
Well, 10% of download complete in about 2 1/2 hours (two and a half)… Interesting although the download speed is only about 20~28kbyte/sec, it is generating enough network traffic that page loads are very slow, normally I can ping www.google.com and get a response average in the 48-62ms range, and maybe 150ms or so to my primary DNS server set by the ISP.

By contrary, the *US* mirror alone for KateOS pinged at > 400ms and still has a just as bad D/L rate, so since it would mean downloading 3 disks from them as they don’t have a copy of the DVD ISO, there’s no loss by a server from a far off place… But I’ve got to admit, if I had the $6… I would by the bloody disk instead of download it LOL.

As I do with many of my pre-planned operations, I’ve assigned this one a code name: Phoenix. Both because it will be raising an old cannabolized PC out of the ashes; and will probably end up either enflaming my rageometer or proving to be worth the trouble…

Here is part of my ~/phoenix.outline file, I’ve worked out a number of things so far. Software needed on the system once it’s ready op, General goals of the overall plan, changes to Vectra, which PC gets what drive, Suggested file system schemes, estimated the probable cost ($95), since time can only be guessed at I factor that as a level of involvedness it will take to get changes done. I’ve also worked out a strnger concept of what each system will be doing. What follows is the tail end of my outline, pointing out the major placement alternitives. I think points 0 and 2 are best, 0 is annoying but probably the best solution given the terrain, although idea 2 is also a nice idea if I didn’t have a fscking parakeet screaming my head off from morning to just before bed time — No wonder they invented WORK !


| 0/ Remote Workstation {
| | Move either Vectra or Phoenix into my room and set the other up
| | in Vectra's current position (Living Room, my PC desk, lower
| | store point).

| | Set up Phoenix? to make use of xrdp server and access it from
| | Dixie, SAL1600, and also if necessary Josephine.

| | Pro's:
| | | Grants a *decent* working environment from my Desktop
| | | without forcing me to use the Cywgin provided x-server
| | | (also an option here, since it's installed on SAL1600).
| | | And without making me use my laptop for every thing.

| | | Takes best advantage of space, e.g. my Desktop (SAL1600) is
| | | the only place I can actually set up a PC to sit at and
| | | use comfortably, hence why my Laptop (Dixie) has been
| | | such a life saver, because I can sit in bed or at a
| | | regular table -- hole problem could be solved with an
| | | LCD Monitor, which I can't afford... Only have 2 CRT's
| | | in the 19 and 17 or 19 inch range.

| | | Further integrates remote access across the LAN, which
| | | is currently limited to all BSD boxes running OpenSSHs
| | | ssh daemon and all systems having SSH Clients installed.
| | | My Desktop having WinXP MCE's built in RDP capabilities
| | | and all other systems RDP Clients.
| | Con's:
| | | Lack of (me) testing RDP based operations for indented
| | | purposes, also no configuration experience with xrdp.

| | | The 'annoyance' of having to use my Desktop as a client
| | | to access another box for getting work done.

| | | Wireless adaptor must be supported by either Linux or
| | | OpenBSD, which could be a bit *hard* to confirm based on
| | | the local shops generic stockpiles.

| | | Due to the amount of local network traffic, it might be
| | | bet to setup the File Server with the Wireless instead
| | | of the Linux system.
| }

| 1/ Bedroom Work Platform {

| | Set up Phoenix? in my room with Wireless adapter,
| | possibly attempt to cannibalize Vectras CD-ROM drive so
| | that Vectra becomes reliant on Floppy disks only. Wish I
| | had a way to either give all systems a card reader or a
| | floppy drive... Would make life easier!

| | Pro's:
| | | Less disturbing of existing systems then other
| | | ideas.

| | | Gets me further away for
| | | disturbances/distractions

| | | Can use Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse, as well as
| | | rest of PC physically rather then remotely

| | Con's:
| | | No decent working environment in my room to use
| | | a full size PC without purchasing either an LCD
| | | Monitor or setting up a /or another PC Desk in
| | | my room; I only have the one that SAL1600 and
| | | Vectra are hooked up to.

