Today I’m getting back to work on my primary goal. Seeing to the completion of the SOP Rewrites/Updates.

GCHQ has the final say and will probably have plenty to say about it (if I get demoted to Recruit, you know why :-P). But before that, I want to get it set up for the SNCO’s to review.

So I’m screening through it section by section marking them as ‘ready for snco review’. Once we’re done, we can let the SNCO’s review things. When we’re done with what ever that tells us. Then we fix it up and pass the buck to GCHQ.

Thats where I’ll probably need a stiff drink or a room to pace in.

Also to day I want to start working on some changes to the Room Clearing sections. Notes about dealing with rooms where the idea of going opposite the dork infront of you won’t work. I remember seeing a Video of the IDF Training, and dealing with the same situation. And I’ve seen us pop into the same online often enough.

I’m happy enough if Potential Recruits break PoD/AoR selection down to going opposite the man infront of you. And if Recruits and young troopers develop what I call the “Four Corners Syndrome”. i.e. they think the PoD’s are getting to the four corners of the room. Which actually…. I think thats how I was trained as a Recruit. Its ok with me if thats how they start out, its better then a lot of other things I’ve seen.

But I expect them to evolve past it, learning concepts about the lines of fire, reading the room, improvising to the situation at hand. Selecting good PoD’s and not setting up a crossfire with friendlies with them being the ones getting shot e.t.c.

I really like the diagrams from the United States Army Field Manual 3-06.11, Chapter 3, Section III (Clearing), 3-22.

First mans entry

#1 Goes in

Second mans entry

#2 Goes in

Third mans entry

#3 Goes in

Fourth mans entry

#4 Goes in

And theres one that shows some good adoptions of its final Points of Domination.
Points of domination and sectors of fire

Thats basically how we do it in the [SAS] too. But thers some rooms where thats not a real possiblity. While I wouldn’t expect a Recruit to be perfect, I would expect Troopers to learn to adopt as they gain expirence. What Rasa and I have in mind, might be more suitable to LCpl / Cpl ‘s but I think it is important enough to include it within the SOP’s. Less it be forgotton and people end up bumping into each other in room clearing and wonder why the heck they shot each other by mistake 8=)

You know… I could be spending my Saturday gaming all day before I have to stop at work. But blasting Country Music and working on the SOP’s over lunch works fine by me for today. Keeps my mind occupided and curtails boredom even if its not chill’n on TG#1 & TG#3.

My family really makes it hard to concentrate on my work…..

I wish the local park had free Wifi and A/C Power…. lol Then I could work from there with my laptop.

Hmm, got to see some thing refreshing, a western where they actually used sound tactics. Leapfrogging, stealth movement, the ‘Tin can on a fense post quick draw’ drill, and some proper room clearing techniques in their basic form. Not bad for a simple Western, probably made in the 1960s.

Also got to catch most of Hackers, movies as fake as a 80’s action flick but just as entertaining. It’s after 0600Z, thats like 2am local time… and I just get back to the PC.

You know, I really should stop tying with 10 fingers! I can type about as fast as I can think the words…. It’s quite fast when its my thoughts and not just reiterating some thing else. On typing tests I usually score about 70 some words per minute. In general work, I can type English very fast if I’m not one eye on the ‘original’ text. With how much time I spend on the computer I guess you kind of learn to type quickly when talking… eh chatting, posting what ever.

If I don’t do it quickly, by the time I finish a five minute post… Like an hour has gone by because of being interrupted / sent AFK e.t.c. So I learned to type FAST when I have some thing to say.


For as long as I can remember, Thursday has been a monster day of the week ever since I started working.

While we were working upstairs I heard a commotion below. Macy (one of the bosses dogs) was having trouble walking. It was like she couldn’t flex or was trying not to flex her rear starboard leg. When she fell over I thought it might’ve been broken because she couldn’t get up at first.

I fetched the phone so Ma could call the vet… Macy fell over and started to lose control of herself, I thought it was fear of not being able to get up. She was able to get upright and running again…

By the time we got to Kira and the Vet, Macy was all ready spread out on the deck. Having a seizure of some sort. Locked our dogs in the bedroom upstairs so they wouldn’t get in trouble while we rushed her to the vet.

