Dang gum it….

I’d love to see a SWAT4 Sabre Sqaudren

trained to real lifes edge…

Personal Training

Got to spend some time alone on TG#1

MP5A4+SD, Suppressed 9x19mm
Cobra Stun Gun, T-Shot Taser with cattle prod feature xD
3 x CS Gas Grenade
1 x Opti-Wand
3 x C2 Breaching Charge
No body armour
Night Vision Goggles

Map, victory imports auto store.

Made insertion, had a tango walking through the area. His back was turned to me and I could’ve put 2 right in the back of his head, no problem. And keep the Stealth, however I decided to sneak by all together, gather more intelligence and secure the exterior parking area.

Manged to get into the building without getting compromised, one tango KiA on the way in. Secured the lower area without much fuss, one arrest. Spotted a Suspect facing the door coming out of the work area closest to Side 2 and an Open door to the middle loading area. A wedge would’ve made this much safer. But I flanked through the middle work area, securing one contact and neutralising another. Gas’d the Side 2 work area, secured one contact and neutralised another. Gas’d the Side 4 work area and headed up with another arrest.

Made it upstairs, snuck up on a Tango and tasered him in the back, his shout of pain draw some attention 🙁 So I puffed gas and backed off. That took the fight right out of them, got the Goon that came to investigate, the one I tasered, one behind the divider I was using for cover, and one in the lobby all without a loud shot to give me away.

Secured the lobby, office space, and break room. Now out of gas I decided to go Dynamic. Saw a Civilian hiding in the corner of the hall, tossed in a Flash bang near him and assaulted. Sure enough there was a Tango, tasered and arrested 🙂

All in all I was quite satisfied, I was not forced to go Dynamic until I chose to. Got to be a sneaky Son of a Gun using my Opti-wand and my brains, and a mixture of Red and Yello RoE.

Usually even in Stealth we are Green light to shoot any threat on sight, but like I tried to get at in my “Ninja Class” session last month. Some times you *don’t* want to kill the tango on sight! While the games AI doesn’t react to dead bodies and we can’t hide them (like in SOCOM). Once you engage the enemy in Stealth, you are committed to it. Ether he dies, QUICKLY or you are compromised.

One lone Spidey Vs 11 Tangos and 3 Hostages, means it is important to avoid un-necessary risks to survive the mission. Not to mention based on the levels Intel, they could always have a gun to the hostages head…. and pull the trigger the second they know we’re there.

Hence, Stealth To First Contact is a very valuable tool ! Often times I’ll plan on doing the mission in Dynamic, but take pains to avoid un-necessary contact. When I am forced to go Dynamic… it’s usually hit the fan or some one blew it. If we can get closer to the objective before having to go in loud and proud, thats better chances for the hostage. And perfectly good in my book.

Hostage Rescue and Recon Operations are kind of my specialty in games hehe.

Virtual SNCO

Conversation started between [SAS]_SSM_Spidey01 and [SAS]_SSM_Rasa: Tue, Jun 12 13:43:36 2007
[13:43] [SAS]_SSM_Rasa: Hello… RSM !
[13:43] [SAS]_SSM_Spidey01: You mean SSM
[13:43] [SAS]_SSM_Rasa: No, I mean… RSM !
[13:43] [SAS]_SSM_Spidey01: wt* ?
/* Here I am wondering what on earth has happened to RSM Rouge */
[13:44] [SAS]_SSM_Rasa: f, that’s what you wanted to say, having an asterix doesn’t make it better
[13:44] [SAS]_SSM_Rasa: But I don’t mind, cuz your now the… RSM
[13:44] [SAS]_SSM_Spidey01: lol
[13:45] [SAS]_SSM_Spidey01: [SAS]_Capt_Rouge, now that does make me feel a lot better !
[13:45] [SAS]_SSM_Rasa: hmmmm hmmm!
[13:46] [SAS]_SSM_Rasa: Imagine that like a black fat ’80ies movie woman would say it
[13:46] [SAS]_SSM_Spidey01: lololol
[14:00] [SAS]_RSM_Spidey01: Dang it now I’ve got to change all my uniforms !
[14:00] [SAS]_SSM_Rasa: lol

For some reason… they seem to like Promoting me =/

The position of Regimental Sergeant Major is comparable to the US Armies Command Sergeant Major. I think it would also be eqivulent to a senior Oberstabsfeldwebel. But I’m not very familer with the the Bundeswehr.

To be honest I know little about the British Armies rank structure or for that matter any other countries ! But, since the [SAS] is modeled on the British Special Air Service, of course we use rank structure based on the British Army…. lol

I was very glad to see the ring of promotions when I hit the forums, especially Rouges. But I still don’t know how I fit in lol. Some days I could swear GCHQ drinks heavy when they meet.