| | | I can hear my family from at least 10 metres
| | | out side of the building! Let along every where
| | | inside of it.

| | | My laptop might get a lot less use, since most
| | | times I use my laptop it is in my bedroom.

| | | Any possible working environment I could arrange
| | | in my room is likely to be much less then
| | | comfortable for physically sitting at a PC
| | | without buying another PC Desk.

| | | Requires Wifi to be compatible with Linux.
| }

| 2/ Bedroom Game box {

| | Move SAL1600 into my room and swap the Ethernet NIC with
| | the Wireless Adapter.

| | Place Phoenix? in SAL1600's place in the living room

| | Pro's:

| | | Eases shopping for wireless adapter

| | | Moves my Gaming system away from most common
| | | 'interruptions'

| | | Better chance of hearing people on TeamSpeak !

| | | Limits potential for using my laptop less

| | Con's:

| | | No decent working environment in my room to use
| | | a full size PC without purchasing either an LCD
| | | Monitor or setting up a /or another PC Desk in
| | | my room; I only have the one that SAL1600 and
| | | Vectra are hooked up to.

| | | Any possible working environment I could arrange
| | | in my room is likely to be much less then
| | | comfortable for physically sitting at a PC
| | | without buying another PC Desk.

| | | With a work platform placed in the living room
| | | (in SAL1600's place), it would be even *HARDER*
| | | to get freaking work done.

| | | Being in my room on the game box would likely
| | | make it harder for Ma to call me when she needs
| | | things done.
| }

The braces denote folds and the pipes I inserted into the copy/paste so it displays as I see it in my text editor. I’ve configured vim to run a function when ever reading or writing a file with a .outline extension, the function sets settings that I find help write an outline and try to categorize my thoughts more clearly. This is actually how my vimrc file sets different style and other minor options to suit the language I am currently editing, for example a standard tab (visually equal to 8 spaces) when working with C files, and 2 actual spaces for Ruby, e.t.c.

The Pipes or ‘|’ are not really in the file, they just show the tab-deliminated indentation. While I don’t use this when editing source code, I find it works nice for things like this. Normally foldmethod is set to indent, and changed to ‘syntax’ where supported suitably. For outlining, since I didn’t have time to work on a more suitable method of folding, I mearly set it use single braces and fdm=marker; usually it uses 3 braces but I rarely use the marker foldmethod.

Heres my function in vimrc:

function! My_OutlineMode()
setl tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 noexpandtab
setl listchars =tab:| " Mark t's with |'s
setl list
setl spell
setl autoindent smartindent
setl showmatch matchtime=3
setl matchpairs+=(:),{:},[:],<:>
" Fold by tabs
"setl foldmethod=expr
"setl foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)[0]=="\t"
" Fold by braces
setl foldmethod=marker
setl foldmarker={,}
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.outline call My_OutlineMode()

Although it is probably unnecessary on most vim builds but the autocmd should probably be wrapped in an

if has(“autocmd”)
autocmd goes here

hmm, supper time

distro ? unix : linux

Since it’s time to plan for a probable addition to my LAN this December/January I want to start planning now.

I have my brothers old Dell 4500 PC on hand, well what is left of it hehe. The Pentium 4 is still there, which should be a Northwood core @ 2.0Ghz but it could possibly be a Willamette with a slower clock-speed, only a successful boot will tell.

Before I can boot her, I need some RAM. So the plan is to buy Ma a pair of 512MB (total 1GB) chips for her PC. And to take her old 2x256MB (total 512MB) for this salvage operation. The PC’s are very close models and as far as I can tell the Mother Boards are the same chipset and as much research as I’ve had time to do shows that I shouldn’t run into an problems here.

