Reading Raider

A nice trip to the library…

C in a Nutshell -> Nice book, finished it in about 2-3 hours.

A Book on C -> I’m interested in some of the algorithms.

Learning Perl -> I have mixed feelings about working in Perl, but hey it’s a nice book.

PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Websites -> I really can use this… lol

Maximum Security: A Hacker’s Guide to Protecting Your Internet Site and Network -> So fat I’ll have to be restrictive in what I read of it. But a very interesting find indeed.

I know C, like I know English: I’m not terribly skilled at some of it but I know it well enough to use it. So I don’t really need to read most of the C books but theres some common algorithms discussed. That I’m interested in reading their implementations of; not to mention a brush up on Function Pointers, Variable-length arrays, and Unions -> I don’t think I’ve ever actually used a Union :/

Perl, I was learning at some point but gave up on it as boring. I like Perl for it’s syntactical style, it’s closer to what I’m used to. But I’ve rarely seen Perl at any great length. Feel beautify to me, it’s effective yes. Pretty, not often… but heck if it works use it!

If it’s some thing I’m not likely to use again or it’s a quickly on the CLI. I’ll usually not care if it’s understandable or well written. But when I do write a script; I kind of like to make it hard to foul up, easy to understand, and function well.

I swear it is impossible to work in this damn house.

Between My Mother, her blasting TV, the dogs, the bird screaming my fucking head off, and the Music I have on trying to drown them out.

I’ve got a rat fucking headach…. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s damaging my hearing. I can’t even hear the damn music any more…. I’ve got headphones on that have cups on them covering the entire ears… I can’t stand much more of this.

One of these days…. I’m getting the fuck out of here. Ether that, or I’m just going to snap and loose self control before I can get my rage under management…

What part of let me work don’t these fucking people understand?!??!

I think if I owned a copy of DOOM, I’d boot it up, hook up the speakers, roll the dial up, and see how they freaking like it !!!

Ippimail offers a free webmail service, the catch?

You get a few advertisements in the webmail interface, to be honest I barely notice them unless I’m looking for them. Many peoples sig-blocks on internet forums are more obtrusive. A single line appended to out going E-Mails as well. Just a sig-block consisting of a one or two lines of message I think.


Email and shopping with the feelgood factor!
55% of income to good causes.

Compared to some mail I’ve received with a yahoo html ad a page long at the end of the E-Mail!! This is no problem for me.

The money they get from it, goes to them and a good portion of it to several charities which is a very good thing IMHO. Plus like 10% to supporting Open Source Projects, a very nice thing considering that they use a lot of FOSS.

The Webmail is essentially a Squirrel Mail setup with a number of plug ins and customizations. Including a theme thats much nicer then any of the ones I’ve seen come with Ippimail, which are not provided ^_^. The usual set of style sheets and features of course.

I’ve come to enjoy using Squirrel Mail and when I learned about Ippimail it was from reading about Squirrel Mail on Wikipedia, so I knew I’d probably get a good Web mail interface. What I was worried about was the ads and possibility of spam. I remember when I had registered for a free Hotmail account some years back, it was like being placed in the worlds biggest Please_Spam_Me_List loool.

With ippimail I registered for the account and filled out even the extra questionnaire, which is for targeting the ads better and what not. So far I have gotten _0_ spam E-Mails !!! Heck, I get more then that from my ISP’s account. The data involved not really a major security risk ether. The Terms of Use and Privacy Policy is compatible with my views, and I can be quite pissy about agreeing to such things too.

I’ve only had two issues with Ippimail and I’ve found excellent service if thats what you want to call it. The average response time has been within 24 hours. And very friendly support for issues, unlike a call to an ISP. No need to call 3 freaking times to get some one competent, an issue on ippimail gets some ones attention, that actually can tell the difference between a file and a folder. I’ve been very satisfied with Ippimail in every thing I’ve seen and I’m a rather picky bastard :/

Maybe that’s the difference between the people at Ippimail and those at an ISP, they ain’t doing it just for $$$$.