Macy was about 45-50lbs (20+ kg), basically just a Mutt. A bit of pit and chow in the mix I think. Beautiful dog, red’rusty fur and a very sweet temperament., The kind of dog that just sits on you and licks the skin off your face.

Heart beat was rapid during the trip but she couldn’t really control her locomotive functions, she went stiff as a board… mouth clenched shut, eyes following shortly. A short while bit she went slack… no heart beat but my own beating in my ears.

She basically died in my arms half way to the vet. We have no bloody idea what the PhL|©|< caused it. Wasn't us though, the chemicals and supplies we bring to work are kept far away from the dogs. And we(/I) are nearly pathologically paranoid about making sure they don't get into any thing they shouldn't.
Cause of death.. I’d guess would be shock followed by the heart giving out but I’m no doctor. And what started it is beyond me. There was nothing we could do other then rush her to the vet, at best if we had more information before hand. We might’ve been able to wrap her up and roll out faster but its to late.

This is the second time I’ve seen some one I care for die in front of me. It may have been a Dog but its still a living creature. This makes me hug our own dogs all the more tighter….

Memory lane

Booted up SWAT3 just for the heck of it and tried brentwood.

Made sure every thing was set up right.

You know its harder then I remember ! But all the more fun training on it again.

My first run at the insertion, I was mirroring the back window. Had visual contact on a suspect facing away. I swapped to my MP5A3 — while still standing near the window, the blinds for concealment.

Sure enough the suspect turned around and shot me through the blinds when he heard the rustle of metal and plastic ! Now THAT is a smart tango. Later when I turned on the [SAS] Realism Mod. Suspects started to hunt for me and try to attack after they knew I was there. But with an HK53 there was a bit less gap between our armourment then with the 9x19mm Cartridge of the MP5.

Hmmm, time to get training again xD

Days log

While the automatic update between Netscape Navigator 9.0b1 and 9.0b2 was not so automatic on my laptop, it was still painless. Just had to download the Linux tarball and unpack it. I saved it to /tmp as I usually do when I download files I’m not going to need much.

Dixie# cd /usr/compat/linux/opt/
Dixie# ls
Dixie# mv navigator navigator_9.0b1
Dixie# tar -xzf /tmp/netscape-navigator-9.0b2.tar.gz
Dixie# ls
navigator navigator_9.0b1
Dixie# rm -rf navigator_9.0b1/

Even took a backup of the install just in case.

Today we got to meet to new dogs and a nice family. We’ll be taking care of the dogs while they’re on vacation.. and financially thats a pretty good thing for us.

Managed to launch part of my continuation training today. Was just Hellfish, Duke, and Me.. Chester and Lake seem to have been lost in the reboot. For the most part we failed the missions, although all but one was completed….. We went into over time on all but 1 and the other, was neutral. We had met the conditions before time was up but didn’t know it till 40 seconds later.

We did pretty good if you ask me. Because when I sat down and made the list of scenarios. I had plotted the times figuring on 6-8 players. And trying to find a flexible border between the impossible and the possible. Well, I had planned there to be a fairly good sized [SAS] presense and some good applicants. On one mission we went just a wee bit over. But I know if we had two 4-man Elements and proper pre planning. We would’ve taken the mission in half the required time.

With just 3 people I didn’t really expect to complete any successfully. But I think it showed Duke and Hellfish a bit more about me. You see, when I was young and had time to train myself harder. Well I still do, just not as often as I’d like.

I set high goals to obtain, make the as good as impossible or highly improbable a completed mission. Not always successful… but I would train till I got better, till I could do no better. I remember my own little ‘personal’ one man training sessions in SWAT3. I would set the map to Brentwood residence. Which is a large 3 floor house, back and front lawns swimming pool. With a Den, Bedroom, and Bathroom on Level 1. Kitchen, Family room, Library/office’et, Bathroom (2 rooms), Huge Living/Dinning room, and garage on Level 2. And 4-5 Bedrooms upstairs including 2-3 closets and 2 bathrooms. Huge house, kinda nightmare to clean… lol. Mission was simple, 2 Adults and 3 Children that needed to be evacuated and maybe 5-6 suspects in body armour with light assault weapons holding them hostage.