The box also needs a Networking card, because even if there was a way to get two 56K Winmodems chained together, I wouldn’t want to LOL. I’m figuring that I’ll try to buy a Wireless adopter or an Ethernet NIC depending on my final plan. One of these computers, my Desktop (SAL1600), File Server (Vectra), or this Dell 4500 I’m repairing will likely go in my bedroom with a Wifi card. While the other remain/swap into place with its/its swapped Ethernet card.

If I can, I’ll probably leave it on 24/7 as a workstation or use it to transition my File Servers OpenBSD install over to better hardware. If I do make use of it as a Work system, I’d like to run GNU/Linux on it, because most of my experience has been with FreeBSD and OpenBSD. The problem with that is there are very few Linux Distros I can stand using…. Ether way I need to start planning and testing for what I’m going to do, and this damn blasted parakeet is not helping with the insensent squaking… After ~8 years or so, you’d think he’d STHU!

The only GNU/Linux distributions that I respect are Debian and Slackware. Debian, can be a bit of a hard case about things but you’ve got to give them credit to sticking to their guns. The differences between Debian’s Iceweasel, Icedove, Iceowl, Iceape and Mozilla’s Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, and the communities SeaMonkey come to mind… Slackware, well hehe enough said. The only problem is they are both more trouble then they are worth in this case, I want to get the system set up but without having to screw with it to much along the way.

Other then Debian and Slackware, the only distro to interest me is Gentoo, I think if I ever put the effort into setting it up, Gentoo and I would get along very well. The only problem is I don’t have time to fiddle with it. I would probably have to go with trying a Stage 1 install, and that is a little time consuming… Hehe.

Other Distros that I have considered are Ubuntu, I’ve tested Ubuntu when it was at 6.06 but I don’t care for it. It is a nice system but I don’t really ‘dig’ it. It’s just not my cup of tea, although it’s what I would recommend to users who just want an easy to use OS, without having to learn more then using Synaptic. One of my reasons for FreeBSD, is I wanted to learn about the underlaying system and it’s complexity, not just write an E-Mail without having to tell it my POP3 server (for which no MUA can do, until they invent mind-reading ones). I have no interest in using Ubuntu on this system unless I *have* to.

The install is likely to be a cross between a server and a desktop as far as software goes, it will include X and a proper development environment either way. My OpenBSD box basically only has what it needs to run the services I use it for by comparison.

Two suggestions that came up were PLD Linux and KateOS, both from Poland. PLD looks like a nice system but not my style. I’m not found of the RPM’s either… KateOS on the other hand is based on Slackware. So far it looks like a very nice system to my tastes, my plan is to test it on my desktop (SAL1600). Because I maintain my ‘gaming’ install of WinXP on it along with a dedicated Linux and BSD partition for testing purposes. I might even use KQEMU if it supports DVD ISO’s.

It looks like a good system for me but no one told me that the Polish and US mirrors download at about 20~26kb/sec !!! Since I’d want at least 2 or 3 of the 3 CD sets… I figured I would get the DVD since I don’t want to test the minimal install. There are also 2 ‘extension’ disks, one for GNOME and one for KDE so one can skip installing them over the Internet. It’s looking like an 11 hour download for my initial testing…. Joy.

I need to get to work on the planning for when I’ll need to get the system working, so while KateOS 3.6 downloads I may as well get cracking, current factors are:


I’ve yet to think of any thing else I need to do yet, the biggest issue is going to be location, most importantly what systems physically go where. And which system will be doing what.

New toy..

Managed to get some nice time off today, read some of the library books, watched Tron, Ghost Busters I, and Spaced Invaders, but most of all got to relax. I’ve also placed my VIMRC file into a cvs repository on my OpenBSD box, that should make syncing changes with my Desktop/Laptop easier, plus allow me to see what I’ve changed hehe.

Had an interesting idea and started playing with some Ruby today also.

