewrites do justice to both games, be some thing that we could maintain for future generations. And I wanted it to be consistent. So maybe it is great that they are basically the work of 3 people. Well, I can’t forget Moe, all but one PDF (the weapons thing) of the SOP’s on the web site. Were done by Moe when he was active. A lot of it was so good we kept it, hacked it into wording that fitted our needs, and expanded upon it in spots.

What I do in the [SAS], is not for me. It is for the [SAS] — I serve because I want to help make it better. Not because what it can do for me, it is what I can do for it that matters.

I’m not one to stick my neck out. But I am a loyal person. There is some thing about [SAS] that for some reason. I’ve come to consider it as more important then myself. I might not *always* like some things. but I remember, it’s not about ME, it’s about [SAS].

I’ve never asked other people to be like I am in that regard. But that is how it is for me, plain and simple. What’s good for [SAS] is more important then what I want.

A while back, Yuke asked me some thing. Some thing I have thought about and fear some what should it happen… Some thing I would prefer not to do but will do if I am asked. Not because I want to, but because it may allow me to better serve my team. I’d much rather stay where I am but it’s not my choice.

Bollocks! It’s 0225…. Time to get in server. I’ve been itching for some game time since Wednesday and spent all day working. It was Midnight when I got on and I’m stilln ot done with the Forums yet.

Time to hit the servers !!!!!!!!!!

Cleaning home

A little reorganization of my most used directory (/home/Terry/Programming/)…

Terry@Dixie$ ls ~/code                                                     7:24
Ada/ D/ PHP/ Shell/
Assembly/ EmacsLisp/ Perl/ Vimscript/
C/ HTML/ Python/ license/
C++/ Java/ Ruby/
CSS/ Javascript/ Scheme/
Terry@Dixie$ ls ~/code/C/ 7:25
doc/ include/ lib/ makefiles/ man/ src/ templates/
Terry@Dixie$ ls ~/code/C/doc 7:25
Terry@Dixie$ ls ~/code/Ruby 7:25
QT/ lib/ man/ src/
doc/ makefiles/ modules/ templates/
Terry@Dixie$ ls ~/code/Ruby/src 7:26
Count_Down.rb* filescan.rb* myfile.rb* quickref.rb*
Platform.rb* foo.m3u mymethod.rb* rbeautify.rb*
RubyShell.rb* grep.rb* nav/ readwrite.rb*
arg_parser.rb* hashes.rb* optparse.rb* ri20min.rb*
bitmask.rb* hashglob.rb* phase2.rb* rubynumbers.rb*
blgrep.rb* hello.rb* phase3.rb* rubystrings.rb*
dog.rb* lj.rb* phase4.rb* stringusage.rb*
edit_file.rb* md5toy.rb playlist.rb* swat.rb*
exit.rb* methods.rb* popmailcheck.rb
Terry@Dixie$ 7:26

Bare in mind that I have the ls (list) command aliased to include the -FGH switches on FreeBSD (basically use colours and append a symbol to the end of each file, e.g. dir/ and exe* instead of dir and exe).

~/code is basically made up of a directory per language with room for a little growth. The only languages I actively use are C, Ruby, and BourneShell. But I’m familiar with most in the directory and have made room for some of my ‘to learn’ list. Each directory essentially consists of a simple pattern.

Documentation, as seen in ~/code/C/doc/ I have a few old tutorials saved, references, an indent(1) profile in case I need it, and a copy of the Lions Book and Code listings amon the PDF’s.
A place to put common bits of code

A spot for ready to use code in library form
Ready made makefile templates for feeding through the make program and similar tools
Where to stuff manual pages for now
The source directory contains source code files, in ~/code/C/src/ resides a copy in HTML and Source form of the UNIX Version 6 Kernels Source Code for reference and reading pleasure. In ~/code/Ruby/src/ it shows that I’ve made directories in the src folders for various libraries and toolkits where necessary. If it’s not some thing I wrote when I started learning the language or a quickie I usually use a directory per program.
A spot to put them when I feel like writing them, I find it most useful for HTML/XHTML

The content various by language but it’s the style I’ve tried to arrange.

The rest of my home directory is also nicely organised for the most part.

Terry@Dixie$ ls ~/|grep '/' | sed 's////g'                                7:45
Terry@Dixie$ ls ~/Documents 7:45
Computers/ Personal/ Work/
Games/ School/ [SAS]/
Lyrics of Dixie.txt Shakespeare/ misc_dot_files.tar.gz
Terry@Dixie$ 7:46

I’m glad to have a copy of R^5RS (PDF & PS) on hand so I can work on learning Scheme if I get some vacation time next week.