The [SAS] Record time was like 54-67 seconds or so. 10 Men, no team casualties, every thing pre-planned. Mission complete 100%. My personal training op was to try and break that record. I never succeeded, not once but I learned greatly.

To make things harder on my self, I would take my usual S3 training loadout. A Compact primary for working in close confines. Usually the AKS74U with Kobra sight or if running the [SAS] Realism Mod (which included a large weapon mod). I’d bring my HK53 which used the same sight overlay as the MP5 family (I didn’t like the Aimpoint scopes). I’d load it with a SINGLE magazine of FMJ, pack a pistol with a suppressor. Normally a HK MK23 .45 Cal or HK USP.40 Cal with ONE magazine of JHP loaded. A single CS Gas canister, one Flashbang, and a lone C2 Breaching Charge. And my favorite uniform, the Guardian duds with Navy Blue pattern. Later on I would do it with [SAS] PTE uniform.

To make it even harder, I set the AI to the max and the difficulty to the hardest mode. Level 1, rear poolside entrance. I’d head in stealth to first contact then go dynamic when necessary. Or when I decided a loud tactical aid was just to good to pass up. I’d make use of the Opti-wand when I wanted to be extra cautius, like coming up into the blind hallway on the top floor. Or making entry on the back door, where a Suspect might be lurking on the near by stairs.

I made the level as hard and realistic as I could. Secured the area and even after the game gave me the mission complete. I’d keep going till I had personally cleared every room. After awhile and a lot of getting shot at. My average *best* clear time. Was 1:07, far from my mark but the best I could do. I had learned some valuable lessons and how to ‘rough it’ without good equipment. Later on, I’d learn how to master any weapon in Raven Shield. When I was a bucking recruit, you could hand me a Mac-9/11+SD or SR-2 off the rack and I could put a two-round burst in a tangos head from quite a distance away as fast as I could think fire.

Today, well I’d probably miss by a mile at that range on my first try. Lack of hours in the shoot-house but it was great fun training to my sharpest edge. I looked for the impossible situations and I tried to best them, usually I couldn’t or it would be close. But I would do so and try to walk away the better for having tried.

As a Recruit I had a lot of fun, my typical day consisted of going through the map list like 3 or 4 times. Usually I’d start off in an Element with Rasa and Leon, then end up alone several hours later to keep on going. Being able to complete a mission on my own was not to far off. As a trooper I pushed my self even further then that. Completing a mission on my own was not a problem.. just an inconvenience. After awhile… I got rather bored, what else was their to do? I even started to do less then ‘as perfect as I could get’ things. To make it more challenging — instead of taking the most professional, safest, most effective routes. I would take the most dangerous, insane ones. I learned how to handle them as best as I could. It even got to the point that I thought about leaving the [SAS], boredom set in.

Then some day some body decided to make me an SAS_LCpl_Spidey01. In my opinion I was the worlds biggest failure as a LCpl… Lazy good for nothing bum with often no one to train. Eventually they made me a Cpl, I took it as a second chance. It was during those days that I got to see a lot of close training time (Trp->LCpl->Cpl). Later on I was to become an SSM.. and now I’m the RSM. As I look back on my past, I think Recruit, Corporal, and Squadron Sergeant Major are my favorites. As a Rct I got to learn so much and wanted to help pass it on. As a Cpl, I could work on passing it on and as SSM. My mind started to grow tactically to make up for the slack in my shooting skills. I’m not sure if I enjoy being the RSM more then I did SSM, it’s to early to tell. But right now I find my self situated just where I want to be.

I’m an SNCO and able to help in more business matters that I would like to be of service in. Yet I’m also close enough to the front lines to keep limber and have fun. I don’t really know if theres any one more active then me thats above Cpl. I love the fact, that I’ve trained personally with almost every one in [SAS]. And those that I have not, I’m on familer enough terms with. Like me and Random, we’re not exactly bosom buddies or any thing. But when it comes to server time, we’re not strangers ether. How many people in [SAS] can say the same? I’ve trained with all of the Rct personally, I’ve helped the Troopers during their Recruit time. And I’ve seen many of the NCO grow since pre-rct times. Most of the people who trained me are gone… But those I have trained with know me as Spidey01.