Normally when I start a new program I make a new directory in ~/code/Lang/src/ and copy a template makefile over from ../../makefiles/ and edit it to my needs. In one of the library books, I found a GNU Makefile that essentially automates building a C/C++ program where by all C/C++ source files (subject to make handling the dependencies) are compiled into corresponding files and get linked together into the binary, nice little thing when you look at it. With a little tinkering it could probably be made semi-language independent but I don’t really have time to dig into GNU Make’s syntax and features to do that.

I’ve basically written makefiles in the past that should work with just about any ol’make program. For much the same reason I write shell scripts that should run on most any /bin/sh, because I don’t want to edit the freaking thing if I ever meet a Unix like OS it won’t run on lool.

The idea I had was a enlazynating program that by knowing a fair bit about a given languages normal build process (such as C, C++, and Java), it could then automate the process of building it without having to generate a makefile, kind of like a ‘smart-makefile’ of sorts. I’ve got a alias set in my shell so that gcc is called on the command line with my usual settings. I also tend to include a few more once the things done.

It’s probably a stupid idea to do this, a decent BSD or GNU Makefile would likely serve much better (and be worth the learning of each ones extensions to make). But I rather like to be able to just ‘have fun’ playing with and testing stuff.

Right now, it seems to be able to handle a simple compile/link of files in one directory but needs some work to properly link files in subdir’s, lots of other stuff to do. But working on it has been a good way to pass the time.

Currently I classify this as a toy rather then a program for serious usage. But if I ever finish it, I might use it just for the sake of keeping a fairly fast build/test cycle.

If I could, I would’ve made a machine to manage VHS-Tape/DVD-Disk changing but hey, I’m not an inventor when it comes to to building some thing out of thin air…

Here is what I’ve done over the past couple hours, it’s not very good but it’s a starting point for later play.

#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
# usage: make [opt] project [dir]
# rdoc...
# handle header files and linking properly in C
# support more then C
# implement a way to set lang opts/debug/profiler stuff correctly
# reduce usage of $globals
# clean up code... looks like sludge

require 'getoptlong'
require 'rdoc/usage'


def main()

opts = GetoptLong.new(
[ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--lang', '-l', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--lang-opts', '-o', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--debug', '-d', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--prof', '-p', GetoptLong::OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--clean', '-c', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ],
[ '--verbose', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]

opts.each do |opt, arg|
case opt
when '--help'
when '--lang'
proc_lang( arg )
when '--lang-opts'
puts "#{arg} -> --lang-opts not implemented!"
when '--debug'
$debug = true
when '--prof'
$profiler = arg
when '--verbose'

if ARGV[0]
$project = ARGV[0]
if ARGV[1]
$startdir = ARGV[1]
puts ARGV #debug
puts "nn"

unless $lang
$stderr.puts( 'WARNING: --lang not set!, defaulting to ISO C99' )

# call usage() on *any* error and print the problem
rescue StandardError
puts( $! )



def proc_lang( str )

case str
when 'c','C'
# set up for C
when 'c++','cpp','C++','C++','cc','CC','cxx','CXX'
# set up for C++
when 'java','Java'
# set up for Java
when 'Perl','pl', 'plx'
# Setup for Perl
when 'Python','py'
# Setup for Python
when 'Ruby','rb'
# set up for Ruby ;-)

class Lang

def make()

def each( startdir, &block )
dp = Dir.open(startdir) do |dir|
dir.each do |node|
if node == '.' or node == '..'
p = File.expand_path( node, startdir )
yield( p )
if File.directory?( p )
self.each( p, &block )

end # !class Lang

class LangC < Lang

@@compiler = 'gcc'
@@cflags = "-Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align " +
"-Wconversion -Waggregate-return -Wstrict-prototypes " +
"-Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations " +
"-Wredundant-decls -Winline -Wnested-externs " +
"-std=c99 -march=i686 -pipe "
@@ldfags = nil
@@debug = '-g'
@@prof = nil
@filelist = Array.new()