GOD also blessed me in a way today. I was able to speak with a friend about issues concerning himself and mutal friends of ours. I don’t wish to speak further of it… but needless to say. I’m glad to have been where I was at the time.

WIZ is back online and a fresh Major. I’m happy hehe

Some how, its Wiz and Miles that talk with me more then any one else does when its not purely a *business* matter at hand. Like if some thing is broken or needs a kicking. After all, Spiders got 8 legs, 9 x 8 = Size 72 boot 😉 Now thats how you deal with trouble on the servers !

Now to celibrate our promotions, with what else but a bit of personal training hehehe !!!

A Troopers call

A dangerous mission loomed overhead. The commanders of the army could not decide who they should send to do battle. A single man stepped forth from his Regiment.

“I shall go, for I am a Trooper. Surely no one else has been trained to a sharper edge then I have been. Having passed the worlds most rigorous selection course and surpassed it with honours. Who from my Regiment will follow me?”

The squad marched through hell as one Element. When all emerged from the fire after the war. The young Trooper stood tall. The enemy of his country lay slain at his feet. And he said these words to his superiors as he returned home.

“For I am the finest trained, I fight with all of my might till none stand in our way. Yee who shall become my enemy. Shall perish, never again to darken another battlefield. My team stands with me and together we will never stand down till our mission is done.”

Inspired by [SAS]_Trp_DUKE as we cleared the 5th Street warehouse map in SWAT4:TSS.

Nothing fills me with pride like watching a new trooper in the server. While its been a long time since I was a young trooper, no one so shows what the level of skill and craftsmanship as a trooper who has passed the Selection Course 🙂

As an SNCO, its my honour to see those I’ve trained with so long grow. From when they first set foot in the SAS servers. To Recruit, to Trooper, and beyond. Its wonderful!

CT 2007-06-10

Manged to get some training ops in today.

Faces I can specifically remember being there ->

[SAS] Involved:
Rct Sniper
LCpl Miles
Vet Ghost
SSM Spidey01

Non [SAS] Involved:


Presido — Tango Hunt
MP Warehouse — Hostage Rescue
Import-Export — Tango Hunt
MP Prison — Hostage Rescue

We did a mix of stealth/dynamic assaults in one and two Elements at a time. Operations were largely successful with low to medium casualties. We managed to keep a pretty good pace about it. Next time I should cook up a harder batch of missions hehe. I think every one did very well and I hope to see more in the future.

I generally gave direction for the missions. In the hopes of keeping the planning phase relatively simple.

I’ve been doing it a long time, so I’m pretty comfortable at planning and leading an operation in RvS. Some thing I find a bit hard to hand down.. I’d really like to try and set up some operations where the less experienced can give it a shot and have time to work through things in full. The problem is how to do that right, without locking the server down to like 3 or 4 [SAS] lol…

I’ve never considered my self a leader, just look at Random if you want a true leader! But I think in my case Rouges sig puts it best. “Lead me, follow me — or get out of my way”. I don’t mind leading and planning a mission, but I do want others to have a chance to do it too.

The only problem is in training ops, getting 2 Element Leaders (Senior / Junior), giving them a brief, a set of goals and operating guidelines + them planning the shindig and executing it takes all day. And I’m sorry to say… most weekends I can’t devote that much time.

In to days case I got off work early, since I only *tend* to have light duties on the weekends. So I got to spend a lot of time on the server both before, during, and after training today. I don’t think I’ve gotten to spend that much effort on it since I was a Trooper hehe. Felt dang right un natural to spend all day on the PC. And I’m the kind that nearly dreams he’s working at the computer !

One thing I do want to do is try to get some thing set up for SWAT4 Continuation Training. But its very difficult because, well to put it simply SWAT4s stock missions SUCK compared to RvS’s on what I can use them for. But in S4 its so much easier to get into the nitty gritty elements of the training. *sigh* this will take much thought.

The Software that saved my Arsch

Was doing a little ‘cover’ work so to speak, had to look up a pair of User IDs. Quickest way to do it, since I was to lazy to just run the SQL Query in the right table 8=)

Was to bring up the user accounts details in the editing interface…..

So I accidentally renamed account1 account2 when I meant to bring up account2 in the web interface…

Needless to say bringing up account2 showed me account1’s details !

I changed the username back to account1 and vola it restored every thing as good as knew. At least as far as the site is concerned. *Whew* deffo good thing to have good software… One thing I like about CLI, you always know exactly what you asked for, without having to worry about where you clicked hehe.

Well, if the two users spim my X-Fire in the morning about why their passwords have been switched, I’ll know why ! LOL

My first moment of feeling like Bart Simpson.

I didn’t do it. Nobody saw me do it. You can’t prove anything.