One thing that I really love about the Squirrel Mail software they chose for the actual webmail interface. Is because it’s output is all HTML (with Javascript optional) and the people creating it had a nice brain. You can customize a lot of the User Interface, a very nice feature for people like me (Yes I am a KDE user not a Gnome user :-P).

We have the ability to have mail forwarded to another account, e.g. Ippimail to your Primary E-Mail. To have Ippimail fetch messages from another account (via POP3) and to set up Mail and Spam filters. It can filter messages into different folders based on the filter rules. And even provides a Spam/Anti-virus filter option. I’ve never needed them but my Ippimail account is basically my personal E-Mail address, so I’m not prone to signing up for accounts with it (I use my ISP’s SpamMeAlot address for that).

The address book used while composing mail is crappy IMHO but if one enables the Javascript version you get a quite nice one. It’s also never tripped my popup blocker or slowed down my browser ether. If Konquerors (annoying) Javascript engine can handle it fine I’d be even happier with it. Unfortunately while Ippimail seems to use the import/export address book plugin (hooah!). It can only handle CVS files, one thing I like about this; especially since you can customise the output. Is it means it’s not to hard to use other tools (sed, awk, perl, e.t.c) to process the file into a format more suitable for other things of Unix nature. But it means no real support for Outlook Express or Thunderbird address books 🙁

E-Mail storage is roughly 250MB right now, not as big as some (like gmail) but it’s more then enough for most people I think. Unless you’re prone to storing a lot of junk mail with attachments :/ Even with a real mother load of messages piling up, I’ve never surpassed 30-50mb before. If I really wanted to keep a few 100MB of mail in storage, I’d download it and archive+compress it %_%

The UI is fairly intruitive as any you’ll find and easy to change in options. It’s also very easy on the eyes, in addition to a simple E-Mail system. It comes with fairly simple Calendar, To-do list, and notes system. They even will provide a Blog with the account if wanted. Since I use Live Journal, I’ve never investigated it. I rarly use it for more then E-Mail but I’m interested in the To-Do and Notes plugins they have installed.

As a Web based Mail User Agent of sorts, I’ve found Squirrel Mail top notch and Ippimail to be a great provider. I’ve used many programs but never really been happy with any for E-Mail. Especially for dealing with mail in _volume_ and from multiple PC’s. So far, ippimails usage of squirrel mail has proven to be one arrangement I really like.

The website is quite compact and down to business, I like it even if it’s not very flashy. Theres links for site news, blogs, shopping, and google-searching. The thing Ippimail does best is E-Mail and thats what I use it most for 🙂

I almost went with a gmail account but didn’t quite like Googles policy, when I found out about ippimail I probed for awhile and thought about it. Then I dove in head first and I’m glad I did. I don’t like software that gets in my way, I like software that helps me get my work done, efficiently!

Things I would pay for….

Being an extraordinarily stingy bastard, I’m generally only willing to pay for what I need or want a lot. An example would be The Regiment, I want the game… So I’d be willing to buy it. I don’t need an IDE so why would I buy Microsoft Visual Studio??? And to be honest I’d rather make a charitable donation because of how much I love and use Vim then pay for MS Visual Studio $_$

I’m used to not having a lot of money, so needless to say while I don’t have problems spending a lot of money. When I do spend my money it is often as carefully Analyzed and as wisely as I can.

Products and services I would pay for if I could afford to:

  1. Strongspace
    • Strongspace would save me so much trouble. Not only would it make things easier then having to set stuff up on my lan and configure every thing (clients/servers) and deal with Winsucks | Nix relations… Namely that Windows my options. My server lacks a good sized hard drive so I can’t even make use of a similar solution with my own hardware. Even the cheapest plan on strongspace could probably hold my entire home directory! 5GB storage for $15/month is not bad. The medium plan costs more (25GB Storage for $50/month) but it could hold all of my personal data on the network. Geeze my laptop doesn’t even have 25GB of data on its 80GB disk. And my server has less free-space then strongspaces startup plan offers :/. If I could afford strongspace I would definitely go for it fast