# The very bloody boring constructor which serves only to override the
# defaults for our static class variables.
def initialize( compiler=false, cflags=false, ldflags=false,
debug=false, prof=false )

if compiler then @@compiler = compiler end
if cflags then @@cflags = cflags end
if ldflags then @@ldfags = ldflags end
if debug then @@debug = debug end
if prof then @@prof = prof end


# Assemble project
def make()

@filelist = Array.new()


# Walk the directory tree and compile all .c files into .o
def compile()

$stdout.puts '------- COMPILING -------' if $verbose

self.each( $startdir ) do |file|
if file =~ /.*.c$/
p = file.to_s.gsub( File.extname(file),".o" )
@filelist.push( p )
# Don't compile unless the source is newer then the object files
if File.exists?( p )
next unless timecheck(file,p)

system( "#{@@compiler} #{@@cflags} #{@@debug} #{@@prof} " +
"#{file} -c -o #{p}" )

# Walk the directory tree and link all object files
def link()

$stdout.puts '------- LINKING -------' if $verbose

@filelist.each do |obj|
system( "#{@@compiler} #{@@cflags} #{@@ldflags} #{@@debug} " +
"#{@@prof} #{obj} -o #{$startdir}/#{$project}" )

# Return true if first filename has a newer time stamp then the second
def timecheck( f1, f2 )
File.mtime( f1 ) > File.mtime( f2 ) ? true : false


if __FILE__ == $0

Operation: Sit on my Ass, starts…. NOW !!!

I got off wok early today, about 1400 local and home for lunch by 1445, hit the Forums over at www.sasclan.org, ate, and got my movies list ready… Taking the rest of the day off as a personal vacation/holiday.

Blog, radio, tv, food, code, books, e.t.c ๐Ÿ™‚

Raided my bookshelves bottom shelf for the VHS collection. We’ve got like 150-250 VHS tapes in the house but I’ve maintained only a small collection (20-40) in my room, so I know where to find them lol. We’ve taped just about every thing but watch almost none of it unless it’s on TV HAHAHA ! It set off my nose but I’ve complied my watch list, probably will take me a few weeks but it’s nice considering that I have not seen most of them in ages.

Links the the plot outlines on the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) for convenience.

Robot Jox
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Dune — A great book also
The Three Amigos
Dear GOD — A goodie I found on late-tv years ago.
Mission Impossible
Legend of Drunken Master
Ghost Busters I and II
Ernest Goes to Jail
Jackie Chan’s First Strike
The Freshmen
Hot Shots
Spaced Invaders
El Dorado

Not all of them are my favorites although a few are, they all are however good movies xD

Late night wise-cracks

“It’s 5:50 a.m., Do you know where your stack pointer is?”

I saw this one and I couldn’t help but smile ๐Ÿ™‚

Especially since if I get any decent edits done, it’s usually after 0500 when I get to sleep.. and a fair bit of time using GDB hehehe.

“Programming is a lot like sex. One mistake and you could have to support it the rest of your life.”

“You can’t make a program without broken egos”

“There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. “

“You never finish a program, you just stop working on it.”

I started at ~1230, it’s now ~1630 and I’ve gotton shit done…

You’ve just got to love my family….

Ready to scream

The official rage list…

  • I’m f***ing tired of not being able to get stuff done in the afternoon.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being driven out of my skull.
  • I’m f***ing tired of having my train of thought derailed.
  • I’m f***ing tired of of being annoyed.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being interrupted.
  • I’m f***ing tired of not being able to concentrate.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being antagonised by computer-illiterate scum.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being barked, screeched, and shouted at.
  • I’m f***ing tired of having to live like this.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being tortured whenever I try to learn some thing.
  • I’m f***ing tired of having to stay up till 4am or later.
  • I’m f***ing tired of not being able to do f***ing any thing other wise.
  • I’m f***ing tired of watching my home work pile up.
  • I’m f***ing tired of not being able to rest when I’m *not* trying to do some f***ing thing.
  • I’m f***ing tired of being denied a chance to follow my goals.
  • I’m f***ing tired of this.

and I’m about ready to explode !!!

