Oh how glad I will be when work is done for the week…..

So I can drown in other work lol.

The years of my life are taking their toll upon my soul. Bit by bit, more slips away.
Sometimes even the strongest light of hope burns dim, unto ash.

*SIGH* watching my wireless connection flubber-band between 6mb/s and 24mb/s at a distance of ~2.5m, I think it’s time to go to bed, and download a few api references in the morning….



Even worse stroke of luck, took a break and loaded up XGalaga (a nice Galaga based game), got a powerup of tripple-missle launcher in the first wave, only to lose it seconds later when I took my eyes half off the display lol –> just long enough to zig when I should’ve zagged ^_^

That’s it, I’m going to bed.

A busy day

I was busy trying to catch up a bit with GTK+, I set out to begin making tests of the various language bindings, starting with C++ and Windows; since I know they all work fine under FreeBSD and GNU/Linux. The first thing I did, was download the GTK Development Environment, which proved to be a disaster.

In allowing the installer to “Register Environment Variables”, the installed nuked my systems %PATH%. So I’ve had to reset it, one bit at time. To ‘shield’ it from any future assaults, I’ve split it up into other system environment variables that get sucked in. That should at least eep me from having to backup the registry… Once if ever, I actually manage to get the XP machine up to snuff again, I’ll need to take a proper backup of the system.

Spent a lot of my time today in training with Jonsi and Caern. First doing training with Jonsi, then dealing with Caern after tending to family business.

I’m omni tasking to the point, that I don’t even get to finish LJ Posts loool

No win situation

Almost to the time where I should be able to code in peace. I’m to damn tired to work alnight, my family is going to make sure I’m not going to be able to code for another several hours, and guess what?

I’m already to damn tired to work at all.

resistance is futile


It’s no rat fuckin’ use in this place. This morning, I as trying to get ready a few tests to see how GCJ3/4 compared to the compiler J2SE 5.0 in compatilbiity…. Only to facing a living hell from my family. Tonight I tried to sit down and tried to read Programming with gtkmm… Alas, the same problem !!!

Maybe I should just give up learning, programming, computers, [SAS], work, and living life in general: and sit in a corner somewhere, and hope the mother fuckers starve to death before I do… No wait, I’d go first, I get stuck doing to many odds and ends to do otherwise lol. –> I have a strange sense of humour don’t I?


The expression I’m feeling, is not one I’m familiar with in English. When translated from Italian to English, it roughly means “Damn the misery” for most intents and purposes; or as some parts of my family would prefer to say it: “mannaggia la miseria!” I however, have no idea how to appropriately express it in English by any other means lol.

Something that has been on my mind of late


I very much need to start standardizing myself on a smaller set of tools. Maybe tools is not the best choice of ord, o much as it is a question of languages and libraries. It’s actually kind of ironic, I really would like to learn several more languages (Ada, Fortran, C#, Erlang, and I never did wrap my head around Scheme).



can do low level stuff

can interface well with C code and libraries

Qt is natively C++ and supports everything I need it to run on (in Qt4 OSE hehe)

Fairly portable and standardized (at least much of the 1998 standard…) with several compilers available.

Mainly toolkits and frame works available, both native and from C.

Widely used and my first language


having to dig into lower level interfaces is very error prone when doing it with a headache the size of California.

Often not my first choice for building a prototype *quickly* but good for final implementation.



Inheritable portable between JVMs of the same implementation (e.g. Sun JVM for Win and Sun VM for Mac can run same code).

Simpler OOP syntax then C++, imho

The Swing GUI toolkit is fairly portable and SWT sufficiently supports the platforms I want to avoid skipping.

I like the way it handles exceptions, and usually like checked exceptions — when a class is designed appropriately.

It’s well defined if not perfectly standardized and compliant implementations are fairly common enough (Sun’s)

Wildly used and my third language.

Well documented (if a bit boring)


Everything is OOP….

I prefer native code to waiting on java to load

Requires a suitable runtime

Conventions expected by some tools can occasionally be irksome (to me)

C# (C Sharp)


It’s not Java

It’s similar to Java/C++

Core elements are standardized

Less resistance to shooting oneself in the foot / doing stupid things then Java but not as much as C++.

Gtk#, the binding of GTK+ to C# is available on the platforms I care about.


Most C# applications are probably tied to Microsoft Windows implementation via .NET or through Gnome related interfaces

Requires a runtime (e.g. .NET, Mono, or Dot GNU)

Requires just enough learning of it’s differences from Java, for me to use it.



Portable and interpreted

Widely used across the WWW for server side scripting.

GTK+ bindings to PHP available and portable’ish

Simple language and member of the CBF.

The OOP increasingly resembles Java syntax and is just “enough” syntax to be useful without cramming.

Well documented


Local php.ini files can cause problems (how much can you assume?)

Needs a run time (php) of the right version (5)

php4/php5 is less common off web servers or developers systems



Great for writing prototypes

Several toolkits available that are fairly portable

Easy to work with and quit portable (and issues of portability well noted in the docs)

Large standard library

Implementations for the Java Virtual Machine and Microsoft .NET framework are available (if not as current as CPython) as well as the standard (C)Python implementation.