  2. Live Journal
    • While I wasn’t sure if I would like it at first, nore blogs at all. Since I started using Live Journal I’ve come to like it quite a lot. If I had the spare money I’d go for a paid account. While my account at this time is basic and I do occasionally experiment with setting it to Plus (ad supported), feature wise I’ve found Basic (free, no advertisements) to be more then enough. A paid account would probably be more helpful to LJ then useful for me. I like Live Journal so I think it would be worth while even if I don’t need the extras;-)

  3. Ippimail
    • Webmail with a heart, they use Squirrel Mail with several plug ins and a custom theme. It looks very nice and provides a lot of features for a free service. Most of there setup is using Open Source Software and a portion of their profits goes to charities and supporting OSS Projects. The ads on the webmail are basically what pay them. The advertisements on the webmail are very on-obtrusive and dispite having filled out the surveys to the fullest, I have _NEVER_ gotten an ounce of spam from ippimail. I wish I could say the same about my ISP !!! Ippimail has saved my mail… Since I can’t afford a new UFD and mailx+lynx on my server would be a bitch. I’ve all ready tried mutt+lynx, I liked it but not when people sent me HTML mail ! I’m glad ippimail is free, because I probably wouldn’t be able to use it other wise 🙁 but it is a service I would pay for if I could + had to.

  4. DX For Nix
    • Some way to play any game on Linux and BSD and an assurance that any game would work. Would be worth a small fortune to me. The closest thing to it only works for Linux based systems but not on BSD using the Linux ABI. I don’t use GNU/Linux very often. Although I’d rather run a GNU/Linux Distro on my desktop then Windows XP hehe.

  5. Vim
    • If I ever win the lotto, oh boy is there going to be a donation sent this way 🙂

Because people can’t organize there schedule right…..

My day off is gone.

I’m stuck working Friday, the big job… My one day this week to do MY work.

I’ve got training sessions to run Sat/Sun, work Monday, probably Tuesday, work Wedsday, so effectively this means I’m stuck in a very pissy mood.

I fell asleep on the couch all night (gee, thx to whoever forgot to wake me at bed time!). So there fucking goes getting any thing done tonight. It’s 0315 and I’ve got to be up by 0900-0930… but I’ve just had like 4-5 hours of sleep…

Good thing my to do list is written up on the desktop.. I hate getting off work after 1600. By the time I get home, have some thing to eat, and actually “can” get any thing done. It’s all ready 1900 and time to log off for pete’s sake.

The war is on

Well so far all is working semi-well…

The K-Menu key does not always work on every boot.

I’ve managed to piss off my router and vice versa trying to convice it that two machines asking for the same IP is not smart.

After a period of time the laptop totally locks up and has to be powered off by force (button). Can’t restart X or switch to a virtual tty ! Not sure what does this… System ran 6.1-Release under the hood no problem. So I doubt 6.2-Stable is any problem (I hope), the only *major* change other then that is Xorg 7.2 instead of 6.9…

I’ve been dicking with the xorg.conf file merging some changes from my old file from xorg 6.9… Hopefully it’ll fix it. I’ve aslo disabled the Beryl thingy on boot up, if it happens again (lock up) I’ll probably try killing HAL. After that test turning ACPI off, after that… boot safe mode and scream.

Fetching ports now, so hopefully I’ll be able to get some stuff setup. Most of my home directory is ready to go, I should probably dump /home and move it to my server just in case.

Enough, it’s time!

Ok… I’m tired of waiting. I could have a FreeBSD 6.2-Release + KDE3 setup working before PC-BSD v1.4 is released.

Phase I

I’ve unpacked my backups and reorganized/cleaned my home directory. It really needed it. CRAP, I forgot to backup my codecs…. Oh well just a quick trip to mplayers website. I zipped up the ‘new’ home directory into about 1.6-1.8gb of archive.

Phase IIA

I removed all my storage partitions and replaced it with a 5GB FAT32 slice using Knoppix + QTParted. Booted back into PC-BSD v1.3.4 and downloaded the backups via SMB to the FAT32 partition

Phase IIB

Booted Knoppix and used QTParted to erase the PC-BSD partitoin and create a huge ext2 slice. I left about 23mb free and have an active ext2 slice for PC-BSD to reformat.