This mother f***ing rat ass sucking hell hole is pushing the limit. I’ve got over 4,500 pages to read — and I’m going to start knocking the damn walls down if I have to, but I am FINISHING THESE f***ing BOOKS.

There is no where else to go to read, study, nap, or any damn other thing. And my family makes it very hard to do any of those.

That means either this house learns to live with my work load or face the consequences. I should fuk’n start evicting people by force…. Let them enjoy freezing their ass off outside for a few hours.. While I get things *DONE* for a change.

Why, just why can’t I just once let myself be as cruel and vindictive as the rest… Instead of suffering aggravation after one another and hating that I feel like hating back…

Is it to much to ask to sit down and read a damn blasted book before I have to get back to work? I think not !!!!!!!!!!!!

I need a frigging vacation….. big time

Library takedown

The new reading list:

Maximum Security: A Hacker’s Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network — I wonder what the last chapter I read was last time I checked it out hehe.

Upgrading and Repairing Servers — I’d love to learn more and it’s got some stuff that interests me a lot on the bare hardware-level.

Learning Java, Second Edition — Useful because the book I own on Java was published ~1996.

The TCP/IP Guide: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Internet Protocols Reference — Probably will put me to sleep but is useful to have on hand, should I have time to read it.

Linuxยฎ Programming Bible — Old (2000’ish I think) but worth a thumb through in case I learn any thing I missed from it. I think it even includes a basic unix shell in the code listing, which is nice because one of my projects was trying to implement a bare bones shell in ruby.

Not counting indexes, glossaries, or appendixes (one of which as A-D I think): There are 4746 pages in all !

Counting every books last page with a pg# on it, we have 5381 pages total !!!

Borg wars?

Far be it from me not to admit I have some crazy dreams… laugh out loud.

I dreamed that I was aboard a Sovereign class starship on escort duty in the middle of a bitter United Federation of Planets Vs Borg war.

Surrounded by a swarm of smaller borg scout-strike craft and most of the convoy assimilated. The Soverign class ship tried fighting off the swarm but it didn’t do any good, just to many ships to keep remodulating our weapons to.

So the Captain ordered all power transfered from weapons to what was left of our forward shield grid…

And we chased down and rammed every last one of those little bastards head on at warp speed!

Using the reinforced frontal shields and the navigational deflector to take the brunt of the damage and the Structural Itegerty Field (SIF) to keep us in one piece… Crazist dang thing I’ve ever seen but it worked great haha! The littler ships were just to much smaller then us, that they couldn’t hold up to the force of impact of such a massive force ๐Ÿ˜‰

The fictional-fact that most of what were left of the ships shield emitters would’ve been to damaged by heat build up beyond use if we tried that after duking it out in combat so hard… Is probably irrelivent as far as dreams go lol but still.

Hmm, maybe I should’ve skept reading star trek tech-manuals when I was little hehe.

Writer’s Block: Current Favorites

Tell us your current favorite: book, movie, CD, video game.

Live Jorunal Writer’s Block

The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn, Mara Jade is definitely my favorite charactor in Star Wars and watching, uhh reading. The Thrawn Trilogy and Duology, my favorite parts are the relationship between Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. Grand Admiral Thrawn is also one of a good example of a decent commander, especially for an imperial…

I’d say I probably like to many movies to be able to honestly nail it on any specific one now. I generally enjoy Comedy, Science Fiction, and Action movies as well as Classics.

N/A, haven’t boughten any CD’s in ages, I don’t really follow music… If I had money odds are it would go for a mixture of Country, Rock & Roll, and Metal….
Video Game:

SWAT3, the best of the best. I’ve yet to meet a better Tactical FPS Game then SWAT3. The net code blows but the game play is just freaking awesome