Double nightmares

Hit the hay early, to tired to get back to finishing my program. Caught most of Matrix Reloaded but dozed on/off through the end of it, and finally woke up after whats essentially a double nightmare :

First off…Family driving me bonkers about things but as it works out.. Some time of peace and a party due later.

Ended up on a date with a very beautiful woman ^_^

The nightmare? I was too freaking busy going to and fro, that I was stuck wasting what was otherwise a perfect situation lol. That really was a nightmare… just horrible +S Like one of those times you would need brain damage for it to not go well… But stuck working on everything and so there it goes out the window figuratively speaking. That was a torturing dream to have to go through…

Second off… Well, not really a nightmare so much asa more normal dream +S. Stuck following in a News crew and Canadian SWAT team armed with suppressed FAMAS G2’s going for an assault on a large TV-like building (ala Gremlins 2 style). But guess what? A Predator on the roof pumping them all full of Plasma by the time we hit the lobby, plus terrorists all over the place with machine gun emplacements setup inside to finish the job — just great!!!

After getting knocked cold in a “smashing” fight with one, ended up stranded with the camera crew running off scared of the predator, and only a treasure seeking trooper turned tomb raider wanta be for company. In search of an ancient Egyptian tomb hidden under the building. Maanged to get past the terrorists fine but stuff in the building has come to life and started to run amuck.

Not to mention once we got to the area, after a few mishaps… It’s guarded by like a dozen leopards who are very pissed off at us trespassing… The plan of getting through them with ignitables and fire didn’t go so well and we nearly got scratched to death and chewed on before finding a way up, up, and away from them lol. Finally reach the goal.. but decide it’s not morally right and leave the tomb raider to plunder it while I search for an exit without more hungry or plastic creatures in the way.

*shakes head*

I have the craziest dreams don’t I? The second one I don’t mind so much but the first…

Maybe my friends are right, I work to damn much lol.

The ironic thing of it all? It’s 0500 in the morning and if I don’t get back to sleep, to get up for work on time, my goose will be cooked !

A funky nightmare… Well, nightmare in the sense that it’s that kind of dream, but not very scary to me.

Unarmed and bare foot, moving through the muddy grounds around a large building with a teammate.

Made some comment about being careful not to step on any ones graves.

Linked up at the front of the building with two others and got equipped.

One handed me a large pistol, a Sig Sauer P226 with a very high capacity magazine. I know the military model can load 15 rounds in a magazine for the 9x19mm version, in RvS the more compact P228 still crams 27 rounds with a high capacity mag over the standard issue 13+1 rounds.

Gained entry and locked ourselves in the building, started poking around.. Seemed it was expected of me to take charge so I organsed us into an Element. One operator, the one that passed me the Sig Sauer took up overwatch on a large open stairwell area going to a lower level. While I took #2 EL in a formation of three, with a large Rear Guard and a female Point.

We started clearing the nearby rooms, stealth to first contact but going full dynamic speed on room entries. We didn’t use Flashbangs for fear of setting off alarms.

In one room we took down there was a crying child, I’m thinking ok.. live one, rescue op: tag’em, pump for intel, and move on.

Only it wasn’t alive what ever it was. It was very sad, offered no real usable information or coherency. Point took her sidearm and shot it in the face, no blood no nothing.. Just a ghostly fade… Funky !

So with a spooked Point I formed us back up in the hallway to check out the next rooms, cleared most with only a few more ghostly contacts. All of which would moan and fade out a bit after being shot.

Moved us into another area, I could see two avenues of attack if we moved through it. So I ordered Point and Rear Guard into the ‘mouth’ of the path while I flanked along the other side to scout for enemies. No contacts but a good chance of crossing their line of fire and getting myself shot, so I reported in and had Rear Guard (#3) move up so I could pull back a bit and rejoin #1.

#3 moved out into the open and we took fire, at least I think it was gun fire. Like a bright white light, maybe some kind of energy weapon or some thing super natural but enough to penetrate walls and warrant taking cover!

Point and I were pinned down in the barrel I hoped to avoid getting us shot up in while Rear Guard was out on the balcony dancing and suppressing. I flanked around and went to help, I could see shooters on the roof tops nearby and put rounds out but I knew we had to get back to cover.

Ordered the retreat: I made it, Rear Guard didn’t… Lost my own M16 in the process but I managed to scrounge about for a FN P90, off a corpse maybe. Regrouping with Point we found out that #4 was gone with out a trace…

Got ambushed by a half-ghost, half-zombie like humanoid and a mummified cat of some sort. Point nearly got strangled, managed to take the zombies head off and we unraveled the cat with plenty of P90 fire between us and I took it down with the P226. That was just freaky man.