I’m not chained to a desk, yet I’m not glued to the field; It’s awesome. I remember when I was a NCO, my favorite past time was to try and get the younger generation to one up me. If I could do it to Gold Star perfection, I’d try and get them to go for the Platinum one. When ever people have been able to surpass me, I have been very greatly pleased.

I hope some day, to see the outcome. Being a member of the [SAS] has had an impact on my life, for the better in my humble opinion. And I hope it does for others, I found a group of kindred spirits when I stumbled on [SAS] Training Grounds #1 one day. Looking for a smoke-free zone I could play RvS with a realistic frame of mind. I’ve learned much, grown much, and have seen a lot since then. Here is part of my home… And I’m happy enough with it. In years to come maybe the same or similar will shine true for other Members.

In search of Eldorado

Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.

But he grew old-
This knight so bold-
And o’er his heart a shadow
Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength
Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow-
“Shadow,” said he,
“Where can it be-
This land of Eldorado?”

“Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,”
The shade replied-
“If you seek for Eldorado!”

–Edgar Allan Poe, published 1849

I always liked that poem.

A little BattleTech

Just getting a few things out of my head. It does remind me though that while I have a great imagination for things I can’t really write worth a dang.

The simulator had created a battlefield much like the streets of Avalon
City. Yet it was totally horrific, while the capitol of New Avalon was a
beautiful metropolis this place was hellish. Many buildings lay in ruin and the
streets were aflame. The sounds of Artillery strikes could be heard in the
distance as James Midnight sat in the cockpit of his Simulated ‘Mech. A 50 Ton
ENF-5D Enforcer, Medium weight but typical of the Armed Forces of the Federated
Suns. It was not unlike the 50 Ton Centurion his Father had used when He
fought in the Davions service. What the Enforcer lacked in Speed it more then
made up for with stronger armour then the older Centurion chassis.

A quick check of his sensors displays told Midnight that his Battlemech was
ready for action. The large extended range laser in the left arm and central
Small Laser battery both showed 100% charge. The massive LB 10-X Auto Cannon
built into his ‘Mechs right arm was raring to go with a ton of standard shells.
Backed by another ton of cluster ammunition. Accelerating to a quick 45
kilometre per hour walk James set the ‘Mechs scanners to sweep ahead.

“I hope this sim doesn’t include infantry….”

Obviously there must be people alive, I just can’t see any one he thought to
him self. As scans showed little hope for those poor retches in the city. A few
battered hulks lay strewn about, leftover from what ever battle that ravaged
this place? But still no enemy ‘Mechs.

Working his way through the streets James Midnight pushed the Enforcer up to a
faster 50 KPH trot as he headed North-West in search of survivors or the enemy;
which ever was to be found. Still nothing on sensors…

“Control, this is Star Six I’m reading some signs of life here. My current
position is”
“Roger Star Six, we will dispatch rescue teams as soon as you’ve cleared the
mission area”

“Damn, I guess they will have to wait” the aspiring MechWarrior muttered to
himself. While the young man had learned much at the NAIS College of Military
Sciences, James Midnight still hated to know innocent civilians suffered during
war time. With the force of a rocket the ‘Mechs cockpit shook viloently as
alarms blarred. According to Bitching betty and the Enforcers damage sensors he
had just been shot in the back.

Hooking hard right he took shelter behind the nearest building. No serious harm
done but his rear armour was critical along the left and centre sections. The
enemy had drawn first blood and this made James Midnight all the more ready to fight
back. Shifting footing he poked around the corner and reversed back into the
buildings cover. Nothing there but ruble

“What the hell, missle lock!?”

Imcoming fire, dead aft according to the Battlemechs threat indicators.
Rotating his ‘Mechs torso to present a simmer target profile to the incoming
missles. As the Multi-Functional Displays showed impact was imminent he hunched
over hoping some of the missiles would go over head without hitting.

