One comforting thought, the Defense Language Institute classifies German as a Category II language for how hard it is for an English speaker to learn. The common Spanish and French fitting into Category I, Russian, Greek, and Hewbrew into Category III, and the mind boggling Chinese and Japanese into the topper, are Category IV languages.

That makes me feel a bit better… lol.

I’ve heard that a lot of people never reach native fluency in a language, I doubt I’ll ever do so either but I would settle for knowing as much as an elementary school student. I’m generally able to read German well enough as long as I’ve got access to a dictionary but not so good at composition.

I’d like to fit some time for study into each day, even if it’s not a great amount of time.. It’s better then nothing. I’ve been looking at adding reading to my daily routine, don’t know how well it will go. I figure, the more I read the more chance I should hopefully have of getting a ‘feel’ for it.

When I was learning to read English, I rmemeber I had to write out every word I couldn’t read, 3 times plus a sentence out of it. Needless to say, I didn’t like that part of school ^_^. It’s a good idea though but I’m not about to try likewise in German, while I arguably care more about getting spelling and grammar right in German then in English. If I did some thing like that, my hand writing would get even *worse*.

As it stands, writing English by hand (the conventional pen/pencil on paper method) is an atrocious combination of printing letters and cursive letters. Plus because not only am I accustomed to writing as fast as I can think, which results in many ‘lazy pauses’ as my mind backtracks to where my hand left off. My way of writing tends to reflect my minds way of thinking, speaking habbits, and preferences on ‘style’ much more so then the formal ‘laws of English’ allow — I’m a person, not a cyborgnetic English Teacher ^_^

I could just imagine… 20 or 30 laters, writing in Gerglish? (What ever you want to call a mixture of German and English words, writing, and pronunciations) To top it all off, haha that would put the final nail in my hand writings coffin.

My chuckle of the day

Malone: Why are you carrying the gun?

Ness: I’m a treasury officer.

Malone: Oh, okay. Just keep in mind what we talked about, huh?

[Malone walks away]
Ness: Hey, wait a minute! What the hell kind of police work do they teach in this city, huh? You just turned your back on an armed man.

Malone: You’re a treasury officer.

Ness: How do you know that? I just told you that.

Malone: Who would claim to be that who was not? Hmm?

He’s got a point ^_^

When they were first introducing Ness in the beginning, I was like “Treasury deparment!? Where tha”. So I find this scene even more appropriate then some people would xD

sehr müde

I don’t know if there is a word for some where between about to pass out and being unable to sleep, but if there is it fits me like a glove :

Being a jerk

So, I was sitting here working on a class file — defining an interface that’s got over a 100 methods to write. And Ma was complaining that I hadn’t set my clock after this mornings power outage (about 7 hours previously). So, to shut her up I set the clock and carried on coding.

But since the only time source I’ve got handy is my laptop and the cable box is on the other side of a cloths rack. I used the laptop, which just so happens to be set to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC/Zulu time). That is what I set the clock for, and a few minutes ago she comes in to ask some thing and I tell her to look at the clock. Now she wants to rip the clock off the wall because I refused to set it to local time xD.

It’s my damn clock, if I’ve got to be forced to set the bloody thing, who says I can’t put it on STANDARD TIME !?

How brilliant is Raven Shield ?

aDSL connection fails, first I notice it is when my messages stop showing.

XFire splits a message that I’ve been disconnected from the system

30 seconds go by before the ‘connection failed’ message in Raven Shield.

And the entire time, the network stats in game are showing all outbound traffic and no more inbound traffick.

BUT — through the entire bloody thing, the ‘packet loss’ is 0, that is so darn funny it is sickening ^_^

R&R, Day Two…

Been playing still more halo to kill time, I still think it feels to much like a console game in the controls and the vehicle steering system really portrays it imho… But gets the job done, at least it’s some thing to do :

Almost managed to get a round of SWAT4 in but supper was ready to soon :-(.

At least, if nothing else for the day… I’ve gotten a few pages more done of the book and a a slight issue resolves on the website . So the days not a total wash out, I guess.

Hmm, I’m rather getting interested in giving some thign ‘odd’ a go.

Installing FreeBSD 7 on the test machine, then converting it into a fully functional PC-BSD system.

It’s doable, just takes time and effort, and well, I like to tinker with programs from time to time ^_^.

Yes, I’m that bored trying to pass time between /actually/ being able to work lol.

I need a vacation…

Getting closer to the flood, I remember when I first got Halo one of my friends was asking me if I had gotten that far yet, and I was like “The Flood, what the hecks that?”. He didn’t want to spoil ot for me so when I finally got to it, I was shouting “MORE AMMO!”. Best part of the game hehe.

Despite best efforts, my family has still mustered enough to give me a good sized headache… So switching from *actually* trying to learn some thing, to killing time, now I’m hopping to make some progress for the day…. It’s like when ever I dare some try and get any thing done. They either find a way to circumvent it, or cause actions to bring others into deraiing it.

!@#$%^ %!(%*Y^!(%^!’s must have radar.

I start, they start; I stop they stop — intentionally or coincidentally this is getting on my frigging nerves.

R&R, Day One

Been playing a lot of halo latly, on Heroic it’s actually not that much harder then I remember playing it on normal when I first got the game lol. The legendary mode is good stuff but I set it this way so I could relax rather then concentrate on the game.

Still no good at pushing the thought stuck in my head out the other side though…

Oddly, I’ve been catching the end of movies lately :

Cought the end of Broken Arrow which is a nice action flick. I can’t help but laugh towards the end, when John Travolta is arming the Nuke on the train and he’s like “F’em if they can’t take a joke”. I would consider a broken arrow and thieves a foot to steal nuclear weapons horrific but the movies well done — I at least enjoy it lol. Besides Face/off I think it’s the only movie I’ve seen directed by John Woo.

Also saw the end of Rebecca, a good classic. Funny how she almost had the last laugh, almost but not quite but she still played them all the fool. The husband killed her thinking she was having another mans child, lover boy thought she was, and in the end she was dying of cancer instead. But told him that, knowing he’d kill her after so much playing around. The witch planned for him to end up in jail for the murder, knowing she was dying any way so why not cheat him one last time?

Managed to drop into Code Name: The Cleaner only 30min into it. I remember catching it one night and felt my interest gaining with the laugher ^_^. It’s hiliarous towards the end when it all clicks into place and the guys like “I knew it, I’m a spy” but he’s really just a janitor having a twist of fate, “He’s right, we’re going to die!” but they still survive lol.

It’s rare that I watch a lot of TV these days, I mostly gave up on it because when ever there was some thing decent on. I usually spent more time doing every thing else around here but watching the movie…. So I count myself lucky when I do get to watch any thing. I love movies, almost as much as a good book but hey few things beat books hehe.Most films that are derived from books, I usually find fall short of the book. The Lord of The Rings being one of the few exceptions, but generally few stand up to the original :. One thing that I think movies really do best, is offer the ability to tell the story visually just as much as verbally, which can be a bit tougher through text.

2 days off

Planning on enjoying this weekend off, posted my off duty message on SAS and hitting the ‘net.

I’d like to get a few things done that needs testing before deployment, I’d love to work on my book a bit, and rest the rest of the time lol.

The question is how much time will I get to actually do any thing…. (family factor).