With more ghostly like zombie things closing in and with a shell shocked Point from the lack of air, emptied the P90 and some of the Sig Sauer into them for some cover then I grabbed Point by by the scruff of her flak vest and took off running for the lower level. With the intention of breaking contact with the enemy and going to guerrilla tactics if necessary to survive.

Strange dream :

While things like being trapped in Hill House or even a Resident Evil like situations occasionally come up in nightmares… But it’s very rare that I’m ever armed and able to defend myself, let along having an Element for back up.

And it is even more rare that I ever dream of doing room clearing lool.

Maybe I just need more sleep…. Went to bed around 0400 last night and I don’t think I fell asleep until like close to 0600 or some thing.d

Some what of a strange dream…

Some where in the middle east, with a friends unit, dressed in civilian cloths, with the patrol, and carrying an SA-80 to boot.

The squad was coming out the back of a building and loading people into the Humvees. I saw a runner with a rifle and started shouting some thing like “Tango 4 o’clock” at my friend but he didn’t hear it… he kept moving. The enemy raised his AKM to fire at him so I shouldered the SA80 and put a double tap into him.

While killing is arguably the only serious problem I have with the idea of military service… Your squad or the prick out to kill all of you? That is kind of a forced decision if I’ve ever heard of it, especially if you’re armed.

Tango on the deck, friends alive… much preferable don’t you think?

What a strange dream for an American!

Especially when you consider I’m more partial to the H&K G36K Rifles then the American M16A4 and British SA80A2s hehe.

What dreams come

I can’t help but wonder if my dreams begin to haunt me or to comfort me..

To see the things I long so hard for come forth only to have them torn away. I look to and fro, and wonder if I be in heaven or hell. As the scene continues, oh so sweet a scene.. It seems as if life may finally be on the upward course. I see my desires fulfilled, my hopes grow at the sight of my dreams. The things that ebb away at my mind are put to a rest… My life finally has peace and a promise of prosperity to come. A stoll through the woods, in search of nothing but communication without eave dropping ears as it seems the torments of my life are set right in this era of happiness but it is only a short time before business must part me from our shared path. I must leave to attend to things but will return home shortly. Yet what unfolds is only to be replaced by horror, replaced by the monster.

Nothing left but to survive and return home… Business gone astray what ever it may have been and the terrors of the jungle standing in the way.

While I’m not built like Arnold Schwarzenegger, in life or dreams the creature is infinitely more deadly then the Predator ever could have been. While Dutch was also unarmed against the monster, he was able to build weapons and utilize camouflage… The predators naked eyes being much less accuate a judge of heat sources. No such luck in this case; the creature has no weakness that I can exploit as it pursues me, like a demon in search of prey. It is fast, impossibly strong yet ever so nimble a creature and twice as deadly. Human wit however proves more then a match for its brute force even when left weaponless in the jungle. It is only my will to drive me, the will to keep going and punch through the struggle.

Now with no harm left, I stand and realize that I am trapped here. Nothing left to harm me, nothing left to fight. Yet how do I return home?

And I awoke to the world around me… To the questions that plague my mind, will I ever succeed in reaching such a life?

To be or not to be, that is the question;
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to — ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream. Ay, there’s the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There’s the respect
That makes calamity of so long life,
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th’oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th’unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action.

— Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act III, Scene I

To be, that is the answer…

Now I’ve dreamed everything

It’s normal for me to have a string of dreams but this last one just takes the cake. I woke up around 1030R and went back to bed…

I dreamed I was a part of a U.S. Army raid on an island to destroy a weapons cache in the middle of World War II. We stormed the house with frags, going room by room. No one there…

Heading up stairs, swapping a M3 Grease Gun with another soldiers M1 Grand we started working throuhg the upstairs.

Kicking in door by door we cleared, I walked point with the M1 rifle… Maybe 30-45seconds later we had secured 5 or 6 rooms with little more man power then that. Moving so quick we didn’t need modern conviences like flash bangs, we even checked the closets for any one hiding but still no one there !!!

And then some one saw out the window and remarked….

They ground up the guns and fed them to the birds, it was all sitting out on the roof :

CCAN YOU GET CRAZIER A DREAM THEN THAT !? Who the heck grinds up weapons and feeds the seagulls with them before the enemy arrives !?

Dissatisfied I kept looking with the captains permission, moving my fire team about determined to until I spotted two troopers loading weapons on the roof… Flung open the window and opened fire with my Grand emptying a magazine but like magic nothing hit, I must be playing to much Raven Shield these days !!

As the alarms raised, was forced to retreat… when I realized I was alone, no one else left. Kept moving through the cleared rooms to find cover as the enemy closed in, only to find an officer… Dropping an apparently useless rifle I dropped to my knees with hands on my head as the Officer shot a round over my head.. To his thanks lol.