James rocked in the pilot couch as the missile volley struck the ‘Mechs left
arm, his ER Large Laser dropped to 80% charge. The cockpit was hot now maybe 40
degrees Celsius, cool for a Battlemech but not for a human. Standing tall James
brought the Enforcer about, AC level along his line of sight attempting to
track the shooter.

“Control, this is Star Six I’ve engaged the enemy”

Nothing but static came back.

“Blast they must have been listing in… Com’s are jammed.”

Throwing the ‘Mech into gear he pushed forth at a brisk 62 Kilometre Per Hour
pace. Sensors active and scanning for any signs of Metal, Heat, or Movement.
Thermals and Sonar was mostly useless here due to the fires in the destroyed
buildings. But motion sensors would still be helpful once he tuned the
resolution for some thing the size of an APC.

Heading South-West between some half collapsed buildings James Midnight set his
jaw in prepriation for hostile contact as he toyed with the Autoloaders.
Cluster ammunition would be perfect for this situation, the target would be
trying to avoid his weapons. By hitting hard and trying to quickly fade away
into the thermal abyss.


Movement to his 3 o clock, 45 Metres away. Firing his ‘Mechs jump jets Midnight
assailed the building in front of him, Landing on the other side of it as any
good fool would. He drove the ‘Mech right into a small apartment building.

“Shit, hope it was empty”

Following instincts and instruments he looked for his target, nothing but ghosts on
sensors. A quick check of systems showed one of the jump jets was damaged from
the initial shot. Attempting another jump could risk an internal explosion that
could cripple the Medium ‘mech. Missile warnings blared again, kicking the
Battlemech to full speed James sought cover. These buildings would be good
enough to shield him, most were severely damaged but most still stood a couple
Metres taller then the Enforcer.

There, stright ahead stood a 35 Ton Wolfhound, probably targeting his LB-10X.
Pre-empting fear James let a burst go, Cluster shot rocked the lighter ‘Mech
hard stripping armour off its left torso. As he worked the 50 Ton Enforcer into
safe cover, A close call but he had managed to avoid being hit.

Side stepping around the corner, James could see the enemy had fled. Another
round of hide and seek it would be. There was just one problem, the Woflhound
was a Battlemech that relied on energy weapons, Lasers and PPC. Not on missle
weapons. So ether they were not alone or his enemy had a Customised ‘Mech.
Heading South-West he grep’d at his sensor displays, one eye looking out
the Enforcers cockpit. No contacts visable or detected electronically.

Again missile warnings sounded, pivoting his ‘Mechs torso he saw them flying in
from the East. Crossing behind another building spared him the damage of the
missile volley. James pushed the ‘Mech around the other corner of the building
he caught track of the Wolfhound again. Advancing to the next building he
brought the Enforcer to a halt. The large laser had dropped to 65% charge…
not good but the LB-10X Autocannon still was in good shape.

Soon the Wolfhound would be within firing distance to ether side of him.
Putting his back to the wall he waited for a blip on the Motion Sensors he knew
would be the enemy coming for him. A massive spike whited out Midnights thermal
sensors to his Right side.

“A Valkyrie in midair!”

Twisting about he fired the Autocannon, cluster and normal ammo spitting forth
a deadly salvo. No hits made as the Valkyrie landed in a nearby building.
Accelerating his ‘Mech he brought the Enforcer around the right side of the
building ahead of him. If the Valkyrie was to his 12 o clock that Wolfhound
must be some where along his left flank.

A heavy laser blast tore into his Right arm, twisting his torso right James, saw
the Wolfhound was advancing again. Not wanting to risk using the AC he let his own Large
Laser answer the enemies shot. The beam struck the Wolfhound in the Left torso,
while it still burned off molten chunks of amour his Laser dropped to 48%
charge. The Cooling systems hissed trying to dissipate the heat buildup from the shot. This was
not going well at all, the Laser was generating huge amounts of heat but
doing little damange. Throwing his ‘Mech to full speed he rushed the Wolfhound
head on.

” It’s all or nothing baby!”