But of course… I’m honest or else I wouldn’t be posted this <_< If any one asks, well they know who to shoot at.

good games

[SAS]_Miles Red 1, Woodlake88th Red 2, [SAS]_Spidey01 EL, Jonsi Blue 1.

Sisters of Mercy Hostel

We had a plan of STC (stealth to first contact). Wedge all the lower doors and enter the kitchen from the rear. Secure it & head up. Simultaneous entries on the top rooms if compromised else stealth.

The plan hit the fan about 15-20sec in. So we wedged the doors and moved into the chapel (we got compromised there). Red held cover on the landing going up while Blue cleared the front of the building.

We regrouped and headed up banging and clearing rooms then headed down threw the chapel and cleared the kitchen area by rolling a flash bang down the stairs from the lower landing.

Every one did very well and the op went off like it was without a hitch. Although the plan few out the window faster then Homer Jay can start drooling over a Duff.

All in all I’m some what impressed for a mixed Element with only four Operators !

It would’ve been great if we had 2 more operators. We could’ve followed it in and cleared the chapel and left a team to secure the hallway. Rather then having to pause and do that first.

Like wise 2 could’ve secured the front area while 4 went top side and clear the entire map quicker.

Oh well, alls well that plays well.

Continuation Training, RvS TG#1

Got to run continuation training today. I was hoping me and Miles could get together and get some thing done. Wasn’t to sure if I could get it done but my shifts worked out just right.

Set up 3 scenarios. After being given a chance to get the teams in order & briefed. The EL’s got 5 Minutes to plan the map and 2 Minutes to revise things on failure. Almost no one took these time limits into strong consideration lol.

Scenario #1
Map: Presidio
Mode: Hostage Rescue
Objective: Rescue L1 Hostage quickly
Rounds: 3/3 — fail

Valroe and Sniper took EL with JB, Grishenko, Caern, and Miles as teammates. 2 three man Elements. They were assigned to enact a Dynamic assault, the hostage will be ‘executed’ at a random time frame. Most of the time I set the time frame for 2 or 3 minutes after the first gunshots.

Mission was generally a failure, often time was spent in clearing areas that could’ve been blocked with gas and bypassed. There seemed to be a bit of a lack of communication between EL’s.

Scenario #2
Map: Training
Mode: Tango Hunt
Objective: Secure the area, safely.
Rounds 1/3 — success

I enabled smoke and disabled mini scopes, flash bangs, and gas masks to give it a bit more difficulty. Its just a T-Hunt after all lol. The plan basically consisted of using Smoke screens and clearing the buildings. I if could’ve I wouldn’t enabled cheats and made my self invisible. So I could set up shop /w a SAW and suppress smoke screens to make it harder by shooting at them (i.e. help the tangos). But oh wellz. I grabbed a PSG-1+IR Smoke and Frags and went Sniper to back up the Elements. Valroe finally considered the 5 minute limit.

No one called on my support but most of the team died quickly and LCpl Miles saved the day xD

Scenario #3
Map: Banking House
Mode: Mission
Objective: Secure the records room within 8 Minutes
Rounds 3/3 — success

Miles cooked up the scenario for this one hehe. JB took EL and we went in SD Red and Loud Blue team. The Element did ok but kept getting killed until the last round lol. JB got it planned in ~3:50 but no one paid attention to the 2minute ‘tween round time.

Map went pretty good, aside from Rasa puffing smoke in my face.

I hope next time to have a course of study rather then some generic CT work. I tried to pick harder scenarios. Give’em a real run for their money. The format I stuck with is pretty close to James’s original continuation training. Except he had done the Mission Planning himself for most of it. And done it impressively in <= 2 Minutes if I recall correctly. So I figure 5 Minutes to plan and 2 Minutes to correct is plenty for Recruits lol.

Manged to get some good CT in today. Pretty big batch for most of it.

I got Yuke and Duke working as EL’s and trying to cordinate missions. And I got them a simple mission paremter or two per mission.

Hey, I’ve playe denough games… The old go in, shoot every thing tha tmoves, and get out bit is old. So I try to give them some thing refreshing when I do training. But I try to do it in a way that it allows one to work on some thing.

I didn’t really restrict the time they had to work on things but they seemed to do it pretty fast. For the mos tpart I liekd what I saw – theres room for improvement. But its pretty good for a pair of Recruits and non SAS.

That One player, Joska. Deffo inviting him to training if he’s ever in game before hand hehehe. Sadly I wante dot try and get REM2000 in on it too but he had to go. I try to look foreward 😉

Got good serious training work in, to be fair I’m going to try and do one for RvS next week. Got to have a nice chat with Duke between ops and some good games too.

Hmm, supper time 🙂

I guess blog & work can wait.