I found out every one was captured while we were clearing, winding up in the brig with the rest of the squad we started planning how to escape from our cells and carry on the mission. But I woke up before we got beyond the underground brig :

Now I’ve dreamed just about everything loool.

Zombie cream cheese?

I was dreaming that I was testing a simulator of a huge roller coaster, quite nice but not as good as the real thing; even in dreamland =/

The guys running it left some thing behind when I hopped out and tracked me down later to find it. I told them where I saw it land and tried tot ake them to it.

The only problem was that every thing on display was alive and mighty pissed off…

Dodging zombies, chainsaw packing nutter, and very funky tow-truck from hell among other parrals I managed to get to the simulator but couldn’t get it in time and was forced to retreat… I did acquire a battle ax from one of the creatures on the rampage.

Not scarry, I have not really been scared by any of my dreams in ages. It was just that you can’t stop moving or your toast kind of thing =/

Fleeing to the control room, the operators told me it wasn’t real so I set out. So they set me back out on the quest… Now armed with the battle ax I started cleaving through zombies trying to fight my way through to the simulator.

A battle ax is a very powerful offensive weapon because you can put a lot of force behind it but unlike a sword (which is more my style) you have very little defensive ability… The ax is only good while attacking, if you’ve got to block you are doomed against multiple enemies who other wise would be scared crap less.

The strange thing is the Zombies were made out of cream cheese!! Now I know I’m getting weird dreams lol. Bull dozing the nut with the hocky mask & chain saw and chopping the truck to bits I made it to the simulator and got the thing the operators lost.

Returning back, I heard sounds… as if it was penetrated. Crouching @ the corner and slicing the pie in, I saw no one.. Then found one of the operators hiding; handing over the items (and stupidly the ax!). He sliced me with the ax leaving 2 black streams; like in Spaceballs when they accidentally take out a camera guy during the fight. And I deflated like a balloon. The two operators put on Christmas hats and started to look like elves and walked off.

I really have some crazy dreams eh? That one was like the ending of a good horror book but a bit funky =/

After that… I started to dream some thing else but some thing…. More private then I would like to post in public view… lol. A dream that worries me but is not as strange as my normal dreams. Funny to be saying that rofl :S.

I normally don’t place much meaning on my dreams because they are usually so crazy but this one was one with a straight face.

Funky dreams

From taking part in a commando raid on an out post, gone bad….

To being stuck on an Air Craft Carrier in the middle of a typhoon with a very Hot Blonde, and oh yeah how could I forget the dozens of goons with MP5’s trying to steal the ship! Oh well, what is a little adventure on the high sea without a woman that can fight?

All the way to being first mate on a rather super natural pirate ship = Like a cross between the Pirates of the Caribbean and a dark rendition of a old Peter Pan fairy tail.

I must admit, some times I have some very strange dreams.. Normally though it usually involves me coding, playing, or ‘taking a role in’ a Video Game or crack-pot adventure of some sort lol.

A more normal string of dreams for me would include joining the Colonial Marines for a bug hunt with a trusty M41A Pulse Rifle in hand. Once I even dreamed of fighting a Queen Alien one on one afther they took over a school building and chased me down… good thing Predators can make acid proof knifes 😉

I still remember one from many years ago though, rofl After fighting my way through 5y3 hive. I had signed a peace treaty ending the hostilities … and the Queen Alien endpushed me out an airlock xD

I don’t have nightmares but I do have the craziest dreams when I do get any +S

Borg wars?

Far be it from me not to admit I have some crazy dreams… laugh out loud.

I dreamed that I was aboard a Sovereign class starship on escort duty in the middle of a bitter United Federation of Planets Vs Borg war.

Surrounded by a swarm of smaller borg scout-strike craft and most of the convoy assimilated. The Soverign class ship tried fighting off the swarm but it didn’t do any good, just to many ships to keep remodulating our weapons to.

So the Captain ordered all power transfered from weapons to what was left of our forward shield grid…

And we chased down and rammed every last one of those little bastards head on at warp speed!

Using the reinforced frontal shields and the navigational deflector to take the brunt of the damage and the Structural Itegerty Field (SIF) to keep us in one piece… Crazist dang thing I’ve ever seen but it worked great haha! The littler ships were just to much smaller then us, that they couldn’t hold up to the force of impact of such a massive force 😉

The fictional-fact that most of what were left of the ships shield emitters would’ve been to damaged by heat build up beyond use if we tried that after duking it out in combat so hard… Is probably irrelivent as far as dreams go lol but still.

Hmm, maybe I should’ve skept reading star trek tech-manuals when I was little hehe.