Phase III

Installed the system… Found a possible bug in the installer and sent a msg out to Testing. My webmails still a reck…

Phase VI

Now to boot her, reinstall my backups and get my baby back in action.

The GOOD thing, is if any thing happens to my data. All of the important stuff is backed up in 6 places, the OS Config in 3-4 places too.

more later.

Whats a good way to get ones mind off painful thoughts?

Keep busy….

Code and Gems

On a whim, I started work on anew toy.

A ruby script to process in an M3U play list and output a track list in HTML (with some nice options and stuff too).

While I could probably find a script for amarok or google some thing to do it. I’ve been itching for some thing to sink my teeth in, thats not going to take years to do. To be honest, I’ve been going crazy…. Can’t stand not to have some program to work on, ether writing, debugging, configuring, or testing.

I’ve never really been the sort of guy, that could just sit down and say “Ok, we need to get result foo… So we’ve got to do bar to get it”. When I have most of what I’m doing formed in my minds eye, I can write it out. And kick it about till I make it work (usually). But if I just knock my head on the wall, I usually fail to figure out how to do the things in the middle. Unless my brain kicks into gear and figures out a nice overview $_$

Needless to say, I doubt I’d ever be happy playing with searching and sorting algorithms.. lol. To night, I’ve had a lot of fun. The program might not be one I’ll use much but the important thing is

  1. I’ve had fun working on it and
  2. It lets me learn more about the Language
  3. Enjoying working on a little some thing every now and then is my favorite way to learn the features, standard library/e.t.c, and memorize the syntax of the language

It’s been one of the rare times where I got a simple idea, a ruby script to take M3U files and spit out HTML track listings (simple and fancy/detailed). Sat down and started munching on the problem… step by step, without any real overview of how to do it.

When I worked on rf.c, a little program I made… Because using cat(1) to print an entire file to stdout instead of concatenating files annoys me 0.o

I had a lot of fun learning, it helped me get used to using GDB and writing C instead of reading for a change. but when I did rf.c, I had a pretty complete mental picture of the program before I ever started, I knew I’d want it to do x.y.z. And I knew how I would have to implement it more or less, before I started line one. With this toy, I had no idea what the heck I would be doing in Ruby other then I’d be dealing with strings and file paths.

So, it’s been a wonderful time just sitting and working as I go along… Hell when I do some thing. I test sections of it before I use it, make a prototype, fix the errors I can find, adopt it into a semi-finalized version. And work on it till it’s the best quality program I can make of it. So, whats the harm in playing with a toy? xD

Instead of having to sit down and create the blue print before hand !

0442 local, nearly 1000 Hours Zulu time… So I’m glad that I’ve only got a short run to work tomorrow and little need of waking up EARLY besides walking the dogs.. Ok, bed time !

Crazy Monkey style

Found this song and it’s been suck in my head since…

Code Monkey
Jonathan coulton

Code Monkey get up get coffee
Code Monkey go to job
Code Monkey have boring meeting
With boring manager Rob
Rob say Code Monkey very dilligent
But his output stink
His code not “functional” or “elegant”
What do Code Monkey think?
Code Monkey think maybe manager want to write god damned login page himself
Code Monkey not say it out loud
Code Monkey not crazy, just proud

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart:
Code Monkey like you

Code Monkey hang around at front desk
Tell you sweater look nice
Code Monkey offer buy you soda
Bring you cup, bring you ice
You say no thank you for the soda cause
Soda make you fat
Anyway you busy with the telephone
No time for chat
Code Monkey have long walk back to cubicle he sit down pretend to work
Code Monkey not thinking so straight
Code Monkey not feeling so great

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart:
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like you a lot

Code Monkey have every reason
To get out this place
Code Monkey just keep on working
See your soft pretty face
Much rather wake up, eat a coffee cake
Take bath, take nap
This job “fulfilling in creative way”
Such a load of crap
Code Monkey think someday he have everything even pretty girl like you
Code Monkey just waiting for now
Code Monkey say someday, somehow

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart:
Code Monkey like you