James Midnight shouted as he ignited the Enforcers jump jets. Lashing out with
Autocannon and Small Laser in midair, the Wolfhound blasted away at his left leg
with its Medium Lasers. The Wolfhounds right arm was blown clean off leaving
sparking wires in place of the Battlemechs heavy laser. Hammering away with his
Autocannon and kicking the Jump Jets again for more attitude. The injured
Wolfhound turned attempting to flee. As James brought the Enforcer down upon it
in a rough execution of the “Death From Above” technique, toppling both ‘Mechs
to the street.

The Wolfhound must be bleeding bad, James own ‘Mech had sustained moderate
damage to the legs. The smaller ‘Mechs Medium lasers fired point blank into the Enforcers chest. The cockpit temperature
rose sharply as the Enforcers melting armour destroyed the Wolfhounds remaining
Laser emitters. Rolling his ‘Mech out of the fray he stood up, trying to put
pressure on his Left leg. The one that had sustained the most damage from the
Wolfhounds Medium Lasers before the Death From Above landing. Moving as quick
as he dared he got as clear as he could of the other ‘Mech as Missle warnings
sounded in his ears.

The Enforcers cockpit was like an oven as the Long Range Missiles hit, blowing
his Left arm apart.

“Damn it, my ee ar lasers gone”

Storming his injured Battlemech into cover he knew that the Valkyrie must be
using the roof tops. A quick check of his Multi-Function Displays showed that
he was now half blind, most of the instruments damaged by the Wolfhounds death
kiss. Rounding the buildings corner at a short 25 Kilometres per hour he put
the ‘Mech through its paces moving up at a brisk 70 KPH hoping to keep the
enemy from getting behind him.

“Control, this is Star Six reporting.. I am heavily injured and require
assistance, I say again I need assistance… Control do you read, over”

No response what so ever not even static. The HICS-11 communications system of
his Enforcer must’ve been fried. Coming around the building to his left he kept
going. Crossing the street and heading past the ruble of the next building. No
track of the enemy yet. Cooling systems started to flush the heat from his
‘Mech but the 50 Ton Enforcer was still critically wounded. James Midnight knew
he could not keep fighting much longer or he would die.

Pulse Laser fire rocked him from behind striking at his legs. The Enforcer
slowed down to a limp at about 15 KPH. With an oath he pivoted the ‘Mech about
leveling the Autocannon at his enemy. Firing a rapid salvo of 100mm AC shells
the Valkyrie jumped taking the hits in its own legs. Coming down with a crack
the Valkyrie stumbled but did not fall. Firing blind its MechWarrior lashed out
with the LRM-10 rack in its left torso. The missiles struck James’s Battlemech
along the left torso. Not much more armour left to go as the heat level built
up still higher. Cooling systems must be damged, his cockpit must have been at
least 50C.

Fire bellowing out of his ‘Mech he pushed it for all it was worth going head on
with the enemy. Not enough armour left to care about the returning pulse laser
fire. He unloaded every thing he had left in the LB-10X crippling the smaller
Valkyrie. Shearing off its right arm mounted Medium Pulse Laser the
lighter ‘Mech stormed at his Enforcer. Suppressive fire from his AC
ripped apart its torso mounted ammo bin with an explosion. The Valkries CASE
technology prevented the blast from causing much Damage but its torso armour
had sub come to his might.

Out of weapons and bleeding to death the Valkrie leap into the air with jump
jets, ether trying to over jump or land on and cripple James ‘Mech. Firing off
the last of his shells he tore off part of the smaller ‘Mechs left leg. Landing
with a hellish sound the Valkrie rammed into the Enforcer. Ammunition deleted,,
lasers destroyed the battle was over. There was nothing else to do but go
physical! The Enforcer was very heaviler damaged but still had 20 Tons on the
Valkyrie. What next? The young MechWarrior worried as the two Battlemechs fell
to the street.

If he fired his Jump jets he might get away but if they fired at all it could
kill him right then and there. His leg was to damaged to stand up, the Valkyrie
lay underneath his Enforcer. James Midnight was out of options, he had to try
it. Reaching for the control panel he tried to toggle the last functioning MFD
to a indicate system status. Bad idea, he burned his hand badly and quickly
retracted it. There must be internal fires in the Battlemechs body. Time to
kick off or die in a ball of fire any way.

