“Betty Davis advised to know who your friends are and also know your enemies. When asked how one can identify ones enemies she said “anyone who interferes with your work”

I’m beginning to agree…

FreeBSD + Java?

How easy is it…

The JDK and JRE packages on the FreeBSD Foundation require the following to install and run correctly:

inputproto-, javavmwrapper-2.3, kbproto-1.0.3, libICE-1.0.4,1, libSM-1.0.3,1, libX11-1.1.3,1, libXau-1.0.3_2, libXdmcp-1.0.2, libXext-1.0.3,1, libXi-1.1.3,1, libXp-1.0.0,1, libXt-1.0.5, libXtst-1.0.3, pkg-config-0.22, printproto-1.0.3, recordproto-1.13.2, xextproto-7.0.2, xproto-7.0.10_1, xtrans-1.0.4

If you run a Desktop based system with Xorg installed most of these are probably already there, on my laptop which has KDE 3.5.7 for the GUI all I had to do was install one package first:

pkg_add -r javavmwrapper

If you don’t have a required package it will tell you what you need to install when you try to pkg_add Java. Most probably can be pkg_add -r’d unless you want to the ports.

I then went over to the FreeBSD Foundation website to download Java

If you only want to run Java programs, you will need the JRE (Java Runetime Environment) but if you wish to develop Java programs you’ll require the JDK (Java Development Kit).

The packages currently are for FreeBSD 5.5/i386 and FreeBSD 6.1/i386 and amd64. Just download the one that matches your FreeBSD major branch and CPU Architecture. I fetched both JRE and JDK for FreeBSD 6.1/i386 which is about a 70MB download combined, my Laptop runs PC-BSD v1.4 so the underlaying system is FreeBSD 6.2-Stable, no problems so far.

You need to accept the license agreement to download and when you pkg_add, just scroll to the bottom and type ‘yes’ and press enter, you can probably use the shift+g command to jump to the bottom of the license.

I think because of the terms that the JRE/JDK were licensed for distro we’ve got to live with the manual download. Once you’ve got your packages downloaded, just do a :

pkg_add ./diablo-jdk-freebsd6.i386.

of course replacing ./ with the path (if necessary) and the filename with the proper one. Tip: If you don’t want to typo it, use tab completion in your shell. I usually just download things to /tmp and cd over to it. You also need to be root in order to run pkg_add with any possibility of success. Depending on ones shell a ‘rehash’ command might also be needed before the programs can be found in the command prompt.

which tells me that java and javac are working, and it passed the test of compiling a small test program and running it.

Vista gone loco, connection limits!

Windows Vista tcpip.sys Connection Limit Patch for Event ID 4226

I have officially lost any respect or regard for Microsoft Windows Vista and I’ve yet to have a chance to test the bloody thing.

My Windows XP machine has SP2 installed by the connection limit is returned to a extremely high level. Because I was getting some crap with being the only box to drop off the ‘net connection, making that change had a noticable impovement for me. The difference between VISA versions shows it all to true, it’s about the money.

Instead of doing some thing about it, they make a buck off it. What ever happened to passion ruling OS development? Not the dollar…..

I’m exausted…. Tonights a night I feel like just sleeping, but I know then nothing would ever get done…. Thats how I end up staying up til around 0400 and having to be to work by 1000… After enough years it takes it’s toll I guess.

I’ve broken out my old Java source book to see if it might be able to use it for a SAS project I’m working on.. I was figured I would just use Ruby and place the classified parts into a C Program. I can make the C program make very darn sure that it is “The” authorized ruby script that it passes information to. But then I remembered that there are ways of out witting that with Ruby. And just counting on end-users lack of technical exbertise would kinda be stupid, because other wise they could just have the info… Since my prefered way of doing it in C/C++ would require replacing the Ruby prototype with a C++/QT4 program, that means it would have to be under the GPL, a license I don’t like but one I can live with (ISC and X/MIT licenses are more my style). I was planning on making as much of the code available as possible any way. But using a compiled language would just make it much safer and more effective, if I didn’t need a program to call it and try and make it ‘secure’ enough, much easier to just do it all in one spot… And I think Java would make it easier b/c I’m used to C/C++ and probably know Java syntax better then C++, even if I’m about 9 years out dated in Java haha!

Hey….. if only Windows built in ftp client was worth a flying fuck… hehe

back to work

to get done:

finish release of SAS Skins v3 for S4:TSS and SAS Personal Uniforms v1 (with installers). -> TO NIGHT WOULD BE NICE.

Get screen shots of Element, 4-5 men, linear and column stacked.

Finish final edits on the SOP rewrites pending to be sent spamward to GCHQ.

Bagger Random until he’s sent me GCHQ’s edits to those that have been sent in.

Oh what joy grammer correction will be =/

post in T&T forum about RvS ‘plan’ day.

Schedule my S4 Training Session ‘from hell’ day hehe.


Worry undermines the body, dulls the mind, and slows down thinking and learning. It adds to confusion, magnifies troubles, and causes you to imagine things which really do not exist. If you are worried about something, talk to your leader about it. He may be able to help solve the problem.

Now if that’s not good advice to pray, I dunno what is hehe.

Table of C keywords, by language standard


C89 Standard

C99 Standard

For the first time in a good while a good classic was on, Gone with the Wind. Although I’ve defintally snored through it enough times over the years, it’s regarded as one of the greatest movies ever made.

I still find it hard to watch at times, I might not agree with every thing that has happened. I don’t discriminate against any one, be it for race, creed, colour, or religion.. To me the difference between a White man and a Black man is only a matter of appaearence, you can tell them apart in a Line Up. Beyond that they are pretty much the same to me, they are both human beings and should be respected as such.

What else can I say of the South other then it is my home? I was born in the South, I live here and I work here. I’m proud to be an American and I love my home.

In the Civil War as in so many other places, so many wars, so many countries… The people of the south were made to feel results of war. The Union army burned, raped, and enough and many were ground into the dirt to ensure such a thing could never happen again. Thousands of men dead, sick, and dying, not even any thing left to ease the pain of those still alive… Most of the people starving and penniless with there families torn apart. People shouldn’t be ground into dust, what good does it serve. All the more worse then because it was not a war between countries but between brothers.. One I feel that could have been settled without firing a single shot.

Even to Christ on the cross, it’s never been enough for some people. Even without a war to fight, people can still be monstrous.

When the time came… It wasn’t enough to nail him to a wooden cross and be done with it. They tortured Jesus beyond the bounds of torture until death could only be a release from the agony and pain… Is it not enough just to kill?

Man has both the ability for Good and for Evil, I think it is the choice of which do you seek that matters.

When the chance comes, will you do what you think is right or will you play to your own advantage at any cost?


Hmmm…. learning the hardway.

lukeftp advantages over filesilla site manager.

You have to manually type information so you can’t fuck it up unless you really fuck up…. lol.