Requires a run time

I *hate* it’s handling of regular expressions after being so used to Perl…

It’s slower then native code

Interfacing with C /or C++ code can, uhh… Get interesting, from a portability perspective.

The program is the source



Handy pure OOP language

Great handling of regular expressions within the language itself, as opposed through importing an object oriented interface (i.e. as in Python/Java/C++)

Usually very “comfortable” to write.

Large standard library


It requires a run time and alternative compilers (e.g. xruby, ironpython) may be lacking in reliability or cause some features to be unavailable

The program is the source

Wishing Ruby 2 would come sooner….

Documentation can be irksome at times

It’s slower then native code and even slower then Python (Ruby 1.8.x)

So far, I think I’ve been existing largly on salt today lol. Breakfast was Cashews and Peanut Butter toast. Lucnh, heh… A ton of potato chips :

I managed to hit PG#1 fairly early today, I think the poor recruits were ready to pass out by the time, that we should have been starting training. I spent most of the time either making like a maniac on roller blades with a TMP. Or tagging along with Ez,Nick, and Caern in an element. It’s been a rather dynamic day lool.

Spiders on a roll

Finally some time to catch up on my LJ, if I can keep my family at bay long enough to type anything meaningful >_>

Got off to a semi-early start, last night I was fairly wasted from the days ops and dropped off to sleep very quickly, all concepts of work largely forgotten until morning. Had to stop off today, Ma decided to upgrade cell phones, her new Motoorola W490 is quite nice. I don’t particularly care much for cell phone though.

So far SAL1600 is 90% of fully operational, I’ve only had minor problems. One, my mic doesn’t work and the sound drivers are pretty shitty, but on the upside seem to be much more stable then the older ones. Maybe my jokes were right after all, WHQL just means it’s certified to suck and help crash your system. I was warned when installing the newest ones from the manufactor, that they weren’t WHQL certified or what not, no biggy for me, because I know what kinda horse shit the company usually passes off for audio drivers lol. I really wish there was something like the Open Sound System for Windows, alas Windows sound technology is probably a good system. The only problem is, drivers!

Another issue is my Flock profile, I think it’s probably a paths issue. On the old box Flock was installed into it’s standard path of %ProgramFiles%Flock (e.g. C:Program FilesFlock) and my profile in %AppData%FlockBrowserProfiles… where %AppData% was formally “C:Documents and SettingsOwnerApplication Data”. On my new install, everything is installed into a ‘category’ folder in P:, e.g. P:GamesRavenShield, P:NetworkBrowsersFlock. And likewise my use profile is in U:Terry. It’s been somewhat problematic getting Windows to agree with me on such, especially the brain dead idea of it trying to copy a huge DVD sized ISO in U:TerryDesktop to C:Documents and SettingsTerryDesktop and bloating my C drive out. Maybe it is just my not knowing the management programs in Windows as well as UNIX or Windows XP is just totally brain damaged by design, I hope the latter but expect it is the former…

The software is willing but Windows is not so cooperative ^_^

The system has however been quite stable of late, pardoning IE7 crashing and a few other paths issues with my profile. I’ve also taken to having a cmd.exe window open on my second monitor most of th day. I find the DOS-inherited commands to be very child like and overly clumsy compared to any BSD or GNU/Linux based system I’ve used. The whole ruckus between copy, xcopy, and robocopy commands/programs on Windows is a nuts, I’ll never understand it… Not after having lived with /bin/cp so long.

I managed to get into TG#1 for some games today, training with Nick, Caern, and Ez. It seems that I’ve taken care of a fair bot of training arrangements lately, all part of an evil plan of course…. Muahuahauah !!! Who knows, maybe this aging war horse will get to see more action soon 😉

Abort, Retry, Ignore — not !!!

Windows XP is about 5% and still going strong on the game machine. Really, if I didn’t need RvS and SWAT 4, I wouldn’t even have XP on that machine lol…. My only dependency on Micro$oft is an OS that supports games –> I generally dislike console games.

0/ My current plan of action is to conduct the reformat/reinstall of XP.

1/ Verify that the S.O.B. boots… Install core drivers (GPU, Wifi)

2/ Strip her naked — remove the “pre-installed” software and trial-ware, e.t.c.

3/ Boot into Knoppix Linux (LiveCD) and sort the partitions according to plan

4/ Install FreeBSD 7.0-Release and boot into it

5/ NFS mount the setup data from the file server (Vectra) and copy it to a shared FAT32 partition on SAL1600 (games machine).

6/ Boot into Windows XP MCE and install SP3

7/ Reboot and configure core system elements (e.g. get her on the network, behind a firewall, and setup the environment)

8/ Install software in the predefined order into the predefined locations, making adjustments as needed.

10/ Restore data from backups

11/ Customize her to the hilt: full command line environment; development tools, dual-monitors, desktop layout, etc.

XP is almost up to 40% already,so hopefully I can get started on the real work soon. Reinstall is easy, getting a working PC is a diff’rent story. So far everything is going smooth, and is probably planned out as good as a NASA mission ;-). Hehe, I’ve even got many of the firewall settings already prepaired. Hmm, I guess it is just fun to rip stuff apart and put it back together a better way at times.

I hope to have SAL1600 back online before morning, and with luck time to post a advance notice of training ops on TG#1… I’d like to reserve the server for a change if I can lol.