The MechWarrior in the Valkyrie ignited the reactor and ejected. James Midnight
watched in horror as his Screens went supernova. The simulator terminated the
program, the cockpit cooled and the hatch opened. Unplugging his coolant line
he stepped out of the simulator pod clutching his burned left hand. Standing
there in his common MechWarriors uniform he waited to see the other
MechWarrior in training emerge from his simpod.

To James great shock, out poked a head of blond hair and magnificent blue eyes.
Belonging to Isabella Valkyrie, one of his fellow cadets.

“Damn you girl, there was no way you would’ve lived through that. Your ejection
pod would’ve probably landed in a burning building before you burned to death”

“At least it would’ve taken your huge ego along for the ride”

Ivy said with that evil grin he loved so much. She had the cunning and fighting
abilities of a wolf but the body of an angel. You could say they were both
friends and rivals.

“Its no good to kill your self with the enemy, going nuclear is just a stupid idea”

“Oh shut up, you couldn’t even find me til I practically buzzed by you”

“And being shot at with a heavy ae see”

“Which missed by a kilometre”


“Enough you ladies, lets get lunch”

Interjected David, running his fingers through his red hair. David was a
fellow cadet here at NAIS and one of James Midnights best friends and the Wolfhounds pilot. They had
met several years back when James attended a conference with his Father on
Tharkad. Both of their parents had been apart of the Federated side of the
delegation. They had both met the tenacious Isabella Valkyrie on New Avalon
before coming to the academy a few months ago.

“Might want to get that hand looked after first Midnight”

Chimed in Perkins, the operator of the simulation pods and a Warrant Officer.

“After that we’ll go over the after action report, then you morons can have


They all blurted simultaneously. While Ivy had played quite dumb about the fact
that she would be entering the same training programme as they would. It didn’t
stop James Midnight from making a delightful ass of him self explaining to her
about what He and David would be learning. Ever since then they had been trying to “one
up” the other in training. If he had to score the 1,200 Metre shot on the
Sniper Range. Ivy had to make the 1,500 Metre shot, if she missed the mark.
She’d train with such a fury you would think the idea that a MechWarrior wasn’t
a perfect Solider. Was just to big an idea, they were apart of a “special”
training programme. Where the best applicants were cross trained in a little
bit of every thing. They could pilot ‘Mechs, hovercraft, VTOL’s, you name it
and they could shoot it like a professional. One day if they all lived through
the training exercises they might make it into the most elite part of the
Military Intelligence community. The training was both in line with that of the
common grunt and MI4 and MI6 commandos. In a ‘Mech or bare handed they would be
able to strike the enemies of the Federated Commonwealth and no one would know
who it was. Yet in the end, they were to become the Elite of the Elite, the
very best that their nations military could train.



Battletech, MechWarrior e.t.c. are the property of their respective owners and what not. — Just the short mumblings of an old Battletech lover here.

I once had been working on a short book with the same two characters. But never found time to finish. I remember the whole thing had started out as a bit of a day dream.

When I was working on the book I found it very easy to right James Midnight and Isabella Valkyrie as they we’re based on two people. In Midnights case on my self, in Ivy’s well… personality on the person, name a variant of a game character that shares the same first name. And the looks a mixture of both (although I’d never admit it hehe). Some day I should get around to finishing it really.

It was to be a very nice mixture of ‘Mech based action on plenty of CQC, I had been an SAS_Rct at the time or got the tags some time into the project. With the possibility of a sequel and prequel but alas, never the time.

Double Deuce

Was only one or two players in our server so I joined the *DD* Tactical CooP server. On ours at least people tend to leave fast once they realise hostage rescue and mission is to hard for them. We use the tango hunts to cool off lol, 99% of RvS Coop Servers are only T-Hunt maps.

Unfortunity for me most were just common folk, the kind thats not very bright tactically speaking. Managed to kick through a HR before a *DD* Major Iceman should up for the T-Hunt and following Mission.

Needless to say, I then started to mean business rofl. With most of the other players there, it was a case of “I’ll just go the other way then” to make sure I wouldn’t get injured. *DD* General Dynasty is good ol’SAS_Rct_TiGeR so I know they should know a few things.

Was also fun to be able to perform as a solid [SAS] Operator, with some one from a reasonably serious Coop Clan around and visiting some ones sever. I’d of course be on the ball. Not only am I an [SAS] Member but the RSM, and much like I was thinking to my self before Iceman joined. I wished I had another [SAS] Member with me… so when ever I got shot their be some one to finish the mission. *DD* might not be [SAS] but there Officers seem good enough to be able to complete the objectives.

Got to do a bit of gaming today and some trainign with Raider.

Been thinking a bit about stuff with the crosshair and ammo counter off. I shoot good but can’t toss grenades for crap, even by my normal standard !!!

I like no crosshairs though, it means I have to “do it” right the first time. Normally when I walk in game, I walk in my little version of a ‘low ready’. Weapons at a kind of down angle but high enough I can see where I’m going, since in RvS/S4 your PoV is slewed to the weapons Point of Impact. If a target was about punching distance away, my weapons esitmated point of impact should I fire it. Would probably be around the belly or mid-section. While my line of sight is stright ahead along my travel path.

When I spot a threat, I raise the weapon to firing position and let’er rip. Head, knee, toe, balls what ever I can hit. Usually I’ll try to aim just below the collar bone. I figure that way if I’m to far off to the side, I can get’em in the shoulder. If its DOBA it should hit in the upper torso, maybe ride up into the neck or chin area. Basically I can generally hit what I can see but not always very accurate without the crosshair. Like trying to shoot some one in the ‘crew cut’ thats ducked just below a box or some thing is hard. Although the tango can usually shoot me any way…. without having to have muzzle clearence in RvS !

In general I’ve found it more accurate, making my self have to adjust the weapon to a proper shooting posture before I can engage. And it helps make sure I don’t shoot a friendly by mistake ! I have very good IFF in general, as long as I don’t get the thought “I think its a tango” before they cross my LoF or I round the corner. Whats really funny… lol

Every now and then a FF issue will pop up, where I’m about to fire and have one of those “oh !@#$” moments when I see its a Friendly after all and try to throw my aim off as I pull the trigger. Usually ends up clipping some one in the shoulder or denting the wall..

And they do the same exact thing at the same time, hit me, have an “oh crap i shot a friendly” moment… and I figure “ooppse, tango after all” and shoot them by reflex =/

Also was thumbing through my early posts on [SAS], My introduction way back when and a thread on SWAT3. Interesting to see and think about how far I’ve come since then… in a number of ways.

never ending interuptions…

I logged on an hour ago with ONE goal in mind, to update my blog for the day…

I spent Friday cleaning my room. Got to vacuum spots that haven’t been cleaned
out in near 10 years lol. /* Note to self remove laugh out loud iab from

Shifted the bed from along the North wall going West to east. To going South to North. In such a small room its a huge space saver, even if it means blocking half the closet off (never use it any way). Moved the cubby from the South-East corner to North-East corner. Moved the stand next to it — finally can access
all 3 electrical outlets.

Shifted the book shelf by the door from the South-West corner to where the Cubby was. Moved the TV to the other side of the dresser and pushed it more to the Eastern wall. The amount of clutter is less near the door and rises up as you get to the opposing wall (doors south-west corner). Leaving a lot of space in the main areas of the room.

Finally a major improvement… best since we moved in (the room was empty them :-P). Got to throw out a lot of crap. But got stuck helping ma rearrange crap all morning !!! How nice a price eh? Oh wells all that ends with doughnuts ends well xD

# For later
Terry@vectra-$ cat lions_book.lastpage
page ?? (pdf) which is page 42 of the book.

Section: 9.1

Source Code:
With line numbers:

The sections have been dumped into two derectories.

/usr/src/sys/ contains the headers and /user/src/sys/kern/ which contains the
source.c files.

PDP-11 Emulator?